Rules of The 2011 North Carolina State Republican Convention

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Rule 1

It is the purpose of these rules to provide for a fair and open convention in a manner that
facilitates the business of the convention, respects the rights of the majority and minority, and
encourages full participation by all Republican delegates.


Rule 2

(A) The Officers of the Convention, in addition to the officers of the North Carolina Republican
Party, shall be Convention Chairman, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Sergeant-at-Arms.

(B) The Officers of the Convention shall be duly elected Delegates or Alternates of their
respective counties.

(C) The Convention Chairman shall appoint Assistant Sergeants-at-Arms as necessary.


Rule 3

The Convention committees shall be the Committees on Credentials, Rules, Plan of

Organization, Platform, and Resolutions.


Rule 4

Registration shall be conducted at the Hilton Wilmington, 301 North Water St., Wilmington,
North Carolina, between 11:30 o’clock am. and 1:30 o’clock pm., and will reopen at the close of
the Business Session for one hour on Friday, June 3, 2011, and between 8:30 o’clock am. and
11:00 o’clock am. on Saturday, June 4, 2011.


Rule 5

The 2011 North Carolina State Republican Convention shall be held at the Hilton Wilmington,
301 North Water St, Wilmington, North Carolina. The Convention shall convene at 2:00 o’clock
pm. on Friday, June 3, 2011, and recess at approximately 6:00 o’clock pm. (as determined by the
Convention Chairman). The Convention shall reconvene at 9:00 o’clock am. on Saturday, June
4, 2011, and recess shortly thereafter (as determined by the Convention Chairman), and
reconvene at 2:00 o’clock p.m.


Rule 6

(A) No later than 11:30 o’clock am., on Friday, June 3, 2011, the Committee on Credentials shall
post at the place of registration a list of all counties and respective numbers of Delegates and
Alternates allotted.

(B) Motions to amend a Report of the Committee on Credentials may occur only immediately
following the Credentials Committee Reports.

(C) No motion to amend a Report of the Committee on Credentials shall be in order unless:

1. the motion is in writing, and

2. the motion states the specific grounds for its proposed adoption, and
3. the motion shall have been submitted to the Chairman of the Committee on
Credentials prior to the presentation of the Report of the Committee to the
Convention, and
4. the motion is endorsed in writing by a member of the Committee on Credentials.

(D) The Committee on Credentials shall have available at the place of registration and during the
registration periods a record of the Delegates and Alternates accredited to the Convention from
each County.


Rule 7

The order of business of the Convention shall be as published in the printed Convention Agenda,
upon its adoption by the Convention.


Rule 8

A quorum for all business transactions and the election of officers shall consist of a majority of
the accredited and registered Delegates as certified by the Committee on Credentials, and present
on the floor of the Convention.

Rule 9

(A) No motion shall be in order unless each maker and seconder thereof states his or her name
and county of residence.

(B) No Delegate shall speak in Convention longer than two minutes at any one time, nor more
than twice on any motion open for discussion.

(C) If any contest shall develop over any matter other than the election of officers, the
Convention Chairman may, at his discretion, allow each side not more than five minutes to
present its position.


Rule 10

(A) An Alternate shall be allowed to vote upon being certified as a Delegate by the Committee
on Credentials and approved by the Convention.

(B) Voting shall be by voice vote or by the standing of Delegates, except for the election of Party
Officers, which shall be by secret ballot. On the adoption of reports from the Committees on
Credentials, Rules, Platform, Resolutions, or Plan of Organization, the chairmen of ten (10)
percent of the delegations of the counties registered and in attendance, or the majority of
Delegates of the same, may require a roll call vote.

(C) For purposes of a roll call vote, the method of voting within each county delegation shall be
by a caucus of the delegation. The vote shall be counted by the County Chairman or other
authorized person. The County Chairman or Delegation Chairman will report all roll call votes
for a county. The report shall be the total number of Delegates on the floor of the Convention
from the county followed by the number of votes cast for each nominee or upon any other
question presented for a vote. The Convention Chairman shall be responsible for accurately
converting the votes of Delegates on the floor of the Convention into the overall votes to be cast
by a particular county according to the State Plan of Organization (see Art. VII, Sec. 2).

(D) Challenges to the vote as reported by the County Chairman or Delegation Chairman may be
made only by a member of that delegation, or by an officer of the Convention in the event of an
inaccurate tally. Upon proper challenge, the Convention Chairman shall direct the polling of the

(E) There shall be no proxy voting.

(F) Prior to the adoption of the Report of the Committee on Credentials, no person shall be
seated as a Delegate or Alternate unless duly elected a Delegate or Alternate at his/her respective
Republican Party County Convention.

(G) A Delegate casting a vote must be on the floor of the Convention at the time such vote is cast
and recorded.

(H) A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for the election of Officers of the North
Carolina State Republican Party. In the event that a majority is not received by the nominee
receiving the highest number of votes, subsequent balloting shall be conducted; prior to each
such succeeding vote, the nominee with the fewest votes shall not be further considered for


Rule 11

(A) Nominations for Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina State Republican
Party will be made from the podium upon recognition by the Convention Chairman.
Nominations for and election of Chairman will be completed followed by nominations for and
election of Vice-Chairman. Each person nominating a candidate for Chairman or Vice Chairman
will be allocated a total of five minutes for his/her nominating speech.

(B) Up to three Delegates may second a nomination from the floor of the Convention upon
recognition from the Convention Chairman for the purpose of stating their name, county of
residence, and the name and office of the nominee being seconded. No seconding speeches will
be allowed.

(C) Before balloting for election to an office, each candidate shall be allowed five (5) minutes to
address the Convention. The order of the speeches to address the convention shall be by drawing.


Rule 12

Only Delegates and Alternates will be allowed on the floor of the Convention. All guests must
remain seated in the section designated for guests.

Rule 13

No proposed resolution from the Convention floor shall be in order unless it shall first be
reduced to writing and distributed to delegates and alternates prior to the report of the Committee
on Resolutions. A minimum of one thousand (1,000) copies of any such proposed resolution
must be provided by the maker of the resolution and distributed to delegates and alternates as
required by this Rule in order to be considered by the Convention.


Rule 14

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, most current edition, shall govern this Convention
when applicable and when not inconsistent with these rules and the State Plan of Organization.


Rule 15

These rules shall be adopted upon a two-thirds vote of the Delegates and Alternates sitting as
Delegates at the Convention and may be suspended during the Convention by a two-thirds vote,
except that the rules contained herein which are drawn from or implement provisions of the State
Plan of Organization may not be suspended.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Daves, Chairman

Bob Steinburg, District 1 David Robinson, At-Large
Larry Norman, District 2 Alex Dale, At-Large
Ann Sullivan, District 3
Andy Esser, District 4 Billy Miller, ExOfficio
Brad Langston , District 5
Dwight Story, District 6
Barbara Hines, District 7
Ron Crawley, District 8
Lee Ann MacMillan, District 9
Donald Farr, District 10
Jim Davis, District 11
Ben Lynch, District 12
Rob Moseley, District 13

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