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( | ( D0 NOT OPEN quis THST BOOKLET Urn You ARE TOLD TO DO SO ! _/T.B.C.: FGT-G-KBxX Test Booklet Series Serial No, TEST BOOKLET 7) 0127925 GENERAL STUDIES AND =~ zi | ENGINEERING APTITUDE Time Aliowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 g INSTRUCTIONS E 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD. CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST | : BOOKLET. 2. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS THE CANDIDATE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENCODE AND FILL IN THE ROLL NUMBER AND TEST BOOKLET SERIES CODE A, B, C ORD (CAREFULLY AND WITHOUT ANY OMISSION OR DISCREPANCY AT THE APPROPRIATE, PLACES IN THE OMR ANSWER SHEET. ANY OMISSION/DISCREPANCY WILL RENDER THE ANSWER SHEET LIABLE FOR REJECTION. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4, This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item comprises four responses (answers), You i will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there is more’than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In, [ choose ONLY ONE response for each item, t 5. You have to mark your responses ONLY on the ‘separate Answer Sheet provided. Sce directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. All items carry equal marks, 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the Tesponse to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. 8 After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10, Penalty for wrong Answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY. A CANDIDATE, (There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a Tong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0:33) ofthe marks assigued to that question will be deducted as penalty. Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong ans if of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same Paty, he a that question. Gil) Ifa question is If blank. no answer is given by the candidat, there will be no penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So on Scanned with CamScanner 1. Match the following : | Select the comect answer using the Code given below : ar u , 4 43 { A. Thompson 1.Theconceptof == (a) 2and 3 only converting : : a a 52 ‘mechanical work (b) only . ay PY into heat © 2,3and4 only 2-The they of @yursadl - Max Planck *elativity y ; E le ee 7)| a a Which one of the-following is a ‘soft . Albert pe of light coal’ ? Einstein 4, The energy ‘equi- 2 valence between (), anthracite heat, work and aid electric power ©) bituminous /’ Select the correct matching using the (©) Vignite code’ given below : @ oimebie c D 4. Which one of the following is NOT 12 correcify: matched pair regarding the regional biodiversity? 3 2 (@) Point’: ‘The number of species ie 4 richness that can be found at a 4 ' single point in a given ‘ aa space . f Kipha : The number of species 2. According to UNEP, which of the BY Acta faidlogemail following is/are the major compofentis heterogeneous air pollution ? fe (©) Beta + The rate of change in richness. species composition across different habitats, al @ Gamma : The rate of change richness . across large landscape ‘gradients i Scanned with CamScanner ment are diceell iH construction of dams \ , b> 2. low pH and high humic acid content 3. low nutrient concentration 4. rich in salts and ~~ permanently stratified Select the correct matching using the code given below : Aor Co RD eal ae ge) Fe figs) 2\ 28 @ | 2| 4g Which one of the following is Nor included in the 27 principles issued at the Rio-92 UN-Conference on the Environment and Development ? (@) ‘The right to development that meets the needs of present and future generations © 7" (b) Right to’ safety from natural disasters iy (©) Protection to_the environment in timies of armed conflict: (@ Youth mobilization for a global partnership : ft are the objectives and functions of state financi ions ? tate fin 1. The main function is to provide non-term loans for thé acquisition of land, building, plant, machinery and other movable assets. y . To finance expansion, mioderniza- tion and upgradation of technology in the existing units. y To assist for the promotion of industry by the rural and urban artisans. = Providing seed capital, assistance under the ‘scheme of Industri Development Bank of India. Select the correct “answer using the code given below : ‘ (a) 1,2and3 only (b) 2,3 and 4 only (©) 1,2and4 only t @ 1,3and4 only A ~ FGE-G-KBX Scanned with CamScanner 9. From the following, which facilities . 8fe provided for units in the export Processing zone? 1. Developed _plots/ready-buildings to suit project requirements. . 42, Second hand capital goods allowed to be exported. + ..3. Foreign equity participation up to 100% permissible. 4. Assured power supply, preferential ‘Power connection. “Select the correct answer using the code given below : “(@) 1,2and4 only ©) 1,2 and3 only (c)..1,3 and4 only (@) 2,3and4only ‘Which one ofthe following is NOT the Purpose of the organization breakdown _ structure ? (@) To provide a framework to sum- marize organization unit work ~-performance Do not tie the organization unit to Cost control accounts (©) Identify organization units respon- sible for work packages -°""(@) How. the firm has organized to discharge work responsibility FGT-G-KBX - A it. * C, Place 12. Phillip Kotler’ argues ‘that 1 ] which Tepresent, the séller’s thinking more than buyer’s thinking can anslated “into the 4C%. Match the tran following: 4Psof "YC of Marketing, Marketing Planning: ‘Planning ‘A. Product,» 1, Customer communication B. Price “2, Customer value 3. Customer costs D. Promotion —-4, Customer convenience Select the correct matching using the code given below : A BCD Maal @ 2'3\ 1 4! © 1 4°3 2 @ 1 4 253 The Boston Consulting Group_matrix classifies business in four categories as “STAR”, “QUESTION MARK”, “CASH COWS”. Which one-of the following is the fourth one ? (@ CATS (&) HORSES © Dogs (@ HENS Scanned with CamScanner ey as worthy (a) The Meta! (BP) > target (©) The oe (PBP) = target ee (a) protect. the transformer from rusting GY avoid wear and tear of the trans- formes— hheat from winding, and (©) transfe core to the cooling surfaces of the transformer ~ (@ avoid noise in a transformer 15, For a semiconductor to. be called as ‘emiconductor, which one of the pttype s following element “Jement impurities are added to a pure semiconductor (@) Phosphorus & # Arsenic . © H ®) a (©) Antimony In Fe Te we Boron w 16, Impure semiconductor we has more conductivity. to pure semiconductor (&) has less conductivity in contrast to pure semiconductor _ (©) has electrons and wd oles ‘in equal number (@ bas a fermi level which is in the centre of conduction and valence bands (i disadvantage of ign-implantation. over diffusion doping ? (a) Itis a low temperature process fo) Point imperfections are not pro- i doping is pawibies ~ @ Gettering is possible * Oia one of the following is correct ‘iggfjp-n transistor ? (@ Collector and emitter terminals can be exchanged (b) Collector is heavily doped, base width is small and enfiter afea is large (©) Emitter, base and coll jions sre equally doped Ree imitter_is heavily doped, base Onan is small and colletor eas large A— FGT-G-KBX Scanned with CamScanner 19, Which one of the following factors does NOT characterize the formation of non-crystalline structure 2 . (a) Presence of primary bonds in the (c) Topology and Type of connection @) Portability and Security h of the following things are Orr es resource Jocato locator directions (b) Non-formation of three-dimen- for specifying the information on the sional primary bond ®@ internet ? ; ‘ (©) Weak secondary bond @ (a) protocol, host ‘computer, through- ut anddelay (@ Open network of the atomic 8 packing (b) host computer, destination com- puter and delay_; 20. Which one of the following protocols : is used to address the true_routi decisions problems ? isions problem (©) throughput, delay, port and path >) (@gptetocol, host computer, port and (@) Exterior Gateway Protocol path 7 (®) Border Gateway Protocol - 24, Which one of the following documents are created and handled by the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) technology ? (©) Open Shortest Path First Protocol (@) Interior Gateway Routing Protocol ‘ (a) Dynamic documents 21. Which one of the following standards is used in vehicular_gcommunication system ? (@) BEE 802.11a (6) IBEE 802.11p (©) IEEE 802.11g @ IEEE 802.11h (b) Static documents (©) Tampered documents @) Linked documents 25. Which one of the following learnings uses web technology to-conduct con- ventional classes with distant learners ? 22, Which of the following network metrics are used to evaluate the performance of a network ? (a) Learer-led ¢-leaming © Instructor-ted e-learning, (@)_ Throughput and Delay (c) Telementoring and e-coaching () Reliability and Security @ Facilitated e-learning FGT-G-KBX - 4 : Scanned with CamScanner following services ” under category of” st ee data as a Service) 28. What is the key size of Data Encryption Standard algorithm in cryptography ? (a) 56 bit (b) 62 bit (©) 168 bit a 128 bit 29,) Which one of the following statements Zig NOT cortgct, about the codes of ) Their_purpose-is to fepblte the conduct of members on ‘various transactions za a I > ee By ‘These arethe broader sets of princi tare designed to inform specific laws. or government actions | “ae. (@ These translatethevalues into specific behavioral Standards, Keeping in mind the possible reflection on the. stakeholders’ interest Sg 430, The famous statement “The weak ‘can never forgive. Forgiveness is the Sttribute of the strong” is given by (@ Swami Vivekananda () Mahatma Gandhi © (© Martin Luther @. SriAurobindo ‘A’ Act Utilitarian 1. John Locke Theory e . Rule Utilitarian | Theory A Select the correct matching using the code given below : A B C D @ 301 2 ‘ 43 2% 1 @ 182 3 O12 4 Be Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner za 6 4lem Coe a 24 be 4) ‘6, Four petsons are chosen at random from a group of 3 men, 2 women and 4 children, The chance that exactly 2 of them are children, is (ath) oy 2 @5 ol A man walks 1 tums to South . C Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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