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Evangelical Theological College

Addis Ababa Hawaassa - Extensions

Assignment on Independent work of
reading reflection


Abiye Heripa

Submitted to: Ruhama Gezahagn

Course: Introduction to youth Ministry

July 30, 2017

Reflection article 1 on “why a purpose statement is important “and “Theology of

youth ministry”


These articles discusses about theology of youth ministry and why a purpose statement

is important. The theology of youth ministry and its philosophical views are emerged

its base in scripture. The bible provides an unchanging and dynamic base that retains

its contemporary and transcultural character. The second article states that

communicating the ministry purposes through a purpose statement is important that

will clarify the ministry existence, attract followers, minimize conflict, create personal

excitement and professionalize the ministry. Likewise the article describes how to

create a purpose statement.

The articles were purposeful and helpful to me in the first article it describes about

the incarnation model of ministry of Jesus Christ as the correct model and motive for

touching the lives of youth. What God accomplished in the person of His son in Jesus,

God came down to us, become one of us, and identify with us, even though we were
separated from Him because of the impasse of our sin. Under the second article the

points that was meaningful to me were a clear purpose statement makes sense of the

program to take over by volunteers effectively and provide direction for spiritual

maturity of the youth. One I communicate God’s purpose for the ministry I don’t have

a why question because the ministry purpose statement is clarified. If the purpose

statement is clear as the same time it should attract followers and encourage them in

the right direction to manage conflict and to reach the expected destination. On top of

that, purpose statement brings growth in the ministry and helps the ministry to be

considered as a professional and significant career.

On the other hand, the point that I found challenging was the constructions of

educational philosophy. A personal theology will have an effect on over things we do

in youth work. It will influence the type of message we bring the response we expect,

the progress of the youth among whom we minister our method of counseling, our

attitude toward others, and how we measure results. In short, all we do relates to what

we actually believe. Thus theology determines educational philosophy which in turn

undergirds practice rooted in supernaturalism with communicable content of dynamic

truth. Therefore our educational and youth ministry should be dynamic in experience.

Under the second article I have convinced in giving people on opportunity to process
their future participation in youth ministry which the purpose statement gives an

opportunity to change ministries. However some volunteers in youth ministry do not

like change criticizes and opposes all new ideas. Furthermore, to fulfill our purpose

youth ministry will need to take a term ends amount of commitment perseverance and



These articles are practical and helpful for future ministry. First of all ,the incarnation

ministry of Jesus Christ touches the lives of youth. We are as sinful but redeemed

people go to alienated youth , identify with them by getting to know and in a sense

by becoming one of them and experiencing an inner transformation in which he not

only behave as Jesus behaved, but also shares His love, His valuing of persons His

compassion, and His Zeal for justice and righteousness. Furthermore the second

article points out the importance of a purpose statement for youth ministry that brings

changes and growth in an organized manner which works for youth and amplify the

kingdom of God.
Reflection article 2 on Adolescence and write a purpose statement for your church’s

youth ministry.


Adolescence signifies the transitory period in between childhood and adulthood that

perform of starting puberty and expected to perform adult responsibilities in a cultural

norm of its own societies. In my reflection on the topic of adolescence development I

tried to summarize the different views of adolescence in this short paper. Further the

paper presents a summarized purpose statement of our local church youth ministry.
There are different views about adolescence among them, one of the defined that,

adolescence is a stormy period young people are viewed as unpredictable, moved by

strong emotion they can not understand or control. The young person is not stable,

dramatic personality shifts can be expected. And also others have a similar view,

adolescence as a unique period because it is a time of restructuring the personality that

means they tried to form a new identify. During this period the young person must

learn the roles he or she will play in adulthood. Furthermore, the balanced view

describes that adolescence must recognize, it as a critical time in human development.

Normal adolescence is marked by rapid growth due to hormonal changes. In addition

to minister young person we should identifying tasks such as identity, affinity and

autonomy. A young person must master to move successfully into adulthood young

person need more extensive model of psychological maturity. It gives a careful

description of the idea goals toward which adolescents move.

Conclusion: as I understood from the reading of adolescence as an important time of

life. The young people are new generations who have take over responsibility for his

generation. So we have to work with some of the most crucial issues of life to meet the

challenge successfully and move on to a healthy adulthood. Furthermore, we have to

make Christian youth a disciple who become a most competent youth who need mature
Christian friends who can walk along side them.Furthermoer, the purpose statement of

our local church youth ministry workers side by side of the church mission that perches

the gospel particularly for the youth to win their souls.

Reflection article 3 on Relational youth ministry?


In my reflection of relational youth ministry, I have seen the first part about who Jesus
Christ that incarnation crucified, resurrected and Jesus Christ as a person. In the
second part I have seen where is Jesus Christ, that is In the church-community, in the
world , and in I and you of which I tried to reflected as follows.
When we see from this reading, life and theology cannot be separated, that theology is
constructed from within real life and existence. As the writer calmed to this
understanding because of his view of the person of Jesus Christ made known through
the incarnation. The incarnation in about God in Jesus Christ’s fullness sharing our
place by being our representative of fully sharing our humanity. The incarnation
makes it clear that the only criteria for one to be known and loved by God are to be
human. The second part of ‘who is Jesus Christ’ is that, Jesus Christ is the human God
suffering and dying publicly on a piece of wood. The third part’ who is Jesus Christ’ is
that, Jesus has been humanity back to God, through resurrection to overcoming and
transforming in his own person, the human weakness for self-determination and

The other parts of the article refer that where is Jesus Christ? On my reading I have
got a good lesson about Jesus Christ, contemporary presence of Christ in our world as
a person who is incarnate, crucified and resurrected. It is also in the church
community. The Church’s Contemporary life and at the same time the church as it is
found in the world. Furthermore the world as the fundamental locations where persons
meet persons in relational connection. Because Jesus is person he encounters persons
through other persons in both the church and the world.


In this article I thought that, relational ministries should avoid the temptation to use
relationships to influence adolescents and instead see the mandate of the incarnation
as the call to shared solidarity in common humanity. Rational youth ministry is about
helping adolescents be authentic human beings as determined by the incarnate,
fructification, and resurrection of human Christ. On the top of that we have joins the
adolescents in full solidarity with humanity, helping them avoid and oppose that
which dehumanizes and helping them claim their humanity in worship and serve of
the human God.

Practically relational ministry in the where of Jesus Christ, practicing it in the

confession of the continued presence of Christ with and for us, means the strictures of
relationalism. When we define relationalism is a strategy used to personally influence
someone to participate in a cultural group. Therefore, a concern with meeting persons
in the shared relations of our common humanity. Finally I realize In my thought that,
relational ministry is more than influencing adolescent is sharing in
“I-you”-relationships where Christ is present.
Reflection article 4 on “what is culture” and “Engaging the souls of youth culture


When I read the topic of understanding culture I have got an insight knowledge on

meaning characteristic, levels, functions and how do putting it all together, culture for

the purpose of understand of culture as a foundation to engaging and ministering to

the merging generations. Therefore, I have used these all to set my reflection on the


Understanding culture is very helpful for addressing or reaching the generation with

gospel. Cultural knowledge is making the way to preach the message of the gospel in

the contextual manner for any generation. Furthermore, the culture is the one

significant instrument of approaching as missionaries and ministry contact was fine

social contact is another matter with approaching the generations.

Culture as a mission field ripe for redemption. since the missionaries world and the

generation world may not be the same, so that, it need of understanding the culture of

both fields to influence positively with the gospel towards end goal culture is what we

believe what we do and how we live our lives from day today. As we know culture is
not bad by it self. That means by nature we can not said bad culture. Culture has been

created by God and given to humanity use and enjoy by living.

Therefore culture is the important things or the good gift of God given to us to broaden

as to develop as stewards. Furthermore culture responsible in universal matter and

culture is also specific context that is culture differs from place to place and time to

time, every one participates and shares in culture. It is also transferable from one

generation to other generation.

As a minister in my understanding we must understand the local culture of any

societies before disseminating the gospel for generation. Since reaching gospel to any

generation need a good communication language, that is culture. So I have to know

first the culture and second prepare the gospel message with their language and love

them, live with them, respect them and do best for them in their context and live a life

exemplary among them.

Reflection article 5 on the topic “pastoral shepherd and Compassionate priest and

“evangelistic missionary” and “Discipling Teacher.”


The Articles of Pastoral shepherd and compassionate priest explaining about the nature

of shepherding such as love the chief shepherd, love the sheep, a voice the sheep

recognize, sheep need protection, God’s shepherding precedent, Jesus is the chief

shepherd and on the second article the compassionate priest, the creation of a

priesthood, intercession: speaking for the people, sacrifice: Accepting offerings,

worship: leading praise, blessings: Bless the people, Jesus the compassionate priest,

Jesus brought people to God and the temptation of priests. So these all talk about the

responsibilities of the priests and pastors working in different contexts yet play similar

roles to evangelistic missionary and Discipline Teaching.

In recent Christian literature the sheep and shepherd are related in their role of feeding

and leading the sheep. The pastors’ call for shepherd by the chief shepherd (Jesus

Christ). The true shepherd display a deep love for their sheep. For example the mother
of a new born baby does not need instruction on how to love her child and the father

who see his little girl no one instructed or tell him on how to handle his child. In

addition, a true shepherd is surrounded by sheep that recognize his voice and respond

to the shepherd’s call. When I realized form the reading of this article I noticed that

every part of God’s creation obeys its creator except humans who rebels on God after

they fall short in sin.

Logically when we see sheep prone to wonder and they are defenseless when they do.

But they need protection. For example in the bible it is indicated that humans have

enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”

Therefore, humans need protection. God compensated for the deficiencies in Israel’s

leadership by taking on the role of shepherd God searching for the lost, brought back

the strays bounded up the injured and strengthened the weak because without a

shepherded a wandering sheep will likely remain lost. Jesus is the chief shepherd who

sent by God to found the lost in the world.

On the article of compassionate priest I have got an insight about administration

which is important to ministerial efficiency but it is a means to an end that maintaining

the system of administration becomes the end being pursued, bureaucracy has been

created it is also effective in local church contexts. Related to church administration

who designated by the will of God in calling to assign the role of priest. God’s

creative activity that being in Genesis continued into exodus with the creation of a

new group of servants called priests. The role of the priests is intercession, sacrifice

worship and blessing.


From these articles I have got a lesson about the compassioned priest who is a shadow

of the real Jesus that become the compassionated priest actually truly appeared,

intercession with God and sacrifice his life on behalf of the people and died on the

Cross and resurrected and shared his life to intercession with God.
Reflection article 6 on” Where do I get help?” & “can students handle

responsibility? “


The title of the articles are “where do I get help?” and “can students handle

responsibility?” The first article discusses about the critical role of a leader to lead

youth worker and it indicates the importance of identifying and inviting right leaders

to join a team. On top of that, the article reminded how vital that I as a volunteer. The

second article discusses how to equip others to minister effectively and enable them

to reproduce spiritual life in others. In this regard, the responsibility of passing the

baton is not reserved for adults or trained professionals, but for all believers in Christ
regard less of age. Therefore, youth workers continually help more students toward

taking leadership roles and doing ministry.

What was meaningful to me was the paper explains where do to get help and what do

I do first, in between and the final activities to be done in working with a team of

leaders. In this regard, the paper states first that team work is an essential element to a

healthy ministry. Healthy youth ministries have relational leaders who love students

and what to get to know them they have shepherds. They rely on the gifts, talents,

passions, and energy of other leaders. Generally, the essence of relational ministry is

putting people first. Next the article discusses that developing leaders is essential to

building a healthy youth ministry therefore learning how to develop and work with a

team is the second most important topic for a new leader, thus, our role is to equip the

saints to do ministry who will provide greater care and discipleship. Under the second

article the point that gives meaning to me is developing leaders is a biblical command.

Therefore we need to focus on developing leaders that is a part of fulfilling the great


The third point that the first article explains about is the importance of a team in youth

ministry. When you minister with and though others you will have a more successful,

vibrant, and healthy ministry. With a team you will have more energy and last longer
in your ministry and your church will become stronger. Then your ministry skills will

increase as a result your impact broadens. I believe the idea but team work is a

challenging and difficult task in some cases if members do not share responsibility,

shared vision and shared leadership. Further, it should be structured in an organized

manner under the second article Jesus view leadership is different from what the world

teaches. Therefore, considering a different look to leadership is a challenging task in

establishing standards a lot of students can be leaders, but being a leaders in a youth

ministry requires a different mentality than secular leadership


The article helps me to understand the critical roles of youth worker leaders and

inviting the right leaders to join a team. It also strengthens my views with regards to

team work that is an essential element to a healthy youth ministry. Generally, in youth

ministry students can handle responsibility the baton is not only reserved for adults or

trained professionals but also for students. Therefore the article is helpful for practical

application in youth ministry leaders work in discovering and invest in student leaders
to develop their skills and gifts into servants of God’s church to reproduce their life in

the life of another student.

Reflection article 7 on the topic of “are we doing the right thing?


On the above topic I reflect the points discussed in evaluating youth ministry program.

Youth ministry programs ministry pain. Ministry evaluation can be categorized as a

biblical command. We know that many scriptures urge believers to examine the

condition of their hearts which is related to the ministry.

When I read this article the essential of youth ministry program is evaluation. When it

means evaluation it should be consistent and accurate evaluation of humility that is a

great way to be used by God. There are many essential evaluations tools to be

considered. Such us is the youth ministry program related to evangelism. Fellowship,

discipleship, and worship. It also focuses on reaching out the target group with a

specific intended out comes which readers fulfilling their responsibility for this

program, Furthermore, the evaluation process identify the primary biblical purpose

such us great commandment and great commission.

Most of the time evaluating ministry program is not commonly implemented in a

church context. If it is used properly it will bring changes and spiritual group among

youth. In this regard youth workers develop confidence and increase their skills and

impact others through dispersing gospel. On top of that revelation brings quality in

leadership which full responsibilities in a mission form or in human relationships


Evaluation is an important function in youth ministry program. However, most of the

youth program lead and accomplished by volunteer base in the church context. The
tasks mostly accomplished in a satisfactory manner. Therefore, evolution in such

contexts to be a applicable when the church assign full time professionals and pastors

on the other hand, there is no organized training /teaching materials and trained

evaluators concerning to youth ministry.

Reflection 8 on how do I make change?

The church elder and full time ministers establishing a prayer, worship and thanks

giving partner program that matches every one of the church youth with in on

adult in the church. The church provide some preaching and teaching time for

parents and youth together dealing with topics such as communication,

decision-making, drugs and alcohol, preparing for collage, and discipline matter.

The church need to motivate parents and youth together dealing on the bible on

Eph 5 and Eph 6. The church ministers should strive to involve the youth volunteer

capacity in the youth program during the ministry .Develop the way trained skill

and wisdom to work with youth in planning, and implementing .The Church must

be assign full time ministers who have calling and passion for youth ministry.
Reflection article 9 on reading of” Family-Based Youth Ministry”


In Family-Based Youth Ministry, the most effective youth ministries utilize their
families and the extended family of the church in the process of their youngster’s
faith formation. I am arguing that there is a problem with youth ministry as we know
it today. The crisis in youth ministry is, simply put, that the ways we have been doing
youth ministry have not been effective in leading our young people to mature
Christian adulthood. Although youth ministries are doing extraordinarily well at
getting teenagers to attend their programs, for the most part students are not
graduating as mature Christians.

There is a problem, observes that, young people grow to maturity in general, and to
maturity in Christ in particular, by being around people who exhibit such maturity
themselves. However, most churches have isolated their teenagers and the youth
group and forced them away from the relationships that they desperately need to
grow. As I read and argue that the primary cause of this crisis is the systematic
isolation of teenagers from adults in culture and in the church. Biblically, the parents
are responsible for the faith formation of their children, not the youth pastor or the
church. Besides being mandated to teach their children, parents are the number one
influence in the development of their children. If the goal of youth ministry is to
graduate students as Disciples of Christ who are independent of their parents and
their youth group, the family should be involved in that process. The church’s
primary role in terms of youth ministry should be to provide an extended faith family
as support in building a foundation in their children’s lives. Youth ministries need to
be founded upon family and the extended family of the church to most effectively
fulfill their mission, to lead students on the road to mature Christian adulthood and
fully devoted discipleship.

As I read and observe in my local church about young people who grew up in church
attending programs and worship service and not Sunday school were much more
likely to be involved in church as an adult than those young people who had attended
only Sunday school without attending the worship service. The real power for faith
formation is not in the youth programme but in the family and the extend family of the


In my reading I have got insight of family-based youth ministry recognizes these two
things as priority. The first Priority is Empower Parents by supporting them and
equips them to pass on their faith to their teenagers as effectively as possible. The
second Priority is to equip the extended family of the church  by providing the
teenagers with extended Christian family, which is done by allowing them to
experience the extended family of the church community.  This is especially beneficial
for those who don’t come from Christian homes. These two principles can be
implemented with any model of youth ministry.  Churches need to be intentional in
choosing its youth ministry model and then undergirding it with family-based
programming. The primary goal of family-based youth ministry is to equip young
people to grow toward mature Christian adulthood
Assignments II

1. Evaluate the needs of youth in your church

2. Survey the lives of local youth

3. Interview a senior leader of your church

4. Interview a Christian student in your church

5. Interview non-Christian student

1. To evaluate the Needs of youth in our church

The needs of our church has two main parts the first and the most part is to fulfill

the great commission .The bible states that, “Therefore, go and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit

and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am

with you always, to the ever and of the age (Mathew 28: 19-20)

In this great commission we found the great commandment that Jesus replied Love

the lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all you mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your

neighbor as yourself (Mathew 22:37-39).

From these of our church needs a lot of other specific aspects of tasks to be


In this regarded the main task is evalligesm and winning souls. This task is not

only left for evangelist and fulltime ministry but also performed by all saved

Christian members in the church as a great responsibility.

The main duty of evangelists and fulltime ministers are organizing and

empowering saved members for the mission field and make them disciples to be

ministers. Furthermore, ministers are expected to assign different groups of sub

ministries in a church based on their different gifts of grace.

They provide training prayer, teaching based on their ministry stream to empower

the workers in the ministry according to the scripture.

The second part of our church need have on administration feature which demands

professionals to involve in the church context. This part organizes the whole

church program by scheduling the activities in relation to budget all actions. It

design ways on who the budget could be required and collected. Furthermore, this
part also plays a leadership role in managing human resource and material


2. Survey the live of the local church youth

There are different types of youth in our local church. Most of the youth in our

local church have gifts, talents, passions, and energy. Same youth have tattoos

and looks of a model, different hair styles, fashion followers, but they have

good voice that they lead worship very nicely. Some youth who connect with

their peer strongly but not with others outside their circle they form boundaries.

They need freedom to take extended time away from adults. In their prayer. In

their prayer life need relaxed and short time to stay with. But they give more

time for singing a song. They will have more fun, play, go around, Laugh;

mostly they stay to rather and chat of every aspects of life.

They need transparency and clarity for pursuing any action once they are interested to

involve in any activity they totality commit themselves. They are mostly volunteers in

any aspect of church request. Some youth talk a lot with their friends go deep with

them, they know well and care for each other others mostly quiet and listeners. Prefers

being behind the picture and serves in an reserved manner.They love God and relate
with their peers they obey and respect God but most of the time they are not consistent

in their actions. Even some youth have walked way from the lord. If they got

follow-up, treatment and partnership, motivation encouragement based on their needs

they develop into servants for God’s church faithfully.

Finally, our local church is blessed by youth members involve in many

activities’ and in different ministry sections. They are influenced by technology

and modernization easily. I observe that, most of our local church youth are not

interested to read their own bible even they do not want to bring their bible to

church while they come to church.

3. Interview a senior leader of your church

The interviewee is a church elder who saved for five years in church leadership as

a secretary. The interviewee is selected for the interview because of his rich

experience in leadership and has many reference documents in his hand. Since he

is a secretary of the church leadership he have an access to bear any information

and document for the interview with regards to the church.

The purpose of the interview is to get information about the role of leadership in

youth ministry, Based on this purpose of the interview conducted, I have

summarized the that respond of the entrevweree that there is no church focus

based intimately work with youth. Furthermore, the church is not assign a youth

minister& not allocate enough beget to the ministry.

The following are Interview Questions for a senior leader of our church.

1. What is your name?

2. The role of your leadership in youth ministry?

3. How many children do you have?

4. When you become a Chastain?

5. What is your ministry in a church?

6. What is your gift of grace?

7. When you start your ministry?

8. What qualities and standard do you think leadership ministry requires?

9. Have you any Educational background towards church ministry? (Theology)

mention the level?

10. Is there youth ministry in your church?

Is there youth pastor for full time minister who assign for youth ministry
11. Do they have plan?

12. Can you explain about the involvement of youth in the ministry?

13. What is vision of your church for the youth

14. Can you tell about the need of youth in your church?

4. Interview of a Christian student in your church

The Purpose of the interview is to illicit information about youth ministry.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When you become Christian?

4. What is your ministry in a church?

5. What is your gift of grace

6. When you start your ministry?

7. What qualities and stranded do you think youth ministry requires?

8. Have you any education beck ground towards theology?

9. Is there any pastor or fulltime ministers who assigned for youth ministry in your


10.Do your youth ministry have a plan?

11.What is your involvement in youth ministry?

12.What is the vision of your church for the youth ministry?

13.Can you tell about the need of youth in your church?

14.How can you do a better job to enhance youth ministry?


The interviewee is a youth leader who served for about five year in Sunday school and

youth ministry. He is selected for this interview because he is one of active youth

leaders in our church.

He is grown up in Sunday school his parents are Ministers in” B” choir for more than

twenty years. According to the responses of the interviewee youth ministry is one of

the ministry found in the church allocated budget based on the plan submitted by the

ministry. All youth leaders and members in the ministry are volunteers. There is no
full time ministry assign for the youth ministry by the church. Furthermore, youth

ministry and the future vision for their ministry. However, they feel that the church has

not allocated enough budgets for their vision accomplishment.

From this interview I have got some new insight about youth ministry in our local

church. The first and the very most important aspect for youth ministry is assigning a

fulltime minister who have a calling and clear vision particularly for youth However,

our church elders and leaders do not give enough attention and consideration for youth

ministry. And there is no intimacy or relationship among youth and fulltime ministers,

pastors and church elders and leaders.

I found from the interview that ministers in general lack knowledge about youth and

youth ministry. I think this misunderstanding and ignorance comes due to some youth

character and misbehavior which they assume worldly, and evil. The other point that I

understand from the interview is the youth have zeal and compassion for the kingdom

of God. If this commitment and energy supported by adults, and mentor by matured

believers and ministers they will be fruitful and grow towards Christ likeness.

The third important point that I got from the interview is the focus and eagerness of

the youth for revival and action based faith on the life of people and also in their life.

From this interview with a youth leader I concluded that, youth ministry in our local

church must get attention to assign full time ministry to strengthen the ministry in the

future. Furthermore, elders and church leaders needs to get enough awareness, needs

grace and calling about youth and youth ministry.

5. Interview a non-Christian student

● The purpose of the interview is to illicit information and need of non-Christian

students which the youth ministry addresses during evangelism.

Interview questions for non Christian student

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Do you have Christian friends?

4. Have you heard about Jesus Christ?

● If yes – what do you understand about Jesus Christ?

● If no – Haven’t you invited for Christian student fellowship

5. What do you say about christen student?

The interview is a non-Christian student who has Christian friends in their school.

In his response for the interview most Christian students display good behavior and

few Christian students in the high schools preach the good news for other students.

In some special occasions Christian students distribute invitation cards to attend in

their fellowship programs but the interviewee did not attend Christian students’

fellowship program.

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