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Control System Theory

Sourav Choubey
Asst. Professor,
Electrical Engineering
SRICT, Ankleshwar
Mob:- +919726785727
Email id:

Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology CST Sourav Choubey 1

Module 5
State variable Analysis:
Concepts of state variables. State space model. Diagonalization of State
Matrix. Solution of state equations. Eigen values and Stability Analysis.
Concept of controllability and observability. Pole-placement by state
feedback. Discrete-time systems. Difference Equations. State-space
models of linear discrete-time systems. Stability of linear discrete-time

Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology

CST Sourav Choubey

Mathematical Model : Linear, time invariant

Differential equation

Frequency Domain Time Domain

Technique Technique

Two approaches for analysis and design of control system:

1.Classical Technique or Frequency Domain Technique.(T.F. + graphical plots like

root locus, bode etc.)
2. Modern Technique or Time Domain Technique (State variable approach).

Transfer Function form

Need of conversion of transfer function form into state space form:

1.A transfer function can be easily fitted to the determined experimental data in best
possible manner. In state variable we have so many design techniques available for system.
Hence in order to apply these techniques T.F. must be realized into state variable model.
General State Space form of Physical System

x  Ax  Bu State equation

y  Cx Du output equation

x = state vector
x = derivative of the state vector with respect to time
y = output vector
u = input or control vector
A = system matrix
B = input matrix
C = output matrix

D = Feed forward matrix

Basic Concepts of State Space Model
It is a group of variables, which summarizes the history of the system in order
to predict the future values (outputs).

State Variable
The number of the state variables required is equal to the number of the
storage elements present in the system.
Examples − current flowing through inductor, voltage across capacitor

State Vector
It is a vector, which contains the state variables as elements.
In the earlier chapters, we have discussed two mathematical models of the
control systems. Those are the differential equation model and the transfer
function model. The state space model can be obtained from any one of these
two mathematical models. Let us now discuss these two methods one by one.
State Space Model from Differential Equation
x  Ax  Bu
y  Cx Du
State Space Model from Transfer Function

Consider the two types of transfer functions based on the type of terms
present in the numerator.
•Transfer function having constant term in Numerator.
•Transfer function having polynomial function of ‘s’ in Numerator.
Transfer function having constant term in Numerator

Consider the following transfer function of a system


Find the state space model for the system having transfer function.
Transfer Function from State Space Model

We know the state space model of a Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system is -

Where I =
The above equation represents the transfer function of the system.
So, we can calculate the transfer function of the system by using
this formula for the system represented in the state space model
Diagonalisation :

We have defined the state variable model by following equations.

Here we to define another state variable model such that matrix A can
have diagonal form.
Let us define a new state vector such that x (t) = Mz (t)
Here M = non-singular matrix transformation I M I ≠ 0.

Equation (1) can be written as

Substituting for x (t) and Ẋ (t) in Equation (1)

Here matrix M is selected such that

M-1A M is the diagonal matrix.

The matrix M is called modal matrix.

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors :

Consider equation Ax = y

The matrix A transforms (n x 1) vectors x into (n x 1) y

The eigen values of a (n x n) matrix are the roots of the characteristic


The eigen values of matrix A are given by,

The eigen values are known as characteristic roots.

The determinant can be expressed in polynomial as,

This equation is called characteristic equation of matrix A.

To Obtain Model Matrix :

Find Eigen Values for the following Matrix


Take I of same order as A. (I is identity matrix)

Example 3
Put value of λ in Equation (2)
Thus diagonal values are eigen values
Example 4
Consider a matrix A given below find the eigen
values, eigen vectors and model Matrix.

Find the state transition matrix for,

0 1
−6 −5
State Controllability
• Controllability Matrix CM

CM  B AB A2 B  A n1 B 

• System is said to be state controllable if

rank(CM )  n
State Controllability (Example)
• Consider the system given below

  1 0  x  1u
x   0 
 0  3   
y  1 2x
State Controllability (Example)

CM  B AB 
1 1
B  AB   
0  0

System order(state
variable) is 2 but rank is
1 1 1, therefore not
CM   

 0 0 

Observable Matrix (OM)
 C 
 CA 
 
Observability Matrix OM   CA2 
 
  

• The system is said to be completely state observable if

rank(OM )  n
n= system order ,based on
the number of state
State Observability

Consider the system given below
0 1  x   0  u
X   1 
 0  2   
y  0 4x

• OM is obtained as
OM   

• Where C  0 4

0 1 
CA  0 4   0 12
0  2 
State Observability
Rank =1
0 4  n=system order =2
OM   
 0 12 

U(s) 1 s-1 x2 s-1 x1 Y(s)

• Output controllability describes the ability of an external
input to move the output from any initial condition to any
final condition in a finite time interval.

• Output controllability matrix (OCM) is given as

OCM  CB CAB CA 2 B  CA n1 B 
• Check the state controllability, state observability
and output controllability of the following system

0 1  0
A  , B    ,C  0 1
1 0  1 
State Feedback and Pole Placement

Consider a linear dynamic system in the state space form

In some cases one is able to achieve the goal (e.g. stabilizing the system or improving
its transient response) by using the full state feedback, which represents a linear
combination of the state variables, that is

so that the closed-loop system, given by

has the desired specifications.

The main role of state feedback control is to stabilize a
given system so that all closed-loop eigenvalues are
placed in the left half of the complex plane. The
following theorem gives a condition under which is
possible to place system poles in the desired locations.
Theorem :

Assuming that the pair (A,B) is controllable, there exists a feedback

matrix F such that the closed-loop system eigenvalues can be placed in
arbitrary locations.

This important theorem will be proved (justified) for single input single-output
If the pair (A,B) is controllable, the original system can be transformed into the
phase variable canonical form, i.e. it exists a nonsingular transformation
Discrete-Time State Space Analysis
Discrete-time systems are either inherently discrete (e.g. models of bank accounts,
national economy growth models, population growth models, digital words) or they
are obtained as a result of sampling (discretization) of continuous-time systems. In
such kinds of systems, inputs, state space variables, and outputs have the discrete
form and the system models can be represented in the form of transition tables. The
mathematical model of a discrete-time system can be written in terms of a recursive
formula by using linear matrix difference equations as

Here represents the constant sampling interval, which may be omitted for brevity,
that is, we use the following notation
Similarly to continuous-time linear systems, discrete state space equations can
be derived from difference equations
Difference Equations and State Space Form

An nth-order difference equation is defined by

The corresponding state space equation can be derived by using the same
technique as in the continuous-time case. For phase variable canonical form in
discrete-time, we have
Note that the transformation equations, analogous to the continuous-time case,
are given in the discrete-time domain by
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