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Relative pronouns – ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ

1. Which : cái mà, vật mà
N ( danh từ chỉ vật) + Which + V…
Hoặc N ( danh từ chỉ vật) Which S + V………
2.who : người mà
N ( danh từ chỉ người )+ who + V…
3.whom : người mà
N ( danh từ chỉ người )+ whom S + V……
4. That : chỉ cả người lẫn vật.. That thay thế cho who, whom, which trong mệnh đề quan hệ
xác định ( không có dấu phẩy)
5. Whose: ( người mà có/ cái mà có ) chỉ sở hữu của người hay vật. Whose thay cho her
( của cô ấy), his ( cuả anh ấy ), their ( của họ ), its ( của nó )…trong mệnh đề phụ.
N (Người/ vật) + whose + N …
6. Where = at / in which : nơi mà
Từ chỉ nơi chốn + where + S + V …
7. When = at / on which : khi mà
Từ chỉ thời gian + when + S + V
8.Why = for which ( lí do mà)
Reason + why + S + V
Giới từ ( in, on ,of , about, at……) + which/ whom
Giới từ ( in, on ,of , about, at……) không được đứng trước that, who, when, where, why
That kg được nằm sau dấu phẩy.

II. Loại mệnh đề : có 2 loại

Loại 1. Mệnh đề tính từ xác đinh: là thành phần của câu, kg thể bỏ đi đc. Nếu bỏ đi
câu sẽ kg đầy đủ nghĩa. ( kg có dấu phẩy)
Ex: 1.The singer who is singing on TV is my sister.
2.The book which you lent me was very interesting.
Loại 2. Mệnh đề tính từ không xác định: ( có dấu phẩy) có thể bỏ đi được vì tiền
ngữ đã được xác đinh bởi các từ: this, that, these, those, my, your, his , her, their, our,
hoặc sở hữu cách của danh từ , hoặc bản thân tiền ngữ là danh từ riêng. Mệnh đề tính
từ kg xác định được ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy.
III.Reduced forms of relative clauses: : rút gọn mệnh đề

1.Nếu động từ trong MDQH ở thể chủ đông thì ta dùng V-ing để rút gọn ( bỏ đại từ quan
hệ và trợ động từ , bắt đầu bằng V-ing .)
Cấu trúc: N + who/ which/ that + V( s/es/ed/v2/v-ing) ( bỏ ĐTQH, chuyển V về nguyên
mẫu sau đó thêm đuôi -ing)
Ex: 1.The man who is sitting next to me is my uncle.
The man sitting next to me is my uncle.
2. Do you know the boy who broke the window last night? Break broke
Do you know the boy breaking the window last night?
2.Nếu động từ trong MĐQH ở thể bị động ( be + V3/ed) thì ta rút gọn bằng V( -ed, 3)
( bỏ ĐTQH và các trợ động từ, bỏ tobe , bắt đầu bằng V(-ed,3).
Cấu trúc: N + who/ which/ that + be + V3/ed ( bỏ ĐTQH, bỏ luôn be chỉ giữ lại v3/ed)

Ex: 1.The book which was written by To Hoai is interesting.

The book written by To Hoai is interesting.
2.The students who was punished by the teacher are lazy.
The students punished by the teacher are lazy.
3.Nếu trong câu có các từ the first, the second, the third…, the next, the last, the only thì ta
rút gọn bằng: TO V
Cấu trúc : the first, the second, the third…, the adj-est/ the most, the next, the last, the only N
+ who/ which/ that + V( s/es/ed/v2/v-ing) ( bỏ ĐTQH, chuyển V thành to V nguyên mẫu)

Ex: He is the first person who reaches the top of this mountain.
He is the first person to reach the top of this mountain.

1. He is the last man who was choosen to the company dạng 3

He is the last man to be choosen to the company
2.The book which was written by To Hoai is interesting dạng 2
The book written by To Hoai is interesting

3.The first book which was written by To Hoai is interesting dạng 3

The first book to be written by To Hoai is interesting
Relative pronouns – ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ
1.Which : cái mà, vật mà
N ( danh từ chỉ vật) + Which + V…
Hoặc N ( danh từ chỉ vật) Which S + V………

Note: V : động từ ( có thể chia động từ theo thì nào tuỳ thuộc vào nghĩa)
N : danh từ
Ex:1. I don,t like stories which have an unhappy ending.
2. Peter makes for the factory which makes car.
3.The car which I hired broke down.
4.They took her to the hospital which is a mile away.
5.The house which / that they bought is being repaired at the moment.
2. who : người mà
N ( danh từ chỉ người )+ who + V…
Ex:1.A person who teaches at the university is a lecturer.
2.They are the children who won the match yesterday.
3.The scientist who / that discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
4. The girl who is standing over there is Mary.
Who thay cho : they, he, she, … ở mệnh đề phụ)
3. whom : người mà
N ( danh từ chỉ người )+ whom S + V……

Ex: 1.The person ( whom ) / who you met yesterday is a famous singer.
2.The boy whom you are looking for is Tom.
3.The man whom you saw is my uncle.
Note: ở vị trí tân ngữ whom có thể bỏ đi được trong mệnh đề xác định ( mệnh đề kg có dấu
Ex: Everyone (whom) I know likes to eat chocolate and ice – screams.
Do you know the boy……………… at the party last week.?
A. we talked about B. about him we talked
C. we talked about him D. who we talked about him.
- whom thay cho : him, her, them … ở mệnh đề phụ.
- who có thể thay cho whom trong văn nói hoặc văn viết kg trang trọng
There,s the woman who / whom she sold the handbag.
Ex: The man………whom…/ that…… you met yesterday is the manager of bicycle factory.
A. when B. who C. whose D. which
4. That : chỉ cả người lẫn vật.. That thay thế cho who, whom, which trong mệnh đề quan hệ
xác định
Ex: The man that/ who helped you has just won the lottery.
The bicycle that/ which belongs to me is expensive.
- Những trường hợp sau đây phải dùng That chứ kg dùng who, whom, whom, which.
That dùng sau các từ : nothing, anything, something, everything …
Ex: Do you have anything that belongs to me?
Note: Khi whom, which hoặc that ở vị trí tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ xác định thì ta có thể
bỏ đi được
The student ( whom/ who/ that ) we met this morning has won the scholarship.
The motorbike ( which/ that ) you lent me yesterday is a good one.
5. Whose: ( người mà có/ cái mà có ) chỉ sở hữu của người hay vật. Whose thay cho her
( của cô ấy), his ( cuả anh ấy ), their ( của họ ), its ( của nó )…trong mệnh đề phụ.
N (Người/ vật) + whose + N …
Ex: 1.The teacher is talking to the woman whose son is our classmate.
2.The book whose cover is torn is lying on the shelf.
3.The man whose land I bought last year is a farmer.
6. Where = at / in which : nơi mà
Từ chỉ nơi chốn + where + S + V …
I have just returned to the village . I was born in that village ( b1)
I have just returned to the village . I was born in which =where (b2)
I have just returned to the village . which I was born in (b3)

I have just returned to the village in which I was born . (b4)

= I have just returned to the village where I was born .

Ex: I have just returned to the village where I was born.

This is the house where my uncle used to live
- Where thay cho there trong mệnh đề phụ
7. When = at / on which : khi mà
Từ chỉ thời gian + when + S + V
Ex: Do you remember the day when you first went to school.
Sunday is the day when I am least busy.
8.Why = for which ( lí do mà)
Reason + why + S + V
Ex: Do you know the reason why she left so early?
II. Kinds of adjective clauses : có 2 loại
1. Mệnh đề tính từ xác đinh: là thành phần của câu, kg thể bỏ đi đc. Nếu bỏ đi câu sẽ kg
đầy đủ nghĩa.
Ex: 1.The singer who is singing on TV is my sister.
2.The book which you lent me was very interesting.
2. Mệnh đề tính từ không xác định: có thể bỏ đi được vì tiền ngữ đã được xác đinh
bởi các từ: this, that, these, those, my, your, his , her, their, our, hoặc sở hữu cách của
danh từ , hoặc bản thân tiền ngữ là danh từ riêng. Mệnh đề tính từ kg xác định được ngăn
cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy.
Ex: 1.This computer, which I bought 5 years ago, still works properly.
2.That man, whose wife and children are away, seems very lonely.
3. I went to the Royal Theather, where they saw Shakespeare,s Hamlet.
4.Tom, who has just left school, is looking for a job.
5.My car, which bought last year, is still in good condition.
- That không được dùng trong mệnh đề không xác định ( mđ có dấu phẩy )
Ex: Dr. William, who came to visit our parents, is a well – known doctor.
- Trường hợp mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ
Ex:1.The man whom = that Mary is talking to is Mr Pike.
2.The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr. Pike.
3.The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr. Pike.
4.The man that Mary is talking to is Mr. Pike.
- Không dùng giới từ trước who, that, where, when, why.
Giới từ + whom/ which

III. Reduced forms of relative clauses:

1.Nếu động tùe trong MDQH ở thể chủ đông thì ta dùng V-ing để rút gọn ( bỏ đại từ
quan hệ và trợ động từ , bắt đầu bằng V-ing .
Ex: 1.The man who is sitting next to me is my uncle.
The man sitting next to me is my uncle.
2. Do you know the boy who broke the window last night?
Do you know the boy breaking the window last night?
2. Nếu động từ trong MĐQH ở thể bị động ( be + V3/ed) thì ta rút gọn bằng V( -ed, 3)
( bỏ ĐTQH và các trợ động từ, bắt đầu bằng V(-ed,3).
Ex: 1.The book which was written by To Hoai is interesting.
The book written by To Hoai is interesting.
2.The students who was punished by the teacher are lazy.
The students punished by the teacher are lazy.
3. Nếu trong câu có các từ the first, the second, the third…, the next, the last, the only thì
ta rút gọn bằng: TO V
Ex: He is the first person who reaches the top of this mountain.
He is the first person to reach the top of this mountain.
EXERCISE 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. That’s my friend_______________ comes (v) from Japan.
A. which B. who C. whom D. where
2. The music ______ we listened last night was boring.
A. to which B. which to C. to that D. that
3. She’s the woman_______________ sister looks after the baby for us.
A. who B. which C. that’s D. whose
4. That’s the doctor for________________ Cliff works.
A. that B. which C. whom D. whose
5. Marie,______________ I met at the party, called me last night.
A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
6. I remember Alice,______________ rode the bus to school with.
A. I B. whom I C. that I D. who
7. I used to enjoy the summer, ______________ we had a big family picnic.
A. where B. when C. which D. that
8. Tell me about the city ______________ you grew up.
A. that B. where C. which D. ø
9. Please remember to take back to the library all the books ________ are due this week.
A. ø B. that C. when D. they
10. I’ll never forget the place _______I first met you.
A. at where B. where C. which D. on which
11. They asked me a lot of questions, _____ I couldn’t answer.
A. most of which B. of which most C. most of that D. of that most
12. That is the house in ______I used to live.
A. that B. which C. where D. there
13. The bridge _____ by French architects is very nice.
A. was designed B. designing C. to design D. designed
14. Sunday is the day _______which we usually go fishing.
A. during B. at C. in D. on
15. The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed
16. Baseball is a game ______mainly in the United States.
A. playing B. played C. which play D. who plays
17. She couldn’t answer any question, _______made me surprised.
A. that B. it C. this D. which
18. The man ______ at the blackboard is our teacher.
A. stood B. stands C. standing D. to stand
19. Tom was the last ______the classroom yesterday.
A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
20. Linda was the last student ______ at the oral exam.
A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask
21. I didn't get the job ______which I applied.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
22. She studied at a university ______ one hundred years ago.
A. founding B. which founding C. to found D. founded
23. I just feel safer with the food ______ supermarkets.
A. sold B. to sell C. selling D. to be selling
24. The man _______ part in the robbery refused to give any information.
A. took B. taking C. to take D. who take
25. The coffee _______ in that restaurant was cold and tasteless.
A. I drank B. I drank it C. that drank D. which I drank it
26. Do you know the song____ on the radio?
A. playing B. which plays C. which is playing D. which is being played
27. This is the house__ by his father five years ago.
A. were bought B. was bought C. which bought D.bought
28. The event received coverage in a newspaper__ in the area
A. which widely distributed B. widely distributed C. distributing D. that distributed
29. Be sure to follow the instructions___ at the top of the page.
A.given B. giving C.are given D. are giving

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