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Earl Joseph P.


the story of animal Farm is basically located in a farm where it is being manage by Mr.
Jones and in that farm, there is a barn where most of the animals in the story located. As stated
by the story, the farm is a chaotic place because of the owner which is Mr. jones wherein they
characterize him as drunken and careless ruler. They also describe that the farm is being ruled by
tyranny of man which means that the farm is under a cruel and oppressive government.
The first main character in the story is Mr. Jones which describe as a drunken, careless
ruler and one of the tyrannies of mankind. For the animals, first is Major which is a 12-year-old
pig and characterize as old and wise pig. Clover. A good-hearted female cart-horse and Boxer's
close friend. Clover is characterized as motherly and sympathetic Horse. Boxer is described as a
hardworking, but naive and ignorant cart horse. Boxer is a strong yet dimwitted which means a
silly horse. Benjamin is Animal Farm’s donkey. He is intelligent and able to read. He is the only
animal who never really believes in the rebellion, but he doesn’t oppose it. Mollie is a vain,
white horse. She loves sugar and wearing pretty ribbons in her mane, and she never cares much
for the revolution supporting it would mean she couldn't have sugar or ribbons. For the main
character in the story is, Snowball is the farm's intellectual. He helps to plan the revolution and
rivals Napoleon for leadership of Animal Farm. Next is, Napoleon. The pig who emerges as the
leader of Animal Farm after the Rebellion.
farm is a short novel published on the heels of World War II, in England in 1945 and in
the United States in 1946. George Orwell wrote the book during the war as a cautionary fable in
order to expose the seriousness of the dangers posed by Stalinism and totalitarian government.
Hence, it has to do with the capacity for ordinary individuals to continue to believe in a
revolution that has been utterly betrayed. Orwell attempts to reveal how those in power—
Napoleon and his fellow pigs—pervert the democratic promise of the revolution. The emotional
force of the novel comes from the author's depictions of those ordinary animals who
unthinkingly give themselves in good faith to working for the very system by which they are
ruthlessly exploited.
Animal Farm is an allegory or fable, a fairy tale for adults. Orwell uses animal characters
in order to draw the reader away from the world of current events into a fantasy space where the
reader can grasp ideas and principles more crisply. At the same time, Orwell personifies the
animals in the tradition of allegory so that they symbolize real historical figures. In their own
universe, people can become desensitized even to terrible things like deception, mistreatment,
and violence. By demonstrating how these things occur in an allegorical world, Orwell makes
them more clearly understood in the real world. For instance, in Animal Farm’s public execution,
Orwell lays bare the matter of execution by having the dogs rip out the supposed traitors’ throats.
In this scene, the reader is led to focus not as much on the means of execution as on the
animalistic, atrocious reality of execution itself.
The short novel is universally appealing for both the obvious and the subtle messages of
the fable. While the allegory’s characters and events are deeply or specifically symbolic,
Orwell’s narrator softens some of the punches by including a gentle and un-opinionated narrator.
The third-person narrator is outside the animals’ world, so he does not relate any of the lies,
hardships, or atrocities firsthand. Rather, he is a quiet observer. Moreover, the narrator relates the
tale from the perspective of the animals other than the dogs and pigs. In this way, the narrator’s
approach to the story resembles Orwell’s approach to life. That is, just as Orwell developed
empathy for the working class by experiencing working-class life firsthand, the narrator’s tale is
based on the experience of someone who is not quite an insider but no longer just an outsider.
The narrator’s animal perspective, as well as his reluctance to opine, fits well with the naivete of
the animal characters.
The authors want us to learn about what happen during the Russian revolution. The story
of animal farm is based on the Russian revolution and how the people ruled the Soviet Union.
The main character of the animal farm is based on real life wherein the snowball and napoleon
are both ruler during that time. The author wants to show how power affects human which same
as how power affects the animal. Napoleon was the leader on fighting the people in animal farm
and educated them on how people or humans are being cruel to them but as they begone to get
their freedom from human, the napoleon was the one who became their leader which didn’t went
right because he was abusing the power of being a leader and become what humans are which is
an oppressed and they become the tyranny of the farm. Another moral that the author wants us to
learn is media and communication are powerful tool and it is possible to influence opinion
through them. the media is easily used as a tool of propaganda. If propaganda is not challenged,
and it is believed, the ruler will just have that much more control over you.
Farm is one of the greatest socio-political works of all time. The story can be enjoyed as
the simple, moving and enlightening parable it essentially is, a story that clearly shows
humankind at its best and very worst. In my own opinion, it was able to highlight the demons
within every human – jealousy, greed, laziness and cruelty born of fear.
The novel demonstrates, through the animals on the farm, humans’ susceptibility to the
manipulation of language, the illusion of integrity created by powerful words, and the influence
of persuasive oratory without fully comprehending its meaning. Thus, George Orwell was able to
use animal character (animal fable) to make a concise, forceful argument about human morality
and politics. He was able to write the story in such a way that it would be enjoyed by the readers
while giving us a deep message about the real situation that is happening around us. Through the
novel, Orwell was able to create a story capable of depicting the world around him in the he
views it. Ultimately, Orwell simply wanted to educate the society to how power can negatively
affect us and be used for manipulation.
After reading this novel, I had a completely new view on issues regarding power and
politics. I've found that you have to honor and treat people and animals fairly and to stand by
your decision. I was fascinated by the immense nature of the message and the many layers that
were waiting to unravel; it is a book that anyone could and should read.

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