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1.1 Purpose: This document specifies the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for E-
Healthcare. The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the
functionality of E- Healthcare Website. It will explain the purpose and features of the system,
the interfaces of the system and what the system will do.

1.2 Scope: The scope of this document includes an overview of the E-Healthcare Website,
detailed information about the requirements, including functional requirements, interface
requirements, non-functional requirements and additional constraints of the system.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations:

• SRS – Software Requirement Specification

• Admin – a person who will be managing the system for its intended purpose

• User – a Person who will get access to view and request the options

1.4 Overview: The remaining part of this document follows the format. Section 2 will cover
the general Function about the system. Section 3.2 will cover the functional requirements of
the Admin. Section 3.3 will cover the Information’s and Functionality of the Users. Section 4
will cover the information’s of Requirement from client end.


2.1 Product Perspective: There are three basic users - Patients, Administrator, Non-
 All users have their own profiles in E-Healthcare Advisor.
 Patients can take online health test. They also can view their health record, lab
 doctor’s prescription and medical expenses. Patient can give feedback regarding
their individual experience.
 Non-Members can view the system.
 Non members can give feedback about the system.
 Admin has the authority to add/delete users, grant permission to users, to
generate and view reports. He also views the complaints of patients and takes
necessary actions
 Patients can share their images of diseases.

2.2 Product Function: The most important is the ability to quickly display
emergency information on command. This information can be viewed at any
time, provided the application is running, by simply pressing the “Emergency
Information” button at the bottom of the interface. After the user has started the
application and entered the correct password, the software connects to the
repository. Once a connection has been established, all other major functions of
the software can be performed. automatically checks the repository for any
changes, and updates all local information accordingly. Local information can be
easily viewed by simply navigating through the interface and selecting the
desired medical record, which will have all local information logically organized.
Also, the software has the ability to download specific parts of a medical record
that are not already stored locally.

2.3 User Characteristics: The users of the system are normal persons who need help from E-


3.1 Functional Requirement:

Admin is an authorized person to Access the Complete system. Gives Access to Users and
maintains the detailed information of appointment, hospital and doctors. The Entire project
is going to develop in two modules:

One is admin module where he can access the complete system i.e he can create user to
manage the admin module, manage the registered users, hospitals, doctors etc and also can
manage entire contents in the website.

Other is User module where a particular user can register to E-Healthcare and can take the
appointment for particular hospital / doctors or user can search the hospital according to
the location, hospital, specialty and doctors.

• Admin Login - The system should allow the Admin to login under a secure system by
providing their Valid Username and Password.

• Home Page Overview - The Home page of this System consist the Login Function,
Doctors Profile, Search, FAQ, Services and Contact Us information respectively.

3.2 Functionality of Admin:

Dashboard: The Dashboard lists the daily appointment details, newly registered users,
Hospital info and doctor’s info.

• Appointment Details: Mainly five appointments should display in the dashboard as

latest appointment should come first and there should be a view all link under the
details; this link should redirect to a page with all appointment details. Newly
registered users, Hospital info and doctors’ info also should be same as that of
appointment details.

• Hospital Information: From here admin can

view/add/edit/activate/deactivate/delete hospital information as well as doctor’s

There should be 7 submenus under this such as:

1. Hospitals

2. Locations

3. Country

4. Area

5. Speciality

6. Add Hospital Info

7. Add Doctor’s Info

1. Hospital: From here admin can view all hospital information with status. There should be
a search option to search the hospital and admin can add/edit/activate/deactivate/delete
the hospital information.

Add Hospital:

Admin can add main hospitals name.


Hospital Name-

2. Location: Admin should be able Add, Edit, Search and Manage the location.



3. Country: Admin should be able Add, Edit, Search and manage all countries.



4. Area: Admin should be able Add, Edit, Search and Manage the area. Admin can add area
by selecting the location.

Location- (It should be drop down where all the location added by the admin should display

Area –

5. Speciality: Admin should be able Add, Edit, Search & Manage the specialty.



6. Hospital Info: Admin should be able Add, Edit, Search & Manage the hospital Info. From
here admin must be able to view all corresponding doctors’ which belongs to that particular

Hospital Name-
Hospital logo-
All the above fields except Hospital logo should be drop down and each of them will be

7. Add Doctor Info: Admin should be able to add the complete details of doctors.


Title –
First Name –
Last Name –
Gender – (It should be a check box where admin can check the particular checkbox)
Designation –
Qualification –
Experience –
Hospital Country – (should be a drop down where admin can select the country which will
be added under country.)
Location – (should be a drop down where admin can select the location)
Area – (should be a drop down where admin can select the area)
Primary Hospital – (should be a drop down where admin can select from the drop down)
Speciality – (should be a drop down)
Secondary Hospital – (should be a drop down)
Nationality – (should be a drop down)
Email Id –
Mobile No –
Timing – (two sections will be displayed here i.e Session 1 and Session 2, from here admin
will be able to select the timing of the his/her OPD schedule).
Doctors Image –

 Our service: From here admin can view users query which send by the user and also
he/she can search the users. Copy of this mail should reach to administrator’s email.
 Useful Links: Admin can add the details of useful links such as Blood bank and
Ambulance. These details will be displayed in the front end under useful links.
Type –
Name –
Location –
Area –
Phone Number –

 Testimonials: Admin can add the testimonial which will be displayed in the frontend
under testimonials and also admin can search the testimonial using the search


Type –
Content –
Name –
Hospital –

 User Info
This section manages all the registered users of E-Healthcare and it allows the
functionality for admin to activate /de-activate/delete the users and also helps admin
to search the user using search functionality.

User Management
From this User management section admin can add/edit/activate/deactivate
particular users and also allows admin to change or modify password of particular
users. Those particular users can access the admin panel. (i.e. data entry person can
view customers and appointment details and he can edit hospital information but
administrator have right to do all the activities in this site.)

Add New User Fields:

Full Name –
User Name –
Password –
Confirm Password –
Email Id –
Roll status –

Password Management Fields:

Select User – (It’s a drop down where admin can select the user.)
Old Password –
New password –
Confirm Password –

 Form: Admin should able to view three submenus under this.

 Appointment Form
 Enquiry /Contact Us form
 Donation Form: Here admin can view the details of all the form with attachment
which send by the user.

• CMS: From here admin can manage all the contents in the website.

3.3 Functionality of User Module: This is the front end of the application where user
can view all the details such as hospitals, doctors, FAQ etc which will be updated by the

• Login/sign up: For Booking an appointment user have to login to the application.
Name -
Contact No –
Email Id –
Password –

After sign up user will get a confirmation mail with his/her username and password and
same user details’ will store in the admin module. Admin can view this user details from
Admin module – User Info.

User Name –
Password –

 Search
There should be a search option in home page with following details:


Doctor/Specialist Name –
Specialty –
Hospital –
Location –

When user clicks on search button with or without entering the details, it should redirect
to a new page with all doctors list according to his/her search. In this page we need to
display the doctor name, image, qualification, specialty and hospital which will be
updated by the admin from admin module. Below this there should be two button such
as “Book an Appointment” and “View Profile”. For booking appointment, the user must
login to the application. If it’s not a registered user, then this book an appointment
should redirect to sign up page in the application. If user login to this application, book
an appointment should redirect to a page with following details:

• Book an Appointment


Doctors Name – (This filed should be read only. i.e user can’t edit this filed)
Patient Name –
Patient Age –
Gender –
Phone No –
Email –
Date/Time of the appointment –
Hospital – (It should be a drop down if the same doctor is working in more than one
Comment –

In the right side of this page user can view the same doctor details such as his/her OPD
schedule, Qualification and experience which will be updated by the admin. Also user
can view the number of appointments of that doctor (There must be maximum 10
appointments /Session). This should automatically have updated by the system. Admin
can view the appointment details from admin module – Appointment Info. Here admin
can change the status of the user.

User should take the appointment before two weeks otherwise it should show an error
message. After booking an appointment user will get a mail with complete details and a
link to cancel his/her appointment.

 View Profile

From here user can view complete details of the doctors such as Qualification, Specialty,
experience, Affiliations/Membership, Awards & Achievements, Availability and Hospital
which he/she is working.

 Our Services

User can view 3 sub menus under this such as Domestic, International and Network

Domestic: It’s a static content.

International: It’s a static content. But in the right side of the page user can view an
enquiry form where he/she can ask their query.
Name -
Contact No –
Email Id –
Subject – (It should be a drop down which contains General feedback/support,
Appointment status, others )
Enquiry –

 Network Hospitals:

User can view all the network hospitals which will be updated by the admin from the
admin module.

• Useful Links

From here user can view emergency contact details of Ambulance, Blood bank and organ

There should be a Donation form from which interested user can send their details to
admin. These details should store in the admin module. Also admin will get a mail
regarding this.

Name -
Contact No –
Email Id –
Location –
Donation – (It should be a drop down)
Enquiry –

 Testimonials

User can view all the active testimonials which will be updated by the admin.

 Contact Us

User can view the contact details of the admin.

 Requirement from the Client End

4. Require the entire location/area list of all Hospital/sub hospital for which the
doctors will be included in this website.
5. We require the department or specialty list for listing the Doctors.
6. We require the list of doctors from each location.
7. Require details for useful links.

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1User Interfaces:
 A browser which supports CGI, HTML, AND JAVASCRIPT

4.2 Hardware interfaces:

 Support for printer for printing priscribtion then and there.


4.3 software interfaces:

 Database: The system shall use the MySQL Database, which is open source and free.
 Operating System: Any window based environment.
 IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code
 Java technology: j2ee
 Browser: google crome
 Web server: tomcat

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