Sample Detailed Lesson Plan

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Junior High School Program

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 10

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. identify the structure and functions of basic components of cells;
b. differentiate between the animal cells and plant cells;
c. draw and label the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; and
d. reflect on the essence of the cell structures and their functions.


References: Introduction to Microbiology: Cell Structures and Functions files
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Materials: Multimedia and Pictures
Value Infused: Stay connected with one another

Teachers’ Activities Learners’ Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
-Good morning, class! -Good morning, Ma’am!
-Welcome to our virtual class

2. Prayer
-Class, please turn on your camera and mute (Students bow down their heads and closed
your audio for our prayer. their eyes for the prayer)

-Our heavenly Father, we thank you for this


3. Checking of Attendance
(The learners will do what the teacher
- Now I will check your attendance commanded them)
-Kindly turn on your audio now and say
present as I call your names. -Present Ma’am!

-Wow! You are all present today. That’s

great, beloved. -Thank you, Ma’am.

B. Review

- Before we start our lesson for today, let’s

have a short review. I would like to ask you
about our lesson last meeting. Kindly
mention any terms that are connected to our
lesson at the previous meeting. Zhasney: It’s all about the Microscope, Ma’am.
-Any volunteer?
-Thank you, Zhasney, you got it right.
-How about the others? Adler: We learned about the Parts of the
-Alright, thank you, Adler, that is correct. Microscope, Ma’am.
- Now, can anyone tell me about the parts of
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the Microscope? Cassandra: The LPO Ma’am, it is the Low

Power Objective.
-Thank you Cassandra, that is right. LPO is
one of the parts of the Microscope that is
used for focusing.
-It seems like you still remember our lesson
last meeting. -Yes Ma’am!!!
-ok, so now, we will now move on to our first -Okay Ma’am…

C. Motivation
-okay Ma’am
-I’m going to show you picture… and tell me
what those pictures are.
-So, what can say about this?

-Woah! That’s scary Ma’am.

-No, it’s not scary at all.

- It’s a green monster Ma’am.

-Yes, it’s like monster, right?

-It’s actually a bacteria class.

-Jeez bacteria hahaha
-Next is…

Arthur: It’s a plant on a pot Ma’am.

-Yes, Arthur, that is correct. Thank you for Andra: A green plant in a vase Ma’am.

-Yes Andra, it’s a plant. Very good class. You -Thank you, Ma’am.
are being attentive.

-How about this one?

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Ace: It’s a cute panda, Ma’am.

-Yes, Ace that is correct, thank you for


-So, based from the pictures that I showed

you, what do you think is our lesson today?
Kajik: since it’s a bacterium, plants and an
animal, I think that it is related to nature
-Yes Kajik, very good, thank you for that. Any Ma’am.
other answer?
Zamiel: Ma’am since our topic last meeting
was all about the microscope and its’ parts, I
-Very good Zamiel, you got it right. Our think that our lesson for today is related to the
lesson for today is about the microorganisms cells, because that is the use of microscope, to
that only the microscope can see. So let’st see the things inside the plants and animals
find it out! like bacteria.

D. Lesson Proper
Zamiel: I knew it! I was right.

Zamiel: Thank you Ma’am.

(chat box)
-So our lesson for today is all about the cell
structures and functions. -Wow, that’s cool. We will be able to learn it
this fast.

-I know some cells, like the sperm and egg


-I think everyone does know about that


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-The first thing that we need to know is the

Cytology. Can you please unmute and read Annaliese: Cytology – study of structure,
the definition of Cytology, Annaliese? function and chemical reactions going on
inside the cells.
-Okay thank you so much beloved, so
Cytology is the branch of Science that deals -Okay Ma’am.
with the study of cells.

-Class, who do you think discovered the cell? Lucianna: Robert Hooke – discovered the cell
Can you please unmute and read Lucianna? in the mid-17th century.

okay, thank you beloved, so Robert Hooke

was the one who discovered the cell using a
simple microscope, marking the genesis of Cassandra: Wow! That’s great Ma’am.
an exciting era of cellular biology.

-Indeed Cassandra, that’s truly great.

-This is what Robert Hooke looked like…

-So a cell is the smallest unit of life and the

building block of all living organisms.

-Cells are fundamental to all Biological

Sciences such as:

a. Biotechnology;
b. Genetic Engineering; and
c. Molecular Biology

-We will now proceed to organisms, a while

ago, I asked you to identify the pictures that I
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posted. Those pictures are considered as

examples of organisms.
-Organisms are made up of organ system
such as the digestive system, each of these
organ systems are comprise of individual
organs which work together in a
coordinated manner.
Ace: That’s why the panda was considered as
an organism.

-Then Organs, The organs such as the

stomach, small and large intestines are part
of the digestive system. All these organs are
made up of tissues.

-Are you guys following?

-Okay thank you for that, now let’s move on
to our lesson which is the tissue.

-Tissues are group of similar cells that

perform the same function such as epithelial -Yes, Ma’am!!!
tissue and muscle tissue.
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-And finally are the cells.

It contains organelles and molecules such as
Cells are classified into 2 parts. Can you
guess what those are?

-Very good Kajik, you got it right. So what

are the prokaryotic cells? Kajik: Yes, Ma’am, those are the prokaryotic
Kindly read Zamiel. and eukaryotic cells.

Simpler forms of cells which make up
-Okay thank you for that beloved, now I will unicellular organisms like bacteria and
show you the structure of the prokaryotic cyanobacteria.
cells and you can easily identify why it is
known as the simpler forms of the cells. Lacks membrane bound nucleus and other
membrane bound organelles.

-Okay Ma’am.

-Next is the Eukaryotic cells are:

Make up of complex multicellular organisms

like plants and animals.
They have nucleus and other membrane
bound organelles.
Animal cells are the foundation of all

-So that is the difference between the two.

I understand it now clearly.

-the eukaryotic cells have nucleus, so what is

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a nucleus? Can you read the definition


-Okay thank you, beloved. This is the Andra: Nucleus is the one that:
structure of the nucleus.
Acts as a brain of the cell.
Regulates every metabolic activity of the cell.
Contains DNA in the form of chromatin.

-take note of its structure because I might ask

that later.

Next part of the Eukaryotic cell is the

-Yes Ma’am!

Kajik: I know the functions of mitochondria

Ma’am; it is the powerhouse of the cell.
-Thank you Adler and Kajik, yes that’s right.
Adler: well everyone knows that already.
The function of the mitochondria is that it
serves as the powerhouse of the cell. It
converts food into useable energy through
Kajik: really? Probably because it’s very
the process of cellular respiration.
popular just like the nucleus.

Adler and Kajik: Thank you Ma’am.

-and then we also have Ribosomes, they are:

Small globular bodies found in large

numbers inside the cells.
Carry out synthesis of proteins inside the
May be free or attach to the endoplasmic
reticulum. Annaliese and Lucianna: Rough ER Ma’am.

So class, can you guess if what type of ER Cassandra: Rough Ma’am

does the ribosomes usually attached to?
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Is it the rough or smooth ER?

-Thank you girls, you got it right, it’s the

rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Lucianna, Annaliese and Cassandra: Thank
you Ma’am.

Zhasney: Endoplasmic reticulum, Smooth and

Rough, forms interconnected network of
tubules to transport protein throughout the
-Now, we move to endoplasmic reticulum.
Kindly read, Zhasney.

-Alright, thank you beloved.

-Yes Ma’am!
-Based from this picture you can easily
distinguish the rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum right?

-Okay thank you, now let’s proceed to Golgi


The system of membranous sacs called

To transport secretory vesicles and form
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-While lysosomes are: Ace: It is also known as the garbage collector.

The suicidal backs of the cell.
Contain digestive enzymes and perform
intracellular digestion.

-yes, Ace, very good. This is the structure of

the lysosomes:

-Now, let’s see the structure of the plant cell

since we are now done with the animal

-They really have the same parts as the animal


Animal cells and plant cells are just similar

when it comes to their parts, except for the
three distinctive differences. The plant cells

Have a tough cell wall around their cell

membrane while animal cell lack cell wall.
Have large central vacuole but animal cells
have a few small ones.
Presence of chloroplast in the plant cell.
Junior High School Program

-So class, any questions?

Alright so, additional information,

Organelles mean “little organs”. -None Ma’am…
ATP- is the AdenosineTriphosphate, for
cellular respiration.
DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acids.



MECHANICS: Cooperate, discuss and go
with your group mates in a breakout room.
For the group A list down all the
characteristics of animal cell. Then for the (the students will do the given task)
group B, write all the characteristics of
plant cell. Then you will have one
representative per group to discuss your
work in the main room.
Time limit: 10 minutes

F. Generalization

Let us sum up the lesson.

What is cell?
(the learners will give their answers to the
What are the different cells present in the
plants and animals?

What are their functions?

How do the cells maintain life of plants

and animals?

Very good. This shows that you understand

our lesson clearly.
We will now proceed on a short evaluation.
Are you ready?
-Yes Ma’am.
Junior High School Program


Answer the following questions below:

1. It is the control center of the cells.
2. How many category does a cell
3. It is also known as the cells genetic
4. This category of cell doesn’t have
nucleus and cell membrane but it
has genetic
Reflect on the essence of the cell
structures and their functions both to plant
and animals.

V. ASSIGNMENT (individual)

(the students will do the given task)

Direction: In a short bond paper, draw
and label the PROKARYOTIC and 1. NUCLEUS
EUKARYOTIC cells. Then take a photo of 2. 2
your work to be submitted via CANVAS. 3. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Due date: (5 days after the given time)

So If you don’t have any questions, good

luck on your next class, see you next
-Okay Ma’am, Thank you.
meeting. Goodbye beloved…
-Goodbye Ma’am, thank you for today.

Intro to Microbiology, Cell Structures and Functions

Prepared by:

BSED Biological Science

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