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Activity 1.

In the furthest corner of their field, the two brothers noticed two chickens fighting.
One fowl piqued their interest. It was dubbed "odd chicken." They can't tell if it's a hen
or a rooster because they can't tell if it's a hen or a rooster. Their mother interrupted
them as they arrived for lunch. Inquire as to why they are arguing. Finally, their mother
and father battled over whether the chicken was a hen or a rooster. They then decided
to go to the village chief following that debate. Who in their village is the oldest man?
They brought the chicken in the oldest guy, who can't determine if it's a hen or a rooster.
He said it is unlike any rooster he has ever seen. He said, "It doesn't look like a hen I've
ever seen." They then took the chicken to Mr. Cruz, a poultry farmer who studied at the
University of the Philippines. Mr. Cruz stated that he cannot tell with just one glance.
The chicken has a spherical feather, which is a hen feather. And a pointed feather, a
rooster's feather. As a result, it is both. It can also be determined in various ways. To
inspect the chicken's inside. The brothers, on the other hand, disputed it. They also
don't want to harm the chicken. They let the chicken fight the cockpit, and if the bird
wins, it becomes a rooster. When the fight began, the younger brother predicted that
their chicken would lose. The rooster's eyes, on the other hand, are filled with affection.
The fight is ended, their chicken has triumphed, and the victor is a rooster. When they
were about to leave, however, a warm and round item fell to a younger brother's arm.
It's also an egg.

The same thing happened to me. When I'm in 9th grade, it's time for math. So,
my two other classmates and I started arguing about something. They all have the
same answer, but mine is the only one that differs from the others. Then they go looking
for solutions from my classmates. Our class's top student had the same answer as
them. And one of my classmates has the same response. As a result, I began to doubt
if my answer was correct or not. I recalculated it, and my result remains the same. I
said, “I will not change my answer until our math teacher said the correct answer.” Then
tomorrow morning came, it is math time again, it is time to answer the math problem.
Our math teacher called me and the top in class to answer it in board. And as a result,
we have different answer. Even though my answer was erroneous based on my
classmate's answer, I still validated my answer. My teacher then revealed that the
answer given by the top class was wrong. So, in essence, my lone answer is the only
correct answer in the class.

The moral of the story, in my opinion, is to not discriminate against anyone. If you
believe it is unusual, treat it as such. Because we don't always know why a person's
face is the way it is. And that doesn't rule out the possibility of a girl doing the same
things as the boys.

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