HRMN 400 Discussion

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HRMN 400 Discussion

HRMN 400 Discussion


HRMN 400 Discussion

Job analysis is the process of evaluating a piece of work position so as to find out the

prowess required to carry out a particular job, terms of the job. Assessment is also done in

order to find out how specifically the part affects different roles of the profession. However,

job examination becomes greatly successful once similar standards of professional are

employed to finish the operation.

A marketing manager is in charge of controlling the advertisements and even the setting of

a brand with which a firm is involved in the selling of the products and services to

consumers. Methods used to collect information include; the use of questionnaires,

observation and also the use of interviews (Richardson, 2018). During the process of asking

questions, observation and interviewing marketing managers, it was found that marketing

managers have very many roles to perform because they are directly involved in the business.

This is because they work with the management at the very top to ensure that the business

runs smoothly.

For one to become a marketing manager, he/she has to meet some specific requirements.

This is important because for a business to run smoothly, the marketing manager should be

competent enough. Marketing managers should have the technical know-how skills and

abilities to help then run the business. Before signing for the position, they should be well

informed about what the job is all about to avoid frustrations and disappointments.

During the process of interviewing the people with the position, it was found out that

marketing managers have the obligation of coming up with a market plan. They pinpoint

markets with capabilities to help them make profits in the long run. Marketing managers

assess products to ensure they are in good conditions (Blumenberg, & Barros, 2018). They

oversee and organize activities in the business. They also have a role of initiating new items

in the market.

HRMN 400 Discussion

Observation was used to analyse the duties of a marketing manager. I was observed that

he/she controls budget, carry out market plans, comes up with new strategies about a market,

investigates new ideas and also carry out analyses on the effectiveness of the marketing

strategies. However, there are pros and cons of using these methods of data collection. The

use of questionnaires, it is basically very simple to come up with the questions and ask since

you know what you want from individuals. On the other hand, it can give information which

is inaccurate depending on how the questions were framed.

In observation, there is higher accuracy and generally the method is very simple. It has

cons whereby there will be clarification in case you need one and if the observer is

incompetent then data will be inaccurate. The use of interviews in research, it requires a lot of

money to carry out the research and also there might be data distortion when entering

information. However, it is very explaining hence gives one a better understanding about the

research. Observation was preferred since it gives accurate information (Sharma, 2017). The

use of questionnaires was also used because it very cheap and of cause faster to do the

research. Interviewing was used since someone gets to understand the research better.

There are major EEOC laws that are related to the recruiting process. The Civil Rights Act

of 1964 which prohibits biasness in employment based on national origin, color, sex, race and

religion. Another major law is Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 which

favours women who are pregnant in respect of the benefits (Heathfiled, 2021). There is also

another major law which is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which prohibits the

discrimination of individuals who are both physically and mentally impaired by the provision

of accommodation so as to comfortably conduct work as required in the work places.

Recruiters and hiring managers can reduce the risk of adverse impact by widening the

strategy of recruitment so as to incorporate various groups (Doyle, 2019). Also, they can

make the evaluation centers and work interviews to be standard. They can also ensure that

HRMN 400 Discussion

there is fairness in the testing procedure. They should always employ valid methods of

evaluation. By doing this, they would have reduced the risk of adversity.

Method used to recruit in order to obtain a diverse group of applicants include recruiting

via refugee settlements. They are effective because they have programs which contain a good

number of knowledgeable individuals with best skills. Another method used is testimonies

offered by employees (Babcock, et al., 2017). This is effective because it builds trust to the

rest of the people. The third method used is posting jobs in ways that are not traditional. This

is because they help in clarifying on how one should claim for a job.

Employment at will is when either an employee or employer terminates a relationship of

employment due to specific reasons, ending a relationship without warning or reason.

Employment at will has benefits whereby there are chances of advancements on the

occupation. Also, one has liberty and hence is flexible to leave a job without warning. The

disadvantage is that there is uncertainty since employer has the freedom of also terminating

you from work with no warning. Quality at the work place is enhanced.


To: HSS Founders

From: Brenton Stratton, Human Resource Manager, HSS


Subject: Hiring Practices for HSS

The reason for the memo is to guide new recruiting operations for HSS. It will also show

the firm the legal ways to make sure that we avoid trouble at all times. In reference to law and

order, there is breaching of rules as far as HSS is concerned. This is the key legal problem

HRMN 400 Discussion

associated with recent operations. The person who was preferred for hire was experienced

and knew what was required at the firm. Hiring practices should be modified in such a way

that everyone is pleased with the results. They should be fair and they should point up

cultural fit always.

Thank you.

HRMN 400 Discussion


Blumenberg, C., & Barros, A. J. (2018). Response rate differences between web and

alternative data collection methods for public health research: a systematic review of the

literature. International journal of public health, 63(6), 765-773.

Doropoulos, C., Evensen, N. R., Gómez-Lemos, L. A., & Babcock, R. C. (2017). Density-

dependent coral recruitment displays divergent responses during distinct early life-history

stages. Royal Society Open Science, 4(5), 170082.

Doyle, A. (2019). Inside the recruitment and hiring process.

Heathfield, L. J. (2021). 10 Tips for successful Employee Recruitment.

Richardson, M. (2018). Identification and analysis of marketing manager competences that

determine marketing department capabilities and the underlying importance of courage

traits (Doctoral dissertation, Aston University).

Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and cons of different sampling techniques. International journal of

applied research, 3(7), 749-752.

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