Module 10 Evolution

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Module 10:

This is a series of skulls and front leg fossils of organisms believed to be ancestors of the modern day horse

Give two similarities between each of the skulls that might lead to
1 the conclusion that these are all related species.
- Each skull has a broad bone deformity, or space between the front and back teeth. Even the
horse's pointed bone on top of the muzzle, the triangular shape of the skull, and the gap
between the front and back teeth. The skulls all have a ridge extending from the top. The
overall form is similar.

What is the biggest change in skull anatomy that occurred from

2 the dawn horse to the modern horse?
- The main difference in skull anatomy between the dawn horse and the present horse is the difference in
skull sizes; the dawn horse had a smaller skull than the modern horse. The presence of a deep lower jaw,
frontal change of cheek teeth, and facial stretching of the modern horse all contributed to the change in
skull size. As a result, the modern horse's changes had a defining effect on the changes in skull anatomy
that occurred from the dawn horse to the modern horse.

What is the biggest change in leg anatomy that occurred from the
3 dawn horse to the modern horse?
- In addition to having substantially longer legs, the modern horse has grown hooves in place of hand and
foot bones. It depicts the rise in size and decrease in the number of toes. It had four toes on its front foot
and three on its back feet. A single hoof is found on modern horse feet. The side toes are reduced and lost,
as well as the terminal phalanx elongation and enlargement of the central metapodial.

Benjito Dominico M. Sutingco Earth and Life Science December 3, 2021

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