Ali's Feeling For Nada

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Ali’s feelings to his love, his princess, his angel Nada

Now, I’m sitting alone in my room, it’s getting dark and I don’t want to light up the
room to stay in this romantic mood, its Saturday 02/10/2021, the rain is falling so bad that
the floor is washed up, I can see the clear ground from my window, its getting a little bit
cold, I can’t do anything to get some warm here, I need my girl to be with me right now, to
comfort me and to keep me warm, but my sweet baby is out taking her picture for Campus
platform and for her first passport, I miss you so much Nadati, this last week was so hard on
me and I’m sure it was hard on you too, the stress, the fear, did I do a good job ? was it
enough for my presentation ? will I be perfect in that day ? is my co-worker is going to
embarrass me ? I too had all those thoughts and feelings when I was at your place, and
thank Allah for helping us pass this presentation and make it so perfect, by the way, I’m so
proud of you and so happy that you have finished with your 3rd year, and you will soon start
a new adventure and a new chapter Inchaellah, but it was hard for me because the person I
love is not just away from me but also occupied and can’t talk to me or be with me like the
previous days, I know you are missing me too, I do too, a lot, this week made me realize
how important you are in my life, and the impact you have on me, my life without you is
filled with an emptiness and a void, you enlighten the light of love in my eyes, you make me
enjoy life, you are my world, you make my life meaningful and happy, no one can make me
feel like you do, I have met a lot of people and knew a lot but no one is even compared to
you, they are nothing when it comes to the sweetness and prettiness of your heart and soul,
I love you so damn much that it hurt when I see you sad, and it hurt even more when I know
that you are mad because of something I did, I’m sorry for every time I made you sad or
mad, I have no attention in making you upset, never, and as you are away from me, just
physically, you are always in my thoughts and dreams even right now I picture you on my
bed while writing this text for you, I look at your pictures and imagine each situation we had
to took them, those images and videos mean so much to me, right now I’m seeing your
picture “Comment tu trouves”, you are so sexy, so hot, so beautiful, so gorgeous, so pretty, I
just want to eat you and keep you inside my heart forever.
I want to thank you for everything you did to me and for me, you have been my friend from
day one, my best friend and hoping my girlfriend soon, I can’t thank you enough, what you
have been giving me is irreplaceable and doesn’t have a price or a return to give, this love is
the best feeling ever, I really wish you have the same feelings for me, so that you know
exactly what I want to say and how I feel, but no worries, it will come by time, I know it, I
have high hopes for us and I have faith in Allah.

From the boy who loves the fuck out of you, your “bébé” Ali

PS: I have a surprise party for you after you finish reading this file, I LOVE YOU

BTW, you look so fucking stunning baby doll, your beauty is


I swear I’m indeed sad baby for leaving you

, I will be with you soon my love

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