Planning Resource Utilization

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 It improves our resource utilization.

 It will help to determine where resources

are most needed so they can be allocated where they will provide the most

 Plans provide motivation and commitment. By having clear goals and

reducing uncertainty, it indicates what everyone is expected to accomplish.

 Planning provides a guide for action. By directing everyone’s actions toward

the desired outcomes to achieve our objectives.

 Planning leads to more effective and faster achievement

 It ensures an even flow of work, minimizes false steps, and

protects against unwanted deviations.

 It provides an effective basis for control in all organizations

whether small or big.

  It enables the management to implement future

programmes in a systematic way so that the management
may get the maximum benefit out of the programmes
framed. It enables all the activities to be conducted in an
orderly and coordinated manner in order to achieve the
common goals of the enterprise.

 Plans prevent flexibility. Although good plans can lead to flexibility, the

opposite can also occur.

 Plans inhibit creativity.  Success often comes from innovation as well as

planning, and plans must not prevent creativity in the organization.

 Accuracy of facts and information about the future is one of

the limitations of planning.
 Planning takes time, adequate time. Sometimes, it may cause
delay in taking decisions. 

 Diversity of alternatives to combat certain problems will

cause many difficulties in the way of formulating planning.

 The effectiveness of planning may be greatly influenced by

external forces, the controllability of which is not in the hands
of planners.

 Tendency towards inflexibility or reluctance to change is

another drawback of planning.


Provides a Framework For Decision-Making

Forces An Objective Assessment

A Complex Process
Time Consuming
Difficult to Implement The implementation process
requires a clearly communicated plan, implemented
in a way that requires full attention, active
participation, and accountability of not only company
leaders, but also of all members across the
Requires Skillful Planning. managers should monitor
as well as develop business contingency plans to
address possible future changes in the external
environment, such as market conditions, competitive
forces, and economic factors that may negatively
affect the business.

Strategic planning clarifies aims and objectives of an organisation.

Strategic planning as it facilitates collaboration and cooperation across



Strategic planning is a very complex process.

If organisations carry out strategic planning thoroughly, it becomes a costly,
rigid, and time-consuming process. 
Strategic plans often fail due to outside influences such as changes in the
economic environment, competitor actions and/or technological. Macro-
environmental factors may sometimes change extremely rapidly which may
frustrate any strategic plans.


 Planning provides a guide for our action. By directing everyone’s actions toward the desired
outcomes to achieve our objectives. 
 It improves our resource utilization. It helps to determine where resources are most needed
and where they will provide the most benefit.
 It provides us with an effective basis for control
 Plans provided motivation and commitment. Having clear goals and reducing uncertainty
among the firm.

 Plans prevent flexibility and inhibit creativity where our success often comes from innovation
as well as planning; plans must not prevent our creativity.
 The effectiveness of planning that is greatly influenced by external forces, the controllability of
which is not in our hands, it is not easily adaptable to changes.
 The planning process is a bit time-consuming process. 



 Strategic planning allows us to be proactive rather than reactive.

 It increases our operational efficiency and it clarifies aims and objectives
 Strategic planning gives us a competitive advantage over our competitors
 Strategic planning facilitates collaboration and cooperation across the Organization.

 The strategic plan is complex it is not an easy process. 

 Strategic plan is not easy to implement for some resources 

 Plans sometimes fail due to outside influences that we face in our trade. (Macro-environmental

Our strategic plan is well communicated to all the stakeholders, communication to us is crucial, with it we
create engagement, and we ensure that all members are aware of the plan. after all, strategic plans rely
on the activities of many people and not just our planning team,   it also helps us to test assumptions as
the plans are developed, inputs we collect  help us to determine whether we are appropriate and clearly
aligned with our objectives.
Continuing to communicate as the plan is implemented is one of our key factors, to share updates on
progress, roadblocks, and changes to the plan, helps us to keep the plan alive.


 it keeps everyone on track and provides clarity -  increasing productivity

 Proper utilization of resources 
 Attention on objectives

 Some resources are slow in the implementation plan

 Higher Implementation Cost than Forecast
 Loss of Key Personnel due to increasingly desperate economic circumstances and
security (migrate)

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