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REG NO: 2019-04-07864






I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my lovely parents, Mr and Mrs. John Mosha for
having seen and believing good in me thus letting me pursue Bachelor of commerce in Tourism
Management at University of Dar-es-saalam with fully support that is financially and also
mentally. I would surely not pull this without them hence all my dear thanks are elevated to

Likewise, I would like to thank the University of Dar-es-salaam at large but to be specific the
Department of Marketing for administering practical training to its students that have proved to
be of a great importance in education and career advancement in general.

I wish to extend lots of thanks to MAENDELEO BANK for having secured a place for my
practical training and for believing in me in serving our great nation. This both staff and Non-
staff members of the organization that we worked hand in hand during my practical training at

Furthermore, my delightful appreciation goes to my fellow practical training members from

UDSM and other universities that we cooperated together during the training and through their
positive comments and advice helped me to accomplish what was required of the practical

Moreover, I would like to thank my internal supervisor at Maendeleo bank Ms. Norah Kimambo
and the external supervisor Dr. Amina Abdul for enlightening me and ensuring that my
capabilities were resourceful at the practical training.

For the rest of the members that I was not able to mention or acknowledge in this report I
appreciate your support in any other form of assistance given to me during the practical training


This field report focuses on the assessment of different practical training works conducted in
eight weeks from 26th July 2021to 17th October 2021 at Maendeleo bank PLC. Which is located
in Ilala district .This field report is purposely written to portray linkage between class teachings
in other words theory with relation to practical work. This helps to enable students in
enhancement of their skills, attitudes, creativity and work capabilities on their respective areas of
specialization covering their registered courses.

The activities performed at practical training are aimed at meeting are aimed at meeting the
requirements and expectations of Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism with relation to marketing.

The general advantages obtained from this package includes exposure to labor market,
knowledge expansion with relation to theoretical and practical teachings, decision making and
problem solving skills, understanding work ethics that are all together leading factors towards a
successful career in educational background.

However, some challenges noticed at the practical training were inefficient communication
skills, customer handling difficulties, poor time scheduling at the practical training and other
difficulties arising from staff members of the organization that are explained in details later in
this report.

Recommendations put forwards so as to reduce the gasps between theory and practice would
very much help in making practical training efficient and of proper use in career advancement. I
would recommend an improvement on information technology including establishment of
computer packages in respective business field, widening of communication studies and research
for relevant field selection.

BOT – Bank of Tanzania
PLC – Public Limited Company
ICT – Information Communication and Technology

UDSM – University of Dar es Salaam

BR – Bankers Realm

LPO – Local purchasing Order

TISS – Tanzania Inter-bank Settlement System

TRA – Tanzania revenue authority

ATM – Automated teller machine

VAT – Value added Tax

CRDB – Cooperatives rural and development Bank

NMB – National microfinance Bank

NBA – National Board of Accreditation

Table of Contents


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................ii


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.1 Historical background of Maendeleo Bank PLC...................................................................1

1.2 Type of organization..............................................................................................................1

1.3 Services offered by the organization......................................................................................1

1.4 Organization structure............................................................................................................2

1.5 Number of employees............................................................................................................3

1.6 Activities................................................................................................................................3

1.7 Level of technology...............................................................................................................3

1.8 Customers...............................................................................................................................4

1.9 Strategic direction..................................................................................................................4

1.9.1 Vision statement..................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5

2.0 ACTIVITIES PERFOMED.......................................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5

2.2 ASSIGNED TASKS/ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................5

2.2.1 Customer’s registration in selcom mobile..........................................................................5

2.2.2 Opened accounts for customers..........................................................................................5

2.2.3 Reconciliation of payments.................................................................................................6

2.2.4 Know your customer (KYC)...............................................................................................6

2.2.5 Posting of payments............................................................................................................6

2.2.6 Agency Application forwarding schedule...........................................................................6

2.2.7 Customer service.................................................................................................................6

2.2.8 Digital signage....................................................................................................................7

2.2.9 Writing report......................................................................................................................7

2.3 Working environment............................................................................................................7

2.4 Interest of the duties performed.............................................................................................7

2.5 A Measure to the Demands of the Assigned Duties............................................................7

2.6 Problems Faced in Executing the Tasks Assigned:.............................................................8

2.6.1 Adopting to the working environment................................................................................8

2.6.2 Financial problem...............................................................................................................8

2.6.3 Timing support from Staff..................................................................................................8

2.6.4 Inadequate equipment.........................................................................................................8

2.7 Solutions to the Problems and Recommendations on how to solve them:..........................9

2.7.1 Recommendations...............................................................................................................9

2.8 Expectations before and after the training.............................................................................9

2.9 New experiences....................................................................................................................9

2.9.1 Computer application skills................................................................................................9

2.9.2 Time keeping Skills............................................................................................................9

2.9.3 Paying attention at work...................................................................................................10

2.10 Employment prospects.......................................................................................................10

2.11 Relevance of the field attachment at Maendeleo Bank PLC..........................................10

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................11

3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................11

3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................11

3.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................11

3.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................11



This chapter explains (in short) the details of Maendeleo Bank PLC, pertaining the Historical
background, location, vision, mission, function, capabilities and level of operation. This field
report has been prepared for the purpose of accomplishing the requirement of the UDBS with the
aim of measuring and building the competence and experience of students in comparing what is
taught in lectures into practice as a carrier profession.

1.1 Historical background of Maendeleo Bank PLC

MAENDELEO BANK PLC is a result of the decision made by the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in Tanzania-Eastern and Coastal Diocese in 2008. Maendeleo Bank plc was registered as a
limited company in February 2011, later changed to public limited company in June 2013.

Maendeleo bank plc started its business on September 9 th 2013 as a regional bank with the
license number NBA 00026 to facilitate it carrying out the banking business. It became the first
company and bank to be listed at the Dar es Salaam stock exchange plc (DSE) through the
enterprise growth market window which made it to become a public limited company from its

Its main objective is to create investment value to their shareholders and optimize the growth of
the bank through the synergies and common development plans. The bank is also set to deliver
excellence by serving customers with efficiency and courtesy.

1.2 Type of organization

Maendeleo Bank PLC is a corporation which deals in banking business which has been targeting
micro, small and medium enterprise markets in Dar es Salaam. Since it is a public limited
company, its shares are available for trade at the Dar es Salaam stock exchange market where
different individuals can buy and sell them.

1.3 Services offered by the organization

Major services offered by the bank include Account opening, Insurance, Loans, and treasury

The bank provides for its customers a wide variety of accounts which includes, Ordinary saving
account for personal savings, Fixed deposit account merely for investment purposes, Executive
savings account for high profile people who are willing to pay extra for special attention,
Achiever account for students, Personal current account to facilitate payments for personal and
business, Ahadi account which assist in setting a monthly savings plan, Salary account for salary
payments of clients and Maendeleo wekeza account for people who wish to grow their savings to
attain a particular goal.

With Insurance services, the bank works as an agent of various insurance companies which
facilitates in providing cover for their customers on various properties. Insurance services
available are, Motor insurance for individual’s cars, Domestic insurance, all risk insurance,
Business insurance and Personal accident life and death insurance.

With Loan services, they provide Executive loans, Agribusiness loans, Jamii loans, Poultry
financing loans, Housing loans, Small group lending, Msme loans, loans to Saccoss and
Consumer loans.

With Treasury services, they include Foreign exchange services, fixed deposits, Advisory
services and Government security buying services and with deposits from customer.

1.4 Organization structure

Maendeleo Bank PLC is headed by the Managing director who is the head of all activities
concerning the bank followed by the head of different departments. These are Head of Finance,
Head of Operations and ICT, Head of Credit and the Head of Human Resource. All of these
departments work together intact and report to the Managing director. The bank also has three
branches which are headed by the branch managers.




1.5 Number of employees

The total number of employees of Maendeleo Bank PLC is about 85 employees which includes
the in office staff and out office staff who are the sales staff who work outside the office area
going around to look for customers for the bank’s products. As days goes the number of
employee’s .tend to increase as number of customers increase.

1.6 Activities
 Umoja ATM reconciliation
 Exchange rate updating
 Reconciliation of payments
 TRA VAT returns
 Filling of documents
 Cheque writing
 Procurement

1.7 Level of technology

Technology has quite clearly changed the traditional way of recording and classifying accounts
and carrying out various financial activities. Maendeleo Bank PLC uses various software to carry
out its activities which includes the BR {Co-banking system} to perform its inside activities
such as posting of transactions i.e. Debiting and crediting customer accounts, it as well facilitates
in making reconciliations of the bank’s transactions with the general ledger. There is also the
ATM Portal where information concerning ATM withdrawals of our customers going to other
ATMS and other individuals who are not our customers withdrawing money from us generally
for performing reconciliation with the bank and the BOT accounts. Lastly the use of latest
window 10 represents the level of technology Maendeleo Bank P.L.C

1.8 Customers
Maendeleo Bank PLC has a variety of customers which includes individuals who open accounts
for their savings, others who come for loans these customers can be of different classes such as
students, children ,employees ,farmers, postures , business people , foreigners , agency
customerer, private company and the church servants but their biggest customer is the Lutheran
church where every church is required to have an account with the bank together with all their
employees where all their transactions are conducted by the bank.

1.9 Strategic direction

Maendeleo Bank PLC is a corporation which deals in banking business which has been targeting
micro, small and medium enterprise markets in Dar es Salaam.

1.9.1 Vision statement

The vision of Maendeleo Bank PLC is to become the premier bank in Tanzania, which is
customer need driven with competitive returns to the shares.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the details of the activities and tasks undertaken during my internship at
Maendeleo Bank PLC. This chapter includes the lesson leant and challenges faced from the
activities performed during the field work in various departments where I was placed.


2.2.1 Customer’s registration in selcom mobile.
Selcom was founded in 2001 as a prepaid airtime distributor. In those early days, we ventured
into prepaid airtime distribution and internet offerings. As a merchant, you can collect payment
from multiple channels such as all mobile network operators (Mpesa ,TigoPesa ,Airtel Money,
Tpesa or 15 banks enabled on mastercard QR0). We register customers of Maendeleo Bank by
noting down all the important details the bank requires as name of the customer, account
number, mobile number so that our customer can safely withdraw or deposit their money in a
secured manner. Selcom mobile is important since it save time and easy to acquire the service.

2.2.2 Opened accounts for customers.

In order for an agent to open an account for customers the following are required.

 Tin number
 ID card
 Passport size
 Bank statements.
 Letter from local government office.

Official forms from specific bank are used to fill all personal information of the customer so as
can be used confidential for safety personally. The account are known as agent account OR
agency form. This account has maintenance cost, the agent is provided with a machine known as
POS (point of sale machine).

2.2.3 Reconciliation of payments
Reconciliation of payments is done using the BR where various payments done by the banks
either to their creditors or clients or even employees are reconciled with the banks accounts to
come up with the exact figure when compared in the books and amount available in cash. This is
important as it helps bring out a clear view of where funds were being allocated to, by whom and
how much thus reduces the risk of theft by unfaithful employees.

2.2.4 Know your customer (KYC)

By making several call, I learnt how to handle different customers with problems. During my
training I made several call of Maendeleo bank customers, in the case study I realized the
problem facing different customers such problem are loans of products such as autorickshaw and
motorbikes. Hisa accounts for the customers, some customer have dormant account and they
don’t have knowledge on how to activate them .some use abusive language when communicating
with them .All this problems, I made up perfect solution which benefits both client and service

2.2.5 Posting of payments

Posting of payments is simply making the payments based on the need of such payments. The
needs may be; paying of suppliers, employee loans, services provided by the bank and many

2.2.6 Agency Application forwarding schedule.

The agency application forwarding schedule identifies agent customers so as an agent can be
given an the POS (point of sale machine).The machine are used best with banking Agency
customer in which every transaction of banking issues are done through the Machine thus easy
the financial service s of their customer.

2.2.7 Customer service

A great brand images helps to defined a bank more distinctly in marketplace , more importantly
it can create a sense of perceived value in the minds of consumers which often equates to
profitability over the long haul .Thus exceptional customer service can be built into your
marketing strategy and ultimately used to boost your brand image.

2.2.8 Digital signage.
This was one among branding ways the bank used to promote their products or service they
provided. As a marketer one has to know how to use digital signage, where displays do selling
for the bank so the bank don’t have to. Use well placed displays to show graphics and videos that
promote your latest services for your latest product. Thus marketing activities I observed during
my practical training.

2.2.9 Writing report.

During my practical training I was provided with the task of report writing. After each visitation
of a particular task provided by the bank. A marketer has to prepare a well written document of
the task performed by analyzing the pros and cons of the task provided. Such activities are
number of accounts opened for the month as it is targeted, meetings reports, and other much
more activities that marketer perform, all requires a well written report.

2.3 Working environment.

The working environment at Maendeleo Bank PLC was very friendly and conducive for training
since the company has a good arrangement for field practical students and cooperative staff
members. During training, I worked in collaboration with officers of different departments when
required. The working condition was generally good as I was provided with various materials to
support my training at large. The staff was very kind and gave me support when I asked. This
enhanced my knowledge at large. Not only that but, my supervisor was an excellent teacher, and
this helped understand the whole fields which involve marketing duties together with advice
concerning my studies and other areas of work. Through their efforts, this ultimately facilitated
my learning process and made it easier to perform my work.

2.4 Interest of the duties performed

The tasks performed were very interesting especially when I came to realize what marketing
really is and what it requires from a student pursuing it. This gave me a picture that whatever is
taught in class is what is really done in the outside world thus brings out a need to understand
everything deeply and how to do it.

2.5 A Measure to the Demands of the Assigned Duties

As for the demand of the assigned duties, their demand was very high and they were of very big
importance to the organization since the bank operates as per the guidance of the local regulator

especially in the marketing department where it was so important to increase the number of
customers account.

2.6 Problems Faced in Executing the Tasks Assigned:

During my practical training period at Maendeleo Bank PLC, just as it is in many offices, there
are various problems that arise while performing different tasks. The following are problems I
faced while executing the tasks that were assigned to me;

2.6.1 Adopting to the working environment

Due to the fact that the organization environment was new it took some time to get used and
cope with the working environment, adapting to organization culture was the big challenge, so in
the first days of the field I did not have much to do rather than just learning on the bank’s
products, activities done in the department I was placed and how to use different software to
carry out the activities of the organization.

2.6.2 Financial problem

During the field practical training financial challenge was among the challenge I encountered, as
the organization did not provide any funds for students going for practical training nor was
providing with lunch thus I required to accommodate myself with transport money together with
money for meals. This was later solved as the bank provided with some money as a hand of
thanks to the help I provided to them during the time I was there.

2.6.3 Timing support from Staff

Timing support from other staff was a bit challenge due to the workload the staffs had, hence it
was difficult to get time for them to teach me some of their works also being provided with
timely responses. This was solved by being humble and patient and befriending staff members in
order to learn things from them.

2.6.4 Inadequate equipment

The Bank lacked some equipment such as desks, and insufficient rooms for trainees which lead
to sharing of desks with other staffs with made it difficult to perform some activities. This is
because the organization has a small working ground to cater only for their staffs.

2.7 Solutions to the Problems and Recommendations on how to solve them:
The following are ways I used to solve the problems that I faced during my practical training

 Ask my parents concerning the matter as they as well have knowledge on various bank

 Consult my supervisor on matters that were not clear so that explanation was given.

2.7.1 Recommendations
 When Students are attached for fieldwork the organization receiving them should prepare
fully on how they will accommodate the students together with creating a timetable or a
routine through which the students will follow during their practical period to enhance
proper understanding of the activities performed in the organization placed.

2.8 Expectations before and after the training

My expectations before the Practical Training were to learn practically what I was taught in
class, as well as to learn new concepts. These expectations were fully met as I got the chance to
perform the activities practically where I got a chance to learn some new things which are not
taught in class but related to the topics taught which explained the importance of having these
field practical training to students.

2.9 New experiences

Professional experiences and skills acquired during the actual process of the training program at
Maendeleo Bank PLC over duties I performed during my field actual training include:
2.9.1 Computer application skills
Microsoft office word skills, Microsoft excel, use of printing devices and other software used by
the bank. During my field practical training I was assigned with computer based activities such
as customer’s Selcom registration, posting together with preparation of reports.
2.9.2 Time keeping Skills
Time keeping was paramount especially registry which was always floated with duties and
assignments that had to be performed fully and accurately, and because of that I had to be early
for work to accomplish the assigned duties in time. I learned that time keeping is highly needed

in the organization and not only in the marketing department but in all other departments so as to
ilitate them in carrying out their activities.
2.9.3 Paying attention at work
Several instructions were usually given to trainee like separating, sorting, and others, a lesson of
paying good attention and being a good listener made the trainee a perfect performer because I
could easily note down all that I what was told and putting to action. This helped me create credit
to my supervisor as they could easily assign duties to me without having to explain a lot and
repeat instructions all the time thus it turned out great to me.

2.10 Employment prospects

It has been an honor to work with the staff of Maendeleo Bank PLC; they are people who anyone
would wish to work with. In my practical training period the tasks have been enjoyable and I
would be pleased if the bank would recruit me as one of their employees after the completion of
my studies. I believe that the organization would love to have me as one of their employees, they
were so compelled by the passion and commitment that I had to the tasks that were assigned to

2.11 Relevance of the field attachment at Maendeleo Bank PLC

My field attachment at Maendeleo Bank PLC was relevant indeed as I received more insight
related to different aspects of my studies, my career and profession. With regard to my studies I
gained a deeper understanding about marketing, activities and roles together with importance of
the marketing department in the banking business. Practical training provided me with the effect
of the activities performed by the marketing department on how they may hinder the bank’s
development or contribute to the bank’s development based on the managing of expenses and
allocation of funds for the bank. An insight I never had even when I studied finance as a course
in class.



3.1 Introduction
This report comes with the conclusion based on my experience during my practical training. It
provides a conclusion based on the importance of enrolling students into practical training during
their years of study together with the relevance of theoretical knowledge provided in classed and
the practical activities performed on the business world today.

3.2 Conclusion
The field practical training is a requirement for all students who enroll in any program. This is an
opportunity for a student to learn outside the classroom, this helps to transform the acquired
knowledge from theoretical experience to a practical experience. Hence field practical training
helps the students to be confident, skillful and professional in their area of specialization.

Practical training enables the student to as well learn through the interaction with people who are
already in the labour market who may simply advice based on what the market requires from a
student graduating at the moment or at the coming years to be able to succeed outside the
classroom environments and how to be competent in performing their various activities.

Practical training as well tends to impact the student with the sense of accountability through the
activities provided for them to perform which as well impact the performance of the organization
attached, it also instill the sense of punctuality as students are as well required to arrive at work
places on time together with other workers and not entertaining any laziness.

3.3 Recommendations
There is a gap between theory and practice that need to be narrowed to prepare the student well
for the future responsibilities. In order to bridge the gap between theory and practice; I
recommend the following actions to be taken in order to bridge the gap that exists between
theory and practice.

Restructuring the practical training session, because both practical training and class studies are
of equal importance for the student to be more competent and professional to the field of study,

therefore, I suggest that the duration of conducting practical training should be increased, where,
students should be more exposed to the practical nature of activities learned in class as students
are only provided with eight weeks to perform activities learnt in their two years which is not
enough hence resulting to them being competent in some areas and incompetent in other areas.

Moreover, computer studies should be improved due to rapid advancement of technology. The
University of Dar es Salaam needs to emphasis more on computer studies as most of the
activities being done today require the knowledge of computer together with several software
which ease performing their day to day activities hence to enable them to be more competent.

Maendeleo Bank PLC should focus on improving their internal systems which includes the
software used to assist them in performing their transactions as various breakdowns were
observed during my practical training, improvements in their mailing system as various staffs
encountered difficulties in receiving their mails thus delay in activities together with proper
separation and communication of one’s activities as different staffs were seen to be assigned
work not related to their normal day to day activities without being provided prior training.



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