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Base on the handouts, an entrepreneur should be like an eagle always prefared, focus, fearless,
and very result oriented. Then to explain more the characteristics “Entrepreneur fly with eagle”
I did some research about the counter part of this.

-Master your own weakness

An entrepreneur should master his own weakness like an eagle baby who hops in the nest,
jumping occasionally and then later voluntarily flying out of the nest, in this start up exercises
the eagle learns to be independent and that is what an entrepreneur need. You should be
independent, break out of your shell and leave your comfort zone for your own growth.

-Master your own fears, have courage and boldness

As we know, eagles do not beg, they do not succumb to self-pity and become cry-baby. Eagles
dare. They reach whatever the circumstances, and they get what they want. Being an
entrepreneur, you need to invest money fearlessly, you need to enter new territories and
introduce product lines with boldness and courage.

-Commitment to excellence

The eagle is committed to excellence in everything it does. The golden eagle builds very good
and strong nests high up in the mountains far away from many risks so this means it is risk
conscious, so the eagle knows maintenance yet some folks work machine and humans until
they break down. When the eagle realizes that it’s getting old, the beak and talons are no
longer as sharp as required for covering the eagle takes time to rejuvenate. So, if you are an
entrepreneur you need quality of time to hideout and relax and reflect on your vision and

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