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Day: Date: 12-1-2021

Subject: Science

Common Core Standard(s):

SS:GE:4:4.4: Analyze the spatial patterns of settlement in different regions of the world, e.g., urbanization
along rivers or nomadic movement patterns. (Themes: E: Cultural Development, Interaction, and Change, I:
Patterns of Social and Political Interaction)

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to find basic information
about a specific period of time and will be able to write and explain what they are
bringing and justify why they are bringing the specific items.

Resources/Materials List:
 Packing My Trunk Print-out (Directions)
 Worksheet (What personal items will I pack?)
 Journal Worksheet
 Trunk Worksheet
 Scissors
 Glue Stick
 Crayons/ Color Pencils/ Markers
 Pencils
 Computers/ internet access
 Books on Native Americans
 Blank White Paper
 Lined Paper

1. Pass out all the worksheets (Directions, worksheet, journal, trunk)
2. Read through the directions with the students answer any questions that they
may have about the project
3. Have students use either computers or books to help fins information that may
help them to know what they want to bring with them in their trunk
4. Have the students write down a basic list of what they want to bring and why they
want to bring it on the lined piece of paper, and have them check it pass the
teacher before writing on their Journal entry worksheet
5. Once students have gotten permission to move on to start writing their journal
entry and then have finished that
6. Then have the students cut and build the trunk that they are going to be putting
all of these items in, gluing it together with the glue sticks
7. Then have use the sheet of white paper to draw the different items that they are
going to bring with them, then have them color and cut out the different images
and place them in the trunk.

Plans for differentiation:

If a student is struggling to find the information, I would help them find the information
in either a book or on the computer. If a student needs more of a challenge, I will have the
student write another entry from the perspective of Native Americans receiving the gift
and items that they have brought in their trunks.

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective by giving a short informal

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