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PB-1077-V 2

Roll No. ........................ C

(Objective Type Questions) 7×1=7

1. Choose the correct option :

(a) Co-finite topological space is :

(i) T1 - space but not T0 - space

(ii) T0 - space but not T1 - space
M. Sc. Second Semester
(iii) Neither T1 nor T0 space
Regular / ATKT / Ex. Blended
(iv) Both T1 & T0 - space
Mode (Online + Offline)
Examination, 2021 (b) An infinite discrete topological space is :

(i) Compact
(ii) Countably compact
Paper - III
(iii) Never compact
(Topology - II)
(iv) None of these
Time : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 42
(c) Product of two first countable topological
Note:– Attempt questions of all three sections as per spaces is :
direction. Distribution of marks is given within (i) 2nd countable
the sections. All symbols have their usual
meaning. (ii) 1st countable

[ P. T. O.
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(iii) 1st countable but not 2nd countable (ii) Covering map

(iv) Not 1st countable (iii) Surflexive

(iv) Not a covering map

(d) A regular T1 space is :

(i) T2 (g) Let X be a topological space such that

every closed set in X is a Gg set in X then X is
(ii) T3
called :
(iii) T4
(i) Normal
(iv) None of these
(ii) Regular
(e) If a filter 1 is not properly contained in any (iii) Perfectly normal
filter on X then 1 on a set X is said to be :
(iv) None of these
(i) Sub filter

(ii) Ultra filter SECTION-B

(Short Answer Type Questions) 5×2=10
(iii) Net

(iv) Cofinite filter Note :– Attempt all questions.

(f) Let Y be a discrete topological space and if X 2. Prove that every T1-space has discrete topology.
be an topological space and p : xx y  X is
projection map on first coordinate then :

(i) Local homeomorphism Show that (R, u) is a T3-space.

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3. Prove that every sequentially compact topological SECTION-C

space is countably compact. (Long Answer Type Questions) 5×5=25

Note :– Attempt all questions.
Prove that every parts connected space is
connected. 7. State and prove Teitze extension theorem.

4. Define net and filters with examples.
Prove that every regular space with a countable
basis is normal.
Explain metrization and embedding.
8. Let A and B are disjoint compact subsets of a
5. Show that product of two Hausdorff spaces is a Hausdorff space X. Then prove that there exist
Hausdorff space. disjoint open sets G and H such that A  G and
B  H.
Show that the product of two separable spaces is a
Prove that every sequentially compact topological
separable space.
space is countably compact.
6. What is meant by covering space? Explain by
9. Prove that every separable metric space is second
Let X is path connected space and x0, x1 are two Let (X, J) and (Y, V) be two topological spaces then
points of x, then show that the fundamental group prove that the product space (X × Y, J ) is compact
(x, x0) is isomorphic to  (x, x1). if and only if (X, J) and (Y, V) are compact.

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10. Prove that every filter on a nonempty set X is

contained in an ultrafilter on X.


Prove that a topological space (X, J) is Hausdorff if

and only if every net in X can converge to atmost
one point.

11. Prove that in a simply connected space X any two

paths having the same initial and final points are
path homotopic.


Prove that the fundamental group of the circle is

infinite circle.

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