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6º ano A/B – inglês - Simulado

1ª Questão: Todas as palavras seguem a mesma regra para formar o plural, exceto:

a) plural in “ies” – lady. Baby, city, fly

b) plural in “es” – watch, church, brush, hero
c) plural in “ves” – wife, roof, chief, life
d) plural in “s”- key, girl, chair, day
e) change “oo” to “ee” – goose, tooth, foot


My name is Sarah. I’m ten years old and I am a

very happy girl. I live with my father, my mother,
my older brother and my baby sister. We respect
our father and our mother. My father is Brian. He
is forty-five years old. He is not tall. He is short. He
is a doctor. My mother is Helen. She is thirty-nine
years old. She has green eyes. Lucca is my brother.
He is eleven years old. He is happy because he has
a new bike. His bike is black and green. Maggie is
my baby sister. She plays with her doll. It is good to have a family. We are very happy family.

Marque o item correto sobre Brian:

a) He is not short.
b) He is the baby brother.
c) He is a doctor.
d) He is eleven years old.
e) He is tall.

3ª Questão: Marque T (True) or F (False) de acordo com o texto:

a) Sarah is a very happy girl. ( )

b) Helen is thirty-nine years old. ( )
c) Lucca has a new toy. ( )
d) Lucca’s bike is black and red. ( )
e) Maggie plays with her doll. ( )

A sequência correta é:
a) T – T – F – F – T
b) T – T – T – F – T
c) T – F – F – F – T
d) T – F – T – F – T
e) T – T – F – F - F

4ª Questão: Assinale a pergunta correta para a resposta dada:

“Yes, there is.”
a) Is there a strawberry jam in the jar?
b) Are there any strawberries jam in the jar?
c) Is there any strawberry jam in the jar?
d) Is there some strawberry in the jar?
6º ano A/B – inglês - Simulado

e) Are there some strawberry jam in the jar?

5ª Questão: He is sitting [atrás] the house. Em relação aos Prepositions of Place, qual seria a
melhor opção para esta frase:

a) In front of
b) Behind
c) On
d) Next to
e) Under

6ª Questão: There are magazines [em baixo] the bed.

a) In front of
b) Behind
c) On
d) Next to
e) Under

7ª Questão: Escolha a alternativa apropriada para completar a seguinte frase:

“_____ friends are foreigners. _____ families are from Canada and the USA.”

a) My – their
b) You – your
c) I – my
d) He – you
e) nenhuma das opções acima.

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