Privatization and Firm Performance: A Study of Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprises

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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 149-158
Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Minister of Research,
Technology and Higher Education, Number 36a/E/KPT/2016

Privatization and Firm Performance: a Study of Indonesia’s State-

owned Enterprises
Fransiska Soejono1 , Heriyanto2

Faculty of Business and Accounting, Musi Charitas Catholic University, Palembang, Indonesia1,2

Info Article Abstract

History Article: This study aimed to examine the differences in the company’s performance before and after privati-
Received 4 July 2018 zation. This study also examined the differences in performance before and after privatization on
Approved 24 August 2018
Published September 2018
specific sub-samples of the data which is based on privatization method. Government policy of car-
rying out the privatization toward SOEs is still pro and contra. Various Privatization methods offer
Keywords: its weaknesses and strengths. There are different opinions on the best method for SOE privatization
Method; Privatization; Capital in Indonesia. The population is all companies which execute the privatization method. Secondary
Market; Strategies Sale; Perfor-
data were used namely financial statement which was taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and
the company’s website. Data were analyzed using normality test data. In addition, the paired t-test
by using normally distributed data assumption was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed
that Direct method privatization positive and significant changes in measuring Total Asset Turnover.
Performance conducted Privatization through the capital markets showed different results. Test on
the capital market method of data showed a similar effect with an analysis on the entire data (without
separating the privatization method used) that occur significant performance degradation, especial-
ly in measuring Total Asset Turnover, Debt Ratio and Return On Equity. Conducted Management/
Employee Buy-Out (MBO) privatization implied a substantial reduction in measuring Debt Ratio
and Return on Equity Performance.

Privatisasi dan Kinerja Perusahaan: Studi pada Badan Usaha Milik

Negara Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan kinerja perusahaan sebelum dan setelah mel-
akukan privatisasi. Penelitian ini juga menguji perbedaan kinerja perusahaan sebelum dan sesudah
privatisasi sesuai dengan metode privatisasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Keputusan pemerin-
tah untuk melakukan kegiatan privatisasi Badan Usaha Milik Negara masih sering menerima pro
dan kontra. Kegiatan privatisasi memiliki berbagai macam kelemahan dan kekuatan yang men-
imbulkan perdebatan, metode privatasi yang paling tepat diterapkan di Indonesia. Populasi dari
penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan yang pernah melakukan privatisasi. Data sekunder yang
digunakan di penelitian ini berupa laporan keuangan yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Data juga diuji menggunakan pengujian normalitas. Sebagai tambahan, uji t juga digunakan untuk
menguji hipotesis yang ada di penelitian ini. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa privatisasi lang-
sung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perputaran total asset. Pengujian kinerja perusa-
haan yang melakukan privatisasi di pasar modal juga menunjukkan hasil signifikan, terutama pada
pengujian perputaran total asset, rasio hutang dan rasio laba terhadap ekuitas. Employee Buy-Out
(MBO) privatisasi menunjukkan pengurangan yang substantial pada pengukuran rasio hutang dan
rasio laba terhadap ekuitas.

JEL Classification: G11, G12, G13

How to Cite: Soejono, F., & Heriyanto. (2018). Privatization and Firm Performance: a Study of Indonesia’s State-owned Enterprises. Jurnal
Dinamika Manajemen, 9(2), 149-158.

Correspondence Address ISSN
Jl. Bangau No. 60, 9 Ilir, Ilir Tim. II, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30144 2086-0668 (print) 2337-5434 (online)
Email: DOI: 10.15294/jdm.v9i2.14970
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 149-158

Introduction One government action to solve this is

privatization. Privatization policy in SOE was
State-owned Enterprise (SOE) is worked first performed in 1991 on PT Semen Gresik,
as a profit generator for the state and providing Tbk. Several studies state that the financial per-
economic stimuli and also any other aspects formance of government companies increases
(Law No. 19 of 2003). The ownership of SOE after privatization (Dharwadkar et al., 2000;
is predominantly controlled by the government Gupta, 2005; Urga et al., 2007; Ochieng & An-
and until now it’s expected to drive the national war, 2014). A study on the difference of perfor-
economy. SOEs is an integral part of the natio- mance before and after privatization in Indone-
nal economy since SOEs in various sectors is a sia has been performed but the result is limited
source of the country’s income. The amount of to significant performance improvement in real
dividend and taxes deposited by SOEs to the sales (Juoro, 2002).
government from 2004 to 2008 had increased. The selection of the best privatization
The dividend transfer increased by over 2,9 method is an essential first step in privatizati-
times in 2008 compared with 2004, so the tax on (Bachiller, 2017). The simplified method in
payment from SOEs increased by 3,5 times. The SOE privatization is the capital market. Privati-
contribution of SOEs to Gross Domestic Pro- zation through the capital market is often per-
duct (PDB) as 21.92% to 23.47% in 2004-2008. formed by the government. Data from the mi-
The issue today is not all SOEs are profi- nistry of SOE shows that there are 20 of 24 SOEs
table for the state. The overall net profit of SOEs which are privatized through the capital market
was 78 trillion IDR, compared with the asset of from 1991 to 2013. Privatization through the
SOEs which amounted to 1,978 trillion IDR. So, capital market is considered transparent becau-
the profit ratio wasn’t outstanding, only 3.9%, far se society can directly appraise company perfor-
below the 1-year interest rate on deposit which mance through a published financial statement.
could reach to up to 6% in 2008. The number The community also has an opportunity
of healthy SOEs declined from 2004 to 2008. to control and owns stocks of government com-
Indonesia had 141 SOEs in 2009, but SOE per- panies. Local government also can buy compa-
formance wasn’t so good. Healthy SOEs from ny stocks, so local government is more focused
1997 to 2009 was only 16 to 46%. on developing business in their region. Another
The government expects SOEs to drive privatization method is selling shares to mana-
economic growth, but other conditions show gement or employees (MBO method) and the
that the government must subsidize any SOE direct method. MBO method can be the right
which has a loss. This shows the dependency and strategic step because it’s considered able
of SOEs to the government and eventually be- to change and improve cultural attitudes and
comes a burden for the government. Govern- behaviors in the company. This method also
ment subsidy also makes it more difficult for can reduce labor issues because employees are
SOEs to be efficient. The role of government directly involved in the corporate operation,
in SOEs becomes unclear because the result management and control. Direct methods, such
of subsidy policy makes it difficult to compare as strategic sale, make external parties’ strategic
SOEs with private companies. Several studies partners, because they have better access to the
even show that SOE performance is relative- global market, thus driving SOE to reach the in-
ly lower than private companies (Berger et al., ternational market.
2005; Bonin et al., 2005; Fries & Taci, 2005; Jelic et al. (2003) and Boubakri et al.
Soejono, 2010). Hapsari and Rokhim (2017) (2005) find empirical evidence that privatiza-
state that the government should continue to tion method influences company long-term
open the banking market up to foreign investor performance. There are different opinions on
if they are proven taking a positive impact. the best method for SOE privatization in Indo-

Fransiska Soejono & Heriyanto/ Privatization and Firm Performance: a Study of ...

nesia. Alipour (2013) argues that there should terested in buying SOE stocks, the value of the
be accountability in privatization. Go public company also increases. Jelic et al. (2003) and
mechanism is more transparent and fairer than Boubakrie et al. (2017) find empirical evidence
a strategic sale, which is full of negotiation. Yon- that privatization method influences long-term
nedi (2010) states that Initial Public Offering company performance. There are differing opi-
(IPO) can improve the quality of Good Corpo- nions on the best method for SOE privatization
rate Governance (GCG) but the implementati- in Indonesia. Alipour (2013) argues that the
on should still involve political decision of the most effective mechanism is handing it to the
House of Representative (DPR,) as long as time capital market, not bidding system, to be tran-
lack problem of political decision can be solved sparent. Ho et al. (2016) and Ghulam (2017)
and IPO of SOEs hark back to the spirit of the states that go public mechanism is more trans-
Constitution of 1945, so that SOE privatization parent and fairer than a strategic sale, which is
isn’t always controversial and considered selling full of negotiation.
state assets to foreign parties. Yonnedi (2010) states that Initial Pub-
Korteweg and Sorensen (2017) also sta- lic Offering (IPO) can improve the quality of
tes that regarding the implementation of GCG Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Korte-
in SOE management, SOE privatization can be weg and Sorensen (2017) also indicates that
performed through the capital market. Buchner regarding the implementation of GCG in SOE
et al. (2016) states that if the method taken in management, SOE privatization can be perfor-
SOE privatization isn’t followed by GCG enfor- med through the capital market. Research Staff
cement, it’s not optimally successful. Purwoko of the Center of Financial Statistic and Rese-
(2002) finds something else. His study shows arch, Department of Finances of the Republic of
that SOE privatization with direct method (Pri- Indonesia (Purwoko, 2002) states that the ideal
vate Placement) by foreign investors with over privatization model is private placement by a
50% inclusion with giving the most optimal be- foreign investor with over 50% inclusion. The
nefit. Buchner et al. (2016) states that there is study by Purwoko (2002) shows that the issue
no single model for successful privatization. It of privatization by IPO method is reducing the
can be anything from sales to the private sector chance to close State Budget deficit. The survey
to transfer of ownership to employees. Studies by Jelic et al. (2003) finds empirical evidence
on research method and company performance that privatization method influences long-term
in Indonesia are limited. company performance. Therefore, the research
The purpose of the current study was first, hypotheses were:
to analyze different company financial perfor- H1a: There is a significant difference in financial
mance before and after privatization. Second, to performance before and after privatizati-
test the significant difference of company finan- on using direct method implementation.
cial performance before and after privatization H1b: There is a significant difference in finan-
in the implementation of varying privatization cial performance before and after privati-
methods (Capital Market, Direct and Emplo- zation in capital market implementation.
yee/ Management). H1c: There is a significant difference in finan-
cial performance before and after privati-
Hypothesis Development zation in MBO method implementation.
Well implemented privatization method
will support improved company performance. Method
IPO method will enable increased capital in the
company. Increased wealth can be used to de- This study covered privatized govern-
velop business and eventually improve people ment companies or State-owned Enterprises
welfare. Moreover, when more investors are in- (SOEs) in Indonesia. The study was aimed to

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 149-158

determine how the privatization method policy & Boontham, 2017). Return on Asset (ROA) is
by the government impacted the performance a part of profitability ratio. It shows a company’s
of State-owned Enterprise. The population in ability to use all of its assets to produce a pro-
this study was all privatized companies in 1989 fit after tax. The ratio is essential for manage-
to 2017. The sampling technique was purposive ment to evaluate the effectiveness and efficien-
sampling (judgment sampling) with the follo- cy of company management in managing all
wing criteria (1) privatized SOE and the privati- the company’s assets. The bigger the ROA, the
zation method was known; (2) company listed more efficient the use of company assets, or in
in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI); (3) avai- other words the same total assets can produce
lable financial statement data two years before more significant profit and vice versa. Return
and after privatization. on Equity (ROE) is a part of profitability ratio,
The data used was secondary data, which which shows the company’s ability to produce a
is data of the privatization method and com- profit after tax using its capital.
pany financial statement. The data collection The ratio is important for shareholders
technique was documentation technique with to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of
sources of data and year of privatization data capital management by company management.
from the ministry of SOE, data of company fi- The higher the ratio, the more efficient the use
nancial performance from Financial Statements of own capital by the company management.
downloaded from various websites (Ministry EAT/Total Equity (Brown at al., 2016). Pri-
of SOE, Indonesian Stock Exchange, sahamok. vatization methods used in this study were: a)
com and company website). through the capital market (IPO/right issue/
There were five variables of company fi- SPO); b) direct (Strategic Sales/Private Place-
nancial performance used in this study, which ment); c) to management and employees (Ma-
are Total Asset Turnover Ratio (TAT) which is nagement/Employee Buy Out).
one of efficiency ratio, showing how well com-
pany asset is used (Brown at al., 2016). The ratio RESUlT AND DISCUSSION
is a part of activity ratio (Chang & Boontham,
2017) which measures the effectiveness of the The population in this study was all
usage of all assets in producing sales. The bigger privatized companies in 1989-2017. During
the ratio, the more effective the management of 1989-2017 period, there were 31 privatized
all company assets. Formula: Sales Ratio/Ave- companies (with 47 cases of privatization).
rage Total Asset (Jiang at al., 2013). Debt Ratio Privatization carried out after 2013 was not the
(DR) is a part of the leverage ratio. It is a ratio sale of shares, but the addition of government
which measures the proportion of fund from capital through State Capital Participation. This
debt to finance company assets. The bigger the number covered all privatization cases in SOEs
ration, the bigger the usage of debt in financing and non-SOEs and also go public (open) and
investment in assets, meaning the financial risk closed companies. But, because seven from 11
of company increases and vice versa. Formula: cases didn’t leave any government stocks after
Total Debt/Total Assets (Chang & Boontham, privatization, they’re not included in the rese-
2017). arch samples. One company was privatized in
Operating Profit Margin Ratio (OPM) 2013 and couldn’t be used because the data of
is a ratio measuring a company’s ability to pro- two years after privatization couldn’t be known.
duce profit before interest and tax with sales Therefore, the privatization period was from
achieved by the company. This ratio shows the 1989 to 2012.
efficiency of the departments of production, After sample selection, 60 observation
personnel and marketing in generating a profit. data were collected (including 30 privatization
Formula: EBIT/Sales (Mardjana, 2000; Chang cases and data of two years before and two years

Fransiska Soejono & Heriyanto/ Privatization and Firm Performance: a Study of ...

Table 1. Descriptive Statistic of Financial Performance of SOE Pre and Post Privatization in 1989-2012

Financial Performance Variable Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

TAT_pre .0327 1.6637 .642697 .5124427
TAT_post .0425 1.5083 .569087 .4324439
DR_pre .1022 .9450 .659308 .2306165
DR_post .0962 .9234 .605538 .2351357
OPM_pre -.0030 .5772 .239688 .1531125
OPM_post -.0940 .5766 .248530 .1723866
ROA_pre .0061 .4337 .081923 .0894457
ROA_post -.2030 .2294 .058997 .0698026
ROE_pre .0792 .5510 .225468 .1181920
ROE_post -.4960 .5249 .153818 .1409410

after privatization) with 20 companies in total. the capital market was more population and
Further, regarding the purpose of this study, was the method preferred by the government.
which was testing the impact of privatization of In reality, there were three privatization cases
SOE performance, this study used financial per- which used two methods simultaneously (mix
formance data of SOE two years before and two method), i.e., two examples used Direct and
years after privatization policy. Capital Market methods and one exam le used
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistic Management/ Employee Buy-Out (MBO) and
of SOE financial performance variables before Capital Market method. The data showed that
and after privatization. On average, SOE perfor- 60% or 12 of 20 SOEs performed privatization
mance after privatization declined than before, only once. Other SOEs performed privatization
except for Operating Profit Margin (OPM). twice (5 companies), three times (2 compa-
This might be because two years before and af- nies) and four times (1 company). PT Tele-
ter privatization aren’t enough to see any chan- komunikasi Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank Negara
ge/improvement of company performance. Indonesia Tbk and PT Bank Mandiri Tbk were
Before privatization, the govern- the SOEs which performed privatization more
ment was the majority shareholder of SOEs than twice.
(government’s shareholding was over 50%).
After privatization, the government was still the Data Analysis, Hypothesis Testing and Discus-
majority shareholder in most SOEs (96.7%). sion
Only one SOE (3.3%) had government’s sha- Normality test showed that all perfor-
reholding becoming a minority (less than 50%) mance variable data were normally distributed.
after privatization, i.e., PT Indosat Tbk. It hap- To fulfill the normality test, data transformation
pened in the second privatization of PT Indosat was performed only on variable ROA. The con-
Tbk in 2002. version was performed using square root (sqrt)
Regarding the privatization method used because the histogram data of variable ROA
by SOEs, 64% of 30 cases (observation) of SOE was moderate positive skewness. Then, outlier
privatization used the capital market method. test was performed, discovering four observa-
23% used the direct method and only 3% of all tions which exceeded extreme value limit (with
cases (observation) of SOE privatization in this standard deviation ≥ 2.5). Hypothesis test used
study used MBO method. Privatization through parametric difference test (paired t-test).

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 149-158

Table 2. The Difference of Financial Performance Before and After Privatization by Privatization

Financial Performance (pre-post)

Capital Market:
mean .106 .103 -.042 .002 .067
t 3.343 4.848 -1.616 .105 2.496
Sig. .002 .000 .116 .917 .018
mean -.101 -0.035 .047 .003 .010
t -.825 -1.710 1.163 .119 .173
Sig. .002 .111 .266 .907 .865
mean .326 .057 -.015 .016 .114
t 1.531 14.392 -1.355 2.222 33.618
Sig. .368 .044 .405 .269 .019

Table 2 shows the test result related to of TAT ratio in the direct method was consis-
the difference of SOE financial performance be- tent with the study by Purwoko (2002) which
fore and after privatization using capital market, showed that SOE privatization by the direct
direct and MBO methods. method (Private Placement) would give more
First, in privatization by the capital mar- benefit than capital market method. Third, pri-
ket method, the test result is only TAT, DR and vatization by MBO method produced statisti-
ROE ratios were significantly different, while cally significant DR and ROE ratios. It indica-
OPM and ROA weren’t significantly different ted declined proportion of debt use by SOEs to
before and after privatization. Second, in pri- fund their assets and decreased ability of SOE
vatization by the direct method, only TAT ra- managements in managing equities to produce
tio showed a significant difference of financial company profitability. However, TAT, OPM
performance, while DR, OPM, ROA and ROE and ROA ratios didn’t show any significant dif-
ratios didn’t show any difference in financial ference.
performance before and after privatization. A Table 3 shows the result of the test of dif-
significant difference of financial performance ference of SOE financial performance before

Table 3. The Difference of Financial Performance Before and After Privatization in Mixed Privatiza-
tion Method (Mix Method)

Note Mean T Sig.

TAT post- TAT pre .052 1.445 .208
DR post – DR pre .005 .348 .742
OPM post – OPM pre -.040 -.864 .427
ROA post –ROA pre -.011 -.780 .471
ROE post – ROE pre -.015 -.971 .376

Fransiska Soejono & Heriyanto/ Privatization and Firm Performance: a Study of ...

and after privatization using mix method (using of Finances of the Republic of Indonesia (Pur-
two privatization methods at the same time in woko, 2002; Marciano, 2008) who states that
one privatization). In mix method, no finan- the ideal privatization model is private place-
cial performance (TAT, DR, OPM, ROA and ment by a foreign investor with over 50% inclu-
ROE) showed significant difference before and sion. The study by Purwoko (2002) shows that
after privatization. the problem of privatization by IPO method
The result of the hypothesis test showed is reducing the possibility of closing the State
that using observation, overall there was a sig- Budget deficit.
nificant difference in financial performance in Meanwhile, the test of SOE privatization
SOEs before and after privatization. The finan- cases using MBO method found that variables
cial performance variables which were signifi- DR and ROE were positive and significant. In
cantly different were TAT, DR and ROE ratios. MBO method, SOE management and emplo-
Significant (positive) variable TAT indicated yees are given the opportunity to buy company
that there was reduced efficiency in SOE ma- stocks. In this mechanism, the company should
nagements in company assets to produce sales be able to reduce monitoring cost (agency
(revenue) after privatization. Significant (po- cost) because employees will monitor business
sitive) variable ROE stated that there was the decisions (policies) taken by company ma-
reduced ability of SOE managements in mana- nagement. Moreover, employees also tend to
ging company equities to generate a profit after perform better to improve company financial
privatization. performance.
Meanwhile, significant (positive) variab- Methods considered excellent and able
le DR meant reduced debt use by SOE mana- to give an optimal result for company perfor-
gements to fund company assets after privatiza- mance but, produced loss/ reduced perfor-
tion. Significant reduction of debt ratio showed mance might not be supported by the correct
that privatization could reduce company debt implementation. Failure of privatization might
burden. Variables OPM and ROA didn’t signi- also be due to lack of support from manage-
ficantly show change related to the improved ment and labor. Bachiller (2017) states that
operational performance of SOEs after priva- there are some things which differentiate the
tization. Specifically, the result indicated that success/ failure of privatizations in developed
there was no significant difference compared to countries and developing countries. First, in
the ability of SOE managements in producing developed countries, privatization was directed
operational profit and managing company ass- to find more dynamic management, while
ets to generate a net profit after privatization. most developing countries direct privatization
Furthermore, based on the test on priva- to “remove” losing SOEs. Second, privatizati-
tization cases using the capital market method, on in developed countries are easy to perform
variables TAT, DR and ROE had positive and through the capital market and political issues
significant differences. The test result of priva- can be minimized. Third, legal conditions in de-
tization cases with direct method showed that veloped countries are clearer and stricter, while
only variable TAT was significantly (negative) in developing countries the legal circumstances
different. It indicated that after privatization, are unclear.
there was the improved efficiency of SOE ma- Marcelin and Mathur (2015) underlin-
nagements in managing their assets to produce ed the importance to affirm the politic of the
sales (revenue). implementation of SOE restructuration. Anot-
The test result is consistent with the ar- her possibility is privatization is half-hearted
gument of the Research Staff of the Center of because most stocks (96.67%) of SOEs were
Financial Statistic and Research, Department dominated by the government. Buchner et al.

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 9 (2) 2018, 149-158

(2016) states that if the methods of SOE pri- hod showed a significant difference in financial
vatization aren’t followed by GCG reinforce- variables DR and ROE while variables TAT,
ment, it’s not successful. Lack of a dominant OPM and ROA weren’t significantly different.
individual because the majority shareholder is This study had limitations of only using samp-
the government makes the agency cost higher les of privatized SOE and go public companies
and it harms the government as the recipient of (open companies).
dividend and companies. Future studies can include other compa-
This study contributed to several parties. ny samples which aren’t SOEs and companies
First, for academicians, this study showed redu- which haven’t been going public (open com-
ced TAT and ROE performances after privati- panies) but have been privatized. This study
zation. Further investigation can use the result didn’t separate the results of the test of differen-
of this study to find the cause of the reduced ce of SOE performance after privatization for
company performance. Second, the govern- banking and non-banking sectors. This sepa-
ment can evaluate the implementation of pri- ration is considered necessary considering the
vatization to find factors causing the decline of chance of different privatization mechanisms
company performance after privatization. The between banking and nonbanking companies.
evaluation result can be used to consider future Different privatization mechanisms might be
privatization decisions. because business decisions of banking compa-
Moreover, the direct method can be se- nies have more regulations and law from rele-
lected by the government as one of the priva- vant authorities.
tization methods. Third, this study provides Furthermore, measurement of finan-
information to investors on the impacts of pri- cial performance (related to the financial ra-
vatization on company financial performance. tio used) of banking companies was relatively
Investors should be more careful in their deci- different due to different financial characteris-
sion to invest in privatized SOEs. tics. Future studies should include control va-
riables such as total company assets, company
Conclusion and Recommendation age, economic situation (before and after the
crisis), government regime and other variables
The study on the difference of SOE per- considered influential to company performan-
formance before and after privatization produ- ce after privatization policy. This study only
ced the following findings: First, in overall data used financial performance (financial ratio) as
and Capital Market method data, there were an observed variable. Future studies should use
significant differences of SOE financial perfor- other variables which measure company non-
mance before and after privation in financial va- financial performance after privatization, such
riables TAT, DR and ROE. Meanwhile, variab-
as the effectiveness of company management,
les OPM and ROA didn’t show any significant
company restructuration, development of orga-
difference. Second, the test on the difference of
nizational culture and other variables conside-
SOE financial performance before and after pri-
red to measure company non-financial perfor-
vatization using direct method gave the opposi-
mance after privatization.
te result from the capital market method. The
result of the analysis on direct method showed
that only variable TAT was significantly diffe-
rent, while variables DR, OPM, ROA and ROE Alipour, M. (2013). Has Privatization of State-
weren’t significantly different. Third, the test Owned Enterprises in Iran Led to Improved
of the difference of SOE financial performance Performance?. International Journal of Com-
before and after privatization using MBO met- merce and Management, 23(4), 281-305.

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