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International tour to china

A trip to china to china was planned by the friends for 25 days for the observation about Chinese
culture ,education and industry things that I have observed on this tour
The groups of persons Republic of China is the all existence most thick with persons country,
with a group of over 1 .3, covering approximately 9 .6 million square kilometres 1 . Since the
putting into effect of goods/money making change for the good and opening policies in 1978,
China has becoming on of the all existence fastest-growing Major interests, money, goods work
in societies . With the GDP 2 growth rate normalizing between 7% and 8% a year in near in time
tens of years, China has become the all existence second largest interests, money, goods work in
society by only in name total GDP 2 . Despite Chinas 3 coming-out as one of the all existence
most having great effect interests, money, goods work in societies, relatively little is experienced
in other countries about Chinas 3 education system or about how its students learn

China has the largest education system in the earth . With almost 260 million students and over
15 million teachers in about 514 000 schools, keeping out (away from) person with a degree
education deeply rooted ways of acting, Chinas education system is not only very great but
different . Education is state-run, with little sense of being mixed in of private givers in the
school part, and increasingly gave self-government . County-level governments have the first
responsibility of ruling and things taken.round to of school education . For the most part,
narrow and not up to much authorities give higher education institutions . In near in time years,
the chief government offices of Education has changed from straight to control to macro-level
looking at of the education system . It guides education change for the good via laws, plans,
payments outline a thing or amount put to one side, information supports, policy guiding
process, and office activity means .In China, students usually put one's name down in pre-
school at existence-stage or three and let go of pre-school at the existence-stage of 6 . pre-
school education is not forced by rules, and many pre-schools are privately owned . however,
the government has taken on a more before-the-fact part in giving help to way in coming here-
after a person undertaking to do to by degrees universalize one to three years of pre-school . In
China , students must complete 9 years of forced by rules education . Most students use up 6
years in first school, though a few school systems use a five-year wheeled machine for first
school . first education starts at existence-stage 6 for most children . This is went after by three
to four years of Junior coming after first or chief education
In general, the Chinese are an all together society with a need for group process of making
connections, whether to their family, school, workgroup, or country, made a comparison of to
Denmark they are far more group adjusted than we are To support a sense of harmony, they will
act with decorum at all times and will not do anything to cause some-one else public being
troubled . They are ready to put aside their feelings for the good of the group . This is often made
observations of by the use of quietness in very structured meetings . If some-one is not in
agreement with what another person says, rather than not in agreement with publicly, the person
will keep being quiet . This gives a face to the other person while saying, talking up would make
both parties not keep face .You should get to at meetings on time or slightly early . The Chinese
view on-time form as a good in behavior . getting to late is a (give) wound to feelings, self-
respect to and could badly, less than zero act on your relation with the Chines, they see on-time
form as a good qualities because being late would act on the rest of the group . In Chinese
business society development, reasoned suits and ties in soft colors are the normal ways of acting
. Bright colors of any kind are taken into account as not right for the purpose . Women should
damage reasoned suits or dresses; a keep in place with a band or other kind top should have a
high neck-line . Stick with soft, neutral, colors such as sand color and brown . men should
damage suits and ties to giving attention to form events; tuxedoes are not a part of Chinese
business society development .Being having knowledge of that you have not-said signalized that
you respect the society development . Because of the making a point of on reasoned, modest,
dress in Chinese business society development, flat shoes or very low back of foot are the main
shoes and the like selections for women . This is true especially if you are relatively much taller
than your controlling computers in a net-work . High back of foot are say yes (to offer) only at a
giving attention to form getting hosted by an out-of-country person working on relations between
nations . Good to have knowledge of is that overalls are taken as simple clothing damage for
both men and women and shorts are only for sports and making stronger.
China is the world's largest manufacturing economy and exporter of goods. It is also the world's
fastest-growing consumer market and second-largest importer of goods. China is a net importer
of services products.

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