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TBI-D/Rizal Rifkiyanto (19381031189)

English Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Madura University, Panglegur, Tlanakan District,
Pamekasan, East Java 69371, Indonesia
English Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Madura University, Panglegur, Tlanakan District,
Pamekasan, East Java 69371, Indonesia


Keywords: The problem in this article was about the language disorder
in the speech development of children. The language
disorder, language,
disorder on the speech development of children were one of
development, speech,
the type of communication disorder that indicate the
children who experience the disorders process to use any
symbols in language. The language disorder on speech
development of children was happened cause there was a
Article History: disorder on nerves system or abnormalities in related organ
Received: dd/mm/yyyy that related to the process to use the language and to
Accepted: dd/mm/yyyy childrens' speech which occurs due to injury or trauma
Available Online: when they were in prenatal, natal and postnatal. Beside that
it could be also caused by the environment at the age of the
development of the childrens' language and speech they
were did not got a good stimulus. The childrens who
experience those difficulties were late in having language
development skills. This things could occur in phonology,
semantics, and syntax problems so that the childrens was
experience the difficulties in transformation that were highly
required in communication activities. The handling goals
that can be done for the children who had the language
disorders in speech development was speech therapy, oral
motor, and melody intonation.

A. Introduction writing. Language skills consist of four

aspects, namely listening or listening,
Language is a means of communication speaking, reading, and writing. Humans
between humans in the form of symbol of must master these four aspects in order to
sound produced by human speech. be skilled in language. One aspect of
Language is considered the most perfect language that must be mastered is
and capable tool bring thoughts and speaking, because speaking skills support
feelings, good about things that are other skills (Tarigan, 2008: 86). This skill
concrete nor abstract. In line with the is not a skill that can be passed down from
development of science and Human generation to generation, although
technology is required to have good basically naturally every human being can
language skills good. Someone who has speak. In line with the development of
good language skills will easier to absorb abilities and physical maturity, especially
and convey information, both orally and in those related to the speech process, the

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 1, No. 1, (September) (2021)

communication is increasing and from simple forms such as sound an
expanding. The development of the "abnormal" voice (nasal, hoarse) to the
language always increases according to the point of being unable to understand or use
increasing age of the child. language, or the inability of the oral motor
Early speech development in children, mechanism in its function to speak.
namely mumbling and parrot. A baby If parents don't understand about child's
from day to day will experience the activity, there will be a speech delay
development of language and speech which will be very fatal. Usually parents
skills, but of course each child is not will consider things it's normal despite
exactly the same attainment, some are speech development each individual is
quick to speak some are not takes some different. However, must Watch out if the
time. To help the mother's development child has a speech impediment. Therefore,
help provide adequate stimulation tailored from the explanation in this article, the
to the uniqueness of each child. Parents following points will be presented: (1) the
should always pay attention to these stage of language development (speaking)
developments because at this time, it of children in general and (2) speech
really determines the learning process. disorders in speech development in
This can. This is done by setting a good children. The purposes of writing this
example, motivating children to learn and article are: (1) to determine the stage of
so on. language development (speaking) of
In this modernization era, we are often children in general, (2) to find out the
faced with various cases of language causes of speech and language disorders,
disorders or disorders, one of which is (3) to find out the symptoms and how to
speech disorders. These disorders are treat speech and language disorders.
experienced by some small children who
are still relatively toddlers. These
disorders are often considered normal and B. Method
normal. However, few parents are aware
that the child has a speech disorder, and
only realized after growing up. In this method we can use qualitative
Various disturbances that appear research methods, because this study uses
usually occurs at the age of less than 5 non-numeric research data. Qualitative
year. When his peers have can say certain methods pay attention to natural data or
words he still mumbled like a breath. As
reality, data related to the context of their
For example, a child can say a few words,
but at a certain age they disappear, existence. It is these ways that encourage
including babbling from what was qualitative methods to be considered as
previously active to being passive and multi-methods. Because research in turn
quiet. Speech disorders consist of involves a large number of relevant social
problems with articulation, voice, fluency phenomena.
(stuttering), aphasia (difficulty in using
words, usually due to brain injury) and From the explanation above, it can be
delays in speech. Speech delays can be concluded that the qualitative method is a
caused by a variety of factors including:
method that is often used in reality
environmental factors or hearing loss.
Speech disorders too closely related to analysis. Because in qualitative research
other areas that support the process such many use searches in the form of direct
as functions oral muscles and hearing observation of the field, theory from an
function. Delays and glitches can start expert, opinion from a witness, or stories

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
that can be analyzed. In the acquisition or Natsir (2017:2-27) explains that the stages
search of data through qualitative methods Children's language acquisition is divided
can be in the form of interviews, into four, namely: (a) the babbling stage
observations, documentation, and others. (babbling stage), (b) one word one stage
phrase (holophrastic stage), (c) stage two
word one phrase, (d) stage resembling
C. Results And Discussion
As we already know, language a. Stadia/Babbling Stage
process begins with encoding semantics, At this stage the child is about six
grammatical encoding, and encoding months old, he begins to babble. In this
stage the child utters a number of
phonology. Semantic encoding and
meaningless word sounds and a small part
encoding grammar takes place in the resembles a meaningful word or word
brain, while the phonological encoding fragment by chance.
starts from the brain then continued its b. Stadia/Stage One Word/Holophrase
implementation by speech tools that
At this stage the child uses one
involve the system brain nerves word to express complex thoughts,
(neuromuscular). Therefore, it can be said whether in the form of desires, feelings or
that language is a process bring out findings without clear differences. For
example, the word sitting, for children can
thoughts and feelings (from brain) orally mean "I want to sit", or the word chair, can
in the form of words or sentences (Chaer, also mean "mama is sitting". Parents can
2009:146). only understand and understand what the
child means if we know in what context
1. Stages of Language Development in the word is said, while observing the facial
Children expressions of movement and other body
language. In general, the first word
Language development is divided anointed by the child is noun, after some
into two major periods, namely: period time followed by a verb.
Prelinguistics (0-1 years) and Linguistics
(1-5 years). This linguistic period start the c. Telegraphic Stadia/More than One
child's desire to say words the first, which Word Stage
is the most amazing for parents. according
The two-word stage appears in
to Fatmawati (2015:70-71) stadia early
children around 18 months of age. At this
speech development in children divided
stage the child is able to make simple
into 3 stages, namely: (a) stadia naming or
sentences consisting of two or three words.
phase one word (holophrase), (b)
The sentence sometimes consists of a
telegraphic stage/phase of more than one
subject and a predicate, sometimes a
word, (c) transformational stage and
sentence subject with an object with
morphemic/differentiation phase. Next
incorrect grammar. After two words,

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
three-word sentences appear, followed by a. Cognition (Process of Acquiring
four words and so on. In this period the Knowledge)
language used by children is no longer
egocentric, from and for themselves. Start The level of individual cognitive
communicating with other people abilities will affect the speed of individual
smoothly. Parents began to ask questions language development. This is relevant to
with children in a simple way. Children the previous discussion that there is a
also begin to be able to tell stories in their significant correlation between thoughts
own simple sentences. and one's language.

d. Transformational and Morphemic b. Communication Patterns in the

Stadia (Differentiation Stage) Family

The last stage of toddlerhood In a family whose communication

which lasts between the ages of two and a patterns are multi-directional, accelerate
half to five years. Children's speaking the development of the family language.
skills begin to run smoothly and develop c. Number of Children or Number of
rapidly. In speaking, children not only Families
increase their amazing vocabulary, but
children begin to be able to pronounce A family that has many family
word for word according to its type, members, children's language
especially in the use of nouns and verbs. development is faster because there is a
The child has been able to use the personal variety of communication compared to
pronoun "I" to refer to himself, able to use those with only one child and no other
words in the plural, prefix, suffix and members other than the nuclear family.
communicate more smoothly with the
d. Birth Order Position
environment. Children begin to be able to
criticize, ask, answer, command, tell and The language development of a
other forms of sentences that are common child whose birth position is in the middle
for an adult "style" conversation. will be faster than that of the eldest or
youngest child. This is because the eldest
2. Influencing Factors Children's
child has a downward communication
Language Development
direction only and the youngest child only
Early language recognition is needed has an upward communication direction.
to acquire good language skills. Yusuf
e. Bilingualism (Use of two languages)
(2014:153-158) says that language
development is influenced by 5 factors, Children who are raised in families
namely: health factors, intelligence, who use more than one or more languages
socioeconomic status, gender, and family are better and faster in language
relationships. In detail, a number of factors development than those who only use one
that influence language development can language because children are accustomed
be identified as follows. to using languages in a variety of ways.
For example, at home he uses the local

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
language and outside the home he uses generally called "this child is slow" in
Indonesian. speaking.

Some things that support the potential of e. Motivation to learn and practice
children to speak are as follows.
Motivating and training children to
a. Speech maturity speak is very important because it fulfills
their needs and utilizes children's
The ability to speak also depends potential.
on the maturity of the speech apparatus.
For example, the throat, palate, the width f. Guidance
of the oral cavity and others can affect the
maturity of speech. Guidance for children is very
important to develop their potential.
b. Readiness to speak Therefore, parents should like to provide
examples or models for children, speaking
Mental readiness of children is slowly which is easy for children to
very dependent on the growth and follow. Such guidance should always be
maturity of the brain. This readiness carried out continuously and consistently.
usually starts from the age of 12-18
months, which is called the teachable Furthermore, the steps to help children's
moment of speech development. At this language development are described are as
time the child is really ready to learn to follows.
speak the truth.
a. When parents read, point to the picture
c. There is a good model for children to in the book and say the name of the picture
emulate aloud. Ask the child to point to the same
picture as the one mentioned earlier. Make
Children may need a certain model reading activities fun and interesting for
to be able to pronounce the word correctly children and do it every day.
so that it can be combined with other
words so that it becomes a meaningful b. Introduce new words to the child every
sentence. The model can be obtained from day, it can be the names of plants, the
other people, such as parents or siblings, names of animals or the names of the food
from the radio that is often listened to or prepared for him.
from TV, or movie actors who speak
clearly and meaningfully. c. Try not to finish the child's sentence.
Give him a chance to find the right words
d. Opportunity to practice for himself.

Children who don't get speaking d. Talk to your children every day, and
skills practice will be frustrated and often look at them when you talk or listen to
even angry whose causes are not them. Let them know that they are very
understood by their parents or their important.
environment. In turn, children lack the
motivation to learn to speak, which is

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
Here are some ways to stimulate 3. Delays and Disorders in Children's
your toddler's speech development to be Speech Development
more fluent and he likes to talk.
The level of speech development
a. Tell me about your busy life. of a child is below the level of quality of
speech development which can generally
Say aloud what you're doing and be seen from the accuracy of the use of the
ask toddlers questions. "Keep talking even child's vocabulary (language) when with
if you look silly because toddlers can't his peers conversing/talking. Speech
answer." delays not only affect a child's academic
b. So 'role models'. and personal adjustment, the most serious
effect is on the ability to read at the
If your toddler says beginning of the child entering school.
“grandchildren” for milk, use the correct Many causes of speech delay in children,
pronunciation when you respond, “This is generally are: (1) low level of intelligence
your milk.” Improve your language skills that makes it impossible for children to
by adding new words, for example, “Your learn to speak as well as their peers, whose
milk is white, it's delicious.” This strategy intelligence is normal or high; (2) lack of
will not only increase the number of motivation because children know that
vocabulary but also teach you how to they can communicate adequately from the
combine words. encouragement of parents/adults; and (3)
limited opportunities to practice speaking
c. Acting "stupid".
due to strict limits on how much they are
Give your toddler a chance to ask allowed to talk at home.
for and express his needs before you give
One of the most common and most
it to him. For example, during play, he
serious causes is undoubtedly the inability
rolls the ball and you know he wants you
to encourage/motivate a child to speak,
to return the ball to him, pretend you don't
even when the child begins to chatter. If
understand, put on a confused expression
the child is not given stimulation
and ask, "What do you do?" Pauses like
(stimulation) is encouraged to chatter, this
this will encourage him to communicate.
will hinder the use of good and correct
d. Stay real. language/vocabulary. This lack of
encouragement is a serious cause of
Avoid saying excessive words or speech delays in children, it can be seen
speaking in slang or social language that from the fact that if parents not only talk to
toddlers aged 1-2 years do not understand. their children, but also use a wider and
Parents are required to speak in regular varied vocabulary. children from the more
sentences and in the correct language, or middle class whose parents are eager to
which will help the child understand how tell them (children) to learn to speak
to combine words into meaningful earlier (faster) and better. Very less likely
sentences. to experience speech delays in children.
Children who come from lower classes
whose parents are not able to provide such
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
encouragement for them, do they lack The medical factor that most plays
time/because they do not realize how a role in language learning difficulties is
important speech development is in these the absence or lack of functioning of the
students. central nervous system caused by injury or
bruising. In this connection, it is known as
4. Language Disorders (Speaking) aphasia, which is the loss of the ability to
Language disorders are often also speak due to disturbances in the central
referred to as disorders of speech nervous system. Injuries or bruises to the
development and expressive language. brain can occur due to various events such
Language disorders or disorders are one as trauma when the mother is pregnant,
type of communication disorder with an excessive drug use, premature birth,
indication that someone is experiencing a physical impact, receipts, and poisoning.
disturbance in the symbolic process. This b. Physiological Conditions
difficulty causes a person to be unable to
provide symbols or symbols that are What is meant by physiological
received and vice versa unable to change conditions is the ability of the organs
the concept of understanding into symbols involved in carrying out their functions to
that can be understood by others. If support the fluency of children in pursuing
someone cannot communicate with each the task of developing speech and
other perfectly, they can be said to have a language. These organs include the
language disorder or disorder. Language nervous system (senso-motor nerves), the
disorders can occur if a person's condition of the hearing organs and speech
communication deviates far from the organs.
language used by normal children.
c. Environmental conditions
5. Causes of Language Disorders
The family environment should
The causes of speech and language create a conducive situation, to make a
disorders are many and extensive, all positive contribution to the development
disorders ranging from the process of of children's speech and language. The
hearing, transmitting impulses to the brain, active role of parents or families in
brain, muscles or organs that make sounds. providing verbal stimulation can
Several studies have shown that the cause encourage children to further improve the
of speech disorders is a dominant quality or quantity of speech and language
hemisphere disorder. skills.

According to Efendi as quoted by 6. Forms of Language Disorders

Nurhidayati, etal (2013: 4) there are
several causes of speech disturbances or Language disorder is a form of
delays are as follows. abnormality or disturbance in
communication with an indication that the
client has difficulty or loss in the
symbolization process. This difficulty in
a. Medical Factor symbolizing causes a person to be unable

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
to provide symbols that are received and Aphasia is a type of language
vice versa unable to change the concept of disorder caused by damage to the language
understanding into symbols that can be centers in the cerebral cortex. The
understood by others in their environment. presence of lesions in the language centers
of the cerebral cortex causes the client to
According to Tarmansyah quoted have difficulty and/or lose the ability to
by Nurhidayati, et al (2013:5-10) "there symbolize either actively or passively.
are forms of language disorders including When examined clinically, aphasia can be
delays in language development and divided into several types, namely sensory
aphasia". aphasia, motor aphasia, conductive
1. Delay in Language Development aphasia, and amnesic aphasia.

Is a form of language disorder a. Sensory Aphasia

characterized by the client's failure to This disorder is characterized by
reach the stages of language development difficulty in providing the stimulus
in accordance with the language it receives. Spontaneous speech is
development of normal children his age. usually fluent but sometimes less
The delays in language development relevant to the conversation
include intellectual mental retardation, situation or the context of
deafness, congenital aphasia, nutism, communication.
minimal brain dysfunction and learning
difficulties. Children who experience the b. Motor Aphasia
difficulties mentioned above are late in Another term for motor aphasia is
language development skills, can occur in expressive nonfluent aphasia, or
phonology, semantics, and syntax, so that Broca's aphasia. Clients who
children experience difficulties in the experience motor aphasia have
transformation that is needed in difficulty coordinating or arranging
communication activities. In addition to thoughts, feelings and desires into
the disturbance of transformation and symbols that are meaningful and
symbolization, it is also accompanied by understood by others. One thing to
behavioral disorders. These behavioral note is that they understand and
disorders greatly affect the language can interpret the stimuli they
acquisition process, including lack of receive, just to express their
attention and interest in the surrounding difficulties. This type of motor
stimuli, shifting attention, poor aphasia can occur, namely he has
concentration, seeming easily confused, difficulty in writing / graphics, this
and giving up quickly. type is called agraphia. As
described above, this disorder can
be experienced by both children
and adults. This occurs because of
damage to Broca's center in the
2. Aphasia interior temporal lobe, interior

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
parietal lobe or posterior frontal 3. Speech Organ Disorders
These abnormalities include a short
c. Conductive Aphasia tongue, deformity of the teeth and
Another term for conductive mandible (lower jaw), cleft lip deformity
aphasia is dynamic aphasia, or (palatoschizis/cleft palate), deviated nasal
ranscortic sensory aphasia. This septum, adenoid or laryngeal
client is characterized by difficulty abnormalities. In short tongue there is
in imitating repeated language difficulty sticking out the tongue so that it
sounds. Generally the ability to is difficult to pronounce the letters [t, n,
understand stimuli is relatively and l]. Deformities of the teeth and
good, but sometimes there is mandible result in wheezing sounds such
interference. At the time of as [f, v, s, z, and th]. Cleft lip
speaking quite fluently, especially abnormalities can cause resonance
in short sentences, but in longer deviations in the form of rhinoliaaperta,
sentences the fluency was namely nasal sounds (nasal) in high-
disturbed. This aphasia is caused pressure letters such as [m, n, ny, ng, s, k,
by damage to the arcuate fascius and g].
and the inner supramarginal gyrus 4. Hearing Loss
in the superior temporal lobe.
Children who have hearing loss are
d. Amnestic Aphasia less able to hear the conversation around
Another term for amnestic aphasia them. Hearing loss should always be
is also called nominal aphasia, or considered when there is a speech delay.
anomia. This client is characterized There are several causes of hearing loss,
by difficulty in selecting and using could be due to infection, trauma or
the right symbols. Generally the congenital abnormalities. Infection can
symbols that are difficult to choose occur if you have repeated infections of
are those related to names, the organs in the auditory system.
activities, situations related to life Congenital disorders are usually due to
activities. This aphasia occurs genetic disorders, maternal infection
because of damage to the angular during pregnancy, drugs consumed by the
gyrus in the temporal lobe of the mother during pregnancy, or if there is a
left hemisphere. In addition to family history of deafness. Hearing loss
delays in language development can also occur when the baby has a severe
and aphasia, there are also several infection, brain infection, use of certain
sections regarding the location of drugs or heavy jaundice (hyperbilirubin).
nerve damage in children with Treatment with the installation of hearing
language difficulties. aids will be very helpful if this
abnormality is detected early. In children
who have hearing loss, but normal
intelligence, language development up to
6-9 months seems normal and there is no

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
deterioration. Then the mumbling will go a. Speech Therapy.
away followed by the loss of another voice
and the child seems very quiet. The Speech therapy usually uses audio or
presence of this setback is also often video and mirrors. Children's speech
suspected as a degenerative neurological therapy usually uses play approaches,
disorder. puppets, role playing, pairing pictures or
cards. Adult speech therapy usually uses
5. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders the direct method, namely through practice
and practice. Articulation therapy in adults
Speech disorders are usually focuses on helping patients to produce
accompanied by minimal brain sounds properly, including how to position
dysfunction, the symptoms that occur are the tongue properly, shape the jaw, and
so minimal that they are not easy to control the breath to produce sounds
recognize. Usually accompanied by properly.
learning difficulties, hyperactivity,
unskilled, and other subtle symptoms. b. Oral Motor Therapy.

6. Autism This therapy uses exercises that do not

involve speech, such as drinking through a
Severe speech and language straw, blowing a balloon, or blowing a
disorders can be caused by autism. Autism trumpet. This exercise aims to train and
is a pervasive developmental disorder in strengthen the muscles used for speech.
children characterized by disturbances and
delays in cognitive, language, behavior, c. Melody Intonation Therapy.
communication and social interactions. In
the book Children With Starving Brains by In our melodic intonation therapy, we can
Jaquelyn Mecandless mentions that autism apply it to stroke patients who have
is a genetic problem of the digestive and language disorders. The music or melodies
immune systems, the invasion of viruses, used are usually slow, lyrical, and have
fungi and other pathogenic bacteria. different stresses.

7. Handling in Distraction speak

Handling of speech disorders D. CONCLUSION

begins with patient identification (Sastra,
From the description above, it can
2011:30) such as, medical history,
be concluded that language and speech
speaking skills, listening skills, cognitive
disorders are one of the types of
abilities, and communication skills. Then
communication disorders which are
the treatment is continued with the
indicated to have disturbances in the
diagnosis of the disorder experienced by
symbolic process. The causes of language
the patient. After the results of the
and speech disorders are extensive. This
diagnosis are obtained, then appropriate
can be caused by disturbances in the
therapy is applied to the patient.
nervous system or abnormalities in organs
related to language and speech processes
that occur due to injury or trauma during
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. **, No. **, (Month) (Year)
prenatal, natal, and postnatal. In addition, REFERENCES
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