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Directions: Select the correct answer from the choices listed below in each item. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your
answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. ERASURES ARE STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.

1. The road innovation that was used of well-compacted, small stones in a soil foundation?
A. Macadam B. Macarthur C. Macdonald D. None of these
2. The earliest known wheels, constructed in ____.
A. Ancient Rome B. Ancient India C. Ancient China D. Ancient
3. Considered the best shipbuilders of the time, it is designed boats that depended more on wind than on manpower wherein
it could carry more cargo than galley ships, which needed room for oars and rowers?
A. Phoenician Cargo Ship B. Square-Rigger C. Reed Boat D. None of these
4. It is a modern example of a 15th-century sailing ship with rectangular sails on the mainmast, foremast, and rear
A. Phoenician Cargo Ship B. Square-Rigger C. Reed Boat D. None of these
5. It is the most important technological development for inland water transportation which was used by the early Chinese
wherein its lock connects stretches of canal built at different elevations?
A. Canal lock B. Steam engine C. Square-Rigger D. Phoenician Cargo Ship
6. In China and other parts of the Far East it is the balanced on the shoulder is a popular carrying device?
A. Back Load and Tumpline B. Carrying Pole C. Sledge on rollers D. Travois
7. As the pole arrangement serves as platform on which the burdens are placed?
A. Back Load and Tumpline B. Carrying Pole C. Sledge on rollers D.
8. These were first domesticated in Seberia in the beginning of the Christian era and in the Altai Mountains, they were ridden
with saddles? A. Ox –cattle B. Reinder C. Dog D. Donkey
9. A long – haired type of cattle that lives at high altitudes on the Tibetan plateau?
A. Camel B. Horse C. Elephant D. Yak
10. The great renaissance artist, scientist and engineer, Leonardo da Vinci, made study of the flight of the birds:
A. Anciet Chinese Kite B. Ornithopter C. Montgolfier Ballon D. Siemens’ Rocket
11. A road that ran across in a four trades routes in central and eastern Europe during the period from 1900 to 300 BC?
A. Amber Roads B. Persian Royal Road C. Silk Road D. Appian Way
12. A road is the most important premodern trade route linking China, Central Asia, Persia and western Asia, and Europe?
A. Amber Roads B. Persian Royal Road C. Silk Road D. Appian Way
13. These toll roads system named for the turning of a pole to permit entry of a vehicle after the driver paid the toll?
A. Macadamization – Road System B. Turnpike Road Systems C. Caminos Reales D. Wilderness Road
14. It refers to the movement of persons...
A. None of these B. Management C. Operation D. Traffic
15. The movement of airplanes refers to ____. A. air action B. water action C. traffic D. none of these

16. It refers that all agencies having responsibilities for ascertaining traffic flow requirements and planning for public facilities
for such movements? A. Traffic Operation B. Traffic Management C. Traffic Planning D. Traffic Organization
17. Office that is responsible for the planning, construction and maintenance of traffic facilities?
A. City/Municipal Engineers’ Office B. PNP C. LTO D. LTFRB
18. They grant, deny, suspend, or cancel land transport franchises?
A. City/Municipal Engineers’ Office B. PNP C. LTO D. LTFRB
19. This agency shall be the primary policy planning and implementing regulation of transportation and communication
20. This is the main executive department which is responsible for the planning and maintenance of traffic facilities in major
road arteries?
21. Responsible for the adjudication of traffic – related cases filed before them?
A. legislative B. court C. congress D. municipal boards
22. The science of measuring traffic and travel:
A. Engineering B. Education C. Enforcement D. PNP
23. The operating traffic system to achieve safe and efficient movement of persons:
A. Engineering B. Education C. Enforcement D. PNP
24. It is the procedures, devices, and communication systems that help vehicles and vessels safely share the same roads:
A. Traffic device B. Traffic control C. Traffic movement D. Priority
25. A surveillance to detect quickly any deterioration in traffic flow:
A. NONE OF THESE B. access – road meters C. closed – circuit television (CCTV) D.emergency services
26. In one of the oldest methods of traffic control, one form of transportation is given priority by restricting other forms of
A. Traffic device B. Traffic control C. Traffic movement D. Priority
27. A device mounted on portable support whereby message in conveyed by means of words or symbols:
A. Traffic signs B. Traffic control C. Traffic device D. None of these
28. It is a Driver Educational Programs that places the student into real life of driving situations from the beginning?
A. Simulated Conditions B. Commentary Driving Method C. Traditional Instruction D.
29. Refers to reduced risk of accident or injury on the roads:
A. None of these B. Road Safety C. Traffic Safety D. Safety Campaign
30. It is an enforcement action which consists of taking a person into custody for the purpose of holding him to answer a
charge of traffic laws violation before a court? A. Arrest B. Traffic arrest C. Summon D.
Traffic citation
31. It is refers to having violator appearing in court without physical arrest:
A. Arrest B. Traffic arrest C. Summon D. Traffic citation
32. It is an action of Traffic Enforcer before issuance of Traffic Citation which a form of safety education?
A. Stationary B. Visual warning C. Verbal warning D. Written warnings
33. Any happening beyond the control of a person:
A. Incendiary B. Accident C. Traffic accident D. none of these
34. Built in 1886, is widely regarded as the first automobile?
A. None of these B. Articulated Vehicle C. Benz Patent-Motorwagen  D. Box Junction 
35. The link which explains the occurrence of the accident and its components are present in every accident:
A. Chain of Events  B. Perception of hazard C. Possible Perception D. Encroachment
36. It is the movement of a vehicle into the path assigned to the other traffic unit?
A. Chain of Events  B. Perception of hazard C. Possible Perception D. Encroachment
37. It is the first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course?
A. Point of no escape B. Evasive Action C. Initial Contact D. Maximum
38. The separation of a traffic unit in motion from an object with which it has collided:
A. Disengagement B. Maximum Engagement C. Final Rest of Stopping D. Point
of no escape
39. The City Council of Tangub enacted an ordinance about the specification of the maximum allowable speeds of all motor
vehicles; this is because to solve the problem of the traffic congestion in the city. Is the ordinance enforce by the city
conform the Traffic Law in the country?
A. No, because no city allowed to change the law
B. No, because the is fixed change is not needed
C. No, because there is a speed limits uniform throughout the country
D. No, because the uniform of allowable speed is the same in the country
40. The private truck of Rudy was used by the labourers riding to handle coconut “copra”. Is the private truck of Rudy under
the law can be authorized by the Land Transportation Office to carry labourers and with cargo?
A. No, the private truck registered privately cannot be used for hire.
B. Yes, provided that only such number of labourers, not exceeding ten, as may be needed to handle the kind of freight
C. Maybe
D. Never
41. Venze is the driver of an ambulance of the City Health Office, of Tangub while driving with the patients that need the
immediate medical operation he do not follow the rates of speed prescribed in Republic Act number 4136. Is his actions
A. never
B. yes, he is exempted to the law
C. no, he should follow the law
D. yes, his actions is exempted because it is emergency in nature
42. It’s goal is to prevent traffic violation from endangering persons:
A. Detection B. Apprehension C. Prosecution D. Adjudication
43. This area consists of legislation, police and the courts:
A. Road System B. Road Users System C. Enforcement system D. Education system
44. Rodrigo’s name was registered in the Land Transportation Office at Tangub City that he purchased the Ranger pickup red
color with a plate number 8970. Rodrigo is actual ____ of the motor vehicle:
A. none of these B. Owner C. Company’s name D. Dealer
45. The City Council of Tangub enacted an ordinance about the specification of the maximum allowable speeds of all motor
vehicles; this is because to solve the problem of the traffic congestion in the city. Is the ordinance enforce by the city
conform the Traffic Law in the country?
A. No, because no city allowed to change the law
B. No, because the is fixed change is not needed
C. No, because there is a speed limits uniform throughout the country
D. No, because the uniform of allowable speed is the same in the country
46. Peter a driver hired and paid for driving a public motor vehicle, which of the following category did Peter align?
A. Student Driver B. Professional Driver C. Driver License D. Driver Authority
47. The first major innovation in wheeled transport was the____.
A. None of these B. Spooked Wheel C. Iron Rims D. Covered Wagon
48. In the United States in the 1800s this serve as the primary form of transportation for migrating settlers?
A. None of these B. Spooked Wheel C. Iron Rims D. Covered Wagon
49. This element includes pedestrians, pedal cyclist, drivers, passengers and others:
A. Road System B. Road Users System C. Enforcement system D. Education system
50. It is used to show where parking is legally prohibited or allowed, such as bus stop?
A. Striped curb markings B. Reflectorized markings C. Object markings D. Curve
51. A power operated traffic control device, by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific action:
A. Traffic light signal B. Simulated system C. Alternative system D. Simple progressive system
52. Traffic engineering one of the pillar of traffic management that a science of measuring traffic and travel, the study of the
basic laws relative to the traffic flow and generation, and the application of this knowledge to the professional practice of
planning, and the operating traffic system to achieve safe and efficient movement of persons and goods. Its objectives are
the following…
I. To achieve efficient, free rapid flow of traffic.
II. To prevent traffic accidents.
III. To present the role of traffic engineering in reducing the needs for police actions and simplifying police
IV. To show that good police action and performance makes engineering plans effective.
V. To present the close relationship of the 3E’s that is education, enforcement, and engineering in the improvement
of traffic problems.
a. All of the above c. IV and V are partly true
b. I,II,III are partly true d. none of these
53. Refers to the organize of the movement of people and good on existing road network by means of such devices as signals,
signs and markings in short term and at low capital cost in order to achieve, safety, mobility, good environment and
energy conservation.
a. Traffic island b. Traffic control c. Traffic unit d. Traffic light
54. The agency that implements laws, rules and regulations governing the registration of motor vehicles, operations or motor
vehicles and traffic rules and regulations as provided for under R.A 4136 as amended and other related laws.
55. The following are the basic Requirement of Traffic Control Devices, except
a. They should compel attention.
b. They should convey simple, clear meaning at glance.
c. They should allow time for response.
d. None of these
56. A device mounted on portable support whereby s message in conveyed by means of words or symbols officially erected or
installed for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
a. Traffic control b. Traffic signs c. traffic unit d. none of these

57. The standardization of traffic signs shall conformed to the standards set forth in the erection and display of standard road
signs and markers’’ as prescribed by the Department Of Public Works And Highways as to shape, color dimensions,
lettering of symbols.
a. Partially true b. Partially false c. neither d. maybe
58. To impose legal restriction applicable at particular locations usually unenforceable in the absence of such signs. Used to
inform road users of certain laws and regulations the violation which constitute a misdemeanor?
A. Warning signs B. Regulatory signs C. informative signs D. a only
59. Prescribed and regulates transport routes; grant, deny, suspend, or cancel land transport franchisees; prescribed and/ or
adjust transport fares; issue injunction in accordance rules of court.
60. All lines, patterns, words, color, or other gadgets except signs, set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the
pavement or curbing, or to objects within or adjacent to the roadway, officially placed for purpose of regulating, warning or
guiding traffic.
A. Curbing C. pavements markings
B. Traffic lights D. none of these
61. A power operated traffic control device, by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific action. Its functions, is
to control and facilitate safe movement of vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
A. Traffic lights C. traffic units signal
B. Traffic signs D. traffic light signal
62. A type of traffic light system that, all signals along a given street always show the same indication at the same time.
A. Simple progressive system C. simulated system
B. Alternative system D. flexible progressive system
63. Areas within the roadway constructed in a manner to establish physical channels which vehicular traffic is guided. Its
functions is to segregate pedestrian and vehicle. To control steams of traffic in order to minimize conflicts, expedite traffic
flow or increase safety.
A. Island C. channelizing islands
B. Divisional island D. traffic island
64. Is the crowning jewel of traffic management and abstract architect of social life and unyielding of man’s destiny on the
A. Traffic enforcement C. traffic education
B. Traffic management D. none of these
65. Are mass publicly aimed to make road users behave more safety. These basically focus on public information attitudes,
and particular or specific behavior or combinations of these.
A.Safety campaigns B. Road propaganda C. traffic educations D. none of these
66. Is the theory which asserts that a man exhibits constant variation of life, energy and mood states? Of man’s theorized
cycles and interpretations rhythm is peculiar characteristics of most natural phenomena. Example: the exchange of light
and darkness; the four seasons; our wet and dry season and the waxing and waning of moon.
A. Full moon theory C. containment theory
B. Bio rhythm D. physiological theory
67. It is at this stage, where a novice driver learns the rudiments of driving, the essential components of motor skill and
control of vehicles.
A. Non-professional driver’s license C. both a and b
B. Student permit driver’s license D. all of these
68. Non-professional driver’s license its validity is for 1 year from the date of issuance. In this driver’s license – there are two
kinds of applicants for non-professional driver’s license; holder of student permit for 4 months and, the applicant for the
renewal of the expired non-professional driver’s license. Its restrictions are the following…
A. Allowed to drive only on the presence of dully license driver.
B. A licensed driver, who shall be equally responsible and liable as the latter for any violation of the provision of R.A
C. The holder is allowed to drive his own vehicle only and not to earn livelihood.
D. the holder of this driver’s license are the privilege to make driving a means of livelihood
69. This is one of the two special types of license issued by the agency for limited and special purpose. While the issuance is
made by the AFP however, the holder has to pass all the test and examination in compliance with the rules and regulation
A. International driver’s license C. AFP driver’s license
B. Military driver’s license D. none of these
70. Means a dangerous conduct and attitude which indicate a lack of concern for injurious consequences.
A. Reckless B. Negligence C. Reckless driving D. imprudence
71. An object or vehicle on the road that hinders or prevents the smooth flow of traffic.
A. Obstruction B. Impede object C. All of these D. None of these

72. This is wholly police responsibility, which requires adequate training and experience on the part of the police to make
them more effective in their enforcement effort while assigned in the field.
A. Apprehension B. Detection C. Arrest D. None of these
73. This is court function the police also provides corresponding influence through preparation and introduction of evidence
or close with prosecution officer.
A. adjudication B. detection C. Trial D. Prosecution
74. Person with amputated left or right leg amputated left or right arm, post-polio victims with one paralyzed leg either left or
A. Orthopedically impaired B. Partially impaired C. partially handicraft D. disabled
75. A safety device installed at the roadside to protect vehicles, which run out of control from falling on steep slopes or hitting
fixed objects.
A. Signal cycle B. Cycle spilt C. Guard rail D. Drainage
76. According to Republic Act 4136 motor vehicle shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power
using the public highways, but excluding of the following, except:
A. road rollers B. trolley cars C. street-sweepers D. ranger pickup car
77. Trailers having any number of wheels, when propelled or intended to be propelled by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall
be classified as which of the following?
A. separate motor vehicle with no power rating
B. separate motor vehicle with power rating
C. separate motor vehicle with or no power rating
D. separate motor vehicle only
78. Jeepneys are considering which of the following?
A. passenger automobiles B. passenger truck C. articulated vehicle D. truck
79. Which of the following significant difference between passenger truck and passenger automobile?
A. That a motor vehicle registered for more than nine passengers shall be classified as truck.
B. That a motor vehicle registered for more than eight passengers shall be classified as truck.
C. That a motor vehicle registered for more than ten passengers shall be classified as truck.
D. That a motor vehicle registered for more than eleven passengers shall be classified as truck.
80. Peter a driver hired and paid for driving a public motor vehicle, which of the following category did Peter align?
A. Student Driver B. Professional Driver C. Driver License D. Driver Authority
81. Eduy driving his own motor vehicle for hires. Is Eduy’s can be consider a professional driver?
A. Always B.Maybe C. Yes D. No
82. Rodrigo’s name was registered in the Land Transportation Office at Tangub City that he purchased the Ranger pickup red
color with a plate number 8970. Rodrigo is actual ____ of the motor vehicle:
A. none of these B. Owner C. Company’s name D. Dealer
83. Stephen was from Singapore using his own car having a vacation travelling from Tangub City to Ozamis City. What do you
think which of the following can we consider Stephen fit in?
A. Visitor B. Tourist C. Traveller D. Alien
84. The motorcycle of Romeo was used his family privately and registered in the Land Transportation Office, Tangub City
under the private category. One time he used it for hires. Did Romeo commit any violation?
A. never B. always C. yes D. no
85. The private truck of Rudy was used by the labourers riding to handle coconut “copra”. Is the private truck of Rudy under
the law can be authorized by the Land Transportation Office to carry labourers and with cargo?
A. No, the private truck registered privately cannot be used for hire.
B. Yes, provided that only such number of labourers, not exceeding ten, as may be needed to handle the kind of
freight carried.
C. Maybe
D. Never
86. Public utility automobiles, public utility trucks and taxis owned by contractors and customs brokers and customs agents.
Application for registration under these classifications shall be accompanied by which of the following?
A. certificate of public convenience C. certification of motor vehicle
B. certification of special order D. all of the above
87. Registration of motor vehicle under the "Government Motor Vehicle" classification shall be free of charge, upon request of
the chief of bureau or office concerned. This statement is not correct.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Always
88. No provincial, city or municipal authority shall enact or enforce any ordinance or resolution regulating or prescribing the
maximum gross weight of any motor vehicle. This statement is correct.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Always
89. The following are grounds which the Commissioner should refuse to register or decide a suspension of the registration
certificate of a motor vehicle, except:
1. motor vehicle is found to be unsightly, unsafe, overloaded, improperly equipped
2. unfit to be operated
3. capable of causing excessive damage to the highways
4. conforming to minimum standards and specifications
A. 1 is not included B. 2 is not included C. 3 is not included D. 4 is not included
90. Whenever it shall appear from the records of the Commission that during any twelve-month period more than three
warnings for violations of this Act have been given to the owner of a motor vehicle, or that the said owner has been
convicted by a competent court more than once for violation of such laws, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, shall
require the immediate surrender of the number plates and suspend the certificate of registration for how many days?
A. period not exceeding eighty days C. period exceeding eighty days
B. period not exceeding ninety days D. period exceeding ninety days
91. Who shall prepare and issued the number plate of the motor vehicle?
1. Commissioner of Land Transportation office
2. Deputies of the Commissioner of Land Transportation office
3. Secretary of Public Works and Communications
4. Deputies of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications
A. 1 & 2 are correct B. 2 & 3 are correct C. 3 & 4 are correct D. all of the above
92. Andoy drove his car from Tangub City bound to Ozamis City while at the intersection of Barangay Sta. Cruz, Tangub City
there was a check point of the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group, headed by Police Inspector Andrea Delos
Santos. Andoy is confident that he brought his driver’s license with him, however the time he pick up his pocket and about
to present it to the officer it was not there. Do you think Andoy commit any violation of Republic Act no. 4136?
A. No, because Andoy realy have a driver’s license
B. No, because Andoy for good cause he just forget to bring with him the driver’s license.
C. Yes, the license shall be carried by the driver at all times when operating a motor vehicle.
D. Yes, the license shall be shown or surrendered for cause and upon demand to any person with authority.

Case # 92 & 93
Baloyot member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, a driver of 35th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army drove a car own
by the Government, when stop by a Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group while conducting a check point, refused
to deal with the officer and argued regarding his driver’s license because he drive a government own vehicle, it is not
necessary to have a license for it.
93. Is Baloyot contention correct?
A.Yes, Baloyot contention is correct because the motor vehicle own by a government.
B. No, Baloyot contention is not correct because enlisted men operating a motor vehicle owned by the Government
shall be licensed
C. Yes, Baloyot argument with the officer is correct because he is exempted to the law.
D. No, Baloyot argument is not proper because he still get driver’s license but no license fees shall be collected and
the issued license bear the words for government vehicles only.
94. If Baloyot drive his own car, it is necessary for him to be license intended for his own motor vehicle?
A. never B. always C. Yes D. No
95. Bonafide tourist and similar transients who are duly licensed to operate motor vehicles in their respective countries may
be allowed to operate motor vehicles their sojourn in the Philippines. How many days allowed by law to drive a car own by
tourist while they are in the country?
A. not after ninety days C. not after eighty days
B. not before ninety days D. not before eighty days
96. In all times, every motor vehicle shall display in conspicuous places:
A. one in front and one in the rear C. one in rear
B. one in front D. never mind
97. According to the law any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed,
not greater or less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the highway, and of any
other condition then and there existing. What should be the maximum allowable speed of the motor vehicle that is
passengers’ car or motorcycle on open country roads, with no "blinds corners" not closely bordered by habitations?
A. 50 km. per hour B. 40 km. per hour C. 80 km. per hour D. 30 km. per hour
98. Venze is the driver of an ambulance of the City Health Office, of Tangub while driving with the patients that need the
immediate medical operation he do not follow the rates of speed prescribed in Republic Act number 4136. Is his actions
A. never
B. yes, he is exempted to the law
C. no, he should follow the law
D. yes, his actions is exempted because it is emergency in nature
99. Who among the following shall properly classified for traffic purposes of the public highways?
1. Provincial board
2. Municipal board
3. City council
A. 1, 2, & 3 are correct B. 1 & 2 are correct C. 1 & 3 only are correct D. 1 is correct
100.When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time, who shall give a way the vehicle on
right or the vehicle on the left?
A. The driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right.
B. The driver of the vehicle on the right shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the left.
C. The driver of the vehicle on the left.
D. The driver of the vehicle on the right.


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