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1. Define History.

- The study of past or previous events is known as history, prehistory refers to

events that occurred before the invention of writing systems. Past events, as well
as the recall, discovery, collecting, organization, presentation, and interpretation
of these events, are all included in the term "history". People learn about the past
by studying historical sources such as books, newspapers, and letters as well as
artifacts like pottery, tools, and human or animal remains. These items are
collected and kept in libraries, archives, and museums for people to study history.

2. State and expound the significance of knowing Philippine History.

- Studying Philippine history is necessary since we must study and know what
happened in the past in order to appreciate the country's future and current position.
Since history provides us with vital insights into the issues that face our present
civilization. Many of the modern Philippine society's problems, features and
characteristics can be traced back to historical questions about our colonial past and
pre-colonial culture. In other words, Philippine history is significant to Filipinos
because it is essentially a chronicle of what we as a country have done to get at our
current situation.

3. Explain comprehensively the difference between primary and secondary sources of

- Primary sources are first hand, contemporary accounts of events created by
individuals during that period of time or several years later such as correspondence, diaries,
memoirs and personal histories. These original records can be found in several media such as
print, artwork, and audio and visual recording. Examples of primary sources include
manuscripts, newspapers, speeches, cartoons, photographs, video, and artifacts. Primary sources
can be described as those sources that are closest to the origin of the information. They contain
raw information and thus, must be interpreted by researchers. On the other hand, Secondary
sources are closely related to primary sources and often interpret them. These sources are
documents that relate to information that originated elsewhere. Secondary sources often use
generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources. Examples of
secondary sources include textbooks, articles, and reference books.

4. Are those sources of history absolute?

- In my own understanding, sources of history can be an absolute. As Arthur Marwick

says “Primary sources are absolutely fundamentals to history.” In an ideal world, a historian
would employ all primary sources created by the persons involved at the time of study. Some
records have indeed been destroyed in practice, and some are not accessible for investigation.
Given to that, as stated by Lucy, T. (2014), the history has no truth but only perspective,
movement, and many positions of power and interpretation and interpretation was necessary,
since. Although authentic history is hard to gather for a number of reasons, there is a lot of
debate. A great deal of historical data has been ended up losing. Even if they are legitimate, the
significance of historical documents might be difficult to comprehend for a modern investigator,
and they may clash with other sources.

Lacy, T. (2014). Truth in History.

Furman University (2019). What is the difference between primary and secondary source.

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