Day 6 OEC

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Day 6
Understanding Speech.

- Nama
- Asal
- Suku
- Arah
- Tawaran bantuan
- Kenapa datang kesini?
- Saudara
- Pasangan hidup

Nama :

What is your name? (Siapa namamu?)

Who are you? (Siapa kau? Siapa engkau?)

My name is Robert. (Nama saya Robert)

I’m Robert. (Saya Robert.)
You can call me Bob. (Kau bisa memanggilku Bob.)

Nama :

Where are you from? (Kamu darimana?)

Where do you come from? (Kamu datang darimana?)

I came from Netherlands. (Saya datang dari Belanda.)

I am from Netherlands. (Saya dari Belanda.)

Arah :

“Where is the local library?”

(Dimana perpustakaan lokal?)

- Nama jalan
It’s in Teratai Street.
“Where is Teratai Street?”

- Arah
To the left (ke kiri), to the right (ke kanan).
Behind (dibelakang), in front of (didepan).
On the side of (disamping)
Near (didekat)

It’s in the first alley (lorong) to the right after (setelah) two houses.
Bantuan :

Bisa minta tolong? (Can I get some help? “Bisakah saya minta tolong?”)
Can you help me? (Bisakah kau menolong saya?)

Yes. Of course (Tentu saja). Sure (Tentu). No problem (Ndak masalah).

What is it? (Ada apa?)

Ada yang bisa saya bantu? (How can I help you?)

I was wondering if you can help me find my purse. I lost it somewhere in this
airport. It has a red color. Would you mind? (apakah kau keberatan?)

(No, I wouldn’t mind. I can help you. Let me find it for you.)

Kenapa datang kesini :

Why did you come here?

I want to feel what does it feel like in Indonesia.


- Apa
- Berapa
- Siapa nama

Do you have siblings? Ko punya saudara?

How many siblings do you have? Berapa banyak saudaramu?

What is their names?

Pasangan hidup :

Husband (suami)
Wife (istri)

Janda (widow)
Duda (widower)

Jomblo (single)

Tunangan (fiancé)

Saya adalah turis bernama Robert.

Saya baru saja turun dari kapal laut di pelabuhan Torobulu. Saya
membawa dua koper besar yang kayak kesulitan saya bawa. Saya
menunggu orang.
Silahkan tanya saya.

What are you bringing with you?

(Apa yang kamu bawa denganmu?)
Suitcases. (Koper).
I have 3 siblings.
Anything else? (Ada lagi?)
Yes? Ya?


What is the name of this city?

City (Kota).
This city’s name is Kendari.


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