Agricultural Development On Pesticides and Herbicides: Farming in 1920's

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Edrichein Andres.


Daniel Fernandez

Agricultural Development on Pesticides and Herbicides

Agriculture is known to be one of the most significant economic activity. It involves the production of
plants, livestock and more by utilizing natural resources such as water and land.The development of
agriculture turned to be one of the most importany for the human civilization as it facilitates the way of
development and change. In this writing, I together with my partner will try to give you a background
about farming in 1920's and until now.

Farming in 1920's

There were no electricity. They water their crops by pumping windmills. Farmers tried battle plant
diseases such as pest and weeds but they are not able to. Machinery was just introduced, so farmers still
used animals such as carabao and horses. They don't have scientific ways to control weeds and insects.

Farming in 1930's

This time in history was called the "Great Depression" as economic around the world slows down and
drought was rampant. Farmers had no money to buy crops and drought made it impossible to plant and
harvest crops. But farmes found their way to survive. They try to adapt new ways in farming. Many were
still using simple chemicals but it was expensive and not very effective. This time of history facilitates the
change in using chemical pest control.

Farming in 1940's

Everything changed in 1941 as world war 2 is about to happen. Tractors were widely used. Irrigation
were introduced. Researchers are able to produced fertilizers and new hybrid varities for plants.
Antibiotics, additives and genetic breeding programs were new discoveries in crops and livestock.
Chemical Age booms in agriculture. Swiss chemist named Paul Muller discovered DDT ( Dichloro-
diphenyl-trichloro-ethan) as an insecticide. DDT also paves the way for chemist to develop other
insecticides and herbicides. The chemical was formulated by taking simple carbon based molecules like
methane, stripping out one or more hydrogen atoms and replacing them with other compounds. With
this, chemist were able to produced the first widely used chemical herbicide in 1944 and it was the 2,4-
D(2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid). Farmers rely on this herbicide rather than cultivating because this
spray could kill a lot of weeds in the most efficient and careful way. Over the years, 2,4-D have remained
to be the most succesful herbicide. This time of history was called as the " Golden Age in Agriculture."

Farming in 1950's Until Now

In mid 1950's and 1960's, millions of farmers left for jobs in towns or in the city. This reduce the
manpower for farming but around 2.5 million farmers are still on farm. Farming became a good way to
make money. Agricultural Machinery produced a lot of helpful machines. Agricultural research resulted
in better crops and pesticides. In 1970's, agricultural innovation starts. Electricity, trucks, and tractors
were widely used. In 1980's, atrazine herbicide were introduced. In 1990's, glyphosate herbicide( also
known as roundup )overtaken the chemical herbicide industry. In 2000, agricultural revolution( involving
motorization, biological selection, use of chemicals and specialization )were introduced to developing
countries. Nowadays, farm machines has improved efficiency and crop production. Variety of pesticides
and herbicides can be buy from different stores. Hydroponics, organic farming, better management of
soil nutrients and improved weed control are the recent advances in agriculture.

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