Types: Console Command

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 Types
 The commands listed on this page will appear in two types and are accordingly
 target.command – Targeted commands. These will either be listed here with
targetID or player as target.
o Targeted commands also work by selecting the target with the mouse or
using prid <refID> before the command.
 command – Untargeted commands.
 Some commands will be noted to be able to both be used either with a target or
without one, resulting in a global or targeted effect.
 Targets
 Targeted commands will require a reference as target usually entered before the
actual command, as noted by the separating dot in between. For the majority of
functions, a Form ID will be needed. For example, if you want your player
character (PC) to be the target, you can:
 Use the PC's reference ID: 00000014. <command>
o Example: 00000014.additem 000D83BF – Adds 1 Pipe Wrench to the
PC's inventory.
 Left-click on the PC (while the console is open you will be given a cursor to click
on objects/characters in the world to select them as targets), at the console's
header " 00000014 [EP] will show up, indicating the ID of your PC as target. Now
you can enter any targeted command without needing to enter a target as the
console will automatically preface it with your selected ID. To deselect your
target, simply click on it again and it will disappear from the header.
o Example: additem 000D83BF
 Selecting items in difficult environments, and scroll wheel augmented selection:
Pointing and left-clicking may not select the expected item when in a crowded
environment, or in the presence of items whose boundaries extend beyond their
visible edges. When in doubt, verify the selection with non-destructive console
o After attempting to click on an NPC, the inv (show inventory) command is
a convenient validator. If a plausible inventory is shown, it is very likely
that the expected NPC was selected.
o After attempting to click on an arbitrary item, the command modpos z 1
can be used to increase the altitude of the selected item by one unit (a few
pixels for nearby items; less for more distant items). If the desired item
moves up, the selection was successful. Whether successful or not,
always reverse the effect of that command by using the command modpos
z -1 before doing anything else. (If the item shimmers or is blurry after
modpos z -1, that can be fixed by using a command that will not move the
item, like modpos z 0.)
o If the desired item was not selected, rotate the mouse's scroll wheel to
select the next item in the scene that falls behind the point that was
clicked; the ID shown at the top/middle of the console will change with
each increment of rotation. (If the pointer is within the console area, the
console text may also scroll, but that is unrelated to the ID shown. Also,
when using the scroll wheel to scroll the console text, beware the scroll
wheel's dual purpose, because after scrolling, the item you originally
selected probably isn't the item that is currently selected, which can lead
to terrible mistakes.) For each new ID that appears as the scroll wheel is
rotated, use one of the selection verification procedures discussed above
until the desired item is found.
 If the ID of the item is already known, the ambiguity of mouse selection can be
avoided by using the command prid 00000014 (Pick Reference ID) to select a
target (the player character, in this example). To deselect it, just enter prid.
o Example: prid 00000014; additem 000D83BF
 In case of the player character, you can actually just use "player" as a reference
ID which the console will automatically convert to 00000014 upon executing the
command. This is the only such placeholder in the game, "targetID" is merely a
placeholder on this page, to indicate commands which require a target.
o Example: player.additem 000D83BF
 Leading zeroes
 Each item, object, character, etc. has an eight character hexadecimal reference
ID. When typing IDs, leading zeroes may be omitted.
 Example: 00000014.additem 000D83BF is the same as 14.additem D83BF.
 Multiple commands
 You can enter several commands at once to be executed in a row one after the
other. Simply separate them with ; between each command, as seen in the
below example.
 Example: prid 00000014; additem 000D83BF
 Logic
 You can use logical operators in your commands in order to have branching
conditions. The syntax to do an if statement in the console is as follows. if <if
condition>; <if true>; elseif <elseif condition>; <elseif true>; else; <if false>;
 Example: if player.GetItemCount f > 300; player.removeItem f 300;
player.addItem 1f66c 150; endif
o f are bottle caps (For bottle caps have the form id of 0000000f; leading
zeroes can be omitted)
o 1f66c is 5mm ammo (ditto)
 Explanation:
 The amount of money is checked.
o If the player has more than 300 bottle caps then the if the statement is
o Otherwise, the statement is false and nothing happens.
 In the if true section the game then removes 300 bottle caps from the player and
adds 150 5mm ammo.
o This is to provide a means of resupply out in the commonwealth.
o You can change the values or the items to be whatever you want.
 In this example, we didn't use the elseif or else blocks because they are optional
and not required.
 Logical Operators
 Operator  Meaning
 <  Less than
 <=  Less than or equal to
 >  Greater than; also referred to as more than
 >=  Greater than or equal to
 ==  Equal to
 ||  Or
 &&  And
 !  Negate

 Note: The console is not case-sensitive. While commands listed here contain
capitalization for better readability, it doesn't matter how you input them: E.g.
tgm, TGM or tGm will all work.
 Debugging and mapping
 help <matchstring> <filter> <form type> – Searches for item IDs, perk names,
and even other commands. Use PageUp and PageDown keys or keyboard
equivalents to scroll through the console.
o matchstring: The search term(s).
o filter: Integer from 0 to 4.
 0 – List all results.
 1 – List functions.
 2 – List settings.
 3 – List globals.
 4 – List other forms (optional form type, see below for common
o form type: 4 character form type identifier (used only when using filter
value 4, otherwise ignored), e.g.:
 AMMO - Ammunition. (All items in the Pip-Boy INV/AMMO display
are of type AMMO.)
 ARMO – Armor and clothing. (All items in the Pip-Boy
INV/APPAREL display are of type ARMO.)
 ALCH - Food, drink and chems. (All items in the Pip-Boy INV/AID
display are of type ALCH.)
 BOOK - All magazines, notes, and a few schematics. (Shown in
Pip-Boy INV/MISC display.)
 CELL – Cells of the maps.
 FACT – Factions.
 FURN – Furniture. In Workshop mode, some behave normally
(118f4b), some can only be scrapped (ab568), while others can't be
manipulated at all (db85e).
 MISC – Miscellaneous items, including all "junk" items. (All items in
the Pip-Boy INV/JUNK display are MISC, as are some items in
 NPC_ – NPCs. (Underscore satisfies the 4 character requirement.)
 KEYM – Keys.
 OMOD – Item mods.
 PERK – Perks.
 QUST – Quests.
 SPEL - Conditions affecting a character, for better ("Fortify
Health"), or worse ("Alcohol Addiction").
 STAT – Static objects (uses the display name, not the actual model
 WEAP – Weapons. (All items in the Pip-Boy INV/WEAPONS
display are of type WEAP.)
o Example: help leather 0 – This will list everything - item IDs, perk names,
and commands - with "Leather" in the name.
o Example: help "leather armor" 0 – If your search term contains a space,
surround it in quotation marks.
o Example: help raider 4 armo – Lists all armors with "raider" in their name.
o Example: help "gunner con" 4 npc_ – Lists all NPCs with "gunner con" in
their name, like "Gunner Conscript".
 ClearConsole or clear – Clears the console log.
o Note: While the command is accepted, it does not clear the console as
 ShowAllMapMarkers <bool or bool,bool,bool> or tmm <bool or bool,bool,bool>
o tmm 1 – Enables all locations as discovered to your Pip-Boy with fast
travel (Does not update the "locations discovered" statistic in the Pip-Boy
3000 Mark IV).
o tmm 0 – Disables all map markers.
o tmm 1,0,1 – Adds all map markers as undiscovered without fast travel.
 ToggleGodMode or tgm – Gives the player complete immunity to damage,
radiation and oxygen starvation underwater. It also gives unlimited ammo and
clip, carrying capacity and AP (reloading does use AP with some weapons).
RadAway and stimpaks do not work while tgm is active, but power armor fusion
cores will still drain, however can be recharged by using the jetpack. In addition,
it provides unlimited resources for building items at settlements. Falling from high
places will still cause the player to flinch as if taking damage, though no damage
will occur, and companions may comment as if you had taken damage as a
 ToggleImmortalMode or tim – Character will still take damage, but health will
never reach zero; it does not confer radiation immunity, nor infinite AP or ammo.
o Warning: This will irreversibly screw up your character should you
encounter a kill animation (e.g. Deathclaw evisceration) which can lead to
your limbs or head being replaced by gibs causing permanent crippling
debuffs (perception or agility at 0), inability to equip gear for the affected
slots and all your character's dialogue being skipped (in case of a mauled
head). While the visual effects can be solved by entering/exiting power
armor, the permanent 0 for SPECIAL stats and your mute player character
are impossible to restore and force you to reload a previous save.
 ToggleCollision or tcl – Enables the player to move in any direction, including
through solid objects and/or empty space. (A.K.A. "noclip"). It allows you to "fly"
over an area and view it or get unstuck from a location. Make sure to click on an
empty space to clear any IDs that are being used in the console for this to work,
prid with no parameters also serves the same purpose.
o Note: You will still be unable to pass outside the invisible walls at the
boundaries of the map.
o Note: While collisions are disabled, NPCs in the area cannot change
location; they will try to walk in whatever direction they were going before
collisions were disabled, but will only be able to walk in place. Anecdotal
evidence suggests that this inability to move may cause their AIs to re-
weight the value of the path they were taking, decreasing it over time from
a viable path, to a non-viable or undesirable path, which may negatively
affect their movement in the future. (An article on NPC AI capabilities and
limitations from someone with a solid understanding of the subject would
be helpful.)
o Note: Sometimes this command does not work. If you enter
ToggleCollision and nothing happens, simply save your game and quit to
the desktop. When you restart the game, the command should work.
 ToggleGamePause or tgp – Puts the game in a frozen state, even when leaving
the console. Useful in combination with tfc and tm to line up perfect screenshots.
Type again to resume the game.
 SetCameraFOV <Third person FOV> <First person FOV> or fov <Third person
FOV> <First person FOV> – The angle of the game camera's horizontal Field Of
View settings in degrees. Higher values make more of the world around you fit on
screen, but also distort the image more.
o fov or fov 0 0 - Sets both FOVs to the default of 70 degrees.
o The second argument can be omitted, but this will set the first-person FOV
to 70 (which is the default).
o Warning: This command has been known to mess with the Pip-Boy
screen causing it to appear zoomed in too far, blocking your view to the
various tabs at the top of the Pip-Boy as well as most items oriented on
the left-hand side of the screen. If this problem occurs, you can attempt to
remedy this by adjusting the FOV. If adjusting the FOV doesn’t work, you
will need to load a previous save, before you altered the FOV settings.

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