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Jasmine Nicole M.

11- Mendeleev
LM 03 LESSON 1: METAPHYSICAL existence is dependent on the soul while the
DICHOTOMY OF THE HUMAN PERSON soul’s existence is dependent on the body.

Objectives: - In fact, in the time use, Plato argues that

the soul existed prior to the body.
- Illustrate the nature of the human
person as described by Plato using - Plato writes the Gods made the soul prior
a graphic organizer. to the body and more venerable in birth and
- Elaborate the concepts of Plato’s excellence to the body’s mistress and
metaphysical dichotomy of the governor.
human person.
- Analyse the concepts of human - Eddie Babor claims that the contention
nature based on Plato’s above made Plato conclude that the human
metaphysical dichotomy of the person is just a soul using a body.
human nature.


- Who is the human person according
- For Plato:
to Plato? a. Rational soul is located on the
HUMAN NATURE b. Spiritual is on the chest
c. Appetitive is on the abdomen.
- For Plato, the nature of the human
person is seen in the metaphysical - According to him, these spiritual and
dichotomy between body and soul. appetitive souls contribute to the
motion and activities of the whole
- This dichotomy implies that there is person.
an inherent contradiction between
the body and the soul. - On the flip side, the rational soul’s
function is to guide the spiritual and
appetitive soul.
Body: The body of the human person
according to Plato is material, mutable and - The appetitive soul according to
destructible. Plato, drives the human person to
Soul: The soul for him, is immaterial, experience thirst, hunger and other
immutable and indestructible physical wants.

- While the spiritual soul, drives the

human person to experience
*Note: In as much as the body is material, abomination, anger and other
mutable and destructible while the soul is emotional feelings.
immaterial, immutable and indestructible –
Plato contends that in the context of the
nature of the human person, the body’s
Jasmine Nicole M. Capus
11- Mendeleev
- Lastly, the rational part of the soul Another example: a girl named Chloe is
enables the human person to think, very hungry and so wants to consume
reflect, analyse, comprehend, draw the only food that is accessible, which is
conclusions, and the like. a tuyo; however, she hates tuyo.

- As you can see, the rational soul Spiritual conflict: she then experiences
which is the highest of all parts of conflict within.
the soul, guides the other two parts Appetitive soul: Chloe doesn’t really like
namely: appetitive and spiritual. to eat the tuyo but the reason tells him
that she needs to eat it because she
- What else could perform this guiding doesn’t have any other choice. It’s the
function from Plato’s point of view only accessible food and she would die
than the rational part of the soul of hunger if she would keep being picky.

Rational soul: She decides then to eat

Example: Danger! Do not drink. It’s the tuyo. In this case, it is the rational
polluted. part of the soul that opposes her to
- Think of a desperately thirsty man in being picky.
the desert. He sees a pool of water
and approaches it with all the
eagerness that deprivation is able to - The principle then that drives the
create. person to drink is called an appetite.
While the principle that forbids the
- But when he reaches to the pool, he person to drink the water because it
sees a sign “danger”, “do not drink” is polluted is called reason.
and “It’s polluted.”


Spiritual conflict: He then experiences
- On the metaphysical dichotomy,
conflict within. Plato illustrates the limitations and
Appetitive soul: His desire urges him to possibilities of the human person on
drink but the reason tells him that such the following context: the human and
signs usually indicate the truth. That soul and the tripartite soul.
polluted water will make him very ill or it will
be the cause of his death. And that if he The human person as body and soul:
drinks, he will probably be worse off than he
doesn’t. - For Plato, the soul exist prior to the
body. We can therefore conclude
Rational soul: He decides then to not drink
it. In this case, it is the rational part of the 1. The soul is an entity distinct with
soul that opposes his desires. His reason the body.
guides him away from the water. 2. The body and soul are
Jasmine Nicole M. Capus
11- Mendeleev
3. The human person is just a soul
using a body. - We can therefore conclude, that the
body in the world of matter sets
- Plato believes that the soul is limits to the human person as it is
imprisoned in the body, and the soul material, mutable, destructible and
survives the death of the body as it temporal.
is immaterial, immutable and
indestructible. (ETERNAL) - While the soul from the world of
forms is the possibility of the person
- On the flip side, the body as it is immaterial, immutable,
decomposes as it is material, indestructible and eternal.
mutable and destructible.
The components of the human soul:
- Furthermore, when a person dies,
- Another way to look on the concept
the soul leaves the body and goes of limitations and possibilities of the
back to the world of forms. human person is to analyse Plato’s
description of the components of the
human soul.
*Note: Plato’s doctrine of form states that - For him ---- desire, spirit and reason
there are two kinds of worlds: make up the soul.

1. The world of forms - Desire motivates, spirit animates

2. The world of matter and reason guides. These suggests
that the appetitive soul and the
- For Plato, everything comes from spiritual soul can set limits to the
the World of forms. And everything human person because the two
that exist which describes the world possess a positive and negative
of matter will go back to the world of nature.
forms after it perishes.
- On the flip side, the rational soul is
Body: limitations, decomposes World there for the possibilities of the
of human person that is why it is
Matter positioned in the highest level.
Soul: Possibilities Eternal World
Reason guides Possibilities
(highest level)
Spirit animates Limitations
Desire positive and
- Remember that when a person dies, motivates negative
the body decomposes and the soul
will go back to the world of forms
and lives there eternally.
Jasmine Nicole M. Capus
11- Mendeleev
- Consider this situation: A man is - The human person according to
angry with another person who Plato is that a man is a body with a
insulted him out of anger, he made soul where in the body’s existence is
desire to kill his smoker but does not dependent on the soul while the
actually kill the culprit because he soul’s existence is dependent on the
knows that if he does it, he will be body. They are tied between desires
imprisoned. that are implanted in this world, and
yearning for the struggle that will
- With the same thread of reasoning, lead him to truth in another,
the desire of man limits transcendent world.
himself/herself but the reasoning of
man serves the possibility to redirect

- Plato argues that it is the spirit in

man that makes the person angry
with his derider yet his anger is
curved by reason as it is caused by
the rational soul.


- In its simplest sense, transcendence

is the capacity of the individual to
overcome his limitations.

- The human person is endowed with

possibilities that he/she can be
utilized to transcend.

- Considering Plato’s metaphysical

dichotomy of the human person,
transcendental can be achieved
through a well-balanced personality
by allowing reasons to successfully
guide desires and spirit.


Who is the human person according to


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