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Contents Chapter I

Introduction and

Chapter II
Theoretical Basis

Chapter III
Problem Evaluation

Chapter IV
Ethical and Religious

Chapter V
Summary and

The act or practice of illegally, forcefully, kidnapped and coerced into prostitution
fraudulently or coercively exporting and rings, and historical African- American
importing people from one region, city or men who were deceived and sold into
even country to another, usually to obtain slavery. And while these instances
purposes such as sexual exploitation, existed before and even now, the matter
domestic servitude or forced labor. at hand is far more extensive than we
Although many of us are unaware of such can comprehend.
proceedings, it happens daily right in front
of our eyes; whether it may be the the It can be witnessed in sweatshops,
young lady who is browbeaten a shrouded where men and women of all ages,
alley or the kidnapping of an innocent and including children are being forced to
naïve child on his way home from school. work long and hard hours with little or
The focal motive of our its relevance is no pay in unsanitary and safe conditions
because that poor woman or child could to weave and sew the clothes we wear,
be one of our acquaintances, friends, or to pick coffee beans for our daily cups
family or even ourselves. of coffee. This can also be discerned in
pornographic films, photo-shoots or
This unfortunate predicament has prostitution, where they are compelled
developed so significantly in the past that and pressurized to work for the filthy
between 2008 and 2019, the number of desires of others. Another example is the
victims to human trafficking reported and act of trafficking for the purposes of
identified faced a three-fold increase, from organ removal, which can be sold in the
30,961 to 105,787 victims, although the ‘Black Market”.
true value is far higher. When we hear the
short phrase of “Human Trafficking” our As it intertwines with other social and
minds instantly shift to a scene out of a cultural injustices, the fact remains that
movie, such as ‘Taken’ or ’12 Years a Slave’; we need to be deeply perturbed and
where we see women who are drugged, concerned about this issue.

The act or practice of illegally, forcefully,

Introduction & fraudulently or coercively exporting and

importing people from one region, city or

even country to another, usually to obtain
purposes such as sexual exploitation,
domestic servitude or forced labor.

Not only is it associated with gender and

racial inequality; fundamentally speaking, it
implies and propels the idea that one life is
worth lesser than another due to differences
in gender, race, socioeconomic status,
religion, culture, sexual orientation etc., but it
is also connected to the concepts of fair pay,
immigration, as victims are lured and trapped
by threats of deportation and debt bondage.

The ‘Human Trafficking Industry’ earns about

$150 Billion a year for traffickers, while $99
Billion is earned solely through trafficking for
the exclusive purpose of sexual exploitation.
Many people lose any sense of morality when
an earning of such weighty degree is
presented to them, which is unquestionably
wrong. They are so immensely blinded by
their cupidity that they are blinded- or rather,
do not care for right and wrong, which in turn
shows how they have abandoned the basis of
their religious beliefs to go after such
despicable ventures.

Worldview is the way we view this world, The way these “corporate monsters”
including everything in it, from our perceive themselves as a part of this world
perspective. It incorporates how we think the is not some passing soul in this vast
world works, how we view and contemplate universe but as a kingpin interested only in
something, how we fit into this massive world wealth and materialism. This can be
and also how we find solutions and solve projected to traffickers of all types of
problems, by using our own perspective and trafficking, even the ones that are
intuition. considered ‘harmless’ such as debt
bondage. Debt bondage is a serious matter
This goes to show that those who use the where those debt-collectors feel entitled to
Human Trafficking ‘Industry’ as a business a person’s life and welfare when he/she is
venture is furnished with a vile and not able to repay their debts. Forced labor
repugnant worldview, where the notion of and peonage is seen a cheap labor which
exploiting people for sexual favors and forced would maximize profits.
labor raises the idea of ‘profit’ instead of an
‘alert’ for misdemeanor. Instead of pursuing Perspective is a concept that is true to
ones’ passions and interests, they fall into the ourselves, in that, the way we view
pits of egoism and avaricious desires. determines how we examine the world and
what our vision is of the future. Our vision,
In our lives, worldview shapes our decisions, in turn, influences our expectations for the
goals and accomplishments. It teaches us the future, not of the future. Therefore, our
basic idea of happiness which is that perspective reflects our own values, helps
happiness does not arise from material us interpret the world surrounding us and
objects, but in fact comes from within. It also governs our choices in life. It represents a
regulates our expenditure, because anyone spiritual phenomenon rather than a
with a fine worldview can attest that saving religious one. Human trafficking represents
money is a better strategy for the long run. on of the worse visions of some individuals
There is a direct relationship between of mankind, which casts a shadow on our
worldview and how is it we behave and act expectations for the future.
towards other people.


Therefore, our perspective reflects our own

values, helps us interpret the world
surrounding us and governs our choices in
life. It represents a spiritual phenomenon
rather than a religious one. Human
trafficking represents on of the worse
visions of some individuals of mankind,
which casts a shadow on our expectations
for the future. It also affects the victims of
trafficking as their perspectives are tainted
by their harsh reality, which may cause
them to make atypical decisions and

A person with a righteous worldview is

more likely to perform good deeds because
he understands that when it comes down
to it, he is responsible for all of his past
actions including whether or not he has
done it, while a foul and covetous creature
would carry on life without a care in the
world, for anyone and everyone around

The issue with Human Trafficking is that more Today, 71% of all enslaved people consist of
than 99% of it goes unreported. In fact, only women and girls, which the rest 29%
about 0.04% of cases are identified which consist of men and boys. Of the 71% of
further supports the fact that the vast enslaved women, 77.5% represent women
majority of human trafficking cases go who are imported and exported for the
unreported and even as far as undetected. exclusive global purpose of sexual
The UN estimated that the real figure is exploitation (while the rest represent those
between 20 million to 40 million people who women trafficked for forced labor). Forced
are victims of trafficking and modern slavery marriages, brothels and prostitution are
internationally. only some of the ways in which women and
girls are capitalized. It has been reported
And these cases are only increasing every that the average age when a young girl is
year, as with the prevalence of social media, a first exploited into prostitution is 12 to 14.
growing trend can be seen where targets are
set and recruited online. Another means by Women and children are exceedingly
which the prey is set is through the Foster trafficked due to social disparity and
Care System. When children survivors were marginalization, their relative lack of power,
interviewed and investigated, it was found and their overall status compared to men.
that most of them (50-80%) were in the foster Those that are targeted are also those with
care system, at least in one point of their low literacy, lower levels of education and
childhood. Children represent a vulnerable low socioeconomic status. A correlation has
age group to this Industry. In 2018 it was also been found between abuse in the
reported that more than half of the reported household and trafficking.
and active criminal sex trafficking cases in the
the US were children (51.6%). Their youth and Although women and children are
innocence accompanied by their relatively vulnerable cliques, this does not keep
feeble strength, which gives way for
men out of the equation. A report from
grooming, may be a reason why.
2017 has stated that, out of 21 million
Women represent another vulnerable victims of forced labor, over 11.4 million
group. represented women and girls, while the
rest 9.5 million were men and boys.


Fields of work which are more prone to labor

trafficking include the agricultural industry,
the hospitality industry, constructional work,
manufacturing and factory work, and
domestic work, with migrant workers and
indigenous people rendered most vulnerable.
For example, threats of deportation and
withholding of passports and other
identification documents can forcefully
confine illegal immigrants to forced labor.

The impact of human trafficking is massive,

not only socially but also culturally. For
example, the presence of acute human
trafficking in China is indirectly due to their
“One Child Policy” which has skewed the ratio
of men to women, where families preferred
to keep males and abort or abandon females.
It was estimated that by 2020, more than 30
million Chinese males wont be able to find
wives in China, in which their temptations
push them to seek other ways to acquire one.

Here are some ways we can help manage the ongoing problem of Human Trafficking

Fundraising efforts for trafficking campaigns bringing widespread awareness to the issue
and donations that raises money that can help countless organizations that are already
fighting the issue. Most of the organizations that work against human trafficking rely heftily
on donations as they are all non-profit.

In this modern world, they are now using various advanced tools such as Data Gathering
and Analysis to conduct an intelligence-led prevention; by building a rich and extensive
picture of the trafficking trends, routes, networks and even hotspots. They are also trying to
use greater intelligence to create targeted action that would disrupt any trafficking
networks at its source.

Resilience building through global collaboration has been one of their key approaches to
combat trafficking globally and internationally, not only in one part or region of the world.
By creating a strong network of individuals and organizations around the globe and working
hand-hand with the common aim of global resilience (especially in communities that are
vulnerable to it), they are slowly fabricating a human trafficking free world.

As Human Trafficking is one of the stealthiest of crimes, spotting the signs are critical. By
offering recourses and campaigns in organizations such as school, businesses, etc. they
hope to bring more awareness to this pressing issue.

Some non-profit organizations against human trafficking include:

Ethical & Religious


Volunteering Identify Signs

Although these organizations are already We need to be educated on the signs that
making efforts against trafficking, at the someone is a victim of human trafficking so
individual level we must also help by that we can support and encourage them and
volunteering our time and effort. In this way help them by giving a voice, especially for those
not only are we helping and supporting the who don’t feel comfortable speaking out.
organizations itself, but the more the number Some signs of victims include:
of volunteers are the greater the outreach • Poor working conditions
could be. • Poor living conditions
• Poor mental health
• Lack of control
Raise Awareness By contacting the National Human Trafficking
Hotline, we can report suspicions anonymously
Reaching out to local activists and and help those victims.
representatives and helping them raise
awareness through participating in local
campaigns, events or marathons help raise Boycotting
awareness. Bringing friends and more
volunteers or even simply broadcasting an
Boycotting products and companies that
Instagram post about the campaign can help
permit or promote Being diligent and informed
promote awareness. Raising awareness can
about the products that we consume and
also motivate more people into joining the fight
whether or not the companies that produce
against human trafficking. A chain reaction is
them is a simple way to fight human trafficking.
created which will lead to more people
By simply not purchasing the product or
volunteering, fundraising and educating
supporting the company, we are already
playing our part. We can also help combat the
demand for trafficking by having stricter
Advocating policies within companies such as the
minimum wage policy.

When we ourselves take the initiative to press Charity

on the matter to local authorities, holding
rallies and signing petitions, we bring the issue Donating old clothes, toys or canned goods to
to light in front of them to their attention which shelters to help the survivors and victims of
increases the likelihood for action on their part. human trafficking. Doctors,
Encouraging businesses and companies to lawyers, teachers etc. may help and contribute
have amore open policy, and give a chance for by pro bono consultations, providing health
the survivors to get back on their feet with a and education services at their shelters, etc.
fresh start by providing them with jobs.

The human trafficking industry is growing every year as

demand from cheap labor and sexual exploitation continues to grow. As phrased
in many sources, “Human Trafficking is form of modern day slavery”. Although
many of us are unaware of such proceedings, it is constantly happening all
around us. It implies and propels the idea that one life is worth lesser than
another due to differences in gender, race, socioeconomic status, religion, culture,
sexual orientation etc. Trafficking of individuals can be done for many
purposes including prostitution, sex tourism, domestic servitude, migrant
farming, factory work, etc. Although children and women represent vulnerable
age groups, men are not safe either. Which means that none of us or our families
and friends are safe and can fall into being a victim of human trafficking.
Traffickers who utilize human labor in this way have an inadequate and poor
worldview. Many efforts such as Fundraising, Volunteering, Raising Awareness
Advocating, Identifying signs of human trafficking and reporting suspicions, Boycotting
products and companies that permit or promote trafficking and Donating to
Charity can help victims through their recovery process, help them regain their
lives and reduce the entirety of cases, if not solve Human Trafficking.

Lastly, a message that everyone should take from this

article is that Human Trafficking is a serious issue that should not be
dismissed light. It can happen to anyone no matter their race, age or gender.
It is only together that we can help solve this problem and save all children
of God, including ourselves, from falling into the trap of modern slavery,
which is Human Trafficking.

Summary &

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