Diagnostic Test

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DECEMBER 3, 2021


The planet’s climate has constantly been changing over time, it is now
different from what others experienced before in the 19th century where there’s still
no high rate of global warming. However, today’s warming is occurring more rapidly.
It’s now becoming clear that humanity has caused most of the last century’s warming
by releasing heat-trapping gases— or greenhouse gases, to help power our modern
life until today. This rise is a problem since it’s now changing our climate at a rate
that is too fast and high for humans and other living things to adapt.
Due to this constant change, it’s now affecting our daily life living, where we
must be careful because this is a vast thing for us to think of since it’s now taking our
lives at risk where there’s a lot of disasters and natural hazards that we may
encounter anytime. We cannot tell when and where our faults may be back to us. It
will maybe soon or in the nearest future. Solutions can be done by individuals in
basics, but governments must therefore take immediate actions right now to change
some course. The longer we take in doing this, the more we will have to depend on
costly technologies, and that could have been more harmful, may impact human
rights. The Philippines is one of the highest in risk when it comes to disaster,
especially typhoons, landslides, earthquakes, etc. we tend to be resilient all the time
when crisis comes to us, but in reality, it’s not good as it looks, it is not about the
resiliency it’s about developing what is need to be developed, we cannot patronize
the things that may take lives when disasters happen. Disasters are the calling for us
to take plans and actions.
Today, COVID-19 has taken all of our great opportunities redirected and
canceled, this is one of the biggest outbreaks that happened in our lives in this 21st
century, our health is now at risk and one of the reasons is lacking good
environmental facilities, it is spreading contiguously because of our poor places to
facilitate the patients with contaminants.
Home is our first safety measure to be comfortable with in time of pandemic, this is
where we will be when disasters may happen, that's why houses must be planned
according to what is right to adapt the environment today. The sustainability,
protection, or its overall green architecture.

“It’s easy to take our planet for granted until we see the human cost of its
degradation: hunger, displacement, unemployment, illness and deaths”
―Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International's Secretary General

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