Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0019456A1

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US 200800 19456A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0019456A1
Chen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 24, 2008
(54) MULTILEVEL LINC TRANSMITTER Publication Classification

(75) Inventors: Yuan-Jyue Chen, Taipei City (51) Int. Cl.

(TW); Kai-Yuan Jheng, Taoyuan H04L 5/2 (2006.01)
County (TW); An-Yeu Wu, Taipei H04L 25/34 (2006.01)
City (TW)
Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. ..................................... 375/264; 455/114.3
A multilevel LINC transmitter. The multilevel LINC trans
(73) Assignees: MEDIATEK INC., Hsin-Chu mitter comprises a multilevel signal component separator, a
(TW), NATIONAL TAIWAN phase modulator block, a mixer block, an up-converter
UNIVERSITY, Taipei City (TW) block, a predistorter and an RF block. The multilevel signal
component separator comprises a multilevel scaler and
(21) Appl. No.: 11/755,036 converts an input signal to phase signals. The phase modu
lator block and the predistorter are coupled to the multilevel
(22) Filed: May 30, 2007 signal component separator. The mixer block is coupled to
Related U.S. Application Data the phase modulator block and the predistorter. The up
converter block is coupled to the mixer block. The RF block
(60) Provisional application No. 60/807,952, filed on Jul. comprises a plurality of power amplifiers coupled to the
21, 2006, provisional application No. 60/909,489, up-converter block and a power combiner coupled to the
filed on Apr. 2, 2007. power amplifiers.


converter modulator

scaler calculator


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IN-1 12 r1 IO




O Po-1. 2 3 PN
Envelop (voltage)

FIG. 6
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Q GNS M1 (t) S Out (t)

N\,\ \ GSM (t)
67'(t) X VV
67'(t) \\
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US 2008/00 1945.6 A1 Jan. 24, 2008

MULTILEVEL LINC TRANSMITTER Both S(t) and S(t) are on a circle with a radius ro. In a
conventional LINC transmitter, ro is a constant Scale factor
0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi predefined by a system designer. Because input range of an
sional Application No. 60/807,952, filed on Jul. 21, 2006 and inverse cosine function is -1. 1, selection of ro is required
U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/909,489, filed on Apr. to satisfy the formula:
2, 2007.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0010 FIG. 2B illustrates the signals after amplification.
0002 1. Field of the Invention The amplified signals are expressed as GS(t) and GS(t),
0003. The invention relates to a LINC transmitter and, in where G is voltage gain of the power amplifiers. The two
particular, to a multilevel LINC transmitter. amplified signals are combined by a power combiner to
0004 2. Description of the Related Art obtain a signal V2/G-S(t) which is a linear amplification of
0005 To prolong battery life of mobile handset devices, the input signal S(t). Because of the out-phasing technique,
power efficiency demands from wireless mobile communi LINC achieves linear amplification with two power efficient
cation systems have become more important. Specifically, a nonlinear power amplifiers.
transceiver's most power hungry device is a power amplifier
which has nonlinear characteristics. Meanwhile, modulation BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
of non-constant-envelope signals demands high linearity
from a power amplifier. As a result, there is a trade off 0011. An embodiment of a multilevel LINC transmitter
between linearity and power efficiency in a wireless trans comprises a multilevel signal component separator, a phase
mitter. modulator block, a mixer block, an up-converter block, a
0006 Various PA linearization techniques have been predistorter and an RF block. The multilevel signal compo
adopted to improve linearity and power efficiency of wire nent separator comprises a multilevel scaler and converts an
less transmitters. Linear amplification with nonlinear com input signal to phase signals. The phase modulator block and
ponents (LINC) is a transmitter architecture which increases the predistorter are coupled to the multilevel signal compo
linearity and power efficiency of a wireless transmitter. Due nent separator. The mixer block is coupled to the phase
to accurate signal processing and insensitivity to process modulator block and the predistorter. The up-converter
variations, a digital LINC architecture is more suitable for block is coupled to the mixer block. The RF block comprises
modern process technologies. a plurality of power amplifiers coupled to the up-converter
0007 FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional LINC block and a power combiner coupled to the power amplifi
architecture. Referring to FIG. 1, an input signal S(t) of the CS.
LINC 100 is a varying envelope signal. A signal separator 0012. An embodiment of a multilevel LINC transmitter
110 receives and divides the input signal S(t) into two comprises a multilevel signal component separator, a pre
constant-envelope signals S1 and S2. Subsequently, two distorter, a polar to IQ converter block, an up-converter
power amplifiers PA1 and PA2 amplify the constant-enve block and an RF block. The multilevel signal component
lope signals S1 and S2, respectively. Since a nonlinear separator comprises a multilevel scaler and converts an input
power amplifier can amplify a constant-envelope signal signal to phase signals. The predistorter coupled to the
linearly, two power efficient nonlinear power amplifiers are multilevel signal component separator. The polar to IQ
used in Such architecture. Finally, the two amplified signals converter block coupled to the multilevel signal component
are combined by a power combiner 120. Thus, a linearly separator and the predistorter. The up-converter block
amplified signal is obtained at an output of the power coupled to the polar to IQ converter block. The RF block
combiner 120. comprises a plurality of power amplifiers coupled to the
0008. The input of the LINC system is a varying-enve up-converter block and a power combiner coupled to the
lope signal S(t), power amplifiers.
S(t)=A(t)e() 0013 The invention provides a multilevel LINC trans
wherein A(t) denotes the signal envelope and (p(t) is the mitter with a multilevel scaler in a multilevel signal com
signal phase. In the phasor diagram shown in FIG. 2A, the ponent separator thereof. The multilevel scaler dynamically
varying-envelope signal S(t) is split into a set of constant adapts a scale factor according to the input signal and
envelope signals, S(t) and S(t), therefore the out-phasing angle is adjustable. As a result,
high power efficiency and linearity are achieved.
0014. A detailed description is given in the following
embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings.
2 0015 The invention can be more fully understood by
reading the Subsequent detailed description and examples
with references made to the accompanying drawings,
And an out-phasing angle 0(t) is expressed as wherein:
0009 0016 FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional LINC
0017 FIGS. 2A and 2B are phasor diagrams, respectively
of a signal and components thereof before and after ampli
8(t) = cos ()
Fo fication;
(0018 FIG. 3A is a block diagram of a multilevel LINC
transmitter according to an embodiment of the invention;
US 2008/00 1945.6 A1 Jan. 24, 2008

0019 FIGS. 4A and 4B are phasor diagrams, respectively It is noted that m(t) is high when 0(t) is low. When the
showing out-phasing angles of single-level and multilevel out-phasing angle 0(t) is Substituted by the formula dis
Scaling techniques; closed previously, the efficiency m(t) is expressed as,
0020 FIGS.5A and 5B are a detailed phasor diagram and
a generalized phasor diagram, respectively showing out
phasing angles of multilevel Scaling techniques;
0021 FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram showing signal 8(t) = cos ( 2)
envelope distribution in WCDMA;
0022 FIGS. 7A to 7C are phasor diagrams, respectively
of signal separation and amplification according to an
embodiment of the invention; As a result, to utilize high power efficiency of a Wilkinson
0023 FIGS. 8A to 8D are schematic diagrams, respec power combiner, the value of ro must be close to and not less
tively of AM-to-AM predistortion of the predistorter accord than the maximum of A(t).
ing to an embodiment of the invention;
0024 FIG.9 is a block diagram of a multilevel scaler 313 (0029 Referring to FIG. 3, rather than the conventional
in FIG. 3; and scaling technique using single-level ro, the multilevel scaler
0025 FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a multilevel LINC 313 reduces 0(t) such that high Wilkinson power combiner
transmitter according to another embodiment of the inven efficiency is achieved. Referring to FIG. 4B, a 2-level design
tion. example is illustrated. In the embodiment, when A(t) is
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE much smaller than ro, the multilevel scaler adapts scale
INVENTION factor from ro to r, and out-phasing angle. O'(t) in FIG. 4B
is much smaller than the conventional out-phasing angle 0(t)
0026. The following description is of the best-contem in FIG. 4A. Thus, allowing the multilevel scaling technique
plated mode of carrying out the invention. This description to enhance Wilkinson combiner efficiency. The multilevel
is made for the purpose of illustrating the general principles scaling technique can be generalized to N levels in FIG. 5A,
of the invention and should not be taken in a limiting sense.
The scope of the invention is best determined by reference and Ry is a general expression for the multilevel as shown
to the appended claims. in FIG. 5B, where Rr, for r<A(t)sr k=0, 1,...,N-1,
0027. Referring to FIG. 3, the multilevel LINC transmit where rv–0, romax(A(t)). The definition of out-phasing
ter 300 comprises a multilevel signal component separator angle 0' (t) in multilevel Scaling technique is modified as
310, a phase modulator block 320, a mixer block 340, an
up-converter block 350, a predistorter 360 and an RF block
330. The multilevel signal component separator 310 com
prises a polar converter 311, a multilevel scaler 313 coupled (9'(t) = cos ().

to the polar converter 311, an inverse cosine module 315

coupled to the multilevel scaler 313, and a phase calculator
317 coupled to the polar converter 311 and the inverse 0030 To maximize the Wilkinson power combiner effi
cosine module 315. The polar converter 311 receives and ciency, optimal scale factors of each level r need to be
converts the input signal S(t) to polar form. Then, an determined in advance. Since multilevel scale factors are
envelope signal A(t) is scaled by a multilevel scaler 313 and used in the LINC transmitter, Wilkinson power combiner
the inverse cosine module 315 generates an out-phasing efficiency formula is modified
angle 0'(t). Thereafter, the phase calculator 317 generates
phase signals (p(t)+0'(t) and p(t)-0'(t). Specifically, the mul
tilevel signal component separator 310 converts the input
signal S(t) into phase signals (p(t)+0'(t) and p(t)-0'(t). The as 1(t) = ().
phase modulator block 320 comprises two phase modulators
321 coupled to the multilevel signal component separator
310. The predistorter 360 is coupled to the multilevel scaler FIG. 6 shows envelope distribution of WCDMA where A(t)
313 and the phase calculator 317. The mixer block 340 is a probability function. To acquire an expected value of
comprises two mixers 341 coupled to the corresponding m(t), the envelope A(t) is divided into several regions,
phase modulator 321 and the predistorter 360, respectively. illustrated in FIG. 5. Then, the expectation value of each
The up-converter block 350 comprises two modulators 351 region is Summed to derive E(m(t)),
coupled to the corresponding mixers 341, respectively. The
RF block 330 comprises a plurality of power amplifiers 331
coupled to the up-converter block 350 and a power combiner
333 coupled to the power amplifiers 331.
0028. In an embodiment of the invention, a Wilkinson
power combiner is adopted in a LINC transmitter, however,
scope of the invention is not limited thereto. Other hybrid
couplers, lossless Wilkinson power combiner, Chireix-out wherein p(A(t)) is a probability density function of A(t), r.
phasing combiner, or the like are also applicable to the is a value of a kth level scale factor, N is a number of a scale
invention. For a Wilkinson power combiner, efficiency m(t) factor level, and max(A(t)) is a maximum input signal
thereof is defined as, envelope. To maximize the Wilkinson power combiner
efficiency, E(m(t)) is differentiated such that
US 2008/00 1945.6 A1 Jan. 24, 2008

output signal of the power amplifier GM is proportional

to the multilevel signal R, then the multilevel LINC trans
oEn(i) mitter is provided with high linearity. A typical transfer
a - = 0, curve of the power amplifier is shown in FIG. 8C. After an
actual transfer curve of the power amplifier is extracted, all
wherein k=0, 1,..., N. As a result, an optimal set of R is that is required is to implement a predistorter with a curve
obtained. With the optimal set of R, the multilevel scaler mapping as shown in FIG. 8D, which eventually makes the
dynamically adapts Rx, close to and no lower than the output signal of the power amplifier GM proportional to
envelope A(t). the multilevel signal R. Referring to FIG. 3, the hardware
0031 When multilevel scaling techniques are used to design can be utilized in the multilevel LINC transmitter
increase the combiner efficiency, the input signal is divided according to the embodiment of the invention.
into two separated signals containing multilevel envelope 0034) Referring to FIG. 9, the multilevel scaler 313
R expressed as comprises a slicer 510 and a ROM 530 coupled to the slicer
510. The slicer 510 is used to select and output a specific r.
to the inverse cosine module 315. Preferably, the slicer 510
comprises a comparator. The comparator determines in
S(t) = 2 Refere) -- ei ((1)–(t))) which range the envelope A(t) is and which r. should be
selected according thereto. The ROM 530 stores the optimal
Instead of splitting input signal to magnitude R, a param set of Ry which satisfies the curve mapping in FIG. 8D
eter My is used to represent the signal envelope. Referring which eventually makes the output signal of the power
amplifier proportional to the multilevel signal R.
to FIG. 7A, R is used to transform the envelope information 0035) Referring to FIG. 10, another embodiment of the
of the original signal S(t) into Small out-phasing angles O'(t).
Then, M is specified as the signal magnitude in FIG. 7B. invention, the multilevel LINC transmitter 900 comprises a
The new multi-level scheme separates input signal S(t) to multilevel signal component separator 910, a predistorter
two new intermediate frequency signals S'(t) and S(t) 950, a polar to IQ converter block 920, an up-converter
whose magnitude is My instead of R. The intermediate block 940 and an RF block 930. The multilevel signal
frequency signals can be expressed as S.'(t)=Mye'." component separator 910 comprises a polar converter 911, a
and S(t)=Me'. With this new magnitude M. multilevel scaler 913 coupled to the polar converter 911, an
high PA efficiency is achieved with multilevel scaling inverse cosine module 915 coupled to the multilevel scaler
scheme. 913, and a phase calculator 917 coupled to the polar con
0032. After signal separation, two up-converters are used verter 911 and the inverse cosine module 915. The polar
to up-convert the two complex signals S'(t) and S(t) to a converter 911 receives and converts the input signal S(t) to
radio frequency (RF) band. The up-converted signals can be polar form. Then, an envelope signal A(t) is scaled by a
expressed as S(t)=Mycos(a)-t--(p(t)+0'(t)) and S(t) multilevel scaler 913 and the inverse cosine module 915
=Mycos(a)-t--(p(t)-0'(t)). FIG. 7C illustrates the signals after generates an out-phasing angle O'(t). Thereafter, the phase
amplification. The amplified signals are expressed as calculator 917 generates phase signals (p(t)+0'(t) and (p(t)-
Gy'S(t) and Gw'S(t), where Gyg, for Rwr k=0, 1, . 0'(t). In other words, the multilevel signal component sepa
... , N-1. G is the PA gain which corresponds to different rator 910 converts the input signal S(t) into phase signals
input envelope R. Finally, The combined signal of these (p(t)+0'(t) and (D(t)-0'(t). The predistorter 950 is coupled to
two signals in the LINC system output is the multilevel scaler 913 and generates an envelope signal
M. The polar to IQ converter block 920 comprises two
polar to IQ converters 921. Phase signals (t)+0'(t) and
S(t) = V2. Gw. Mycos0'(t) cos(a t + p(r)) up(t)-0'(t) and the envelope signal My are converted to
rectangular form by polar to IQ converters 921. The up
converter block 950 comprises two up-converters 951
= V2.
Y Gw.NINM A(t)cos(at +2(f)).
Rw coupled to the corresponding IQ converters 921, respec
tively. The RF block 930 comprises a plurality power
0033. To achieve a linear amplification, the output signal amplifiers 931 coupled to the up-converter block 350 and a
S should be a constant multiple of A(t)cos(cot+(p(t)). It power combiner 933 coupled to the power amplifiers 931.
infers that as long as we can satisfy Operation principles of the multilevel LINC transmitter in
FIG. 10 are similar to those of the multilevel LINC trans
mitter in FIG. 3 and descriptions thereof are thus skipped.
V2. Gw. My 0036. The invention provides a multilevel LINC trans
mitter with a multilevel scaler in a multilevel signal com
ponent separator thereof. The multilevel scaler dynamically
adapts a scale factor according to the input signal and
high linearity can be achieved. To satisfy the constraint, therefore the out-phasing angle is adjustable. As a result,
hardware design as shown in FIG. 8A is exploited. The high power efficiency and linearity are achieved.
hardware design comprises a predistorter comprising a pre 0037. While the invention has been described by way of
distorter 810 receiving the multilevel envelope R and example and in terms of preferred embodiment, it is to be
generating the envelope signal My and a power amplifier understood that the invention is not limited thereto. To the
820 coupled to the predistorter. Then, an output signal of the contrary, it is intended to cover various modifications and
power amplifier is G M and is preferably proportional to similar arrangements as would be apparent to those skilled
the multilevel envelope R, as shown in FIG. 8B. If the in the art. Therefore, the scope of the appended claims
US 2008/00 1945.6 A1 Jan. 24, 2008

should be accorded the broadest interpretation so as to 6. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 1,
encompass all such modifications and similar arrangements. wherein the up-converter block comprises mixers or modu
What is claimed is: lators.
1. A multilevel LINC transmitter, comprising: 7. A multilevel LINC transmitter, comprising:
a multilevel signal component separator comprising a a multilevel signal component separator comprising a
multilevel scaler and converting an input signal to multilevel scaler and converting an input signal to
phase signals; phase signals;
a phase modulator block coupled to the multilevel signal a predistorter coupled to the multilevel signal component
component separator and receiving the phase signals; separator and generating an envelope signal;
a predistorter coupled to the multilevel signal component a polar to IQ converter block coupled to the multilevel
separator and generating an envelope signal; signal component separator and the predistorter,
a mixer block coupled to the phase modulator block and an up-converter block coupled to the polar to IQ converter
the predistorter and generating an intermediate fre block; and
quency signal; an RF block comprising a plurality of power amplifiers
an up-converter block coupled to the mixer block and coupled to the up-converter block and a power com
up-converting the intermediate frequency signal to a biner coupled to the power amplifiers.
radio frequency (RF) band; and 8. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 7,
an RF block comprising a plurality of power amplifiers wherein the multilevel scaler comprises a slicer and a ROM
coupled to the up-converter block and a power com coupled to the slicer.
biner coupled to the power amplifiers. 9. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 8,
2. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the slicer comprises a comparator.
10. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim
wherein the multilevel scaler comprises a slicer and a ROM 7, wherein the power combiner is a Wilkinson combiner.
coupled to the slicer. 11. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim
3. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 2, 7, wherein the multilevel signal component separator further
wherein the slicer comprises a comparator. comprises a polar converter receiving the input signals and
4. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 1, coupled to the multilevel scaler, a inverse cosine module
wherein the power combiner is a Wilkinson combiner. coupled to the multilevel scaler, and a phase calculator
5. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim 1, coupled to the polar converter and the inverse cosine module
wherein the multilevel signal component separator further and generating the phase signals.
comprises a polar converter receiving the input signals and 12. The multilevel LINC transmitter as claimed in claim
coupled to the multilevel scaler, a inverse cosine module 7, wherein the up-converter block comprises mixers or
coupled to the multilevel scaler, and a phase calculator modulators.
coupled to the polar converter and the inverse cosine module
and generating the phase signals.

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