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Current Biology


Ecology: The Tropical Deforestation Debt

Ken Norris
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY, UK

Tropical deforestation is a significant cause of global carbon emissions and biodiversity loss. A new study
shows that deforestation today leaves a carbon and biodiversity debt to be paid over subsequent years.
This has potentially profound implications for forest conservation.

Between 2000 and 2012, over 1 million At a landscape scale, deforestation associated with terrestrial vegetation.
square kilometres of the World’s tropical often creates a mosaic of forest This allowed the authors to move through
forests were cleared [1], an area roughly fragments within a matrix of non-forest time from 1950 to recent years and
the size of Egypt. This has major habitats, such as farmland (Figure 1). As estimate the amount of carbon available
implications for global carbon emissions deforestation proceeds, these fragments to be emitted as areas were deforested.
and biodiversity loss. Estimates suggest become increasingly isolated and Lastly, they used a ‘carbon book-keeping’
that deforestation accounts for 5–20% of degraded. Animal species in these model to estimate how this available
global carbon emissions annually [2–4], landscapes vary in their susceptibility to carbon was actually emitted [2,8]. This
second only to the combustion of fossil these habitat changes — forest model assumes that 20% of the available
fuels. Tropical forests are also hotspots of specialists, species with small ranges and carbon is emitted immediately, with the
terrestrial biodiversity (Figure 1), and those with poor ability to disperse through remaining 80% being emitted through
deforestation is a major driver of species non-forest habitats are particularly time at different rates depending on
extinctions [5,6]. However, the impacts vulnerable, experiencing population whether the carbon comes from slash
of deforestation do not occur declines and local extinction [10–12]. As decaying in situ (70%), forest products
instantaneously [7,8]. A new study by species are often linked through (8%) or elemental carbon (2%).
Isabel Rosa and colleagues [9] in this ecological processes, such as To estimate biodiversity losses the
issue of Current Biology shows that competition and predation, population authors focused on mammals, birds and
deforestation today causes significant declines of individual species have wider amphibians, because there are coarse-
carbon emissions and biodiversity losses knock-on effects for animal and plant grained global datasets on the spatial
that occur over future years — in other communities. Deforestation not only distribution of species in these taxa
words, today’s deforestation creates causes species losses but restructures [14,15]. They first needed to estimate the
carbon and biodiversity debts. How large entire communities [13]. Population number of species potentially ‘at risk’
are these debts, and what implications do declines and community re-structuring from deforestation, which they did by
they have for the conservation of tropical also take time, so a deforestation event counting the number of forest specialist
forests? today can effectively ‘commit’ species to species in each part of their range that
When an area of forest is cleared, extinction in future years and it may take overlapped with the historical forest cover
vegetation of any economic value is often several years for communities to reach a maps. Next, they estimated species
removed (mainly timber) and converted new equilibrium. losses following deforestation using
into various products, such as building The new paper by Rosa et al. [9] modified species–area relationships.
materials or furniture. Carbon emissions estimates for the first time these Typically, these relationships describe
associated with this vegetation will occur time-delayed carbon emissions and how the number of species changes in
through the associated production biodiversity losses associated with relation to the area of habitat (e.g. forest).
processes, and ultimately when the forest tropical deforestation. To estimate carbon They can thus be used to estimate the
products decay. The highly degraded emissions, the authors first re- number of species likely to be lost as
vegetation (termed ‘slash’) remaining constructed historical patterns of habitat area is reduced [5]. The authors
in situ also emits carbon but how quickly it deforestation back to 1950. To do this, used a modified relationship that includes
does so depends on the way land is used they used a spatially explicit model, which an additional parameter, k, that estimates
after the forest has been cleared. If the takes advantage of the fact that the the rate at which species are lost over
slash decays naturally, emissions occur spatial pattern of deforestation is time as forest area is reduced. The
relatively slowly, but quickly if it is burned. predictable. For example, deforestation parameter k is clearly critical for
The net effect of these processes is that a is more likely in a given area if that area is estimating a biodiversity debt, and was
significant portion of carbon emissions accessible (e.g. close to a road or river), or derived from a previous study based on
from a deforestation event are delayed in has a relatively high human population biodiversity data from the Brazilian
time, which means that the carbon density. Next, they combined their Amazon [16].
emissions occurring today represent, in historical deforestation maps with a The main findings of Rosa et al. [9]
part, a legacy of past deforestation [8]. global map of the amount of carbon are striking. Imagine for a moment that

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Current Biology


deforestation had completely halted in

2010. The time-delays would mean there
is a debt of at least 8.5 Pg of carbon
remaining to be emitted, which is
equivalent to the emissions associated
with five to ten years of global
deforestation. The authors estimate a
species extinction debt of over 140
mammal, bird and amphibian species,
which is substantial when compared with
historical losses — 124 vertebrate
species are known to have gone extinct
since 1900 . Not surprisingly, most of the
carbon and biodiversity debts occur in the
Amazon and Southeast Asia where Figure 1. Tropical forest biodiversity and deforestation.
historically deforestation has been Left: a forest fragment in Borneo resulting from clearance for oil palm. Photo: Chi’en C. Lee. Right:
Wallace’s flying frog from Borneo. Photo: Ryan Gray.
greatest. The Congo Basin, by
comparison, only accounts for 9–14% of
carbon emissions over time, and for only or geographical areas, or how it might be REFERENCES
about 5% of species losses. If affected by land-use change. It seems
deforestation rates increase in the future quite likely that k is sensitive to the 1. Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Moore, R.,
Hancher, M., Turubanova, S.A., Tyukavina, A.,
in this region, these represent important distribution of ecological traits (e.g. Thau, D., Stehman, S.V., Goetz, S.J.,
baseline estimates against which trophic level, dispersal ability, life history) Loveland, T.R., et al. (2013). High-resolution
global maps of 21st-century forest cover
changes in emissions and biodiversity among the constituent species in an area change. Science 342, 850–853.
losses can be measured. Delayed effects [11,17]. It also seems likely that k reflects
tend to accumulate over time, such that to some extent the type of land-use 2. Baccini, A., Goetz, S.J., Walker, W.S., Laporte,
N.T., Sun, M., Sulla-Menashe, D., Hackler, J.,
the species losses we observe today are change following deforestation — species Beck, P.S.A., Dubayah, R., Friedl, M.A., et al.
largely the result of historical losses might be less rapid if, for example, (2012). Estimated carbon dioxide emissions
from tropical deforestation improved by carbon-
deforestation events [9]. deforestation is followed by a forest
density maps. Nat. Clim. Chang. 2, 182–185.
Inevitably, the analyses of Rosa et al. [9] plantation rather than an urban area.
contain uncertainties. While uncertainties A better understanding of these patterns 3. Harris, N.L., Brown, S., Hagen, S.C., Saatchi,
S.S., Petrova, S., Salas, W., Hansen, M.C.,
relating to model parameters were would help us explore the sensitivity of Potapov, P.V., and Lotsch, A. (2012).
explored in the paper, significant regional and global estimates of species Baseline map of carbon emissions from
uncertainties in the underlying ecological losses to the key underlying ecological deforestation in tropical regions. Science 336,
processes remain. For example, the processes involved.
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estimate emissions over time makes very reduction of carbon emissions and R.B., Collatz, G.J., and Randerson, J.T. (2009).
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depending on how land use actually species losses would still occur. This
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changes — emissions will be rapid if means that without additional measures,
forest is cleared by burning, but slow if the national and international emissions 6. Sodhi, N.S., Wilcove, D.S., Lee, T.M.,
Sekercioglu, C.H., Subaraj, R., Bernard, H.,
slash remains in situ for an extended reduction and biodiversity conservation Yong, D.L., Lim, S.L.H., Prawiradilaga, D.M.,
period [8]. It would be valuable to improve targets are unlikely to be met. Policies and Brook, B.W. (2010). Deforestation and
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(1999). Time lag between deforestation and
would help us quantify how sensitive biodiversity debts. Almost inevitably this bird extinction in tropical forest fragments.
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which species are lost over time [16] used stop working solely in their policy
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Purves, D., and Ewers, R.M. (2016). The
little about how k might vary between approach [18]. Such a change is long environmental legacy of modern tropical
taxonomic groups, species assemblages overdue. deforestation. Curr. Biol. 26, 2161–2166.

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Microglia: Senescence Impairs Clearance of Myelin

Peter Thériault and Serge Rivest*
Neuroscience Laboratory, CHU de Québec Research Center and Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University,
2705 Laurier boul., Québec City, QC G1V 4G2, Canada

Growing evidence highlights the crucial physiological functions of microglia that rely on their phagocytic
activities, which can be compromised with age. A new study reports the impaired clearance of myelin
debris by microglia in the brain, leading to insoluble lysosomal inclusions and contributing to the immune
dysfunction and senescence of these cells.

In the central nervous system in the white matter. A recent study the maintenance of the brain’s
(CNS), myelin is synthesized by published in Nature Neuroscience [5] homeostasis by constantly surveying the
oligodendrocytes, forming a specialized has now hypothesized that myelin neuronal environment in order to migrate
multilamellar membrane that enfolds can enter the degradative system in quickly to sites of inflammation and/or
sections of axons and is responsible for part via its fragmentation into the damage [8]. Quiescent microglia
the electrophysiological characteristics extracellular space, with the resulting (Figure 1) are highly ramified, sensing
allowing the conduction of signals myelin fragments then being taken any change occurring in their immediate
along axons [1]. Although recent up by the phagocytes of the CNS — microenvironment [9] and contributing to
studies have reported a role for microglia. neuronal plasticity and connectivity [10].
oligodendrocyte–axon communication Microglia are the resident The chemokine C-X3-C motif ligand 1
in the regulation of axon ensheathment macrophages of the brain and represent (CX3CL1 or fractalkine) is secreted by
(i.e. myelination) [2,3], the mechanisms the main active immune cells in the neurons and binds to its receptor
implicated in the maintenance and CNS. These mononuclear phagocytes CX3CR1, which is expressed on the
remodeling of the myelin sheath remain arise from hematopoietic progenitors in surface of microglial cells in the
unclear. Under physiological conditions, the yolk sac during embryogenesis and healthy brain, thus playing a crucial
myelin components, namely cholesterol are generated in the postnatal stage just role in regulating microglial dynamic
and phospholipids, are metabolically after the formation of the blood–brain surveillance and migration throughout
stable due to their long half-lives, but barrier [6,7]. In the adult brain, the the brain parenchyma [11]. This
their integrity and function must be microglial population pool is maintained signaling pathway is directly implicated
preserved by the replacement of by local self-renewal, which is in brain functional connectivity, including
defective molecules [4]. Since myelin dependent on colony-stimulating factor the survival of developing neurons and
proteins are tightly packed within the 1 receptor signaling, a key regulator of the maintenance of developing and
multilamellar membrane, it is still myeloid lineage cells [6]. These innate mature synapses, as well as in adult
unknown how myelin turnover occurs immune cells are actively implicated in hippocampal neurogenesis and the

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