Maintenance Final

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Elements of maintenance


Chapter 5

Elements of maintenance technology

• Broadly speaking, the elements in a

maintenance technology can be classified as

attendance (operation)

servicing and

 repair.
attendance (operation)

• Attendance is the right way of avoiding

maloperating which influences the damages
and indirectly the maintenance.
• Fundamentals in the right use :
proper use of operating instructions
provided in operators manuals;
proper use of service instructions given
in service instructions; and

following proper maintenance procedures
and instructions as outlined in maintenance
• Knowledge of these instructions is essential in
attending the machine. In this respect
qualification of operators, maintenance
personnel and management is a requirement
• Operations /activities required periodically to keep an item in
proper operating condition, i.e., to clean (includes
decontaminate) to preserve, to drain, to paint, or to replenish
fuel, lubricants, chemical fluids, or gases.

• Lubrication is introduction of any of various substances

between sliding surfaces to reduce wear and friction;

• To determine the serviceability of an item by
comparing its physical, mechanical, or electrical
characteristics with established standards through
examinations using the methods:-

• It means continuously testing and checking to ascertain
serviceability, also to detect and component characteristics

• Generally means to manually test / break the application so as

to find flaws or defects in it.

• To verify serviceability by measuring the mechanical or
electrical characteristics of an item and compare those
characteristics with prescribed standards.

• So that when it is rolled out for production, our customer / any

users, will not have any issue with the product.

• To maintain, within prescribed limits, by bringing into proper
or exact position, or by setting the operating characteristics to
specified parameters.

• There could be periodical tweaking of specified variable

elements of an asset for the purpose of achieving the optimum
system performance

• Alignment means adjusting of center line of two components
parts to coincide.

• To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring

about optimum or desired performance.

• Sometimes, it will also include making some changes of an

asset’s specified variable elements for the purpose of
achieving optimum performance

• Cleaning is penetration of dust, dirt deposited and others
which accelerate the wear processes and corrosion of machine
components. hence cleaning makes the preliminary
maintenance element.

• Cleaning should be done in short time interval and the means

used for cleaning should not be corrosive and should not
damage paints, working surface and other things.

• Accessories that are used to assist cleaning of
machinery are:
water jet
Steam jet
Compressed air


• Lubricating means process putting lubricant on

some thing such as part machine to help them

move smoothly.

• The main purposes of lubricant in machinery


 Reducing friction between mating surface in

relative motion
 In applying lubricants, taking good care of filters is of great

importance. The task of filters is to separate wear products and

contaminants from the lubricant to reduce wear process.

 We can use Different types of filters like

 oil filters

 air filters etc

• Repair is the totality of measures of restoration with the aim of
determined final state, or quality, or condition of equipment.

• OR The application of maintenance actions including

 installation

 fault location/troubleshooting

 disassembly /assembly procedures,

 and maintenance actions


• During the process of maintenance, limited-

life components or assets experiencing time
cycle or wear degradation should be
immediately replaced prior to failure to avoid
breakdown and maintain the specified system

• It is a mechanism of allocating the position of failure or

damage in machine.

• It helps to identify the location of the problem

 Classification of repair activities is based on various

considerations. These considerations are:

 time related to breakdown

 number of elements involved in the repair task,

 nature of repair activity,

 territorial, or labor involved

• to identify troubles and restore serviceability to an item by correcting
specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, sub-assembly,
module (component or assembly), end item, or system.

• The main repair activities are:

 replace

 Overhaul

 Rebuild

• It is a process of changing defected part/ item from
• Or it is correcting maintenance by changing improper
performing item or system with the proper one in
order to increase the efficiency of the machine
• Or To remove an unserviceable item and install a
serviceable counterpart in its place.


• Maintenance effort /action prescribed to

restore an item to a completely
serviceable/operational condition as required
by maintenance standards in appropriate
technical publications.

• Overhaul is normally the highest degree of

maintenance performed by the industry.

• Overhaul does not normally return an item to

• Rebuild consists of those actions necessary for the restoration of
unserviceable equipment to a new-like condition in accordance
with original manufacturing standards.
• Rebuild is the highest degree of material maintenance applied to
any equipment.
• Rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age
measurements (hours/Km, etc.) considered in classifying
equipment/components. Reconditioning, renovation or other such
terms are also used for rebuild.

Question ???

Chapter 6

Decision Making
Decision Making
• Understand principles of decision making
• Steps in decision making process
• Types of decision
• Decision making Approaches
• Factors affecting decision making
• What is the most important decision you have
taken in your life?
• How did you take this decision?

• Decision : Is a solution chosen from among

Decision-making :
is a process of converting information into action.
The process of identifying and choosing alternative courses
of action to meet the demands of a situation.
 is the process of selecting an alternative course of action
that will solve a problem.
Problem solving:
 is the process of taking corrective action in order to meet
Decision making

• “It is the process of responding to a problem by

searching for and selecting a solution or course of action
that will create value for organisational stakeholders”.
 “Decision making is the study of determining and
choosing among options or alternatives based on the
preferences and values of the individual”.

 Decision making is a process of selecting one course of

action from alternatives, is a continuing responsibility of
a manager”.

 “Decision making is a judgment, it is a choice between

right and wrong. It is at best choice between ‘almost right’
and ‘probably wrong’.”
 The biggest problem solving mistake is dealing with
the symptoms of a problem rather than its root causes.
Principles of Decision making
Principle of important decision :
 Regard to important aspect of business & enterprise
related to production, finance, & marketing.

Principle of individual self interest:

 Person makes decision satisfy needs ,objects &
ambition has great importance to him .
i.e. If the employees are satisfied , the organization
achieve objectives easily & successfully.
Principle of reasonable behavior:
 Everybody behaves in reasonable manner. As
employees , is first a human being than a employee.

Principle of dynamism:
Management is a living science change according to
the circumstances, so objects, rules, policies,
procedures may change according to the feelings &
attitude of labor union may change.
Principle of proportion:
 Emphasis on maintaining balance between the
objectives of organization & availability of resources if
not under utilization.

Principle of alternative:
 Entire possible alternative for solution must be
Principle of turning :
decision must be taken at the right time, as late
decision do not serve any purpose.

Principle of maximum benefit:

 It must be beneficial to organization, increase
efficiency of worker and thus productivity &
increase profit.
Characteristics of Decision making:

1. Goal directed activity.

2. Integral part of management.

3. An intellectual activity.

4. Involves choices


Types of Decisions
– Programmed decisions: repetitive and routine
• Decision’s rule identifies the situation and specifies
how the decision will be made.
– Non programmed decisions
• Decisions made in complex and non routine
–Problem hasn’t arisen before.
–It is difficult to define problem’s nature and
–Problem is important and requires a unique
• Non programmed decisions—questions to ask:
– What decision needs to be made?
– When does it have to be made?
– Who will decide?
– Who needs to be consulted?
– Who will ratify or veto the decision?
– Who will need to be informed?
The Decision-Making Process
Six Steps in Decision Making

Figure 7.4
Step 1. Recognize Need for a Decision
–Sparked by an event such as environment changes.
• Managers must first realize that a decision must
be made.

Step 2. Generate Alternatives

–Managers must develop feasible alternative courses
of action.
• If good alternatives are missed, the resulting
decision is poor.
• It is hard to develop creative alternatives, so
managers need to look for new ideas.
Step 3. Evaluate Alternatives
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of each
– Managers should specify criteria, then evaluate
Step 3. Evaluate alternatives

Legality Is the alternative legal and will not violate any

domestic and international laws or
government regulations?

Ethicalness Is the alternative ethical and will not bring

harm stakeholders unnecessarily?

Economic Feasibility Can organization’s performance goals sustain

this alternative?
Practicality Does the management have the capabilities
and resources required to implement the
Step 4. Choose Among Alternatives
– Rank the various alternatives and make a decision
– Managers must be sure all the information available is
brought to bear on the problem or issue at hand
Step 5. Implement Chosen Alternative
– Managers must now carry out the alternative.
– Often a decision is made and not implemented!!
Step 6. Learn From Feedback
– Managers should consider what went right and wrong
with the decision and learn for the future.
– Without feedback, managers do not learn from
experience and will repeat the same mistake over.
A Individual
H Group

Based on personal values and preferences.

It is challenging & difficult as some people depend
on others for it.
A conflict of values also affect.

The decision relies on leader or head of the group.

Sufficient information should gather in order to take
decision to be beneficial for the group.
Decision must explain to gain acceptance.

Members brainstorm and share ideas, discuss the

considerations & implement the agreed decision.
More effective as every one takes accountability.
Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Group
Decision Making
• Potential Advantages • Potential Disadvantages
1. Better­quality decisions 1. Wasted time and slower
2. More information, 2. Satisficing
alternatives, creativity, and 3. Domination and goal
innovation displacement
3. Better understanding of the 4. Conformity and group
decision think
4. Greater commitment to the
5. Improved morale and
6. Good training

Exhibit 4–4
Maintainability, as a characteristic of design, can be
defined on the basis of a combination of the following
 Maintenance times
 Maintenance frequency
 Maintenance cost

 The above three factors are dependent on the

fact that the system is operated and maintained in
accordance with prescribed procedures and
Definition of maintainability
Maintainability refers to the measures taken during
the development, design, and installation of a
manufactured product that reduce required
maintenance, man hours, tools, logistic cost, skill levels,
and facilities, and ensure that the product meets the
requirements for its intended use.

Maintainability is a design parameter intended to

reduce repair time, as opposed to maintenance, which
is the act of repairing or servicing an item or
Maintainability: The probability that a failed
item/equipment will be restored to acceptable working
Maintainability Terms
Maintainability engineering: An application of scienti c
knowledge and skills to develop equipment/item that is
inherently able to be maintained as measured by
favourable maintenance characteristics as well as gures
Maintainability model: A quanti ed representation of a
test/process to perform an analysis of results that
determine useful relationships between a group of
maintainability parameters
 Downtime: The total time in which the
item/equipment is not in a satisfactory operable
 Serviceability: The degree of ease/dif culty with
which an item/equipment can be restored to its
satisfactory operable state.
Maintainability function: A plot of the probability of
repair within a time given on the y-axis, against
maintenance time on the x-axis and is useful to predict
the probability that repair will be completed in a
speci ed time.
 Availability.This is the probability that a product is
available for use when needed.
 Active repair time. This is that segment of downtime
during which repair staff work to effect a repair.
 Logistic time. This is that segment of downtime
occupied by the wait for a needed part or tool.
 Design adequacy This is the probability that the
product will complete its intended mission
successfully when it is used according to its design
Introduction to Maintainability

The concept of maintainability encompasses:

 An operational measure of effectiveness
 A characteristic of design
 An engineering specialty that supports design
 A cost driver
 A planned activity in each stage of product life­
Introduction (cont.)
• Maintainability ­ is the ability of an item to be maintained; this
ability stems from the aggregate of all design features which
promote serviceability.
• Maintenance ­ is a series of actions of appropriate character
(content, timing, quality) to restore or retain an item in an
operational state.
• Contrast:
– Reliability is time to failure, probability of no failure
– Maintainability is time to diagnose and repair a failure or time
to prevent future failure
Maintainability is Inherently a Probabilistic
• Detection, diagnosis, repair, check-out all involve
• Human skill and learning are involved
 Differences due to individuals
 Differences due to experience
• Consider other definitions of maintainability:
The probability that:
 Item will be restored to operational status in T hours
 Maintenance will not be required more than X times per
time period
 Maintenance cost will not exceed $Z per time period
Maintenance Elapsed-Time Measures
 Corrective and preventive active maintenance times

 Administrative and logistic delay times

 Total maintenance downtime Corrective and preventive active

maintenance times

 Administrative and logistic delay times

 Total maintenance downtime

Other Maintenance Elapsed-Time Measures
• Logistics delay time (LDT), waiting for
– facility, equipment
– Spare part
– Tool
– Transport
• Administrative delay time (ADT)
– Organizational (people, paper, priorities, etc)
– Non-physical
Maintainability in the System Life-Cycle
• The Maintainability Plan is developed during conceptual
design, reviewed internally and by customer, and includes:
– Functions to be performed
– Standards/ Procedures/ models to be used
– Schedule
– Documents/ Reports
– Organization, responsibilities, interfaces within your
company and with customer, supplier
The Systems Engineering Plan has a major section devoted
to integration of the engineering specialties into the design
process. The SE is responsible for assuring adequate
participation, influence, visibility, etc. is granted to
maintainability, and others.
Maintainability Measures and Functions
 maintenance measure
Various measures are used in maintainability analysis:

1. Mean time to repair (MTTR)

2. Mean preventive maintenance time
3. Mean maintenance downtime
In addition to these measures, maintainability
functions are used to predict the probability that a
repair, starting at time t =0, will be completed in a
time t.
There are two types of measure of
maintenance. These are
1.qualityative measures and
2. quantitative measures
1. Qualitative Maintainability Measures
• Especially important early in design when limited data
• Examples:
– Skill level reduction
– Ease of access
– Simplicity of task
– Identification, markings, coding
– Standardization
– Safety during maintenance
– Clearly written, easy to follow instructions
– Ease of fault isolation
Qualitative Maintainability Measures(cont)
• Some ways these get incorporated into design
– Management emphasis
– Experienced maintenance “chiefs” on each team
– Checklists (see handout)
– Degree to which quantitative measures/ models
are sensitive to these
2. Quantitative Measures of Maintainability

Maintenance Elapsed-Time Factors

 Mean Corrective Maintenance Time Mct (MTTR)
 Mean Preventative Maintenance Time Mpt
 Median Corrective Maintenance Time Mct
 Median Preventative Maintenance Time Mpt
 Mean Active Maintenance Time M
 Maintenance Labor­Hour Factors
Together with skill levels and their day rates, these factors
determine labor cost of maintenance and number in each
skill level per maintenance facility
– MLH/cycle
– MLH/month
• Any of above can be expressed as average over all
• Can apply to corrective, preventive, pr total active
• Can apply to total maintenance downtime
• Conceptually, want to select skill levels and
difficulty to minimize maintenance costs
 Maintenance Frequency Factors
• Meantime Between Replacement (MTBR)
– A part, component, or a subsystem must be replaced by
a spare part from inventory. Major link between
maintenance actions and logistics support system
• Meantime Between Maintenance (MTBM)
MTBM=1/(1/mtbmu) +(1/mtbms)
MTBMu is approximately MTBF, the reliability factor,
although in general MTBF ≤ MTBMu
– Meantime between maintenance = MTBM
• Unscheduled (corrective) and Scheduled (preventive)
– Meantime between replacement = MTBR
1.Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
It measures the elapsed time required to perform a
given maintenance activity.
MTTR is expressed by:
MTTR = ( ∑ λi CMTi ) / ∑ λi
k = number of units or parts
λi = failure rate of unit/part i , for i= 1, 2, 3, k,
CMTi=corrective maintenance or repair time
required to repair unit or part i, for i= 1, 2, 3,k,

 Usually, times to repair follow

exponential,lognormal, and normal probability
2.Mean Preventive Maintenance Time
The mean preventive maintenance time is defined by:
MPMT = (∑ FPMi x ETPMTi) / ∑ FPMi
MPMT = mean preventive maintenance time
M = total number of preventive maintenance
FPMi = frequency of preventive maintenance task
i, for I = 1, 2, 3, ....., m,
ETPMTi=elapsed time for preventive maintenance
task i, for i= 1, 2, 3, ....., m,
3.Mean Maintenance Downtime
Mean maintenance downtime (MMD) is
described as the total time required either to
restore system to a given performance level
or to keep it at that level of performance.
The total time in which the item/equipment is
not in a satisfactory
operable condition

It is composed of corrective maintenance,

preventive maintenance, administrative
delay, and logistic delay times.

ADT = administrative delay time
LDT = Logistic delay time
MAMT = mean active maintenance time
or mean time needed to
perform preventive and corrective
maintenance associated tasks.
 Maintainability Functions
1. Exponential p.d.f:
Exponential p.d.f is widely used in
maintainability work to represent repair
times. It is expressed by:

ƒr(t) = (1/MTTR) exp (­t/MTTR)

The maintainability function in this case is:

M(t) = ∫ (1/ MTTR) exp (­ t/ MTTR) dt
= 1­ exp (­ t/ MTTR)
2. Weibull p.d.f:

Weibull p.d.f can also be used to

represent times to repair. It is
defined by:
ƒr(t) = (β/θ) t exp (­ (t / θ))
β = shape parameter
θ = scale parameter
The maintainability function in this case
M(t) = ∫ (β/ θ ) t exp (­ (t / θ) ) d
= 1­ exp (­ (t / θ) )

When β= 1 and θ= MTTR , the M(t)

reduces to the M(t) in the case of
exponential distribution.
3. Normal p.d.f:
Normal p.d.f can also be used to represent
times to repair. It is defined by:
ƒr(t) = 1/σ √ 2 π exp (­ 1/2(t – θ/ σ)²)
σ = standard deviation of the variable
maintenance time t around the
mean value θ
θ = mean of maintenance times
The maintainability function in this case
M(t) = 1/σ √ 2 π ∫ exp (­ 1/2(t – θ/ σ)²) dt
The mean of the maintenance times is:
θ = ∑ ti / k
k = total number of maintenance
tasks performed
ti = ith maintenance time, for i= 1,
2, 3, ...... K

The standard deviation is :

σ = [ ∑ (ti – θ)²/ (k – 1)]½
A. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a
structured qualitative analysis of a system,
subsystem, component, or function that highlights
potential failure modes, their causes, and the
effects of a failure on system operation.
B. When FMEA also evaluates the criticality of the
failure, that is, the severity of the effect of the
failure and the probability of its occurrence
Planning and Organization of
maintenance planning
Maintenance planning

1. Introduction
Planning consists:-
• Anticipating the future work
• visualization of the nature and details of work
• Determination of the best method to perform
• Arranging for the required materials
• securing alternations in production program
• scheduling of the work materials
1.1 Definition of maintenance
• Planning (how to do the job) is the development
of a detailed program to achieve an end (i.e.
maintenance repair or rebuild).
• Planning decides what, how and time estimate
for a job. Scheduling decides when and who will
do the job. Planning of a job should be done
before Scheduling a job.
• A common implementation initiative after a
maintenance assessment is maintenance
planning and scheduling.
Planning is the process by which the elements
required to perform a task are determined in
advance of the job start.
• It comprises all the functions related to the preparation of:
1. The work order
2. Bill of material
3. Purchase requisition
4. Necessary drawings
5. Labor planning sheet including standard times
6. All data needed prior to scheduling and
releasing the work order. 85
2 Maintenance planning objective
• Minimizing the idle time of maintenance workers.
• Maintaining the operating equipment at a
responsive level to the need of production in
terms of delivery schedule and quality. Reduced
maintenance cost.
• Improved utilization of the maintenance
workforce by reducing delays and interruptions.
• Improved quality of maintenance work by
adopting the best methods and procedures and
assigning the most qualified workers for the job.
3. Classification of Maintenance Work
According to Planning and Scheduling
A. Routine maintenance: are maintenance
operations of a periodic nature. They are
planned and scheduled and in advance. They are
covered by blanket orders.

B. Emergency or breakdown maintenance:

interrupt maintenance schedules in order to be
performed. They are planned and scheduled as
they happened.
D. Scheduled overhaul and shutdowns of the plant:
planned and scheduled in advanced.
E. Overhaul, general repairs, and replacement:
planned and scheduled in advanced.
F. Preventive maintenance: planned and scheduled
in advanced.
• An essential part of planning and scheduling is
to forecast future work and to balance the
workload between these categories.

• The maintenance management system should

aim to have over 90% of the maintenance work
planned and scheduled.
4. Maintenance Planners
• Successful maintenance organizations are built
around effective communications between all
functions within the organization. Therefore,
maintenance planners must establish strong
relationships with key functions in the organization.
• Supervisors, Operators and Maintenance Technicians
all play key roles in the success of planning and
• Relationships between employees in these roles must
be nurtured in order to avoid departmental silos,
communication barriers and increased down time.
5. The planner’s role
• The basic goal of planning and scheduling is
avoiding delay.
• The role of the Maintenance Planner is to
improve work force productivity and work
quality by anticipating and eliminating potential
delays through planning and coordination of
labor, parts and material, and equipment access.
• Job plans created by the Maintenance Planner
are intended to ensure or extend the life
expectancy of equipment therefore aiding in the
total reduction of maintenance cost and
increased output of product.
• By definition of the role itself, Maintenance
Planners are required to interact and
communicate regularly with Operations and
6. Planning Procedures
 Determine the job content.
 Develop work plan. This entails the sequence
of the activities in the job and establishing
the best methods and procedures to
accomplish the job.
 Establish crew size for the job.
 Plan and order parts and material.
 Check if special tools and equipment are needed
and obtain them.
 Assign workers with appropriate skills. Review
safety procedures.
 Set priorities for all maintenance work.
 Assign cost accounts.
 Complete the work order.
 Review the backlog and develop plans for
controlling it.
 Predict the maintenance load using effective
forecasting technique.
7. Responsibilities and Duties
• The planning and scheduling function is the hub from
which all plannable maintenance activity is coordinated.
It is the process of describing a job in terms of how it is
to be performed and what resources will be required. It
involves a broad spectrum of activity.
• The Planner must know the job well enough to
describe what is to be accomplished and estimate how
many labor-hours will be required.
• If the Planner doesn’t know requirements, the assigned
crew will not know the expectation.
In performance of her/his duties, the Planner
1. Long­rang planning: it covers a period of 3
to 5 years and sets plans for future activities
and long­range improvement.
2. Medium­range planning: it covers a period of
1 month to 1 year.
3. Short­rang planning: it covers a period of 1
day to 1 week. It focuses on the
determination of all the elements required to
perform maintenance tasks in advance.
7.1 Long Range Planning
sets plans for future activities and long­range
 Needs to utilize the following:
1. Sound forecasting techniques to estimate the
maintenance load.
2. Reliable job standards times to estimate
staffing requirements.
3. Aggregate planning tools such as linear
programming to determine resource
7.2 Medium-Range Planning
• Specify how the maintenance workers will
• Provide details of major overhauls,
construction jobs, preventive maintenance
plans, and plant shutdowns.
• Balances the need for staffing over the period
• Estimates required spare parts and material
7.3 Short range planning
It focuses on the determination of all the
elements required to perform maintenance
tasks in advance

8. Scheduling
Is the process by which jobs are matched with
resources and sequenced to be executed at a
certain points in time.
• Scheduling deals with the specific time and
phasing of planned jobs together with the
orders to perform the work, monitoring the
work, controlling it, and reporting on job
 Relationship Expectations
• Every working relationship requires two-way
communication, shared responsibilities and
9. Benefits of the Relationship
• When relationships between Maintenance Planners,
Operations, the Maintenance department and
Management run smoothly, there are great benefits for
all involved operations:
• Reduce cost of maintenance while improving service
• Minimize downtime and interruptions to operations
• Render better service to operations by performing most
important jobs first (as determined by operations)
• Apply technical and maintenance experience to analysis
of each job.
• Provide orderly procedures for processing
work to prevent work orders from getting lost:
A. Maintains accurate backlog status
B. Reports completion promptly
• Provide expert maintenance advice to
operations through maintenance planner
• Provide a single contact for all in process,
scheduled, and emergency work (area
supervisor or functional supervisor)
• Require that operating personnel anticipate
repair work before jobs become emergencies
Why plan, coordinate and schedule maintenance
• Most maintenance departments do not plan to fail, they
simply fail to plan and therefore do indeed fail.
• The major reason behind failure to plan is that putting out
today’s fires is given priority over planning for tomorrow
there by insuring that future equipment failures will require
reactive response.
• Reactive maintenance is simply a vicious circle, a continuous
downward spiral.
• We plan because planned maintenance reduces waiting and delay
times that mechanics inevitably encounter when performing
work that has not been properly prepared for.
10. Principle of planning:
• Separate department
• Focus on future work
• component level file
• plans with estimates based on planner
• what, why before how
• measure planning performance
Why maintenance planning programs fail?
The four most common reasons planning
programs fail are:
1. Overlapping job responsibilities.
• In organizations where you have more than
one planner, the chance exists that the lines of
responsibility are not clearly defined.
2. Unqualified planners.
• Planners without the proper training are
certain to hinder any attempt to start a
planning program.
3. Careless planners.
• You must treat careless planners as you would
treat any other careless employee. Restraining and
encouragement can be the first step.
4. Overworked planners.
• a wide margin, the most common reason for
planning program failures is overworked
planners. Simply stated, this means too few
planners on
What are the qualifications for a good
maintenance planner?
 A good planner should have all of the following
(six) characteristics:
1. Good craft skills.
• It would be difficult to produce a job plan if you
had never performed the specific task or similar
• Job plans also must be accurate and realistic, or
craft workers will lose confidence in the system.
2. Good communications skills.
• These are nec­essary since the planner will be the
maintenance interface with various levels of the
corporate orga­nization.
3. Good aptitude for paper (or computer) work.
• These activities are important, since – according
to the job description – most of the planner’s
activities involve tracking.
4. Good sketching ability.
• This ability is important, since many times a simple
diagram is necessary to explain exactly what is
5. Good understanding of and the ability to
communicate instructions.
• Being able to commu­nicate instructions clearly is a
talent that must be developed.
6. Good understanding of and ability to work within
the maintenance organization structure.
Understanding and working within the maintenance
organization requires diplomatic skills. Building and
maintaining effective lines of communication are
Organization of Maintenance
 Maintenance is defined as the combination of activities by which
equipment or a system is kept or restored to a state in which it
can perform its designated function.
 It is an important factor in product quality control and can be
used as a strategy for successful competition
 Organizing is the process of arranging resources (people,
materials, technology etc.) together to achieve the organization’s
strategies and goals.
 The way in which the various parts of an organization are
formally arranged is referred to as the organization structure.
 It is a system involving the interaction of inputs and outputs.
 It is characterized by task assignments, workflow, reporting
relationships, and communication channels that link together
the work of diverse individuals and groups.
 The maintenance organizing function can be viewed as one of
the basic and integral parts of the maintenance management
function (MMF).
 The MMF consists of planning, organizing, implementing and
controlling maintenance activities.
 The management organizes, provides resources (personnel,
capital, assets, material and hardware, etc.) and leads to
performing tasks and accomplishing targets.
 In any organization Maintenance is the backbone of all
successful enterprises and contributes to:
 Costs
 Meet Set Targets
 Improve Utilization
 Improve Equipment Improve Product Quality
 Reduce Performance
 In designing the maintenance organization there
are important determinants that must be
 The determinants include the capacity of
maintenance, centralization vs decentralization
and in-house maintenance vs outsourcing.
 A number of criteria can be used to design the
maintenance organization.
 The criteria include clear roles and
responsibilities, effective span of control,
facilitation of good supervision and effective
reporting, and minimization of costs.

Maintenance Organization Objectives
and Responsibility
 A maintenance organization and its position in the
plant/whole organization is heavily impacted by the
following elements or factors:
 Type of business, e.g., whether it is high tech, labor
intensive, production or service;
 Objectives: may include profit maximization,
increasing market share and other social objectives;
 Size and structure of the organization;
 Culture of the organization; and
 Range of responsibility assigned to maintenance.

Determinants of a Maintenance Organization
 The maintenance organization’s structure is
determined after planning the maintenance
 The maintenance capacity is heavily influenced by
the level of centralization or decentralization
 In this section the main issues that must be
addressed when forming the maintenance
organization’s structure are presented.
 The issues are: capacity planning, centralization vs
decentralization and in-house vs outsourcing.
Maintenance Capacity Planning
 Maintenance capacity planning determines the required
resources for maintenance including the required crafts,
administration, equipment, tools and space to execute the
maintenance load efficiently and meet the objectives of the
maintenance department.
 Critical aspects of maintenance capacity are the numbers
and skills of craftsmen required to execute the maintenance
 It is difficult to determine the exact number of various
types of craftsmen, since the maintenance load is
 Therefore accurate forecasts for the future maintenance
work demand are essential for determining the
maintenance capacity

Centralization vs Decentralization
The decision to organize maintenance in a centralized,
decentralized or a hybrid form depends to a greater
extent on the organization is philosophy, maintenance
load, size of the plant and skills of craftsmen.
 The advantages of centralization are:
1. Provides more flexibility and improves utilization of
resources such highly skilled crafts and special
equipment and therefore results in more efficiency;
2. Allows more efficient line supervision;
3. Allows more effective on the job training; and
4. Permits the purchasing of modern equipment.
o However it has the following disadvantages:
1. Less utilization of crafts since more time is required
for getting to and from jobs;
2. Supervision of crafts becomes more difficult and as
such less maintenance control is achieved;
3. Less specialization on complex hardware is achieved
since different persons work on the same
hardware; and
4. More costs of transportation are incurred due to
remoteness of some of the maintenance work.

In a decentralized maintenance organization,
departments are assigned to specific areas or
This tends to reduce the flexibility of the
maintenance system as a whole.
The range of skills available becomes reduced
and manpower utilization is usually less
efficient than in a centralized maintenance

In-house vs Outsourcing
 At this level management considers the sources for
building the maintenance capacity.
 The main sources or options available are in-house
by direct hiring, outsourcing, or a combination of in-
house and outsourcing.
 The criteria for selecting sources for building and
maintaining maintenance capacity include strategic
considerations, technological and economic factors.

 The following are criteria that can be employed to
select among sources for maintenance capacity:
1. Availability and dependability of the source on a long
term basis;
2. Capability of the source to achieve the objectives set
for maintenance by the organization and its ability to
carry out the maintenance tasks;
3. Short term and long term costs;
4. Organizational secrecy in some cases may be subjected
to leakage;
5. Long term impact on maintenance personnel expertise;
6. Special agreement by manufacturer or regulatory bodies that set
certain specifications for maintenance and environmental
o Examples of maintenance tasks which could be outsourced are:
1. Work for which the skill of specialists is required on a routine
basis and which is readily available in the market on a
competitive basis, e.g.,:
• Installation and periodic inspection and repair of automatic fire
sprinkler systems;
• Inspection and repair of air conditioning systems;
• Inspection and repair of heating systems; and
• Inspection and repair of main frame computers etc.

Design of the Maintenance Organization
 A maintenance organization is subjected to frequent
changes due to uncertainty and desire for excellence in
 Maintenance and plant managers are always swinging
from supporters of centralized maintenance to
decentralized ones, and back again.
 The result of this frequent change is the creation of
responsibility channels and direction of the new
organization’s accomplishments vs the
accomplishments of the former structure.
 So, the craftsmen have to adjust to the new roles.
Current Criteria for Organizational Change
• Many organizations were re-designed to fix a
perceived problem.
• This approach in many cases may raise more issues
than solve the specific problem (Bradley, 2002).
• Among the reasons to change a specific
maintenance organization’s design are:
1. Dissatisfaction with maintenance performance by
the organization or plant management;
2. A desire for increased accountability;

3. A desire to minimize manufacturing costs, so
maintenance resources are moved to report to a
production supervisor, thereby eliminating the
(perceived) need for the maintenance supervisor;
4. Many plant managers are frustrated that maintenance
seems slow paced, that is, every job requires excessive
time to get done. Maintenance people fail to
understand the business of manufacturing, and don’t
seem to be part of the team. This failure results in
decentralization or distribution of maintenance
resources between production units; and

5. Maintenance costs seem to rise remarkably,
so more and more contractors are brought in
for larger jobs that used to get done in-

Criteria to Assess Organizational Effectiveness
 The following could be considered as the most important
criteria to identify an effective organization :
1. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and
2. The organization puts maintenance in the right place in
the organization;
3. Flow of information is both from top-down and bottom-
4. Span of control is effective and supported with well
trained personal;
5. Maintenance work is effectively controlled;
6. Continuous improvement is built in the structure;
7. Maintenance costs are minimized; and
8. Motivation and organization culture. 125
Basic Types of Organizational Models
 To provide consistently the capabilities listed above
we have to consider three types of organizational
 Centralized maintenance. All crafts and related
maintenance functions report to a central
maintenance manager. a maintenance department)
accomplish their functional goals (not the overall
organizational goals).

 Decentralized maintenance: All crafts and
maintenance craft support staff report to
operations or area maintenance.
 Matrix structure, a form of a hybrid structure:
Crafts are allocated in some proportion to
production units or area maintenance and to a
central maintenance function that supports the
whole plant or organization.

Maintenance System Output
A maintenance system can be viewed as
a simple input output model.
 The inputs to such a model are labor,
management, tools, spares, equipment,
etc. and
the output is equipment that is up,
reliable and well configured to achieve
the planned operation of the plant.
Spares Provisioning In Maintenance

 Spare provisioning is supplying spare part for place at where

maintenance is take place.
 Spares part provisioning is a highly complex problem
 The special attention has been paid for spares provisioning in
maintenance organization of many companies.
 Traditionally, inventory quantities are calculated separately for each
 Now a day considering technical, economical and strategically
information available is presented over a given planning horizon
 The expenses incurred for keeping spare parts until there are used and
increases significantly the cost of their final products.
 Organizing is the process of arranging resource together to achieve the
aspect goals.
 Organization structure is a system involving the interaction of
inputs and outputs.
 It is characterized by task assignments, workflow, reporting
link together the work of diverse individuals and groups.
 Any structure must allocate tasks through a division of labor
and facilitate the coordination of the performance results.
 Provisioning a spare parts for a maintenance organization is
the prerequisite matter.
 Maintenance delay occurs:
when no available repair resource is available and
supply delay occurs not immediately available.

 Therefore, to address the problem of spare parts identification

and provisioning for multi­component systems.
 An approach for the determination of component requiring
spares and their quantities have proposed. Eventually the
spares provisioning in maintenance should provide on time to
give continuity of work.

 Paying special attention for spares provisioning in
maintenance organization of many companies.
 To avoid repetitive occurrence of failure.
 To give service on time.
 To reduce the extravagance of cost and materials required for
 To make the company profitable at all.
 Spare provisioning in maintenance organization is supplying spare
part for place at where maintenance is take place.
Related Work :
 Simulation is a powerful tool for evaluating different operation
such as the provisioning of inventory for a company.
 where a simulation model for inventory planning, a production
optimization tool and a knowledge base integrated into a decision
support tool.

The Identification of spare parts.

o However, the costs incurred by the stocks, don’t allow to keep
spare parts for all components.
o A procedure is needed to decide which component should get a
spare part in stock.
o The aim of spare parts stock is to protect from long
maintenance downtime due to supply downtime.
o Spare parts identification process is usually initiated from
technical considerations.
o However, the efficiency of this process is affected by the
quantity and the quality of the available information.

o The process of giving code to each spare part is called codification

which used for identification of spare parts easily.
o It is always preferred to use codes which are significant
o From the code number one will be able to find out:
Equipment type, make & mode
Type/class of the spare­part
Size (in some cases)

What is maintenance organization

 The maintenance organization can be viewed as one of the
basic and integral parts of the maintenance management sector.
 It consists of planning, organizing, implementing and
controlling maintenance activities.
 In designing the maintenance organization there are important
determinants that must be considered.

 The determinants include the capacity of maintenance,

centralization vs decentralization and in­house maintenance vs
 A number of criteria can be used to design the maintenance
 The criteria include clear roles and responsibilities, effective
span of control and effective reporting and minimization of

Decisions criteria
 The criticality, reliability, availability, failure impact, failure
occurrence, maintenance costs are among the most commonly
used decision criteria.
 Once a decision criterion is chosen, all components are
evaluated according to that criterion.
 Two evaluations factors are there :
 marginal importance factor
 criticality factor

 If two or more decisions criteria are taken, such as:

• Failures occurrence and repair cost
• Repair time and impact of failure on production
• shortage cost and inventory holding cost
• Inventory cost and criticality
 Then decisions tools should be used to select the spare parts.
 The analytic Hierarchy, multi­dimensional classifications are
among the commonly used approaches.
The decisions criteria are based on the acquisition or production costs
and delays.
 Instead the decision tree used to decide if the component should be
repaired and re­used, produced or bought.
 The factors affecting the system performance, such as:
provisioning lead­time
random demand
suppliers location
reliability and selection
the information system effectiveness
Inventory analysis and SELECTIVE control

 For the successful spare parts management, it is essential to

analyze the spare parts inventory
 based on :Frequency of issues
:The annual consumption value
:The criticality
:The lead­time and the unit price.
 This is essential as it would not be possible to exercise the
same type of control for all items.
 Inventory analysis aids selection of policies for selective
o Commonly used inventory analyses are:
1. FSN analysis
2. VED analysis
3. ABC analysis
4. HML analysis
1.FSN analysis
F, S & N stand for fast moving, slow moving and non­moving items.
This form of classification identifies the items frequently issued.
 Fast Moving (F) = Items that are frequently issued say more than once
a month.
 Slow Moving (S) = Items that are issued less than once a month.
 Non-Moving (N) = Items that are not issued /used/ for more than 2
 This classification helps spare parts management in establishing most
suitable stores layout.
 Experience shows that many industries, which are more than 15 years
old, have more than 50% of the stock as nonmoving spares
2.VED Analysis:-
o Several factors contribute to the criticality of a spare part.
o If a spare is for a machine on which many other processes depend, it
could be of very vital importance.
o Also if a spare is, say, an imported component for which procurement
lead time could be very high its non­ availability may mean a heavy
 VITAL (V):-A spare part will be termed vital, if because of its non­
availability is very high.
• It loss due to production downtime and a high cost will be involved if
the part is procured on emergency basis.
• For example, bearings for a kiln in a cement plant will be
considered as vital
 ESSENTIAL (E):- A spare part will be considered essential if,
due to its non­availability, moderate loss is incurred.
• For example, bearings for motors of auxiliary pumps will be
classified as essential.
 DESIRABLE (D):- A spare part will be desirable if the
production loss is not very significant due to its non­availability.
• Most of the parts will fall under this category.
3.ABC Analysis
 Another method of classifying spares is based on annual
consumption value.
 As it is true for any inventory situation.
This way of classification is known as ABC classification:
 CLASS A: 10% of total spares contributing towards 70% of total
consumption value.
 CLASS B: 20% of total spares which account for about 20% of total
consumption value.
 CLASS C: 70% of total spares which account for only 10% of total
consumption value.
4.HML Analysis:-
 Classification based on unit price:
This classification is as follows:
 High Cost (H): Item whose unit value is very high
 Medium Cost (M): Item whose unit value is of medium value
 Low Cost (L): Item whose unit value is low
 This type of analysis helps in exercising control at the shop floor level
i.e. at the use point.
 Proper authorization should be there for replacing a high value spare.
Economic Ordering Quantity (E.O.Q)
The determination of economic ordering quantity is as follows:
EOQ = {(2DO) /(Hp)}
Where D = Annual consumption
O = Cost per order
H = Carrying charges per year
p = Unit price
E.O.Q = Economic Order Quantity in Units.
A company uses about 200 bearings per month. It pays a broker N 80 per
order to locate a supplier and handle the ordering and delivery
arrangements. Its own storage and handling costs are estimated at 30%
per year. Each bearing is estimated to cost N 2000. What is the most
Economical Order Quantity?

 Economic Order Quantity = EOQ = {(2DO) /(Hp)}
 The purchase price is relevant for computing carrying charges
(only) and they must be in the same units as demand.
 We will (arbitrarily) use months.
EOQ = {(2(200)(80)}/{(0.30)(2000)/12} = 25.4 bearings ≈ 25

 Simple and efficient procedures have been proposed to

identify and to determine the required package of spare parts
of an equipment subjected to random failure.
 Many comments regarding the implementation of spare parts
management system was provided.
 The factors affecting the system performance, such as:
provisioning lead­time; random demand; suppliers location,
reliability and selection are considered in the selected
 All management parameters and decision variables must be
frequently updated to take into account the technical,
economical and strategically changes.
 Many powerful computer software packages available on the
market may be helpful for an efficient inventory management
 The authors have completed a selection procedure for such

Reconditioning processes are the process of

servicing, re-adjusting, and recalibrating
machines, equipment or instruments to bring
them to near-new or original operational
Reconditioning also refers to the cleaning,
restoring, testing, and certifying of industrial
machines, containers and industrial services
for better operational status.

Power rod
With firm commitment towards quality, it is
needed to offer machine reconditioning services
as per specific requirements of the machines.
These services are rendered in compliance with
the set international standards and norms.
We can render these services using latest
controllers and upgrades technology, which help
in improving the productivity and accuracy of the

The specific failure of the machine is

Failed parts are sent to the CAD or other
department for production drawing.
All parts are cleaned.

Any lapped surface is checked for flatness and

a parallel finish is ensured through the
grinding process.
All lapped surfaces are lapped to two helium
light bands.
If required, machine work and parts
production can be done for good facility.
Next, Seal Technician will re-assemble the
machine in Clean Room.

All assembled cartridge seals are static

pressure tested and certified before being
packaged for shipment.
Last, the machine is carefully packaged for
safe shipping and quickly sent to the
required facility.

I. Reconditioning Process without identity loss

II. Reconditioning Process by recoating of worn
machine parts
III. Repetitive Reconditioning Process without
identity loss

When conducting a Reconditioning Process

assessment, the manager or the Engineer is tasked
with the following:
Advice the types of tooling or machine
reconditioning program is designed to handle.
Calculate the economical lot sizes that will save
the customer money.
Describe when to pull used tools from operation
before they are excessively damaged.

Review minimum flute and diameter specifications that the

customer requires.
Review acceptable margin wear or damage with the
Suggest alternate point grinds to help save money.
Review corner radius blend requirements to reduce cost.
Provide information about our scrap carbide program.
Explain how best to properly package worn tools.
Review shipping options such as totes, van pick-up, and
priority mailing.

 CNC Machines
 Car battery
 Transformers
 Steel Drums
 Machine tool spindle
 Conventional lathes
 Milling machines
 Vertical and horizontal boring machines
 Radial, pillar and multi spindle drilling machines
 Surface and cylindrical grinding machines
 Hydraulic and mechanical press
 Plate rolling machines
 For hydraulic:

energy savings
creates more jobs (e.g. in Garage)
challenges the questions of liability, risk and
quality for manufacturers
experiences the Quality and Reliability
increases inventory
maximize sustainability and re-using of

Converts old products into raw materials, and

then manufactures into finished new products
reduces the amount of energy and pollution
from manufacturing
has positive consequences for manufacturers,
the labour force and the environment.
The need to cut costs and reduce waste has
led many operators to consider reconditioning
process, and calculating the potential savings
in both cash and emissions that can be made
results in some attractive figures and
The opportunity to increase efficiency and
sustainability through reconditioning process
now sits alongside the provision of good
lubrication and the establishment of
preventative maintenance programmes as a
powerful tool with which to protect

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