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This chapter present the factors affecting human behavior such as; emotion,
conflict, depression, stress, frustration, and coping mechanism. Furthermore,
progress check is provided at the end of this chapter.


Emotion is refers to the feelings affective responses as a result of

physiological arousal. Thoughts and beliefs, subjective evaluation and bodily
expression. It is a state characterized by the facial expression, gesture, posture,
and subjective feelings (Uriarte, 2009).

Emotion is associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition.

The English word ‘Emotion’ is derived from the french word ‘emouvoir”. this is
based on the latin emovere. Where e-( variant of ex-) means ‘out ‘movere means
‘move’. the related term “motivation” is also derived from movere (Santrock,

Theories of emotion are:

James-Lange Theory by William James and Carl Lange -it is state that emotion
result from physiological states triggered by stimuli in the environment; emotion
occurs after physiological reactions. This theory and its derivatives states that a
changed situation leads to a changed bodily state as James says “the perception
of bodily changes as they occurs in the emotion.”
Cannon-bard Theory by Walter Cannon and Philip Bard - this is a theory that
emotion and physiological reactions occur simultaneously. These action include
changes in muscular tension, perception etc. the theory was formulated following
the introduction of the James-Lange theory of emotion in the late 1800s, which
alternately suggested that emotion is the result of one perception of their
reaction, or bodily changes”

Two factor theory- it was provided by SCHACHER & SINGER, in which they posited
that emotion is the cognitive interpretation of a physiological response. For many,
this remains the best formulation of emotion. Most people consider this to be the
common sense” theory to explain physiological changes.


Conflict is a stressful condition that occurs when person must choose between
incompatible or contradictory is a negative emotions state caused
by an inability to choose between two or more incompatible goals or impulse.

Conflict is the state in which two or more motives cannot be satisfied because
they interfere with one another.

Types of conflict

Physiological Conflict ( internal conflict )

- these could be going on inside the person and no one would know ( instinct
may be at odds with values ). Freud would say unconscious id battling super ego
and further claimed that our personalities are always in conflict.
Social conflict - these different kinds of social conflict are ;

Interpersonal conflict

Two individuals me against you

Inter-group struggles- us against them,

individual opposing a group -me against them them against me

Intra- group conflict -members of group all against each other on a task

Approach- avoidance-conflict can be described as having features of approach

and avoidance; approach speaks to thing that we want while avoidance refer to
things that we do not want.

Kinds of Approach-avoidance

Approach-approach conflict - the individual must choose between two positive

goals of approximately equal value. In this two pleasing things are wanted but
only one option should be chosen.

Avoidance-avoidance conflict - involves more obvious sources of stress. The

individual must choose between two or more negative outcomes.

Approach-avoidance conflict - conflict exists when there is an attractive and

unattractive part of both sides. It arises when obtaining a positive goals
necessitates a negative outcome as well.

Multiple -approach-avoidance conflict - these refers to the conflict with complex

combination of approach and avoidance conflict. It requires individual to choose
between alternatives that contains both positive and negative consequences.


- is an illness that cause a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time. It is
different from normal feelings of sadness, grief, or low energy. Anyone can have
depression. It often runs in families. But it can also happen to someone who
doesn’t have a family history of depression. You can have depression one time or
many times.

Causes of Depression

- major events that create stress , such as childbirth or a death in the family

- Illness, such as arthritis , heart disease , or cancer

- Certain medicine, such as steroids or narcotics for pain relief.

- Drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs.

- Different Forms of Depression

Major depressive disorder - this is also called major depression. It is characterized

by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to work,
sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once - pleasurable activities. Major depression is
disabling and prevent a person from functioning normally. An episode of major
depression may occur only once in a person lifetime, but more often, it recurs
throughout a person’s life.

Dysthymic disorder -also referred to as dysthymia the symptoms do not occurs

for more than two months at a time. Generally, this type of depression described
as having persistent but less severe depressive symptoms than major depression.
Manifest nearly constant depressive mood of at least 2 years accompanied by at
least two or more of the following.

decrease or increase eating;

- Difficult sleeping or increase in sleeping;

- Low energy of fatigue

- Low self-esteem;

- Difficulty concentrating or making decision; and

- Felling hopeless
Psychotic Depression - this occurs when a severe depressive illness is
accompanied by some form of psychosis, such as a break with reality,
hallucination, and delusion.

Postpartum Depression- this is a major depressive episode that occurs after

having a baby. A new mother develops a major depressive episode within one
month after delivery. It is estimated that 10 -15 percent of women may have a
severe from depression after giving birth. In rare cases, she may act strangely see
or her things that aren’t there, be a danger to herself and her baby.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-this is characterized by the onset of a

depressive illness during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight.
The depression generally lifts during spring and summer .sad may be effectively
treated with light therapy alone; anti-depressant medication and psychotherapy
can reduce sad symptoms, either alone or in combination with light therapy.

Bipolar Disorder -this also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common

major depression or dysthymia. Bipolar disorder is characterized by clinical mood
changes - from extreme high to extreme low.

Endogenous Depression- means from within the body. this type of depression is
defined as feeling depressed for no apparent reason

Situational Depression or Reactive Depression - also known as adjustment

disorder with depressive mood these symptoms occurs within three months of
the stressor and last no longer than 6 months after the stressor has ended. It
causes significant distress or impairs usual functioning and do not meet the
criteria for major depressive disorder.
Agitated depression - this kind of major depressive disorder is characterized by
agitation such as physical and emotional restlessness, irritability and insomnia ,
which is the opposite of many depressive individuals who have low energy and
fells slowed down physically and mentally inappropriate social behavior .

Stress - refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism human or animal -

to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats , whether actual or
imagined. Stressed is a form of middle English DESTRESS, derived via old French
from the Latin STRINGERE to draw tight the term stress was first employed in a
biological context by the endocrinologist.

Two types of stress

- Eustress ( positive ) - it is a word consisting of two parts the prefix derives from
the Greek word EU meaning iether WELL or GOOD when attached to the word
STRESS , it literally means GOOD STRESS .

- It is a stress that is healthy, or gives one a feeling of fulfillment or other positive

feelings. Eustress is a process of exploring potentials gains .a stress that enhance
functions such as through strength training or challenging work is considered

Distress (negative) - is known as a negative stress. Persistent stress that is not

resolved through coping or adoption, deemed distress, may lead anxiety or
withdrawal depression.

- Effect of Distress

- Ineffectiveness at task

- Self-defeating behavior

- Transitionally suicidal behavior

- Loss of interest and initiative

- Anxiety and fear

- Poor decision making

- Dangerous reaction

- Accident and - Apathy and cynicism.

Three Stages of Stress

Alarm - is a first stage when the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the
body’s stress response is a state of alarm during this stage adrenaline will be
produced in order to bring about the fight or flight response.

Resistance - is a second stage. If the stressor persist, it becomes necessary to

attempt some means of coping with the stress although the body begins to try
adopt to the strains or demand of the environment, the body cannot keep this up
indefinitely, so its resources are gradually depleted.

Exhaustion - is the third and final stage in the general arousal syndrome (GAS)
model. At this point, all of the body resources are eventually depleted and the
body is unable to maintain normal function. The initial autonomic nervous system
symptoms may reappear sweating, raised heart rate etc.

The result can manifest itself in obvious illness such as ulcers, depression, and
diabetes, trouble with the digestive system or eve cardiovascular problem, along
with other mental illness.
WEEK 5-8

Types of Short Term Stress

Acute time - refers to the limited stress that come or suddenly (acute) and are
over relatively quickly. Situations like public speaking and doing math in your
head fall into this category. These things may come on without warning but are
short in duration.

Brief naturalistic stress - it is relatively short in duration. Think of classroom test

of a final exam these are stresses that rise out of other things (like a course of
study) and are over quickly.

Types of Long Term Stress

Stressful Event Sequences - is a single event that start from a chain of challenging
situation for example losing a job or surviving a natural disaster.

Chronic Stress- lacks a clear end point. Often they force people to assume new
roles of change their self-perception. Think of a refugee leaving their native
country or an injury leading to permanent disability. These are life changing
events you rarely get to go back to the way things were.

Distant Stress - distant stress may have been initiated in the past (like childhood
abuse or trauma resulting from combat experience) but continue to affect the
immune system. Distant stressors have long lasting effects on emotion and
mental health.


- it is a negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching
a goal. Frustration is an unpleasant state of a tension and heightened sympathetic
activity resulting from a blocked goal. Frustration is associated with motivation
since we don’t be frustrated if we were not motivated to achieve the goal.
Frustration may be external or personal.

Sources of frustration

Physical obstacles - drought, typhoons flat tire, etc. That prevent a person from
doing his plan or fulfilling his wish.

Social circumstances - obstacles through the restrictions imposed by other people

and customs and law of social being.

Personal shortcoming - handicapped by diseases, blindness deafness or paralysis.

Conflict between motives - wanting to leave college for a year to try painting, but
also wanting to please one’s parents by remaining in in school.

The following are common responses to frustration.

Aggression - it refers to any person made with the intent or harming some
persons or object. The intentional infliction may be a physical psychological harm.

Displaced aggression - it refers to the redirecting of aggression to a target other

than the actual source of one’s frustration.

Scapegoating - it refers to the act of blaming a person or group of people for

conditions not of their making

Escape - is the act of reducing discomfort by leaving frustrating situation or by

psychologically withdrawing from them such as apathy or illegal drugs use.

Coping mechanism

Are the sum total of ways in which people deal with minor to major stress
and trauma. Some of these processes are unconscious ones, other are learned
behavior , and still other are skills that individuals consciously mater in order to
reduce stress , or other intense emotion like depression .not all way of coping are
equally beneficial , and some can actually be very detrimental.

Defense mechanism - refer to an individual’s way of reacting to frustration. These

are unconscious psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to
cope with reality and to maintain self-image healthy person normally use
different defenses throughout life. According to Freud defense mechanism are
methods that ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions that may cause
personal anxiety; it is the unrealistic strategies used by the ego to discharge

The following is the complete list of the coping mechanism

Acting out - this means literally acting out the desire that are forbidden by the
super ego and yet desire by the id.

Aim inhibition - sometimes we have desires and goals that we believe or realized
that we are unable to achieve. In aim inhibition, we lower our sight, reducing our
goals to something that we believe is actually more possible or realistic.

Altruism - avoid your own pains by concentrating on the pains of other, maybe
you can heal yourself and feel good by healing them and helping them to feel

Attack - the best form of defense is attack it is common saying and is also
common action, and when we feel threatened or attack we will attack back. When
a person feels stressed in some way he\she may lash out at whoever is in the way,
whether the other person is in a real caused or not.

Avoidance - we simply find ways of avoiding having to face uncomfortable

situations, things or activities.

Compartmentalization - it is a divide and conquer process for separating thoughts

that will conflict with one another.
Compensation - they may compensate by accentuating or building up strengths in
another area. Thus, when they are faced with their weakness, they can say ‘ah but
I am good at …..’ and hence feel reasonably good about the situation.

Conversation - occurs where cognitive tensions manifest themselves in physical


Denial - is simply refusing to acknowledge that an event has occurred. The person
affected simply acts as if nothing has happened, behaving in ways that others may
see as bizarre.

Displacement - it refers to the shifting of action from a desired target to a

substitute target when there are some reasons why the first target is not
permitted or not available.

Dissociation - involved separating a set of thoughts or activities from the main

area of conscious mind in order to avoid the conflict that this would cause.

Emotionally - when we became stressed or tension is caused a number of

negative emotion may start to build including anger, frustration, fear, other
around us, arousing similar or polar feelings.

Fantasy or day dreaming - when we cannot achieved or do something that we

want, we channel the energy created by the desire into fantastic imaginings,
fantasy also provides temporary reliefs from the general stresses of everyday

Fight or flight reaction - when we perceive a significant threat to us , then our

bodies get ready either for a fight to the death or a desperate flight from certain
defeat by a clearly superior adversary .

Help rejecting complaining - a person becomes upset or otherwise elicit

supporting action from other people. When helpful suggestion or other comfort is
offered, however, he\she reject this and return to his\her complaint.
Idealization - it is the over estimation of the desirable qualities and
underestimation of the limitation of a desire thing. We also tend to idealize those
things that we have chosen or acquired. The opposite of idealization is
demonization, where something that is not desired or disliked has its weak points
exaggerated and its strong point played down.

Identification- it occurs when a person changes apparent facets of his/her

personality such that he/she appears to be more like other people. This process
may be to copy specific people or it may be to change to an idealized prototype.
Areas of identification may include external elements, such as clothing and hair
styles (which may be chosen without consciously realizing the influences that are
at play) as well as internal factors such as beliefs, values and attitudes.

Intellectualization- this refers to “flight into reason”, where the person avoids
uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. The situation is treated as
an interesting problem that engages the person on a rational basis, whilst the
emotional aspects are completely ignore as being irrelevant. Jargon is often used
as a device of intellectualization. By using complex terminology, the focus
becomes on the words and finer definitions rather than the human effects.

Introjection- introjection occurs as a coping mechanism when we take on

attributes of other people who seem better able to cope with the situation than
we do.

Passive Aggression- a person who uses passes aggressive method to cope with
stress does this by “attacking through passive means. Thus the aggressive intent is
cloaked by the passive method. Passive aggression often appears when a person
is asked to do something which he/she wants to avoid for some reason. By
appearing to
Post-Traumatic Growth- an individual who has suffered a traumatic experience
somehow finds ways to turn into something good. Typically interpersonal
relationships are improved, with friends and family valued more and more time
being spent in helping others. Self-Perception changes through the increase in
resiliency gained from realizing you can cope with hardship.

Projection- when a person has uncomfortable thoughts or feelings he/she may

project these onto other people, assigning the thoughts or feelings he/she needs
to repress to a convenient alternative target. Projection may also happen to
obliterate attributes of other people with which we are uncomfortable. We
assume that they are like us, and in doing so we allow ourselves to ignore those
attributes they have with which we are uncomfortable.

Provocation or Free-Floating- when a person feels stressed, his/her way to avoid

dealing with the real issues is to provoke others into some kind of reaction. The
attention can be put on the other person and away from the originator’s stress.

Reaction Formation- Reaction Formation occurs when a person feels an urge to

do or say something and then actually does or says something that is effectively
the opposite of what he/she really wants. It also appears as a defense against a
feared social punishment. If I fear that I will be criticized for something, I very
visibly act in a way that shows I am personally a long way from the feared

Rationalization- when something happens that we find difficult to accept, then

we will make up a logical reason why it has happened. We rationalize to
ourselves. We also find it very important to rationalize to other people, even
those we do not know.

Regression- regression involves taking the position of a child in some problematic

situation, rather than acting in a more adult way. This is usually in response to
stressful situations with greater levels of stress potentially leading to more overt
regressive acts. Regressive acts behavior can be simple and harmless, such as a
person who is sucking a pen, or may be more dysfunctional, such as crying or
using petulant arguments.

Repression- repression involves placing uncomfortable thoughts in relatively

inaccessible areas of the subconscious mind. Thus when things occur that we are
unable to cope with now, we push them away, either planning to deal with them
another time or hoping that the will fade away on their accord.

Self-harming- the person physically deliberately hurts himself/herself in some

way or otherwise puts themselves at high risk of harm.

Somatization-somatization occurs where a psychological problem turns into

physical and subconscious symptoms. This can range from simple twitching to
skin rashes, heart problems and worse.

Sublimation-it is the transformation of unwanted impulse into something less

harmful. Thus can simply be a distracting release or may be a constructive and
valuable piece of work.

Anxiety disorder

Is a psychological disorder that involves excessive levels of negative emotions,

such as nervousness, tension worry, fright and anxiety? It is a generalized felling
of apprehension, fear, or tension that may be associated with a particular object
or situation or may be free floating, not associated with anything specific.

Anxiety - is defined as a pleasant emotional state for which the cause is either not
readily identified or perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.

Fear - It is an emotional and psychological response to a recognized external

threat or a response to a real danger or threat.

Types of anxiety disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -This order involves excessive unrealistic worry and
tension, even if there is little or nothing to provoke the anxiety, accordingly
symptoms include restlessness or feeling keyed up difficult concentrating
irritability, muscle tension and jitteriness, deep disturbance, unwanted, intrusive

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD)-people with OCD are plagued by constant

thought or fear that cause them to perform certain rituals or routines , the
disturbing thought are called OBSESSION- are anxiety provoking thoughts that will
not go away, of becoming contaminated by a handshake ,or of having
unknowingly hurt someone in a traffic accident.

Panic Disorder- this disorder keeps recurring attack to a person of intense fear or
panic , often with feelings of impending doom of death .people with this condition
have feelings of terror that strikes suddenly and repeatedly with no warning.

Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD )- is a condition that can develop following
a traumatic and or terrifying events , such as a sexual or physical assault , the
unexpected death of a love one , or a natural disaster . People with PTSD often
have lasting and frightening thoughts and memories of the events, and tend to be
emotionally numb.

Specific Phobias-is an intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as snake,

height, or flying. PHOBIA is an exaggerated, unrealistic fear of a specific situation,
activity, or object.

WEEK 9-13

Delusional Disorder: False Belief -is something referred to as PARANOIA; delusion

are false, something even preposterous, beliefs that are not part of the person
culture. One might think he is Jesus Christ.

Types of delusional disorder

Persecutory Type ( delusion of persecution)- The person of this type believes that
he\she is being threatened or mistreated by others.
Grandiose Type ( delusion of grandeur )- Victims of this disorder believed that
they are extra ordinary important people or are possessed with extraordinary
power, knowledge or ability.

Jealous Type- This delusional centers on the suspected unfaithfulness of spouse

or sexual partner. This delusion is more common than others.

Erotomanic Type - This is a type of delusional disorder where a person has an

erotic delusion that he\she is loved by another person, especially by someone
famous or of higher status.

Somatic Type - The false beliefs focuses on a delusional physical abnormality or

disorder. The somatic delusion relates to the patient’s body. No matter what the
mirror says, a person suffering from this type of delusional beliefs his\her body is
under attack. The attack can be form bug, or bad odors, or just the beliefs that
there is something terribly wrong with his\her body.

Mood disorders- are disorders characterized by extreme and unwanted

disturbances in feeling or mood. These are major disturbances in one’s condition
or emotion, such as depression and mania. It is otherwise known as EFFECTIVE



In bipolar disorder, formerly known as MANIC DEPRESSION, there are

swing in mood from elation (EXTREME HAPPINESS) to depression (EXTREME
SADNES) with no discernable external cause.


MANIC PHASE - DURING the manic phase of this disorder, the patient may show
excessive, unwarranted excitement or silliness, carrying jokes too far. They may
also show poor judgement and recklessness and may be argumentative. Manic
may speak rapidly, have unrealistic ideas, and jump from subject. They may not
be able to sleep or sit still for very long.

Depressive episode - the other side of the bipolar coin is the depressive episode.
Bipolar depressed patient often sleep more than usual and are lethargic. During
bipolar depressive episodes, a patient may also show irritability and withdrawal.

Depressive disorder

depressive disorder is when a person experience extended, unexplainable

period of sadness


Major depressive disorder - a person suffering from major depressive disorder is

in a depressed mood for the most of the day, nearly every day or has lost interest
or pleasure in all, or almost all activities for a period of at least two weeks.

Single episode - single episode depression is like major depression only it strikes
in one dramatic episode.

Recurrent - recurrent depression is an extended pattern of depressed episodes.

Depressed episodes can include any of the features of a major depressive


are chronic maladaptive cognitive behavioral patterns that are

thoroughly integrated into the individuals personality and that are troublesome
to others or whose pleasure sources are either harmful or illegal.

SCHIZOPHRENIA - is a group of disorder characterized by loss of contact with

reality, marked disturbances of thought and perception, and bizarre behavior. At
some phase. DELUSION or HALLUCINATION almost always occurs.

TACTILE (touch) - people with schizophrenia often have the sensation that there
are things (like bugs or insects) crawling across their skin.

Visual (sight) - this kind of hallucination causes the person to see things that are
not really there.

Auditory (hearing) - this is the most common type of hallucination people with
auditory hallucination hear voices and sound that others cannot hear.

Olfactory (smell) - the person experiencing an olfactory hallucination smells

things (usually foul smelling things) that others do not smell.

Command (hearing) - when a voice commands the person to do something

he\she would not ordinarily do.


DISTURBANCE OF THOUGHT AND ATTENTION- people suffering schizophrenia

often cannot think logically and as the result of this they cannot write a story,
because every word they down might make sense, but are meaningless in relation
to each other, and they cannot keep their attention to the writing. The principal
disturbances in the schizophrenia though processes in multiple delusion. This is
divided into two sub-categories.

PERSECUTORY DELUSION - the schizophrenic believes that he\she is being talked

about, spied upon, or his\her death being planned.

DELUSION OF REFERENCE - the schizophrenic give personal importance to

completely unrelated incident, object or people.

DISTURBANCES OF PERCEPTION - during acute schizophrenic episodes people say

that the world appears different to them, their bodies appear longer, colors seem
more intense and they cannot recognized themselves in a mirror.
DISTURBANCES OF AFFECT - person to fail show normal emotion. This symptoms
is easiest described as an excessive lack of correlation between what an individual
is saying and what emotion they are expressing.

WITHDRAWAL FROM REALITY - the individual becomes absorbed in his inner

thoughts and fantasies. The self- absorption may be so intense that the individual
may not know the month or day or the place where he is staying.

DELUSION AND HALLUCINATION - IN THE MOST cases it is accompanied by

delusions. Delusion are inflexible misleading beliefs. They appear as a result of
exaggerating or distortions of reasoning, as well as false interpretation of things
and events

The following are the kind of schizophrenia:

PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA. -if a person is paranoid schizophrenia, he or she:

- Is very suspicious of others,

- Has great schemes of persecution at the root of the behavior,

- Has hallucination and delusion which are also the symptoms of this type of

- Displays the psychotic symptoms.


- Expressed through a person having no motivation or interest in everyday life.

- Advised when an individual has been through at least one episode of

schizophrenia (6 months) but the recover.


schizophrenia is characterized by:

Person in coherent verbally and to his\her feeling

Expressing emotion that are not appropriate to the situation.

CATATONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA -a person diagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia is:

Extremely withdrawn, negative, isolated, and has obvious psychomotor

disturbances ,

the subject may be almost immobile or exhibit agitated purposeless movement

Symptoms can include catatonic stupor and waxy flexibility.

UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA - the symptoms of more than one of the

above mentioned types of schizophrenia, but without clear predominance of a
particular set of diagnostic characteristic.

Schizophrenia develops through any of the following causes:

GENETIC CAUSES - usually lie in a person having immediate relatives with a
history of schizophrenia or other psychiatric diseases (bipolar, disorder, and

PRENATAL CAUSES -causal factors are though to initially come together in early
neurodevelopment to increase the risk of later developing schizophrenia .one
curious finding is that people diagnosed with schizophrenia are more likely to
have been born in winter or spring.

ENVIRONMENTAL \SOCIAL CAUSE - there is considerable evidence indicating that

stress may trigger episodes of schizophrenia psychosis.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE CAUSE - in a recent study of people with schizophrenia and a

substance abuse disorder, over a ten years period “substantial proportion were
above cutoffs selected by dual diagnosis clients as indicators of recovery.


SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS - Are disorder related to a particular phase of the sexual

response cycle. Sexual disorders include problems of sexual identity, sexual
performances, and sexual aim.

Types of Sexual Dysfunction

A. DYSFUNCTIONS OF SEXUAL DESIRE (occurs during the excitement phase):

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder - it is marked by lack or no sexual drive or

interest in sexual activity. It is characterized by a persistent, upsetting loss of
sexual desire.

Sexual Aversion Disorder - it is characterized by a desire to avoid genital contact

with a sexual partner. It refers to persistent feelings of fear, anxiety, or disgust
about engaging in sex.

B. DYSFUNCTIONAL OF SEXUAL AROUSAL (occurs during the arousal\plateau

Male erectile disorder - it refers to the inability to maintain or achieved an
erection (previously called as IMPOTENCE).

Female sexual arousal disorder - it refers to none responsiveness to erotic

stimulation both physically and emotionally ( previously called as FRIGIDITY).


Premature ejaculation -it is the unsatisfactory brief period between the beginning
or sexual stimulation and the occurrence of the ejaculation.

Male orgasmic disorder - it refers to the inability to ejaculate during sexual


Female orgasmic disorder - it refers to the difficulty in achieving orgasm. Either

manually or during sexual intercourse.

Sexual pain disorder:

VAGINISMUS -it is the involuntary muscle spasm at the entrance to the vagina
that prevents penetration and sexual intercourse.

Dyspareunia - it refers to the painful coitus that may have either an organic or
psychological basis.


NYMPHOMANIA (or futor uterinus) - a female psychological disorder

characterized by an over active libido and an obsession with sex (etymology of the
word NYMPH)

SATYRIASIS - in males the disorder is called satyriasis and the etymology is STYR.


Exhibitionism - this is also known as flashing, is behavior by a person that involves

the exposure of private parts of his\her body to another person in a situation
when they would not normally be exposed.

Flashing - it is the displayed of bare breasts and\or buttocks by a woman with an

up-and-down lifting of the shirt and\or bra or a person exposing and\or stroking
hid or her genitals.

Mooning -refers to the display of the bare buttocks while bending down by the
pulling down of trousers and underwear. This act is more than often done for the
sake of humor and\or mockery than for sexual excitement.

Anasyrma - lifting up of the skirt when not wearing underwear, to expose genital.

Martymachlia - is a paraphilia which involves sexual attraction to having other

watch the execution of a sexual act.

Fetishism- people with a fetish experience sexual urges and behavior which are
associated with non-living object for example, the object of the fetish could be an
article of female clothing, like female underwear.

Types of Fetishism

Sexual Transvestic Fetishism (tranvestism) - like most paraphilia, TRANSVESTIC

FETISHISM begins in adolescence usually around the onset of puberty.

Foot fetishism - it is a pronounced fetishistic sexual interest in human feet. It is

also one of the most common fetishistic interests among humans.

Tickling fetishism - a sexual fetish related to gaining a specific sexual thrill from
either tickling a sex partner or being subjected to tickling themselves, usually to
the point of helpless laughter.

Wet and messy fetish (WAM) - a form of sexual fetishism that has a person
getting aroused by substances applied on the body like mud, shaving foam,
custard pudding, chocolate sauce, etc. It could also involves wet clothes, or any
combination of the above.

Category of sexual abnormalities

heterosexual - a person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of
the opposite sex : a heterosexual person

Homosexual - person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of their

same sex : a gay person and especially a male gay person

Kinds of homosexual

overt - person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of their same

sex : a gay person and especially a male gay person

Latent -  is an erotic attraction toward members of the same sex that is

not consciously experienced or expressed in overt action. This may mean
a hidden inclination or potential for interest in homosexual relationships, which is
either suppressed or not recognized, and which has not yet been explored, or
may never be explored.

The term was originally proposed by Sigmund Freud. Some argue that latent
homosexuality is a potentially iatrogenic effect (that is, it is not present until
suggested by a therapist).[1] Others argue that the term latent is not truly
applicable in the case of homosexual urges, since they are often not in the
unconscious or unexpressed category, but rather exist in the conscious mind and
are (often violently) repressed

infANTOSEXUAL - sexual desire towards immature person. Pedophilia-person

who have a compulsive desire to have sexual intercourse with a child of either

Bestosexual - Bestiality Sexual ... An act expanding the definition of the crime of

Rape, Reclassifying the same as a crime against person .Amending for the ..

Autosexual (self gratification or masturbation) - Simply put, being autosexual is

feeling a sexual attraction toward yourself, as sex and relationship expert Carmel
Jones explains. The term is often also brought up with “autoromantic,” which
refers to a romantic attraction to yourself, whereas “autosexual” is just the sexual
Autosexuality could look like a person who prefers to masturbate instead of
having sexual intercourse with another person, explains Megwyn White, director
of education for Satisfyer.

Autosexuality is often associated with narcissism, but experts agree that’s not an
accurate way of thinking about autosexuality. “This is not the same as narcissistic
personality disorder, as narcissists require admiration and attention from others
and lack empathy,” White explains. Instead, “people who identify as autosexual
are able to have relationships with others but have a preference for sex with


GERONTOPHILIA - is an “erotic age orientation” in which one is most strongly

aroused by the elderly, and so it is at the opposite end of the spectrum from
pedophilia. In fact, perhaps the most bizarre theory concerning its etiological (or
clinical) origins was put forth, without any supporting data, by the British
psychiatrist T. C. Gibbens in 1982. This inventive author argued that gerontophiles
are likely to have underlying pedophilic tendencies as well, with both paraphilias
stemming from a phobia of pubic hair.

NECROPHILIA - also known as necrophilism, necrolagnia, necrocoitus,

necrochlesis, and thanatophilia, is sexual attraction towards or a sexual act
involving corpses.

INCEST - is the crime of two members of the same family having sexual

intercourse, for example a father and daughter, or a brother and sister.

Sexual abnormalities

sodomy - buggery (British English) is generally anal or oral sex between people

or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but it
may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity.[1][2][3] Originally, the
term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in
the Book of Genesis,[4] was commonly restricted to anal sex.[5][6] Sodomy
laws in many countries criminalized the behavior.[6][7] In the Western world,
many of these laws have been overturned or are not routinely enforced.

Uranism - a homosexual condition especially when involving physically normal


Frottage (frotteurism) - the paraphiliac practice of achieving sexual stimulation or

orgasm by touching and rubbing against a person without the person's consent
and usually in a public place. — called also frottage.

Partialism -  is a sexual interest with a focus on a specific part of the body. This
can be any part of the body, such as the hair, breasts, or buttocks. The most
common form of partialism is podophilia, in which a person becomes sexually
aroused by feet.

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