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Pocesses 1Paat

183.Exogene E©

1Ansuerin but

is_mechanlcal weathezing
a.hat Ock uuhaut_any ch
Byeaktng t weakening o medhanical
hir chunical compolton 16 called cal weoth
ExLaition, mnulaz _wrathering ond block disintegaatan
xe he ypes o mechantca kolherlng.
o.hataxa he ain types o chenical weathering_2_
The pocess odicampaziion o iacks hy shanges in ih
chemlcal conposltion_ol it scalled shemical_ut tmps
Therexi ihee main types_n Achemical_weatherig-
Caxpanato)- Dikte_LLanbontc Acid is nmed in_XGnual
belboa boxe it heach ihe qround
oudion 2ome minexols in ihe nock get_dieeal1td in
Oxidadion-he izon in the mak Lonts
mkS in_ Contacl
L) odtx Ond chemkal heacton dakes betuxa
I2On 0d Oxygen.
Cow does btalogical JweaihuingocCu
Biologtcal weathetng accus because o hurnan bing
nimal and plants
Lao grow in coks o xock o old 2st or buildings
Roots otate gxow digaer Mate tenaIGn in ihe
hOTk ond
stt meaklng hem
Rats, micehabots_make bund Jn ne
ground. Becaus-
othe arHvttzs aihe bunsluing Onimals
weotheing o xock occuzs
L Algae,m038, lihen_ond othr lona prouw in he nck
They olsa_help_in _hiolagtcal utathedng.
dAiHnguish hetuRon ueathLxing and mass uastina

wleatherinq Mas9 ugsinq

.Exeaking or ueakening_ol he process o moving

XOch iscalleo weaiheaing don Enhexed paicle-
du do grovity_alsne is
Called mass uasitng.
Meshaica_shemicol ondL Raphd mass wosing ond
biolaglcal Radhexing_0Mz MowerMasS asttng ana h
the thoee iypes oweaih- Ipts mas wastog

Teacher's Signatur
in each

the atattments
Oxu t u
bite whethcx
2 dhe incorecl ones.

ainatc allects eaxthquckes

Endogenchic mouements allectQanthquake.

Mechanical urathering ls less ective in humid d

CMechanical wahexing happens onalaxge
limate5 scalen th -


d The brokinq doun of

xocka_into smallex _partikdes is aled

eatcitic xocks omed thzough

False x{sltatian-
Lattoinc kocks axi omed
Ock. thaough the Dxldation_o basil

4 Ldendisy the type o weathring on the giuen desiuptor=

aSome aninals liwnaside the qounds y making butau)s
Bislogilcal weathming

b h e _xock u3ts.
Chemlcal uenhonuing.

Cdatex uhich hoa accumulcted in thechevices o the xOcks

ezes Consequontly he KOck_bneaks.
Mechúncal utatheainq

The pipes upplyng bnterin Caldex kgians bxtok.

Mechanicol ueathexing

eand armation occuxs_n_desexts

-Medhanica utothaung

. 3 ompktr the Aauchrnt btlou


eacher's Signature..

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