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Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 10 (October) ISSN No: 2348-4845

Strategies for the Effective implementation of Total

Quality Management: A Case Study of RIMS B-School.
Mr. D.Arjun Mitra Reddy Mr. S.Kalyan
B.Tech,(MS), School of Management Studies (SMS),
Department of Computer Science, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
UniversityofCentralFlorida,Orlando,USA. Hyderabad .

Abstract: Process-centered: A fundamental part of TQM is

a focus on process thinking. A process is a series of
This paper focuses on the important elements of Total steps that take inputs from suppliers (internal or ex-
Quality Management (TQM) and deals with the gener- ternal) and transforms them into outputs that are de-
ic models for implementing TQM with five strategies livered to customers (again, either internal or exter-
to develop the TQM Process. Deming’s 14 Points on nal). The steps required to carry out the process are
Quality Management, a core concept on implement- defined, and performance measures are continuously
ing Total quality management is also discussed in this monitored in order to detect unexpected variation.
study with the benefits of TQM. A case study of RMIS
-Business School that Improved Learning, Research, Integrated system: Although an organization may
and Placement Measures with TQM implementation consist of many different functional specialties often
has been examined in this paper. organized into vertically structured departments, it is
the horizontal processes interconnecting these func-
Key Words: Total quality management, Strategy, tions that are the focus of TQM.
• Micro-processes add up to larger processes, and all
processes aggregate into the business processes re-
Introduction: quired for defining and implementing strategy. Every-
one must understand the vision, mission, and guiding
A core definition of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles as well as the quality policies, objectives,
describes a management approach to long–term suc- and critical processes of the organization. Business
cess through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, performance must be monitored and communicated
all members of an organization participate in improv- continuously.
ing processes, products, services, and the culture in
which they work. The methods for implementing this • An integrated business system may be modeled af-
approach come from the teachings of such quality ter the Baldrige National Quality Program criteria and/
leaders as Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Ar- or incorporate the ISO 9000 standards. Every orga-
mand V. Feigenbaum, Kaoru Ishikawa, and Joseph M. nization has a unique work culture, and it is virtually
Juran. impossible to achieve excellence in its products and
services unless a good quality culture has been fos-
Total quality management can be summarized as a tered. Thus, an integrated system connects business
management system for a customer-focused orga- improvement elements in an attempt to continually
nization that involves all employees in continual im- improve and exceed the expectations of customers,
provement. It uses strategy, data, and effective com- employees, and other stakeholders.
munications to integrate the quality discipline into the
culture and activities of the organization. Strategic and systematic approach: A critical
part of the management of quality is the strategic and
Important Elements of Total Quality Manage- systematic approach to achieving an organization’s vi-
ment (TQM): sion, mission, and goals. This process, called strategic
planning or strategic management, includes the for-
Customer-focused: The customer ultimately de- mulation of a strategic plan that integrates quality as
termines the level of quality. No matter what an orga- a core component.
nization does to foster quality improvement—train-
ing employees, integrating quality into the design Continual improvement: A major thrust of TQM
process, upgrading computers or software, or buy- is continual process improvement. Continual improve-
ing new measuring tools—the customer determines ment drives an organization to be both analytical and
whether the efforts were worthwhile. creative in finding ways to become more competitive
and more effective at meeting stakeholder expecta-
Total employee involvement: All employees par- tions.
ticipate in working toward common goals. Total em-
ployee commitment can only be obtained after fear Fact-based decision making: In order to know
has been driven from the workplace, when empow- how well an organization is performing, data on per-
erment has occurred, and management has provided formance measures are necessary. TQM requires that
the proper environment. High-performance work an organization continually collect and analyze data in
systems integrate continuous improvement efforts order to improve decision making accuracy, achieve
with normal business operations.Self-managed work consensus, and allow prediction based on past his-
teams are one form of empowerment. tory.

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A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal Page 1
Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 10 (October) ISSN No: 2348-4845
Communications: During times of organizational Strategy 3: The organization model approach
change, as well as part of day-to-day operation, effec-
tive communications plays a large part in maintain- In this approach, individuals or teams visit organiza-
ing morale and in motivating employees at all levels. tions that have taken a leadership role in TQM and
Communications involve strategies, method, and determine their processes and reasons for success.
timeliness. They then integrate these ideas with their own ideas
to develop an organizational model adapted for their
These elements are considered so essential to TQM specific organization. This method was used widely in
that many organizations define them, in some format, the late 1980s and is exemplified by the initial recipi-
as a set of core values and principles on which the or- ents of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
ganization is to operate.
Strategy 4: The Japanese total quality approach
Generic Models for implementing TQM:
Organizations using the Japanese total quality ap-
1.Top management learns about and decides to com- proach examine the detailed implementation tech-
mit to TQM and it is identified as one of the organiza- niques and strategies employed by Deming Prize–win-
tion’s strategies. ning companies and use this experience to develop a
2.The organization assesses current culture, customer long-range master plan for in-house use.
satisfaction, and quality management systems. This approach was used by Florida Power and Light—
3.Top management identifies core values and princi- among others—to implement TQM and to compete
ples to be used, and communicates them. for and win the Deming Prize.
4.The organization identifies and prioritizes customer
demands and aligns products and services to meet Strategy 5: The award criteria approach
those demands.
5.Management maps the critical processes through When using this model, an organization uses the crite-
which the organization meets its customers’ needs. ria of a quality award, for example, the Deming Prize,
6.Management oversees the formation of teams for the European Quality Award, or the Malcolm Baldrige
process improvement efforts. National Quality Award, to identify areas for improve-
7.The momentum of the TQM effort is managed by ment. Under this approach, TQM implementation fo-
the steering committee. cuses on meeting specific award criteria.
8.Managers contribute individually to the effort Although some argue that this is not an appropriate
through planning, training, coaching, or other meth- use of award criteria, some organizations do use this
ods. approach and it can result in improvement.
9.Daily process management and standardization will
be taken place. Deming’s 14 Points on Total Quality Manage-
10.Progress is evaluated and the plan is revised as ment:
11.Constant employee awareness and feedback on Deming’s 14 Points on Quality Management, a core
status are provided and a reward/recognition process concept on implementing total quality management,
is established. is a set of management practices to help companies
increase their quality and productivity.
Five strategies to develop the TQM process:
1.Create constancy of purpose for improving products
Strategy 1: The TQM element approach and services.
2.Adopt the new philosophy.
The TQM element approach takes key business pro- 3.Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
cesses and/or organizational units and uses the tools 4.End the practice of awarding business on price
of TQM to foster improvements. This method was alone; instead, minimize total cost by working with a
widely used in the early 1980s as companies tried to single supplier.
implement parts of TQM as they learned them. 5.Improve constantly and forever every process for
planning, production and service.
Examples of this approach include quality circles, sta- 6.Institute training on the job.
tistical process control, Taguchi methods, and quality 7.Adopt and institute leadership.
function deployment. 8. Drive out fear.
9.Break down barriers between staff areas.
Strategy 2: The guru approach 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the
The guru approach uses the teachings and writings of 11.Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and
one or more of the leading quality thinkers as a guide numerical goals for management.
against which to determine where the organization 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of work-
has deficiencies. Then, the organization makes appro- manship, and eliminate the annual rating or merit sys-
priate changes to remedy those deficiencies. tem.
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-
For example, managers might study Deming’s 14 improvement for everyone.
points or attend the Crosby College. They would then 14. Put everybody in the company to work accomplish-
work on implementing the approach learned. ing the transformation.

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Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 10 (October) ISSN No: 2348-4845
The following are the benefits that tota The concept of participant-centered learning was pio-
quality management (TQM) can offer orga- neered by Harvard Business School and is followed by
nizations: many of the top business schools today. In essence,
the emphasis shifts from the teacher to the students.
1.Strengthened competitive position. The 4-P method is a tested method to achieve the de-
2.Adaptability to changing or emerging market condi- sired results. In a full-time residential program, unless
tions and to environmental and other government a student is physically present in the classroom, effec-
regulations. tive learning cannot happen. At the graduate level,
3.Higher productivity. the students have to come well prepared based on
4.Enhanced market image. the teaching plan given at the beginning of each se-
5.Elimination of defects and waste. mester to improve the level and depth of understand-
6.Reduced costs and better cost management. ing. Participation is a key factor since peer learning is
7.Higher profitability. very effective in developing qualities and attributes
8.Improved customer focus and satisfaction. needed in managers and leaders.
9.Increased customer loyalty and retention.
10.Increased job security. Finally, coming from different backgrounds and with
11.Improved employee morale. differing aspirations (whether to become marketing,
12.Enhanced shareholder and stakeholder value. finance, human resources, operations, or technology
13.Improved and innovative processes. managers), students can bring varying but relevant
perspectives that enrich any discussion. As an exam-
Case Study of RIMS B-School: ple, marketing students may focus on customer ori-
entation, finance students on shareholder value, and
RIMS was established in 2005 to offer post-graduate human resources students on employee focus. Yet, all
business diplomas, which are considered equivalent the dimensions are important for organizational suc-
to MBA degrees. Currently, 500 students are enrolled cess. The ability to appreciate others’ viewpoints is a
in RIMS, and the institute employs 23 full-time faculty valuable outcome of participant-centered-learning.
members as well as an equal number of adjunct and
visiting faculty members. Located in Bangalore, India, Assurance of learning measures increased by 80 per-
the country’s third most populous city, the RIMS cam- cent, research productivity rose by more than five
pus features a large library, classrooms, conference times, and the quality of graduate placements more
halls, computer center, sports complex, and many than doubled.
other student amenities. All students enrolled in RIMS
have completed an undergraduate program—either This team-based project was a finalist in ASQ’s 2010
in engineering, commerce, life sciences, or other fields Education Team Excellence Award process and
of study. Industry leaders such as Ernst & Young, De- earned the “Award of Distinction.”
loitte Consulting India Private Ltd., ICICI Securities
Ltd., and SBI Life Insurance Ltd. are just a few of the Conclusion:
organizations that recruit RIMS graduates.
The new operating environment of the future will
Faced with troubling research concluding that most provide a set of challenges on various levels. A clear
MBAs in India were unemployable and not industry focus on defining and managing the customer side,
ready due to quality gaps in education, the Ramaiah process emphasis, and creating knowledge through
Institute of Management Studies (RIMS) took a hard innovation will comprise the new business environ-
internal look at three dimensions of quality. After ana- ment. Under this new environment, TQM systems
lyzing the school’s circumstances, an internal quality will shift towards a philosophy of quality based stra-
team reported significant gaps between the school tegic management systems. TQM is a quality-based
and its primary competitors on three measures: as- management strategy that promotes enterprise-wide
surance of learning, faculty research productivity, quality through a strong focus on customer orienta-
and quality of employment placement for graduates. tion and environment and dynamics. Additionally, this
RIMS, a graduate business school in India, uncovered strategic orientation relies heavily on synchronized
major gaps in three of its quality processes. A cross- processes among all trading partners to create knowl-
functional team used TQM principles to improve edge through innovation in order to achieve global
measures of learning, faculty research, and graduate competitiveness.
TQM brings problem solving techniques and con-
At RIMS, the student evaluation program incorpo- tinuous improvement opportunities, which facilitate
rates four components that are recognized by schol- implementation of policies in an organisation. The ef-
ars as critical to the success of participant-centered fective use of TQM helps companies obtain the maxi-
learning. The 4-Ps include: mum return on investment. Therefore organizations
adopting TQM philosophies in the true spirit of un-
• Physical presence derstanding the TQM philosophy as part of their cor-
porate strategy and applying any model for Business
• Prior preparation Excellence for TQM Strategy implementation will re-
sult in reducing the cost and give a solid foundation of
• Participation required enhanced human capacities and capabilities,
conducive organizational culture, optimal utilization
• Perspective of all resources and improved processes.

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Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 10 (October) ISSN No: 2348-4845
This will facilitate the change and transformation in an 2.Garvin, D. (1993), ``Building a learning organization’’,
organization and enable them to move towards Busi- Harvard Business Review, July-August, pp. 78-91.
ness Excellence.
3.Weintraub, D. (1993), ``Implementing total quality
For those businesses that have not yet started ap- management’’, Economic Development Review, Sum-
plying the TQM philosophy as part of their corporate mer, pp. 39-42.
strategy, need to implement the TQM Strategy for
moving towards Business excellence to gain competi- 4.Sowards. D. (1992), ``TQM is a journey: so where do
tive advantage. we begin?’’, Industrial Engineering, January, pp. 24-8.


1.Akers, J. (1991), ``World-class quality: nothing less

will do’’, Quality Progress, October, pp. 26-7.

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