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Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92

Drying of hot chilli using solar tunnel drier

a,* b
M.A. Hossain , B.K. Bala
Farm Machinery and Postharvest Process Engineering Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh

Received 28 July 2004; received in revised form 9 June 2006; accepted 9 June 2006
Available online 24 August 2006

Communicated by: Associate Editor Istvan Farkas


A mixed mode type forced convection solar tunnel drier was used to dry hot red and green chillies under the tropical weather con-
ditions of Bangladesh. The drier consisted of transparent plastic covered flat-plate collector and a drying tunnel connected in series to
supply hot air directly into the drying tunnel using two fans operated by a photovoltaic module. The drier had a loading capacity of 80 kg
of fresh chillies. Moisture content of red chilli was reduced from 2.85 to 0.05 kg kg1 (db) in 20 h in solar tunnel drier and it took 32 h to
reduce the moisture content to 0.09 and 0.40 kg kg1 (db) in improved and conventional sun drying methods, respectively. In case of
green chilli, about 0.06 kg kg1 (db) moisture content was obtained from an initial moisture content of 7.6 kg kg1 (db) in 22 h in solar
tunnel drier and 35 h to reach the moisture content to 0.10 and 0.70 kg kg1 (db) in improved and conventional sun drying methods,
respectively. The use of a solar tunnel drier and blanching of sample led to a considerable reduction in drying time and dried products
of better quality in terms of colour and pungency in comparison to products dried under the sun. The solar tunnel drier and blanching of
chilli are recommended for drying of both red and green chillies.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Blanching; Chilli; Collector; Colour; Pungency; Solar tunnel drier

1. Introduction est in dried hot chilli for both the local market and foreign
market. Hossain (2003) reported that chilli is a potential
Hot chilli is an important spice and condiment in the cash crop in Bangladesh and has a good export market.
tropics and subtropics. It is an indispensable item in the In Bangladesh, chillies are traditionally sun dried. The
kitchen for every day cooking in Bangladesh. Hot chilli is farmers expose their chillies to the open sun on a mat,
dried to make chilli powder and to store it for both short earthen floor, cemented floor or on a tin shed. In this
and long term storage. A large quantity of chilli is lost dur- method, drying cannot be controlled and a relatively low
ing the production season when the supply is abundant. quality dried product is obtained. Drying rate is very slow
Farmers do not get a proper return from their harvest dur- and takes 7–15 days, depending on the weather conditions
ing the peak period of harvest due to the low market price (Hossain, 2003). In this traditional sun drying method,
of the abundant supply of chilli. Sometimes they just have chillies become contaminated with dust, dirt, rainfall, ani-
to sell the fresh chilli at a price far below the production mals, birds, rodents, insects and microorganisms. Under
cost. Whereas, the price of dried chilli always remains high these conditions, losses can be as high as 40–60% of total
even at the harvesting season. There is an increasing inter- quantity (Mangaraj et al., 2001). Usually no pre-treatment
are used before the drying of chilli. As a result, the colour
Corresponding author. Tel.: +88 2 9252407; fax: +88 2 9262713.
of most of the dried chilli becomes dull red.
E-mail addresses:, ahossain@atb-pots- As an alternative to conventional sun drying, solar (M.A. Hossain). drying is a promising alternative for chilli drying in

0038-092X/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
86 M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92


db dry basis M moisture content kg kg1 (dry basis)

DR drying rate, kg kg1 h1 T temperature, C
G solar flux density, W m2 wb wet basis

Bangladesh, because mechanical drying is mainly used in ing and mechanical drying at Indian Agricultural Research
industrial countries and is not applicable to small farms Institute, New Dehli, India. From the experimental results
in developing countries due to high investment and operat- it was inferred that open sun drying took 150 and 102 h,
ing costs (Mühlbauer et al., 1993). Solar energy for crop green house type solar drier took 90 and 66 h, solar cabinet
drying is environmentally friendly and economically viable drier took 54 and 36 h while mechanical drying took 26 and
in developing countries. 16 h to reduce moisture content from 300% to 9% (db) for
The natural convection solar drier appears to have unpunched and punched chillies, respectively.
potential for adoption and application in the tropics and Recently, researchers are opting for forced convection
subtropics. It is suitable at a household level for drying solar tunnel drying for drying of various crops (Pangavh-
of 10–15 kg of fruits and vegetables. But the natural con- ane and Sawhney, 2002). Mühlbauer and his associates
vection solar drier suffers from limitations due to extremely developed a forced convection solar tunnel drier at Hohen-
low buoyancy induced airflow inside the driers (Bala and heim University, Germany. One photovoltaic module is
Woods, 1994). In addition, comparatively high investment, required to operate the fan independent of electric grid.
limited capacity and the risk of crop spoilage during It is used for commercial drying of fruits, vegetables, cere-
adverse weather conditions have up to now prevented the als, grain, legumes, oil seeds and spices. Even fish and meat
wide acceptance of natural convection solar driers (Schir- can be dried properly in the forced convection solar tunnel
mer et al., 1996). Trim (1982) designed and constructed a drier (El-Shiatry et al., 1991; Esper and Mühlbauer, 1996;
tent type forced convection solar drier for drying of red Schirmer et al., 1996 and Bala, 2000). The forced convec-
chilli at Food Research Institute, Republic of Korea. The tion solar tunnel drier, therefore, may be considered for
size of the drier was 4.25 m long and 2 m radius with a dry- adoption and application in Bangladesh for drying of hot
ing area of 22 m2. The capacity of the drier was to dry chillies.
300 kg of fresh chilli in 3–4 days. A forced circulated indi-
rect solar drier for commercial drying of red chillies was 2. Description of the solar tunnel drier
designed and installed at Sarder Patel Renewable Energy
Research Institute, Gujrat, India. The system consisted of A Hohenheim type solar tunnel drier was redesigned,
12 m2 flat plate air heater, a 0.75 kW electric blower and fabricated and installed at the Department of Farm Power
a drying chamber to hold 60–65 kg of chillies per batch. and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
The system dries red chillies with 12% initial moisture con- Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The drier basically consisted
tent to 4% (db) final moisture content at an operating tem- of a plastic sheet covered flat plate solar air heating collec-
perature of 60 C (Philip et al., 1993). Tiris et al. (1996) tor, a drying tunnel unit, two dc fans and a 40 W photovol-
developed a multi-rack type mixed mode solar dryer at taic module. The drier was 20 m long and 1.80 m wide. The
the Ege University, Turkey. The drying curves of the solar solar collector unit was connected in series with the drying
dried products were compared with traditional sun-drying tunnel as shown in Fig. 1.
results. Use of the solar dryer reduced the drying time by The collector and drying chamber were made of plain
factors of 1.7, 2.2, 1.8 and 2.22, respectively, for sultana metal sheets and wooden frames in a number of small sec-
grapes, green beans, sweet peppers and chilli peppers. A tions and were joined together in series. These sections can
commercial inclined box type solar drier was designed be opened easily for transportation from one place to
and developed at Central Arid Zone Research Institute, another. Glass wool was used between the two metal sheets
Jodhpur, India. About 80–100 kg of green chilli could be at the bottom of the drier as an insulation material to
dried from moisture content from 85% to 6% (wb) in reduce the heat loss from the bottom of drier. The collector
3.5–4 days (Thanvi, 1999). Hollick (1999) developed a com- was painted black to facilitate absorption of solar radia-
mercial solar drier for drying fruits, vegetables and spices. tion. The drying area of the drier unit was same as that
The roof type solar collector of 1120 m2 area was con- of the collector. Both the collector and the drying units
nected with a rack type drying chamber. The drier would were covered by 0.2 mm thick transparent UV stabilised
able to dry 4 kg of chilli per day per m2 of the collector area plastic sheet. The plastic sheet was fixed on the collector
from the moisture content 80–5% (wb). Mangaraj et al. side of the drier to the metal frame using U-type aluminium
(2001) dried red chilli by different methods such as open channel and rubber rope. At the drying unit one end of
sun drying, greenhouse type solar drying, solar cabinet dry- plastic sheet was fixed to a metal tube, which allows rolling
M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92 87

after 4:00 p.m., the samples in the solar tunnel drier were
kept in the drier and the control samples were kept in a
room at ambient conditions. These control samples were
again put out in the sun next morning usually at 9:00
a.m. Then both the solar and sun drying samples were sub-
jected to dry under the same weather conditions.
A K-type thermocouple (Chromel–Alumel) was used to
measure the drying air temperature along the flow direction
of the air inside the collector and drier at seven fixed points.
A solar meter (Model 776, Dodge Products, Houston,
Texas, USA: accuracy ±1.5%) was used to measure the
solar radiation at the position of the PV module. Relative
humidity and temperature of the ambient air were mea-
sured with a digital humidity/temperature meter (Model
Fluke 51, John Fluke MFG, Co. Inc., USA: accuracy
Fig. 1. Solar tunnel drier: 1. air inlet; 2. fan; 3. solar module; 4. solar
collector; 5. side metal frame; 6. outlet of the collector; 7. wooden support; ±2.5%). Velocity of drying air was measured with a vane
8. plastic net; 9. roof structure for supporting the plastic cover; 10. base type anemometer (Model Taylor 3132, Taylor Instruments,
structure for supporting the drier; 11. rolling bar; 12. outlet of the drying Toronto, Canada: accuracy ±.01 m/s) at the outlet of the
tunnel. drier. The ambient temperature, ambient relative humidity,
temperature at seven points in the drier, relative humidity
at the inlet and outlet of the drier, air flow rate at the
of the plastic sheet up and down for loading and unloading out let of the drier, solar radiation, generated voltage and
of the drier. To prevent the entry of water into the drier flow of current of the PV module were recorded at 1 h
during rain, both lateral ends of the plastic cover were fixed intervals during the solar drying of chilli. The moisture
at 15 slope. content of the chilli sample was measured at the starting
A 40 W solar module was installed at the inlet of the and end of each run of the experiment by drying the sam-
solar collector as a power source to operate the fans, which ples in an air ventilated oven at 105 C for 24 h. After com-
supplied air over the product. The whole system was placed pletion of drying, the dried chilli was collected, cooled in a
horizontally on tables made of iron angle frame 0.8 m shade to the ambient temperature and then sealed it in the
above the ground floor for ease of loading and unloading plastic bags. About 80 kg of fresh red and green chillies
of the products. Plastic net of 2 mm · 2 mm size was used were dried to about 20 kg.
as a tray and the tray was placed 75 mm above the floor
of the drier. The drier was installed at a place free of shade, 4. Colour measurement
particularly for the period of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The hot chilli pods were destalked, sliced longitudinally
3. Experimental procedure into two halves and the seeds were removed from the pla-
centa. The sliced pods were oven dried at 58–60 C for 2
Three experimental runs in full load conditions were car- days and ground using a grinding mill (Model 1/T-204,
ried out for red chilli and another three for green chilli dur- BÜHler, Goldon) equipped with a 1-mm screen. The chilli
ing the period of February–April in the years 1999 and powder was sealed in plastic bags and stored at 20 C until
2000. The whole pods of red and green chillies were water processed. The colouring strength of chilli was determined
blanched in hot water at about 85 C for 3–4 min. The by the internationally accepted EOA (Essential Oil Associ-
blanched chilli was then spread on a bamboo mat to drain ation of USA) method. The EOA method based on the
out excess water. After the draining out of excess water and absorbance of a 0.01% w/v solution of the extract in ace-
cooling to ambient temperature, the chilli was weighed and tone at 458 nm and multiplied by 61,000, gives the EOA
spread out over the tray in a single layer in the solar tunnel colour value (Verghese et al., 1992). The absorbance was
drier. To compare the performance of the tunnel drier with measured using a UV spectrophotometer (Model UV-
that of conventional sun drying, three control samples of 1201, SHIMADZU, Japan).
blanched chilli and another three samples of unblanched
chilli were also placed on trays in a single layer beside 5. Pungency test
the drier in the open sun. Drying was started after comple-
tion of the loading, usually at 9:00 a.m. and discontinued at Four grams of hot chilli powder was extracted with ace-
4:00 p.m. Weight loss of both the samples in the solar tun- tone till a colourless acetone solution was obtained. The
nel drier and the control samples in the open sun were mea- volume was then made up to 100 ml with acetone. The
sured during the drying period at 1 h interval with an extract was kept 3 h at room temperature. After 3 h, 5 ml
electronic balance (Model CT1200-S, OHAUS Corpora- of acetone was taken in a beaker and heated on a water
tion, Florham, USA: accuracy ±.01 g). In the afternoon, bath till fully dry. To this, 5 ml of 0.1 N NaOH solution
88 M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92

was added followed by 3 ml of 3% phosphomolybdic acid 40

solution and was kept at room temperature for 1 h. Finally 35 2
R = 0.88
optical density values were measured at 650 nm with the

Temperature rise, °C
help of a UV spectrophotometer. The value of optical den- 25
sity is considered to be the pungency index of hot chillies 20
(Mangaraj et al., 2001). Different values of optical density
were obtained for different chilli samples. The sample for
which the optical density was higher is considered to con-
tain more capsaicin or more pungent.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
6. Statistical analysis Solar radiation, Wm-2

Fig. 3. Air temperature rise at the outlet of the collector as a function of

The colour values and pungency indices of solar, solar radiation.
improved sun dried and conventional sun dried chillies
were statistically analysed using randomised block design
(RBD). The data of colour values and pungency indices 70
Collector Drying tunnel
of red and green chillies obtained experimentally in the
year 1999 and 2000 were analysed by analysis of variance

Temperature, °C
using the software SPSS 9.0. The mean differences of col- 50

our values and pungency indices were graded by Duncan’s 40 Initial mc = 75.14%
Intermediate mc = 39.16%
Multiple Range Test (DMRT). 30 Final mc = 5.99%

7. Performance of collector and drier
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
The variations of solar radiation, ambient air tempera- Length, m
ture and air temperature at the outlet of the collector for
Fig. 4. Temperature profile along the length of the collector and drier
a typical day during solar drying of red chilli are shown
measured at different moisture contents for a typical experimental run
in Fig. 2. The variation of ambient air temperature during during solar tunnel drying of red chilli (1 April 2000).
the drying period (February–April, 1999 and 2000) varied
from 20 to 35 C while the air temperature at the outlet
of the collector varied from 40 to 66 C. During the drying temperature rise in the drier increased linearly with the
period, air temperature at the outlet of the collector was increase in solar radiation. The following regression equa-
observed to be much higher than the ambient air tion was developed for air temperature rise at the outlet of
temperature. the collector with solar radiation.
The rise in air temperature at the outlet of the collector
DT ¼ 19:418 þ 0:077G ðR2 ¼ 0:88Þ ð1Þ
above ambient air temperature against solar radiation, dur-
ing solar drying of red chilli, is shown in Fig. 3. The aver- It is observed from Fig. 4 that the temperature profile
age air temperature rise at the outlet of the collector over along the length of the drying tunnel not only depends
ambient air temperature was found to be 21.62 C during on solar radiation but also on the moisture content of chilli
solar drying of chilli. It is observed from Fig. 3 that air to be dried. At the beginning of drying, when the moisture
content of the hot chilli was high, the air temperature de-
creased along the length of the drying tunnel. Due to the
550 70 evaporative cooling on the surface of the chilli, the air tem-
500 perature in the drier dropped. When the amount of energy
Solar radiation, Wm-2

450 required for evaporation of moisture from the chilli became

400 50 less than the received energy then the air temperature in the
Temperature, °C

350 40 drier increased. After completion of the initial stage of dry-

30 ing, drying air temperature in the drier is found almost con-
200 Solar radiation
stant along the length of the drier. This indicated uniform
150 Ambient temperature thermal stress throughout the drier and the constant air
Collector outlet temperature 10 temperature inside the drier provided uniform drying
50 0 throughout the length of the drier.
09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00

Time of a day, h 8. Drying of red and green chillies

Fig. 2. Variations of solar radiation, ambient temperature and drying air
temperature at the outlet of the collector with time of a typical day during Blanched chilli sample was dried in the solar tunnel drier
solar tunnel drying of red chilli (1 April 2000). and at the same time blanched and unblanched chilli sam-
M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92 89

ples were dried in the open sun. For comparison of drying vection. Moreover it lost heat energy to the surrounding
rate of red and green chillies in the solar tunnel drier with environments. So, temperature (average) in the drier was
that of in the open sun, the blanched chilli samples were higher than the ambient temperature and corresponding
dried in solar tunnel drier and in the open sun. Farmers relative humidity in the drier was lower than the ambient
of Bangladesh dry chilli without applying any pre-treat- relative humidity (Fig. 6). As a result, the drying rate of
ments and hence unblanched sample was dried in the open red chilli in the drier was found to be higher than that of
sun as a control sample. In this study, blanched sample in open sun. The drying rate of improved sun drying sam-
dried in the solar tunnel drier is termed as ‘solar tunnel dry- ple was found higher than that of conventional sun drying
ing’ and those dried in the open sun by blanching and sample although they were both dried in the open sun. This
unblanching are termed as ‘improved sun drying’ and ‘con- is due to the fact that the sample of improved sun drying
ventional sun drying’, respectively. The drier was loaded method was blanched and the tissues of this blanched chilli
with 80 kg of blanched chilli. The changes of moisture con- was cooked partially and the cell wall of chilli pods became
tent with drying time for a typical experimental run for soft, more permeable to moisture diffusion. As a result,
solar tunnel drying, improved sun drying and conventional transfer of moisture in the blanched sample was higher
sun drying of red chilli is shown in Fig. 5. Moisture content than that of unblanched sample. A comparison of drying
of red chilli reached to 0.05 kg kg1(db) from 2.85 kg kg1 of red chill of present study with Mangaraj et al. (2001)
(db) initial moisture content in 20 h of drying in solar tun- (solar green house type drier) and Kaleemullah and Kai-
nel drier while it took 32 h to bring down the moisture con- lappan (2005) (rotary drier) is given in Fig. 7. It is observed
tent of similar samples to 0.09 kg kg1(db) by improved from the figure that the drying rate of present study was
sun drying and 0.40 kg kg1 (db) by conventional sun dry- higher than those of Mangaraj et al. (2001) and Kaleemul-
ing method. This is due to the fact that the chilli in the drier lah and Kailappan (2005) but they follow the similar pat-
received energy from the radiation from the sun and more tern. This may be due to that the initial moisture content
energy transported from the collector by forced convection, of present study was (2.8 kg kg1 (db)) lower than Mang-
while the samples dried in the open sun received energy araj et al. (2001) (3.0 kg kg1 (db)) and Kaleemullah and
from only the incident solar radiation and less energy Kailappan (2005) (3.2 kg kg1 (db)) and also the chilli vari-
transported from surrounding environment by natural con- eties were different. Also, the drying air temperatures of
present study was 50–55 C and those of Mangaraj et al.
(2001) and Kaleemullah and Kailappan (2005) were 55
3 and 50 C, respectively.
The comparison of moisture content of green chilli in
Moisture content, kgkg-1 (db)

Solar tunnel drying the solar tunnel drier with those obtained by improved
Improved sun drying
2 Conventional sun drying
and conventional sun drying method of drying for a typical
experimental run conducted in the year 1999 is shown in
Fig. 8. Green chilli was dried to a moisture content of
1 0.06 kg kg1 (db) from 7.6 kg kg1 (db) in 22 h of drying
in solar tunnel drier as compared to 35 h of drying in open
sun by improved and conventional sun drying methods for
0 comparable samples to a final moisture content of 0.105
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Drying time, h and 0.70 kg kg1 (db), respectively.
Fig. 5. Solar tunnel, improved sun and conventional sun drying of red There is a relationship between drying rate and moisture
chilli for a typical experimental run (6–10 April 2000). content of the product during drying. Drying rate versus
moisture content during solar tunnel drying of red chilli
and conventional sun drying of green chilli are shown in
70 80

60 70
Relative humidity, %

Temperature, °C

Moisture content, kgkg-1 (db)

50 Present study
50 3
Mangaraj et al. (2001)
40 Kaleemullah and Kailappan (2005)
40 2.5
30 2
Ambient temperature
20 1.5
Drier temperatue 20
Ambient relative humidity 1
10 10
Drier relative humidity
0 0
09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, h Drying time, h

Fig. 6. Ambient and average drier temperature and relative humidity for a Fig. 7. Comparison of drying of red chillies of present study with other
typical day during solar tunnel drying of red chilli. investigators.
90 M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92

9 0.35
Moisture content kgkg-1 (db)

8 Solar tunnel drying 2

0.3 R = 0.95

Drying rate, kgkg-1 h
7 Improved sun drying
Conventional sun drying 0.25
5 0.2
1 0.05
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6 8 10
Drying time, h Moisture content, kgkg-1 (db)
Fig. 8. Solar tunnel, improved sun and conventional sun drying of green Fig. 10. Drying rate of green chilli as a function of moisture content
chilli for a typical experimental run (15–19 February 1999). during conventional sun drying.

For improved sun drying of green chilli:

DR ¼ 0:1229 þ 0:2396LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:93Þ ð6Þ
0.35 R = 0.95
For conventional sun drying of green chilli:

DR ¼ 0:1137 þ 0:0732LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:95Þ ð7Þ

Drying rate, kgkg-1h


0.2 It is also evidence from the equations that for both red and
green chillies, drying rates were observed higher in solar
tunnel drier followed by improved sun drying and conven-
0.1 tional sun drying methods.
9. Quality of dried red and green chillies
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Moisture content, kgkg-1 (db) The colour and pungency are considered to define the
Fig. 9. Drying rate of red chilli as a function of moisture content during quality of dried hot chillies as these properties reflect the
solar tunnel drying. consumers’ acceptance and therefore the market price.
The mean colour value and pungency of dried red hot chilli
for different experimental runs conducted in the years 1999
Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. It is observed from the figures
and 2000 are shown in Table 1. There was no significant
that drying rate of chillies was higher at higher moisture
difference between the colour value of the solar tunnel
content and it decreased logarithmic as moisture content
dried red chilli and improved sun dried red chilli. The rea-
reduced. At the initial stage of drying, moisture content
son might be that both solar and improved sun dried red
of chilli was high and more moisture was evaporated from
chilli was water blanched before drying. The mean colour
outer surface and outer layers of chilli. As the drying pro-
values obtained from conventional sun dried red chilli
cess proceeded, the moisture on the surface decreased and
was significantly lower than those obtained from solar tun-
the evaporation zone moved from the surface into inside of
nel and improved sun dried red chilli both in the years 1999
chilli and less evaporation took place and hence drying rate
and 2000. As colour and pungency has a strong positive
reduced with the drying time as well as moisture content.
correlation i.e. more is the colour, more pungent is the
The following regression equations were developed for dry-
chilli. Since the conventional sun dried red chilli was not
ing rate with the moisture content of red and green chillies.
blanched and the colour as well as the pungency may be
For solar tunnel drying of red chilli:
reduced due to enzymatic browning. Production of
DR ¼ 0:2598 þ 0:0796LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:95Þ ð2Þ enzymes in fruits and vegetables leads to discolouration,
loss of vitamins and breakdown of tissues. Most of the
For improved sun drying of red chilli: enzymes are inactivated at 70 C temperature (Scanlin,
1997). Also blanching reduces the enzymatic browning
DR ¼ 0:1371 þ 0:0593LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:94Þ ð3Þ and prevents the loss of colour of chilli (Chung et al.,
For conventional sun drying of red chilli: 1992). Chilli samples in solar tunnel and improved sun dry-
ing method were water blanched at 80 C for 3 min. So,
DR ¼ 0:0708 þ 0:0638LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:92Þ ð4Þ colour as well as pungency losses of solar tunnel and
For solar tunnel drying of green chilli: improved sun drying samples may be prevented. Higher
pungency index was found for the solar tunnel dried red
DR ¼ 0:1399 þ 0:3793LnðMÞ ðR2 ¼ 0:97Þ ð5Þ chilli than that of conventional sun dried red chilli but they
M.A. Hossain, B.K. Bala / Solar Energy 81 (2007) 85–92 91

Table 1
Colour and pungency of solar tunnel, improved sun and conventional sun dried red chillies (mean ± standard error, n = 3)
Drying method Colour (EOA colour unit) Pungency index
Year 1999 Year 2000 Year 1999 Year 2000
Solar tunnel drying 4306.0 ± 93.8a 3751.8 ± 79.3a 2.317 ± 0.007 2.355 ± 0.008
Improved sun drying 4176.8 ± 87.1a 3646.7 ± 106.9a 2.285 ± 0.005 2.343 ± 0.005
Conventional sun drying 3682.4 ± 95.2b 3278.46 ±82.4b 2.302 ± 0.006 2.331 ± 0.007
Significance p 6 0.01 p 6 0.01 Not significant Not significant
Means in the same column with same letters are not significantly different from each other by DMRT.

Table 2
Colour and pungency of solar tunnel, improved sun and conventional sun dried green chilli (mean ± standard error, n = 3)
Drying method Colour (EOA colour unit) Pungency index
Year 1999 Year 2000 Year 1999 Year 2000
Solar tunnel drying 1380.9 ± 86.3a 1636.4 ± 98.1a 0.866 ± 0.005 0.926 ± 0.003
Improved sun drying 1324.3 ±79.8a 1491.9± 86.5a 0.849 ± 0.007 0.889 ± 0.006
Conventional sun drying 1064.7 ± 98.2b 1109.7 ±102.4b 0.894 ± 0.004 0.890 ± 0.004
Significance p 6 0.05 p 6 0.05 Not significant Not significant
Means in the same column with same letters are not significantly different from each other by DMRT.

are not statistically different (Table 1). Mangaraj et al. out reducing pungency. Hence, solar tunnel drier was
(2001) found higher pungency from solar dried red chilli found to be technically suitable for drying of red and green
than that of sun dried red chilli. It is also found in Table chillies.
1 that the colour values of red chillies in the years 1999
and 2002 were different. This may due to the variations References
of chilli samples grown in years 1999 and 2000.
The mean colour value and pungency of dried green Bala, B.K., 2000. Adaptive research on solar drier for drying mango
chilli of different experimental runs conducted in the years pineapple and fish. Final Research Report, Department of Farm
Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
1999 and 2000 are given in Table 2. There was no signifi- Mymensingh.
cant difference between the colour of the solar tunnel dried Bala, B.K., Woods, J.L., 1994. Simulation of the indirect natural
green chilli and improved sun dried green chilli. The mean convection solar drying of rough rice. Solar Energy 53 (3), 259–266.
colour values obtained from conventional sun dried green Chung, S.K., Shin, J.C., Choi, J.U., 1992. The blanching effects on the
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