Working Manual of UAHDC FINAL4

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Document History
Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (Final)

Project Name: Study of Urban Administrative Procurement Reference No.:

Demarcation Criteria and
Preparation of
Working Manual.
Date: April, 2019 Final

Study on Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria and

Project Title
Preparation of Working Manual.

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation

Report Title

Report Version V04

Reporting Period April, 2019

Reporting Entity MUDC, Federal Integrated Urban Land Information Project Office

Written Inputs

Report Prepared by Development Partners

Date Document Document Revision Document Author

Version Description
April, 2019 V04 Revised and edited final Development

Approval Approved Approver Role Approver

Date Version
Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................................III
ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................................................I
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................II
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................................................................II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................III
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... IV
PART I: PREFACE ..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 AIMS OF THE UAHDC WORKING MANUAL ............................................................................................. 1
1.3 PURPOSES OF THE UAHD WORKING MANUAL ...................................................................................... 1
1.4 SCOPE OF THE UAHD WORKING MANUAL............................................................................................. 2
1.5 CONTENTS OF THE UAHDC WORKING MANUAL .................................................................................... 2
1.6 USERS AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE UAHDC WORKING MANUAL .......................................................... 2
1.7 USER NEEDS, EXPECTATIONS AND BENEFITS ........................................................................................ 3
1.8 HOW TO APPLY THE WORKING MANUAL ................................................................................................. 5
1.9 STRUCTURE OF THE UAHDC WORKING MANUAL .................................................................................. 6
1.10 UPDATING AND REVISION .................................................................................................................... 6
PART II: THE WORKING MANUAL .....................................................................................................................7
2.1 STAGES, TASKS TO BE CARRIED OUT AND SEQUENCING ....................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Stage 1: Preparation ................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Stage 2: Existing Situation Assessment and Analysis ........................................................... 11
2.2.3 Stage 3: Preparation of Proposed Functional and Economic Roles of Urban Centers and
Administrative Hierarchies ................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.4 Stage 4: Physical Demarcation, Management and Post Evaluation ..................................... 17
2.3 OTHER ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 UAHD PROCESS SUMMARY AND OUTPUTS ......................................................................................... 18
3.1 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................ 19
3.1.1 Supports to be provided by MUDC ...................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Supports to be provided by Regional Urban Development Bureaux ............................ 19
3.1.3 Addis Ababa City Council and Administration .................................................................. 19
3.1.4 Diredawa City Administration and Council ........................................................................ 19
3.1.5 Responsibilities of urban administrations and municipalities ....................................... 20
3.1.6 Actors........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.7 Professional mix and requirements..................................................................................... 20
3.2 CAPACITY-BUILDING TOOLS ................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 INTERVENTION AND ADVOCACY ........................................................................................................... 22
3.4 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ................................................................................................................ 23
3.5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 23
3.6 FEEDBACKS AND MEASURES TO BE TAKEN .......................................................................................... 27
3.7 TRAINING MATERIAL ............................................................................................................................ 27
3.8 IMPLEMENTATION REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................... 27
3.9 TIME REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................ 28
3.10 REQUIRED FINANCE AND FUNDING SOURCES .................................................................................... 30
4. ANNEXES.................................................................................................................................................... 32
5. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)


AMP Asset Management Plans

BoFED Bureau of Finance and Economic Development
CBO Community Based Organization
CSA Central Statistical Authority
CIP Capital Investment Plans
ECX Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
EES Ethiopian Electric Service
ETCO Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation
ERCA Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority
GCP Ground Control Point
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INSA Information Network Service Agency
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MFA Ministry of Federal Affairs
MIS Management Information Systems
MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
MSE Micro and Small-Scale Enterprise
MUDHCo Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction
MUDC Ministry of Urban Development and Construction
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
PPP Public Private Partnership
SPM Strategic Planning and Management
TOT Training of Trainers
UAH Urban Administrative Hierarchy
UAHD Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation
UAHDB Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Boundary
UAHDC Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria
ULGDP Urban Local Government Development Program
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UP Urban Plans
WB World Bank

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Table 1. User Needs, Expectations and Benefits ............................................................................. 4
Table 2. Preparation Stage ............................................................................................................... 9
Table 3. Existing Situation Assessment and Analysis Stage ......................................................... 11
Table 4. Preparation of Proposed Functional and Economic Roles of Urban Centers and
Administrative Hierarchies Stage .................................................................................................. 13
Table 5. Physical Demarcation, Management and Post Evaluation Stage ..................................... 17
Table 6. Tasks to Be Carried Out and Time Requirement. ............................................................ 29
Table 7. Required Finance and Funding Source ............................................................................ 30

Figure 1. Users and Beneficiaries of UAHDC Working Manual. ........................................... 3
Figure 2. Stages and key tasks of the UAHD ......................................................................... 5

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)


Development Partners thanks the Federal Integrated Urban Land Information Project Office, and
Urban Plan Preparation, Implementation and Follow-up Bureau of MUDC for facilitating the
project; providing us with maps, Ortho-photo, cadaster, various data on issues related with the
assignment, arranging venues for presentations and discussions. We especially thank our clients
for providing us directions, valuable comments and inputs on the documents delivered. We
hereby acknowledge the use of the knowledge obtained from these inputs and also documents
prepared by MUDC.

We would like to thank experts and officials of all the 32 sample urban centers and 9 regions for
providing us with the required data and facilitating discussions and consultations during the data
collection and existing situation analysis phase. We would also like to thank participants of the
workshop carried out on January 4-5, 2019 in Addis Ababa for providing us invaluable comments
and ideas, which helped in finalizing the outputs.

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation (UAHD) practices in Ethiopia were found to be
inconsistent, not based on sufficient studies, and lack uniform legal provision, institutional
framework, criteria and manuals. To address these problems, the Ministry of Urban Development
and Construction (MUDC) prepared Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria
(UAHDC). This working manual is prepared to implement the UAHDC. It serves as a guiding
instrument, data source for standardized and systematic demarcation of Urban Administrative
Hierarchy (UAH).

The geographical scope of the working manual shall be the administrative boundary of the urban
center to be re-demarcated. The manual shall be applied in all urban centers of Ethiopia based on
prioritization and in integration with preparation of structure, strategic, basic and sketch plans as
the case may be. The technical scope covers preparatory work, existing situation study,
preparation of proposals, re-demarcation of administrative boundary, administrative hierarchies,
boundaries and organizational restructuring.

The target groups of the working manual consist of internal and external users and beneficiaries;
development actors, private and public organizations at federal, regional, city/municipal
administrations, social development organizations including donors and multilateral

The manual shall be applied by using the UAHDC document, the training material, and the
existing situation analysis report. It shall be applied in 4 stages:
Stage 1: Preparation
Stage 2: Existing situation analysis
Stage 3: Preparation of proposed functional and economic roles of the urban center,
administrative hierarchies and boundaries
Stage 4: Physical demarcation, management and post evaluation

For each stage the manual details out tasks, importance, description, required data and sources,
precondition, activities and methodology, criteria to be applied, cross referenced issues, and
expected outputs. It also provides additional guidelines to carry out supportive tasks at each stage.
Summary of the process, tasks and outputs are also described in charts to show sequencing of

Duties and responsibilities of the Federal Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation

(FUAHDU) and Regional Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation (RUAHDU), urban
administrations, city councils, municipalities and actors are also described.

The manual states that prior to commencement of any activity, shared understanding of the
objectives and purpose of UAHD shall be achieved. In addition, roles and responsibility of
implementing organizations shall be clearly described. Internal meetings, trainings and

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

workshops shall be organized and communications among the different actors and stakeholders
shall be continuously conducted to create awareness and build capacity.

As stated in the manual, capacity building and awareness creation shall focus on: presentation and
discussion of the UAHDC, working manual, related policy, strategy and legal bases; objectives,
purposes, outcomes and benefits of UAHD. It shall also deal with required data, study and
implementation process; roles, responsibilities and level of involvement of actors.

The manual also describes interventions and advocacy tools. The manual states that re-
demarcation shall be followed by actions of: re-structuring the urban administrative
organizational re-arrangement; office setup, furnishing and adjustment; manpower recruitment
and re-shuffling; equipment and material purchase and re-sharing. It proposed that the finance
required shall be earmarked by the appropriate body at least 3 months before commencement of
demarcation. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is also described in detail.

As shown in the manual UAHD may require re-defining duties and responsibilities of the urban
administration due to upgrading or down-grading of urban centers from their functional and
economic roles. It may also result in creation of new or improved tiers and naming of urban
administrative hierarchies with new mandates, roles, duties, responsibilities and boundaries.
Therefore, there is a need to issue new or amend existing regulation for approval and
implementation. This will enable the task of demarcation to be legally binding and sustainable. It
will enforce accountability and rule of law; protect the rights of farmers and residents with prior
land holdings in the peri-urban and rural areas within urban administrative boundary; address
problem of informal land development and speculation.

The time required for UAHD is estimated based on tasks and activities and is expected to take 4-8
months based on the size of the urban center. The required finance is calculated based on tasks to
be carried out and purchase of materials and services and is estimated to cost about 2.95 million
birr/urban center. The tasks could be outsourced to private firms, MSEs, or undertaken in
collaboration through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mechanisms. Source of finance include:
RUAHDU, Urban administrations and municipalities, Urban Local Government Development
Program (ULGDP), World Bank (WB), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Grants
from donor agencies, Technical Assistances, Multi-lateral cooperation, Sister Cities and
contributions from local community, businesses and organizations.

Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

1.1 Introduction
Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation (UAHD) practices in Ethiopia were found to be
inconsistent, not based on sufficient studies, and lack uniform legal provision, institutional
framework, criteria and manuals. The Ministry of Urban Development and Construction (MUDC)
prepared Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC) to address problems,
facilitate land registration, street addressing and modernize overall urban development. This
working manual is prepared to implement the UAHDC. It serves as a guiding tool, data source for
standardized and systematic demarcation of Urban Administrative Hierarchy (UAH) in urban
centers of Ethiopia. It consist tasks to be carried out, sequencing of activities, capacity-building
tools, training materials, interventions, advocacy, legislative reform and organizational changes.
It also presents Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools, feedbacks and measures to be taken.
The existing situation analysis report of the UAHDC also serves as sample background study and
summarizing findings and recommendations on urban centers and administrative hierarchies. The
UAHDC and the manual are accompanied by a training material for guiding Training of Trainers
(TOT) and consecutive trainings by appropriate bodies to urban administrations, municipalities,
community and stakeholders during the course of Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation
(UAHD) projects.

1.2 Aims of the UAHDC Working Manual

The aims of this working manual are to:
 Serve as source of data, prototype working document and guiding tool for implementation
 Streamline and standardize demarcation approaches, methods, processes and public
participation thereby avoid inconsistency, confusion and disharmony during the course of
planning and implementation of UAHD
 Serve as Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tool and
 Simplify implementation of the UAHDC

1.3 Purposes of the UAHD Working Manual

The main purposes of this working manual are: -
1. Providing approaches, guidance, process, methods, techniques, procedures, and expected
outcomes of Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation (UAHD)
2. Assisting Federal Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Unit (FUAHDU) and
Regional Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Unit (RUAHDU), urban
administrations and actors to undertake a well-organized demarcation process with
adequate and effective involvement
3. Providing checklists for preparing UAHD background assessment study, and evidence
based decision making and proposal preparation
4. Providing technical tools and instruments to be used for different analytical and cross-
referencing techniques during the application of UAHDC
5. Guiding implementation, management, M&E tool for UAHD
6. Creating awareness, enabling different actors, stakeholders, FUAHDU and RUAHDU to
know and understand their roles and participate efficiently in UAHD process.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

1.4 Scope of the UAHD Working Manual

The geographical scope of the working manual shall be the administrative boundary of the urban
center to be re-demarcated and the boundaries of the administrative hierarchies and units within
it. The manual shall be applied in all urban centers of Ethiopia based on prioritization. The
technical scope covers preparatory work, existing situation study, preparation of proposals, re-
demarcation of administrative boundary, administrative hierarchies and boundaries,
organizational restructuring.

1.5 Contents of the UAHDC Working Manual

The manual consists of provisions for implementing the UAHDC in 4 stages. It consists of
breakdown of tasks and activities, methodologies, expected outputs in each stage. It also consists
of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and capacity building tools.

1.6 Users and Beneficiaries of the UAHDC Working Manual

The target groups of the working manual consist of internal and external users and beneficiaries.
The manual can be used by various development actors, private and public organizations at
federal, regional, city/municipal administrations, social development organizations including
donors and multilateral organizations. The section below shows users of the manual, user needs,
benefits and expectations.

Users of the manual are:

1. Federal level institutions: MUDC, MFA, CSA, Universities, Ministries, agencies, banks,
insurances, Ethiopian Postal Service, Ethio Telecom, EES, political and other
2. Regional level institutions: Urban Development and Housing bureaux, land registration
agencies, statistical offices, social affairs offices, sector bureaux.
3. Urban level institutions: urban administrations and all sector offices, municipalities,
NGOs, CBOs, housing agencies, private developers, investors, consultants, organizations,
communities and other interested groups.
4. Different organizations: political parties and organizations, social development
organizations, NGOs, CBOs, councils of peoples’ representatives, chambers of
commerce, civic societies.
5. Officials and experts: heads and experts of regional bureaux, wereda officials and experts,
city mayors, municipal managers, heads of urban sector offices, land management
experts, surveyors, researchers, experts, administrators, urban planners, architects,
engineers, environmentalist, students, and people involved in urban planning,
implementation and overall development activities, community groups, activists etc.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Internal and external users and beneficiaries of the UAHDC manual are:

Federal/Regional /City/Municipality
Internal and External Users
Information Network and Beneficiaries of UAHD-
Service Agency (INSA) Ministry of Urban
working Manual Development and Construction

Central Statistical Ministry of Finance and

Authority (CSA) Economic
Regional- BoFED
Ministry of Trade and
Ethiopian Commodity
Exchange (ECX)
Ethiopian Revenue and
Customs Authority/ERCA/
Working Manual for Regional Tax Offices
Research institutes Urban Administrative
Land Development and
Demarcation Management Bureaux
Ethio Telecom, EES
Ethiopian Tourism
Industry Real Property Registration and
Information Agencies
Ethiopian Postal
Urban Planning Institutions
and Firms

Private & public

Banks/ financial
institutions Urban Revenue Offices
_City/Municipal Administrations,
Donors/Multilateral _Sub-city/Wereda/Zone/Kebele/Ketena
organizations _Fire Brigades, Ambulance service Federal/Regional urban
providers, Police stations Development and Housing
NGOs, CBOs _Street addressing projects/programs bureaux

External Users and Beneficiaries Internal users and Beneficiaries

Figure 1. Users and Beneficiaries of UAHDC Working Manual.

1.7 User Needs, Expectations and Benefits
The UAHDC working manual will be applied by users and beneficiaries presented above. These
users have their own respective needs, expectations and benefits presented in the chart below.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Table 1. User Needs, Expectations and Benefits

Beneficiaries User needs, expectations and benefits

Citizens and urban  Efficient and effective services
residents  Short distance and proximity to administration and service centers
 Facilitated land administration and registration services
 Street addressing
 Improved transportation service
 Door-to-door service provision
 Postal, telecom, electricity, police, court, fire brigade, ambulance, safety,
 Better and improved urban development

Households and small  Understanding and claiming rights on land due to demarcated urban and rural
holding farmers in peri- boundaries in the form of compensations, rehabilitation and resettlement
urban and rural areas packages
located in urban  Provision of social services
 Improved street, transportation and utility service
administrative boundaries
 Solve problem of informal settlers
 Get police stations, security protections, ambulance services, banks, insurance
fire brigade and other services

MUDC and regional  Demarcated administrative boundaries of urban centers, which facilitate land
BUDC registration and street addressing
 Enhance urban revenue that contributes to finance the growing demands of
urban infrastructure
 Address internal and external boundary disputes
 Minimize grievances on land and property expropriations, valuations,
compensation, relocation, resettlement and overall constitutional rights
 Speed up service delivery
 Balance financing, budget and block grant
 Legal and institutional empowerment
 Inputs for macro-and micro economic planning
 Provide required landuses
 Protection of land from informal developments and speculation
 Facilitate implementation of urban land lease policy, efficient and effective
land market

City and Municipal  Speed up land and property registration, valuation, market transactions and
administrations transfer of land and property rights, sustainable land administration system
 Provide appropriate services efficiently
 Registered data for compensations and valuations
 Ensure safety and security of residents and rule of law
 Address demands of investment
Finance and economic  Facilitate macro-economic development planning
development  Assist to enhance municipal tax/fee administration system
Bureaux/MoFED/and  Provide inputs for allocating block grant and budgets
BoFED  Facilitate proper allocation of resources
 Provide inputs to determine the value of land and property assets
Revenue and Tax  Identify potential tax payers, taxable base areas and sources of revenue
Authorities  Facilitate implementation of revenue enhancement plans
 Prepare fiscal policies, strategies, institutional and regulatory measures
 Determine land and landed property taxations
Investment Agencies  Facilitate investment
 Facilitate provision of land for investment
Justice and courts  Protect property rights of citizens

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

 Resolve legal boundary disputes

 Provide courts and legal offices

Private, MSEs and public  Opportunities of outsourced UAHD, land registration, street addressing and
Institutions other tasks
Bank and Insurance  Determine the value of the property and capitalized land for calculating the
level of loans investment, collateral and other financial investment risks
 Determine the replacement cost of the value of the asset, insurance premium,
compensations for lost property
 Facilitate loan and credit facilities
Real-estate and property  Get access to land
Developers  Determine investment return, project viability, affordability to purchase, rent,
sales and etc.,
 Better understanding of the land and property development costs
Universities  Source of data and research materials
and research institutes  Involvement in UAHD

1.8 How to apply the Working Manual

The manual shall be applied by using the UAHDC document, the training material, and the
existing situation analysis report. It shall be applied in 4 stages incorporating the tasks in part II
of this working manual, which consist of 4 stages:-
Stage 1: Preparation
Stage 2: Existing situation analysis
Stage 3: Preparation of proposed functional and economic roles of the urban center,
administrative hierarchies and boundaries
Stage 4: Physical demarcation, management and post evaluation

STAGE-1: Preparation
Key TASKS and
STAGE-2: Existing Situation assessment and analysis

STAGE-3: Preparation of proposed functional and economic

roles of the urban center and administrative hierarchies and
Expected outputs and
boundaries Deliverables

STAGE-4: Physical demarcation, management and post


Figure 2. Stages and key tasks of the UAHD

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

1.9 Structure of the UAHDC Working Manual

The structure of UAHDC working manual is organized in to three parts illustrated as follows:

Part I: presents the preface, which includes the introduction, the objectives, purpose,
scope, users of the manual their benefits, interest and expectations from the outcome of
the UAHD. At the end it provides the major contents, stages and updating of the working

Part II: describes the working manual. It presents tasks and activities to be undertaken
methods and expected outputs. It shows how to conduct the existing situation assessment
and analysis and preparation of proposals. It also details physical demarcation
management, and post evaluation.

Part III: provides the roles and responsibilities, implementation tools, regulations,
capacity building, intervention and advocacy, M&E, timeframe and finance.

1.10 Updating and Revision

The manual shall be updated every year by the MUDC through compiling and applying: -
 Revisions proposed in the UAHDC document, relevant laws and legislations
 Post evaluation results from demarcated urban centers,
 Feed-backs of regional agencies,
 Ideas and comments from urban forums,
 Monitoring and evaluation results,
 Reviewing relevant local and international literature.

It shall be revised based on the annual updating and changes in policies, laws and standards as
well as the UAHDC document.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)


2.1 Stages, Tasks to be Carried Out and Sequencing

The UAHD shall be carried out in 4 stages, through undertaking out the tasks listed below

Stage 1: Preparation
1. Compiling initiatives, problems identified by urban administration, residents and
stakeholders and drafting concrete and evidenced demands for re-demarcation
2. Continuous discussions and negotiations with people to be affected and benefitted as a
result of re-demarcations.
3. Compile the discussion and negotiation document
4. Document, review, evaluate and prioritize urban centers to be demarcated and incorporate
in the 5 years and annual plans and programs of demarcations.
5. Announce the plans and programs to urban centers to be demarcated so that they make
the necessary preparations and data.
6. Prepare time and work schedules.
7. Work together in the demarcation project and execute duties and responsibilities as shown
in the working manual.
8. Announce re-demarcation project on notice boards in the urban center at the city
administration, municipality, wereda and kebele, public notice boards, fliers, local
newspaper, radio and television.

Stage 2: Existing situation assessment and analysis

1. Conduct existing situation analysis of the functional and economic roles of the urban
2. Conduct existing situation analysis of the urban administrative hierarchies of the urban
center to be re-demarcated and compile problems and issues to be addressed in
accordance with the UAHDC document and sample existing situation analysis report
a. Carry out awareness creation and discussion with residents, urban administrations
and stakeholders and announce launching of the existing situation analysis phase
b. Collect data of the urban center to be demarcated in accordance with the list of
criteria in the UAHDC document
c. Compile, process and analyze the collected data and summarize findings, prepare
d. Conduct community and stakeholder meetings on the findings, incorporate
comments and inputs and prepare final report with recommendations for re-

Stage 3: Preparation of proposed functional and economic roles of the urban center and
administrative hierarchies and boundaries
1. Re-define the functional and economic role of the urban center
2. Define and demarcate urban administrative boundary in accordance with Proc. 818/2014
3. Prepare proposed administrative hierarchies in accordance with the UAHDC document in
writing and maps
a. Prepare administrative hierarchy boundary maps

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

b. Prepare/amend structure plan showing proposed hierarchical and decentralized

city centers (main city center, secondary center, tertiary center and local center)
with required landuses with respect to each hierarchy defined in the UAHDC with
wide grid of macro blocks in expansion areas reserved for medium and long-term
4. Engage residents and stakeholders in the preparation process
a. Discussion and proposals by the community
b. Building consensus
5. Notify results and create awareness programs of the proposed boundaries
6. Document applications and grievances
7. Discuss and address issues
8. Post final proposal of demarcation and communicate through local radio, notice boards
9. Approve proposed re-defined and re-demarcated Urban Hierarchy Boundaries (UAHBs).

Stage 4: Physical demarcation, management and post evaluation

1. Announce demarcations and train residents to keep and maintain Ground Control Points
2. Carry out physical demarcation of urban administrative boundary in accordance with
Proc. 818/2014 using GCPs, document location maps of GCPs
3. Carry out physical demarcation of urban administrative hierarchy boundaries
4. Document the whole process in audio, video, printed and signed reports in appropriate
5. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), post re-demarcation evaluation of results and impacts
on the ground and changes brought about in urban good governance

The tasks to be carried out in each stage, importance and significance, the required key activities,
methods, source of data, requirement and expected outputs are presented in the templates below.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

2.2 Description, Data, Methods and Expected Outputs in Respective Stage

2.2.1 Stage 1: Preparation
Table 2. Preparation Stage
Stage 1 Preparation
Importance Initiation, prioritization, programming and budgeting
Compiling initiatives, problems identified by urban administration, residents and
Description stakeholders and drafting concrete and evidenced demands for re-demarcation,
shortlisting prioritization, programming and budgeting.
Initiatives, problems identified by the urban Urban administration, residents
administrations residents and stakeholders and stakeholders
Required Data and
Discussion and negotiations with people to be
affected and benefitted
Pre-condition Documentation of previous efforts, collection of existing data
Compiling initiatives, problems identified by urban administration, residents and
stakeholders and drafting concrete and evidenced demands for re-demarcation
Continuous discussion and negotiations with people to be affected and benefitted as a
result of re-demarcations.

Compile discussion and negotiation documents.

Carry out:
 Introductory meetings
 Contacts with urban center
 Preparation of survey design and logistical arrangements/
 Reconnaissance survey
Activities and
Methodology  Discussion with representatives
 Desk review of relevant documents
 Analysis, decision making and prioritization

Announce the plans and programs to urban centers to be demarcated so that they make
the necessary preparations and data. Prepare time and work schedules and send to the
urban administration.

Based on these, all parties shall work together in the demarcation project and execute
their duties and responsibilities as shown in the working manual.
Announcing re-demarcation project on notice boards, fliers, internet, local newspaper,
radio and television.
Criteria to be Processes in UAHDC document
Cross –referenced Initiations of demarcations from urban centers, documentation of problems from studies.
Compiled findings and problems to be addressed.
Announce the plans and programs of demarcation to the urban center so that they make
Output Expected the necessary preparations and data.

Preparation of time and work schedules.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

The appropriate body undertaking demarcation together with urban plans shall organize and
deploy team members and prepare the detail activities of the UAHDC-planning and
implementation document. Discussions with the responsible urban centers/city /municipal
administration at regional and city level shall be carried out and agree on the UAHD scope of
work including detail activities and work plans. Based on The UAHDC document structured
questions, field data sheet/formats, design and selection of required survey data collection tools,
field work guidelines shall be prepared. Activities shall be carried out in close consultation with
the responsible urban centers/city /municipal administration. Moreover, contacts shall be
established with city representatives.

The appropriate body undertaking demarcation together with urban plans in collaboration with
urban administration and municipality shall announce re-demarcation project in the urban center,
using multiple communication channels. Information disclosure and announcement of
demarcation/re-demarcation project shall be carried out in the urban center at the city
administration, municipality, wereda and kebele, public notice boards fliers, local newspaper,
including electronic media.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

2.2.2 Stage 2: Existing Situation Assessment and Analysis

Table 3. Existing Situation Assessment and Analysis Stage

Stage 2 Existing situation assessment and analysis

Importance Basic task for preparation of proposals
Carrying out existing situation assessment and analysis in accordance with the
Descriptions criteria in the UAHDC document and summarize findings and issues to be
addressed in the preparation of proposed UAHD.
Population CSA
Area Urban administration, municipality,
Urban economy zone, wereda, and regional
Decentralized administrative service administrations
delivery and good governance Federal government
Landuse Own study
Transport, streets, and utilities
Required Data and Density and compactness
Sources Shape and length
Location, sequencing, continuity and
Topography, hydrology, geology and
Land registration and street addressing
ICT and data management
Demarcation of special developments
Reviewed, evaluated, prioritized list of problems to be addressed in the
demarcation; Announced plans and programs to urban centers to be demarcated
Pre-condition so that they make the necessary preparations and data.

Preparation of time and work schedules and sending to the urban administrations
Conduct existing situation analysis of the functional and economic roles of the
Conduct existing situation analysis of the urban administrative hierarchies of the
urban center to be re-demarcated and compile problems and issues to be
addressed in accordance with the sample existing situation analysis report
1. Carry out awareness creation and discussion with residents, urban
administrations and stakeholders and announce launching of the existing
Activities and situation analysis phase
Methodology 2. Collect data of the urban center to be demarcated in accordance with the list
of criteria in the UAHDC document
3. Compile, process and analyze the collected data and summarize findings,
prepare report
4. Conduct community and stakeholder meetings on the findings, incorporate
comments and inputs and prepare final report with recommendations for re-
Criteria to be Applied The sample existing situation analysis and the UAHDC document
Urban economy
Decentralized administrative service delivery and good governance
Cross –referenced
Transport, streets, and utilities
Density and compactness
Shape and length
Location, sequencing, continuity and adjacency
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Topography, hydrology, geology and environment

Land registration and street addressing
ICT and data management
Demarcation of special developments
Existing situation analysis report
Proposed recommendation of UAHD
Output Expected Result based monitoring and evaluation
Communication and information disclosure
Participatory workshops
Feedback on the existing gaps, impacts and implications and future sustainability

Both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods shall be applied. Primary and secondary
data shall be gathered. Relevant regional, city/municipality administration offices and other key
stakeholders shall be visited to collect data. Data collected for preparation of the urban plan shall
be compiled and applied as much as possible.

What type of data shall be collected and from where to collect?

From where to collect

Type of data to be collected  FDRE, MUDC,
 Reports, maps, laws, policies, urban  Regional bureaux
plans, base maps, history, heritage etc  City administrations and sector offices
 Background of the urban center: location,  Municipalities
age, area and existing functional and  Land management offices
economic roles  Legal sections
 Population
 Urban economy, revenue and expenditure  Document review
 Urban administration, decentralization  Field level data collection
and good governance  Post field level data collection
 Landuse  Discussions
 Transport, streets and utilities  Monitoring and evaluation
 Density and compactness  Performance review and evaluation
 Shape and length
 Location, sequencing, continuity and
 Topography, hydrology, geology and
 Land registration and street addressing
 ICT and data management
 Special developments

Figure 3. Type of Data and Source.

Structured questionnaire for data collection, Method of data collection and potential sources are
incorporated in the annex.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

2.2.3 Stage 3: Preparation of Proposed Functional and Economic Roles of Urban

Centers and Administrative Hierarchies
Table 4. Preparation of Proposed Functional and Economic Roles of the Urban Center

Stage 3.1 Re-defining Functional and Economic Roles of the

Stage 3
Urban Center
Importance Basic issue dictating the need for re-demarcation and also input for re-
Descriptions Defining the Functional and Economic Roles of the urban center, corresponding
administrative hierarchies and organizational structure
Population CSA
Economy Urban administrations, municipalities,
Area Own study
Required Data and Political and administrative seat
Sources Social services
Roads, transport and utilities
History, culture and heritage
Pre-condition Decision for re-demarcation passed and approved.
Re-define the Functional and Economic Roles of the urban center in accordance
with the criteria set in the UAHDC document.
Activities and Fill data of the urban center into the criteria table by calculating the figure of the
Methodology city by that of the minimum and then multiplying by 100 and give grading point
for each criteria and finally summing up result and assign Functional and
Economic Roles in accordance with the criteria.
Criteria to be Applied Proposed Criteria, Values and Breakdowns for Identification of Functional and
Economic Roles of Urban Centers
Population, area, economy and density
Cross –referenced
Social service
Road transport and utilities
Output Expected Defined Functional and Economic Roles of the Urban Center and corresponding
administrative hierarchies, organizational structure and functions

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Stage 3.2 Re-define and demarcate urban administrative boundary

Stage 3 (continued)
in accordance with Proc. 818/2014
Importance Basic issue for re-demarcation, land registration and street addressing.
Re-defining, delineating and re-demarcating urban administrative boundary in
Descriptions accordance with Proc. 818/2014 and getting approval of the city, wereda or
regional council or appropriate body as applicable.
Existing administrative boundary Urban administration and own study
Required Data and Past and present area
Sources 20 years future urban expansion
Pre-condition Defined economic and functional roles of the urban center.
Re-defining, delineating and re-demarcating urban administrative boundary in
accordance with Proc. 818/2014 and getting approval of the city, wereda or
regional council or appropriate body as applicable.
 Collect primary data through site observation and documentation
 Collect secondary data from urban administration and regional bureau
regarding history, regulations, minutes and reports of administrative
boundary demarcations of the urban center.
 Prepare proposals of accepting existing boundary or improved or new
Activities and
o Carry out public and stakeholder participations, consultations,
consensus building and agree on outcomes
o Prepare proposed administrative boundary
o Sign MOU, contracts, and handing over of land to urban
administrations based on agreed compensation and resettlement
 Get approval of the city, wereda or regional council or appropriate body as
Criteria to be Applied Checklists for Urban Administrative Boundary Delineation and Demarcation

Cross –referenced Population, area, landuse and density.

Output Expected Defined, approved and re-demarcated urban administrative boundary of the urban
center by authorized body.

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Stage 3 (continued) Stage 3.3 Preparation of proposed UAHs and UAHDBs

Importance Basic issue for UAHD
Preparing UAHs and UAHDBs, amended UP proposed hierarchical and
Descriptions decentralized city centers (main city center, secondary center, tertiary center and
local center) with required landuses with respect to each hierarchy defined in the
UAHDC with wide grid of macro blocks in expansion areas.
Population CSA
Area Approved UAB
Urban economy Urban administration
Decentralized administrative service Own study
delivery and good governance
Transport, streets, and utilities
Density and compactness
Required Data and
Shape and length
Location, sequencing, continuity and
Topography, hydrology, geology and
Land registration and street
ICT and data management
Demarcation of special developments
Pre-condition Defined, approved re-demarcated urban administrative boundary of the urban
center by authorized body.
1. Prepare proposed administrative hierarchies in accordance with the UAHDC
document in writing and maps
a. Prepare administrative hierarchy boundary maps
 Consider the functional and economic roles of the urban center,
proposed number and naming of tiers
 Consider approved urban administrative boundary
 Consider existing administrative hierarchy situation analysis maps
and findings report
 Apply the UAHDC and sub-divide, merge, split or adjust
UAHDB and prepare draft proposal consisting of
o maps of sub-divided administrative boundary into
administrative hierarchies in GIS shape files, PDF and
o reports showing summary of findings and
recommendations; proposed UAHBs with justifications
Activities and
b. Prepare/amend the urban plan showing adjusted and proposed hierarchical
and decentralized city centers (main city center, secondary center, tertiary
center and local center) with required landuses with respect to each hierarchy
defined in the UAHDC with wide grid of macro blocks in expansion areas
reserved for medium and long-term periods
 Study existing urban plans and identify gaps in existing and
proposed landuse for administrative hierarchies
 Propose required centers and landuses for the administrative
hierarchies with respect to each hierarchy defined in the UAHDC
with wide grid of macro blocks in expansion areas reserved for
medium and long-term periods

2. Engage residents and stakeholders in the preparation process

a. Discuss on draft proposals with the community
b. Build consensus and document the negotiated UAHDBs
c. Prepare the final UAHDBs
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3. Notify results and create awareness programs of the proposed boundaries

a. Disseminate information: post on local public notice board, radio,
TV, newspaper, magazine,
b. Call awareness creation meetings of community and stakeholder
4. Document applications and grievances
a. Announce periods for application and grievances
b. Receive applications and grievances and compile
5. Discuss and address issues
a. Call meetings and discuss on application and grievances
b. Negotiate, build consensus and make decisions
c. Amend proposals if there are decision of changes or pass if previous
proposals are accepted through discussion
6. Post final proposal of administrative hierarchy re-demarcation and
communicate through local radio, notice boards, awareness creation
7. Approve proposed re-defined and re-demarcated UAHBs.
Criteria to be Applied The 8 Detail UAHDC
Density and compactness
Urban economy, decentralized administrative service delivery and good
Cross –referenced
governance Landuse
Transport, streets, and utilities
Topography, hydrology, geology and environment,
Land registration
Demarcation of special developments .
Output Expected Approved proposed re-defined and re-structured UAH organization and re-
demarcated UAHBs,.

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2.2.4 Stage 4: Physical Demarcation, Management and Post Evaluation

Table 5. Physical Demarcation, Management and Post Evaluation Stage

Stage 4 Physical demarcation, management and post evaluation
Importance Basic issue for Implementation of UAHDB
Descriptions Implementation of the proposed UAHDB
Approved proposed re-defined and Urban Administration
Required Data and re-demarcated UAHBs.
Sources Completed and approved spatial and
textual data (GIS based data)
Pre-condition Approval of proposed re-defined and re-demarcated authorized body.
By applying PART V: Approaches, Methods, Processes and Techniques of
UAHDC document: -
6. Announce demarcations and train residents to keep and maintain GCPs
7. Carry out physical demarcation of urban administrative boundary in
accordance with Proc. 818/2014 using GCPs, document location maps of
Activities and GCPs,
Methodology 8. Carry out physical demarcation of urban administrative hierarchy boundaries
9. Document the whole process in audio, video, printed and signed reports in
appropriate copies and submit to MUDC
10. Undertake Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); post re-demarcation
evaluation of results and impacts on the ground and changes brought about
in urban good governance.
Criteria to be Applied PART V: Approaches, Methods, Processes and Techniques of UAHDC
Defined functional and economic roles of the urban center, corresponding
administrative hierarchies, organizational structure and functions
Cross –referenced
Defined, approved re-demarcated urban administrative boundary of the urban
center by authorized body.
Approved proposed re-defined and re-demarcated UAHBs
Physically re-demarcated UAHBs using GCPs.
Documented whole process in audio, video, printed and signed reports in
Output Expected appropriate copies and submitted to urban administration and city council
Kept and maintained GCPs
Report of post re-demarcation evaluation of results and impacts on the ground
and changes brought about in urban good governance.

2.3 Other Activities

The appropriate body preparing the urban administrative hierarchy together and in integration
with the urban plan shall prepare and organize of implementation activities before the
commencement of the UAHD. Staff organization, training on UAHDC and working manual shall
be carried out. Procurement of materials, equipment’s shall be organized in advance. Besides
awareness creation within the implementing staffs and the community shall be undertaken.
Preparatory work for information disclosure and dissemination using different communication
channels needs to be prepared and applied for the community and the public at large.
Establishment of, urban level representative committees shall be identified and engaged from the
very outset of the planning and implementation process of UAHD tasks of activities. The process
shall be transparent and participatory. Key actors, and stakeholder participation plans shall be

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

completed. The roles and responsibilities of responsible implementing units and organs need to
be timely scheduled in the action plan of UAHD document.

Based on the UAHDC the existing situational assessment study shall include, review of all
relevant secondary data, existing laws, regulations, manuals, guidelines related to the assignment.
The assessment shall focus to identify major gaps, problems and challenges currently facing the
urban center and come up with validated recommendation. The UAHD project would have pre-
field/office work and field work activities.

2.4 UAHD Process Summary and Outputs

The chart below presents summary of the process, tasks and outputs presented in the sections

The UAHD process Prioritization and decision for

Announcement of the plans and program
Preparation of budget, time and work
Preparation work schedules
Existing situation analysis report
Existing situation Proposed recommendation of UAHD
assessment and analysis Workshops and feedback
Final report

Approved proposed functional and

3 Preparation of proposed economic roles of the urban center, re-
administrative hierarchies defined and re-demarcated UAHBs, re-
structured organization.

Approval, physical Physically re-demarcated UAHBs,

demarcation, M&E restructured urban administrations
4 Post evaluation

Figure 4. Summary of Process and Outputs of UAHD

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3.1 Duties and Responsibilities
The following institutions can be supporting institutions in UAHD:
1. Urban Plan Preparation and Follow-Up Bureau under the Urban Plan and Land Sector,
2. Regional Urban Development and Construction Bureaux
3. Addis Ababa City Council and Administration
4. Diredawa City Council and Administration

The collaborating institutions and stakeholders are:

1. Urban administrations and municipalities
2. Other stakeholders and actors as applicable

The institutions and organizations to be involved in UAHD shall be independent, fair and
transparent in carrying out re-demarcation tasks in accordance with the functions presented

3.1.1 Supports to be provided by MUDC

MUDC shall:
 Provide technical and financial assistance, maps, training, manpower, materials and
 Carry out national studies based on reports from regional agencies and urban identify
new and improved systems and techniques
 Undertake periodical assessment of demarcation projects, compile lessons learnt, best
local and international practices and give feedbacks

3.1.2 Supports to be provided by Regional Urban Development Bureaux

The regional Urban Development Bureaux shall:
 Carry out studies
 Provide technical assistance
 Compile and disseminate reports and lessons learnt

3.1.3 Addis Ababa City Council and Administration

The responsible body to demarcate administrative hierarchy of Addis Ababa shall be the Planning
Commission of the city. The commission shall work in consultation and collaboration with the
city administration.

3.1.4 Diredawa City Administration and Council

The responsible body to demarcate administrative boundary of Diredawa shall be the city
administration, plan preparation government or private organization or institution.

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3.1.5 Responsibilities of urban administrations and municipalities

Urban Administrations and municipalities shall:
 Work in collaboration with the institutions and organizations working on UAHD
 Provide past and present data on the city and hinterland areas
 Assign counterpart team with experts specified in the manual
 Organize and arrange forums for community and stakeholder participation
 Document findings and reports using appropriate communication mechanisms
 Ensure that ideas and concerns of the community are addressed
 Announce results for final consensus by the community
 Compile grievances and forward to regional and federal demarcation units
 Apply demarcations on the ground in collaboration with the regional unit of demarcation
or a body assigned or contracted by the regional demarcation unit
 Manage, protect and maintain demarcation points

3.1.6 Actors
Public and stakeholders are the other actors that will be involved in the UAHD. Private sector or
organized MSEs could provide consultancy services, undertake various activities like, boundary
surveying and demarcations, GCP materials production, awareness creation and posting
advertisement, etc. Outsourcing mechanisms for the involvement of partners shall be allowed in
an institutionalized way. PPP shall be applied to carry out delayed and accumulated hierarchical
administrative demarcation tasks in urban centers in Ethiopia and make them ready to carry out
land registration, street addressing and urban development activities within short period of time.

Public and stakeholders shall:

 Engage in initiation
 Provide data
 Participate in meetings, negotiations and consensus building
 Contribute in management and protection of demarcations.

The private sector or organized MSEs shall:

 Participate in outsourced works and provide consultancy services,
 Undertake various activities such as boundary surveying and demarcations, land
inventory, street addressing materials production, new software application development,
awareness creation and posting advertisement, etc.

3.1.7 Professional mix and requirements

Teams working in UAHD tasks shall have professional mix of:
 Experts: Urban planner, GIS expert, economist, sociologist, environmentalist, surveyor,
engineer, legal expert, geographer or spatial planner, rural development specialist,
 Officials: Mayors, municipal manager, land agency manager, communication office, and
community wing, environmental office, urban agriculture, rural kebele administration.

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3.2 Capacity-Building Tools

Prior to commencement of any activity, shared understanding of the objectives, purpose of
UAHD shall be achieved. In addition, roles and responsibility of implementing organizations at
all administrative levels shall be clearly described. Internal meetings, trainings and workshops
shall be organized and communications among the different actors and stakeholders shall be
continuously conducted to create awareness.

Urban administrations shall be informed about the activities at least 2 months ahead of project
commencement and shall have a common time planning and distribution of responsibilities to be
performed. The political and practical commitment and contribution of higher officials within a
region and city administration is indispensable for successful implementation of the UAHD. The
officials shall be aware of the objectives, purpose, outcome and benefits of UAHD. This can be
achieved by organizing information and dissemination workshops including events and
distributing written information materials.

Key experts shall get training and awareness creation. Increased awareness shall be achieved by
organizing trainings, information dissemination workshops or events and by distributing written
information materials. Experience sharing between the urban centers shall also be facilitated.

The grass-root lower level institutions working as a link between the community and the urban
administrations shall be capacitated. The selection of community mobilization members and
participants shall be undertaken by grass-root level administrations.

Community organizations and facilitators shall start operation prior to the fieldwork. The
mobilizers must be elected and shall be engaged proactively in the process of UAHD. Active
participation is irreplaceable and fundamental to the success of the project.

Community participation shall be carried out during:

 Preparation
 Existing situation assessment study and field work activities
 Preparation of proposals
 Boundary re-demarcations
 The process of consultation
 M&E

The elected community member/s shall be trained in the practical procedures of the UAHD work.
The elected community mobilizer roles and responsibility shall mainly focus at grass root level
administration for informing the community about UAHD process. To ensure the accountability
and transparency of UAHD activities at least one member of the community shall work with
planning team during physical boundary demarcation process.

Public meetings and information provision shall be a continuous activity. Radio, posters and
leaflets can be used as public information disclosure and dissemination mechanisms.

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Dissemination of information, advice and instructions shall closely follow local guidelines and
customs. Maps, images, photos shall also be used to explain the proposals.

Capacity building and awareness creation shall focus on:

 Policy, strategy and legal issues related with UAHD
 Objectives and purposes of UAHD
 Outcome of the UAHD project and benefits
 Study and implementation process
 The roles, responsibilities and level of involvement of actors
 Urban boundary demarcation, re-demarcation process, techniques and methods
 Land registration and street addressing
 The required data for UAHD.

Awareness creation shall be supported by dissemination of UAHDC and the working manual on-
line and also in urban centers to be demarcated.

Awareness creation shall be undertaken for:

 The communities, elders, religious organizations, social groups, youth, women, students,
traders etc.
 Other social organizations (CBOs, NGOs) and private sectors
 Representatives from the public at large

3.3 Intervention and Advocacy

1. Intervention shall consist of:
a. Implementation of improved proposed urban administration hierarchies,
boundaries, landuses, transport and utilities:
 Merging
 Splitting
 New demarcations and inclusion of areas
 Compensation
 Resettlement
i. Financial support
ii. Technical support
b. Follow-up and feedback
2. Advocacy shall consist of:
a. Communication: announcing demarcation project to people to be affected,
advocacy groups, CBOs, NGOs, and other local advocacy groups specific to the
urban center using radio, notice boards
b. Organize forum: creating forum for hearing advocacy groups, announce date and
venue for discussion distributing letter, announcing in local radio and notice

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c. Conducting forum: Listening to ideas of the advocacy groups and activists and
people to be affected by demarcation, documentation and preparation of
documents for consideration
i. Objectives
ii. Problems and issues to be addressed
iii. Proposals for negotiation and decision making, mobilizing support for the
iv. Negotiating on the proposals with city administration and demarcation
team and build consensus and document results consisting of signed
minutes of discussion.
v. Implement results accordingly.
d. Handling complaints
i. Specify date, time and location where to apply
ii. How to apply: writing application, having appointment for presenting
iii. Document complaints
iv. Discuss, negotiate and agree on solutions
v. Implementation agreed proposals.
e. Legal litigation and due processing
i. Complaints shall be carried to local courts for legal process in case
problems are not solved using advocacy.
ii. Decisions shall be made in accordance with existing laws.

3.4 Organizational Changes

. Re-demarcation shall be followed by actions of:
 Re-structuring the urban administrative organization
 Office setup, furnishing and adjustment
 Manpower recruitment and re-shuffling
 Equipment and material purchase and re-sharing as applicable.
Administrative hierarchy re-demarcation has dynamic nature and is a continuous process that
requires adequate human resources and financial investments. It has social, economic,
infrastructural and institutional re-arrangement cost implications. Therefore, the finance required
shall be earmarked by the appropriate bodies in accordance with proposed budget sharing.

3.5 Monitoring and Evaluation

According to World Bank, 2015 the purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation is to know what
interventions make a difference? Whether the project is having the intended results or not? What
can be made differently to better meet the goals and objectives? According to the same source
M&E shall answer the following issues.
1. Relevance: Do the objectives and goals match the problems or needs that are being
2. Efficiency: Is the project delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner?
3. Effectiveness: To what extent does the intervention achieve its objectives? What are the
supportive factors and obstacles encountered during the implementation?

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4. Impact: What happened as a result of the project? This may include intended and
unintended positive and negative effects.
5. Sustainability: Are there lasting benefits after the intervention is completed?

M&E generally focuses on comparing plans and achievements. The system shall be result based
because it is important not only for the time-line of project activities but also used for post-
implementation period. Over the defined period of implementation activities of UAHD project,
regular M&E shall be undertaken based on pro-active community engagement and pre-designed
and agreed measurement indicators. Reporting mechanisms shall be designed and imparted in the
MIS as part of relevant indicators for review, mid-term and final evaluation process. Based on
performance and progress reports of UAHD implementation activities adequate corrective action
shall be carried out accordingly.

The monitoring and evaluation result shall show whether the proposed demarcation project
achieved its objectives and the results brought concrete results on the ground or not. It shall start
with evaluation of the results achieved against the following:
1. Purpose: did demarcation meet its purpose.
2. Objectives
3. Criteria
a. Functional and economic roles of urban center
b. Urban administrative hierarchy demarcation
The M&E
 Objectives, activities, inputs, outputs, outcomes and verifiable indicators
 Survey questioners (both quantitative and qualitative structured questioners) based on key
indicators of UAHD
 Data, human resources, organisational, infrastructure and technology capacity assessment
shall be carried out in the UAHD process.

UAHDC and the working manual are going to be developed and applied in future re-demarcation
projects. The result of M&E shall enable to provide lessons learnt to update these documents. It
shall also enable to improve demarcated boundaries.

Components of evaluation
1. The project input: finance, time, materials, equipment allocated and used for the project.
2. Tasks carried out: demarcation and implementation of administrative hierarchies.
3. Project implementation result or output: demarcated boundaries
4. Results achieved: public participation, awareness created, experience gained.
5. Impacts of the project: good governance, service delivery, improvement of land registration,
street addressing and urban administration.

A. Responsible bodies
Design: consultants, government/private institutions/ organizations, NGOs, CBOs, universities,
research institutions etc.

Implementation: Urban administrations, government/private institutions/ organizations,

consultants, contractors, universities, research institutions, organizations etc.,

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Reporting: Urban administrations, government/private institutions/ organizations, consultants,

researchers, universities, government institutions, contractors etc.,

B. Evaluation scope
The purpose of evaluation shall be:
 Identify problems and constraints
 For compiling lessons learnt
Application of evaluation results:
 For improving of urban administrative hierarchy demarcation carried out on an urban
 For updating, improvement and revision of UAHDC and working manual documents
Who wants to know about evaluation?
 government/private institutions/ organizations, institutions, government offices,
organizations, consultants, contractors, universities etc.,
Budget for evaluation
 Source: regional urban development bureaux, urban administrations, municipalities,
multi-lateral agencies, funding agencies such as the World Bank,
 Amount: evaluations shall be carried at least 2 times/year. Reporting shall be made from
the urban administrations to the regional bureaux and then compiled and submitted to the
MUDC. Field work shall be made at least once a year to demarcated urban centers.
Focus of evaluation:
 Are the implemented demarcations appropriate?
 Did the proposals bring about the intended results? Meet the objectives? Purposes?
 Are the criteria feasible, effective?
 Is the working manual clear? applicable? What improvements shall be made?
 Good governance
 Decentralized service delivery
 Self-rule
 Facilitated land registration, street addressing
 Land administration and management
 Clarity and applicability of methods, techniques and processes clear and applicable
Methods of evaluation and analysis:
 Reporting from lower to higher bodies: collecting secondary and primary data from field
visit, interview of experts, residents and officials, activists, stakeholders, users of the
UAHDC and working manual documents, discussion with representatives of institutions,
offices, questionnaire surveys, interviews etc…
 Data compilation and analysis: compile data in the form of tables, charts, graphs study
trends and write up findings.
 Prepare recommendations: on UAHDC, working manual, proposed implementation of
demarcations, methods, techniques and processes.

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Prerequisites for evaluations

 One of the foremost requirements is clear specifications of the objectives of the projects and
its likely impacts. As any evaluation task needs to assess the extent of realizations of the
objectives, identifying and examining the existing hierarchy of objectives, inputs, outputs,
effects and impacts of the projects.

 The other requirement which is equally important is the selections of evaluation techniques,
survey data collections and analysis to make the impact assessment findings more meaningful,
reliable and valid for recommendations.

Measurement for Project Efficiency and Effectiveness

The Implementing organ/Unit proposes and suggests using the two major yardsticks used to
measure project efficiency and effectiveness of cost efficiency expressed in terms of output
compared with unit of cost; and project effectiveness measured in terms of outcome per unit of
the effort/progress. These are expressed in both the assessment of efficiency and process of
conversions of input -in to -outputs and the efficiency of the management apparatus.

Technical Criteria for measuring performance

Measuring the existing status and Efforts of progress: - using both qualitative and quantitative
aspects in relation to the stated objectives targets and course of actions relating to the efforts put
in to the project component. These would include quantity, and quality of the project inputs,
coverage of beneficiary populations, implementing agencies and organizations personnel’s,
financial sources etc.

Efficiency: - measure simple inputs and outputs ratio and connects the criteria of progress/efforts,
performance and adequacy based on the minimum principle. Input output ratio, on finance, time,
and staff shall be applied in evaluation.

Performance Measurement: - consider the magnitudes and quality of benefits and changes as a
result of UAHD. Thus, it refers to output generated from the system as a result of the project

Adequacy: - would be used as a measure to get indicating relationship of the progress of the
existing efforts and performance of the project to the level of needs for the project. It is measures
the extent of successful or effective coverage i.e. output and total need.

Process of the entire projects: - shall be examined to measure the means of the project in
producing out puts (results) with a view to establishing other effects. Identifications of factors
responsible for speeding up or slowing down of the process could be identified as major reasons
for projects success or failures. The process of UAHD shall be evaluated against the provisions in
the UAHDC and the working manual. Which steps are followed or skipped shall be identified.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

3.6 Feedbacks and Measures to be Taken

The result of the annual M&E shall be documented as feedback for re-demarcation projects in
other urban centers in the country. Not only this, some adjustments could be made in the re-
demarcations already implemented in the urban center if there are serious issues that need to be
addressed. Urgent requests could be made to change or expand demarcations due to new projects
that bring unforeseen changes. Other feedbacks could be provided on demarcations methods,
techniques and processes.

Methods of feedback
Methods of feedback are report writing, conducting annual and bi-annual meetings; and public
announcement of the evaluation result using appropriate and available mediums such as local
radio, newspaper, notice boards, preparing forums for creation of awareness and knowledge about
the issues.

During the implementation and operational management of the activities the anticipated
problems, effects, implications including risks that can be encountered shall be identified and
mitigated through regular communication and MIS-system application. In addition, the task
requires the use of communication channels to disclose and disseminate all information. Public
notice boards, disseminating fliers, local newspaper, electronic media (radio and television) shall
be used to inform about the objectives and purpose of the UAHD project activities. From the
established database management /MIS-system, updated information/data shall be collected,
compiled processed and submitted to the implementing Unit/or assigned representative decision
making management groups. Actions and corrective measures shall be undertaken timely based
on regular consultations.

Measures to be taken
The measures to be taken shall be
1. Corrections of demarcations
2. Updating and revision of the UAHDC and the working manual in accordance with the

3.7 Training Material

The UAHDC and the manual are accompanied by a training material. First TOT shall be given to
the appropriate body undertaking the demarcation, the urban administration, stakeholders and
actors. The planning team shall give training at the beginning of demarcation process. Training
shall enable urban parties to be involved to proactively engage in the study of problems of
administrative hierarchies and demarcations. Such training will enable them to properly manage
the urban center and make preparations.

3.8 Implementation Regulations

UAHD may require redefining duties and responsibilities of the urban administration due to
upgrading or down grading of urban centers. It may also result in creation of new or improved
tiers and naming of urban administrative hierarchies with new mandates, roles, duties,

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

responsibilities and boundaries. Therefore, there is a need to issue new or amend existing law for
approval and implementation.

Implementation of the UAHD by issuing appropriate law will: -

1. Enable the task of demarcation to be legally binding and sustainable.
2. Bring accountability and rule of law.
3. Enable to protect the rights of farmers and residents with prior land holdings in the peri-
urban and rural areas within urban administrative boundary
4. Address problem of informal land development and speculation

The UAHD shall be implemented by drafting and issuing laws for:

1. Approval and implementation of demarcation of administrative boundaries in accordance
with Proclamation 818/2014
2. Approval and implementation of UAHDs, administrative structures and organizations.

These laws could be regulation or directives as applicable to the local legal situation. Both could
be issued in one law and shall be drafted in accordance with the results of activities in:-
1. Stage 3 and
2. Stage 4 of this working manual document.

The area, boundaries, jurisdictions and provisions for implementation shall be stated and
described in this law. The law shall be accompanied by printed approved maps. The maps shall
be availed in GIS shape files and PDF soft copies. The provisions in the law shall be binding on
land registration, street addressing, urban planning and implementation and overall urban
development activities of the urban center.

3.9 Time Requirement

The time required for UAHD is estimated based on tasks and activities as shown in the table
below. It is expected that it shall take 4-8 months based on the size of the urban center.

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

Table 6. Tasks to Be Carried Out and Time Requirement.

S No. Tasks to be carried out Time Required

Month Remark
1 Compiling initiatives, problems identified by the residents and 1 Total time calculated
stakeholders over 6 months
Compiling of findings, preparation of time and work schedule
Announcing re-demarcation project on notice boards in the urban
center at the city administration, municipality, wereda and kebele,
public notice boards, fliers, local newspaper, radio and television
3 Define and demarcate urban administrative boundary in accordance 1 Tasks could be carried
with Proc. 818/2014 parallel with each other
4 Conduct existing situation analysis of the functional and economic 1
roles of urban center; urban administrative hierarchies of the urban
center to be re-demarcated and compile problems and issues to be
5 Prepare or amend structure plan with wide grid of macro blocks in 1
expansion areas reserved for medium and long-term periods
6 Prepare proposed administrative hierarchies in accordance with the 1
UAHDC document in writing and maps
7 Engage residents and stakeholders in the preparation process 0.5
a) Discussion and proposals by the community
b) Building consensus
8 Notify results and create awareness programs of the proposed 0.5 Tasks could be carried
boundaries parallel with each other
9 Document applications and grievances
Discuss and address issues
10 Post final proposal of demarcation
11 Announce demarcations and train residents to keep and maintain GCPs
12 Carry out physical demarcation using GCPs, document location maps of 1 Production of
GCPs, Reinforced posts shall
be carried before hand
13 Document the whole process in audio, video, printed and signed reports Tasks to be taken over
in appropriate copies the whole process
TOTAL 7 months

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

3.10 Required Finance and Funding Sources

Required finance is calculated based on tasks to be carried out and purchase of materials and
services. The tasks could be outsourced to private firms, MSEs, or could be carried in
collaboration through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mechanisms.

Table 7. Required Finance and Funding Source

S No. Tasks to be carried out Lump-sum Funding Source

Costs (Mill.
1 Compiling initiatives, problems identified by the residents and 0.1
stakeholders Urban administration
Announcing re-demarcation project on notice boards in the and municipality
urban center at the city administration, municipality, wereda and
kebele, public notice boards, fliers, local newspaper, radio and
3 Define and demarcate urban administrative boundary in 0.1 Urban administration
accordance with Proc. 818/2014 and municipality
4 Conduct existing situation analysis of the functional and 0.5 Urban administration
economic roles of urban center; urban administrative hierarchies and municipality
of the urban center to be re-demarcated and compile problems
and issues to be addressed
5 Prepare or amend structure plan with wide grid of macro blocks 0.5
in expansion areas reserved for medium and long-term periods
6 Prepare proposed administrative hierarchies in accordance with 0.5
the UAHDC document in writing and maps
7 Engage residents and stakeholders in the preparation process 0.1 Urban administration
c) Discussion and proposals by the community and municipality
d) Building consensus
8 Notify results and create awareness programs of the proposed 0.05 Urban administration
boundaries and municipality
9 Document applications and grievances
Discuss and address issues
10 Post final proposal of demarcation
11 Carry out physical demarcation using GCPs, document location 1 Urban administration
maps of GCPs, and municipality
12 Announce demarcations and train residents to keep and maintain 0.1 Urban administration
GCPs and municipality
13 Document the whole process in audio, video, printed and signed Urban administration
reports in appropriate copies and municipality
TOTAL 2.95

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

As shown in the table the estimated cost for UAHD of an urban center costs about 2.95 million
Birr. Source of finance include but not limited to:
1. Urban administrations and municipalities
2. Urban Local Government Development Program (ULGDP)
3. World Bank (WB)
4. United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
5. Grants from donor agencies
6. Technical assistances
7. Multi-lateral cooperation
8. Sister cities
9. Contributions from local community, businesses and organizations

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)


Annex 1: Structured questionnaire for data collection, method of data collection and potential sources.
SN Structured questionnaire for data Method of data collection Potential sources
1. What are the backgrounds of the Secondary data collection of Urban administration,
urban center? reports, maps, laws, policies, urban municipality, regional
 Location? plans, base maps, history, heritage planning institute, MUDC,
 Foundation and age? etc., universities, various
 Area? Primary data collection for missing institutions.
 Existing functional and data and enriching study.
economic roles of the urban
2. What are the past, current and future Secondary data collection and CSA urban populations and
projected population sizes and projections. projections.
population growth rates of the urban
3. What are the past, current and future Secondary data collection SPM and implementation
economic roles, employment reports of Finance and
characteristics, revenues and Economic and ULGDP offices
expenditures of the urban center of the urban administration,
within the last 3-5 years? revenue enhancement plans,
AMP, CIP, urban
administrations, wereda,
administration, municipality,
regional planning institute,
MUDC, universities, various
4. What are the past and current urban Secondary and primary data Urban administrations,
administration, decentralization and collection and analysis. wereda, administration,
good governance status of the city? municipality, regional
What are the problems of urban Discussion with mayors, municipal planning institute, MUDC,
administrative hierarchies of the managers and experts. universities, various
urban administration? The institutions.
approaches? Criteria, purpose etc?
5. What are the types and ratios of Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
urban landuses of the urban center? analysis of data and maps. wereda, administration,
What are the ratios of landuses in municipality, regional
the respective administrative planning institute, MUDC,
hierarchies and units of similar universities, various
status? What are the gaps? What are institutions.
the distribution of commerce,
administration, services, recreation
and manufacturing in the
administrative units?
6. What are the types of major Secondary data collection and own Transport and utility agencies,
transport routes, streets and utilities analysis of the collected data and urban administrations, wereda,
in the city? Macro and Micro blocks maps. administration, municipality,
and type of streets binding regional planning institute,
administrative hierarchies? MUDC, universities, various
7. What is the urban density and Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
compactness of the city and analysis of the collected data and wereda, administration,
administrative hierarchies? maps. municipality, regional
planning institute, MUDC,
universities, various
8. What is the shape and length Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
characteristics of the urban center analysis of the collected data and wereda, administration,

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)

and its administrative hierarchies maps. municipality, regional

and units? planning institute, MUDC,
universities, various
9. How are the location, sequencing, Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
continuity and adjacency of the analysis of the collected data. wereda, administration,
administrative hierarchies and units municipality, regional
within the urban center arranged? planning institute, MUDC,
And what are the problems? universities, various
10. What are the topography, Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
hydrology, geology and analysis of the collected data. wereda, administration,
environmental characteristics of the municipality, regional
urban center and its administrative planning institute, MUDC,
hierarchies and units? universities, various
11. What are the status and problems of Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
land registration and street analysis of the collected data. wereda, administration,
addressing as related with municipality, regional
administrative hierarchies and planning institute, MUDC,
demarcations? universities, various
12. What is the status of ICT and data Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
management in the urban center, its analysis of the collected data. wereda, administration,
hierarchies and units, the regional municipality, regional
bureau or wereda? Functionality? planning institute, MUDC,
ICT System emplaced? Office universities, various
space? Human Resource and Paper institutions.
13. What are the special developments Secondary data collection and own Urban administrations,
that exist in the urban center? How analysis of the collected data. wereda, administration,
are they demarcated and what are municipality, regional
the problems? planning institute, MUDC,
Aged and heritage areas? universities, various
Historical and cultural areas? institutions.
Condominium, High-rise
Real state, Renewal
IP, APP, Military camp, new
expansion areas?

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Working Manual for Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC)


1. MUDC, 2018. Urban Administrative Hierarchy Demarcation Criteria (UAHDC), Draft


2. MUDC, 2018. Existing Situation Analysis Report of Urban Administrative Hierarchy

Demarcation Criteria Project, Draft unpublished.

3. World Bank, 2015. Monitoring and Evaluation simplified template.

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