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Group List

Serial number Name ID Remark

1 Ishtiaque Ahmed (Group Leader) 112-211-071 50%
2 Md. Mostak Anwar 112-193-033 50%
3 Mohamed Sheik Abdukadir Abdullahi 112-203-030 0%
4 Sahed Sarker Rakib 113-201-003 0%
Balance Sheet
30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18
Non-current assets
Property, Plant & equipment 39,743,391,034 40,153,454,293 39,052,567,510
Intangible Assets 48,015,987 47,863,446 47,959,653
Investment in sunsidiaries 0 0 0
Investment in associates 6,386,644,316 6,084,406,955 5,708,245,782
Deferred Tax Assets 0 43,923,588 34,821,425
Other asset 1,495,080,679 0 0
Other investment 3,183,406,796 0 0
Available-for-sale financial assets 0 3,955,793,693 4,320,803,275
Total Non-current assets 50,856,538,812 50,285,441,975 49,164,397,645

Current assets
Inventories 601,567,551 684,430,782 616,243,162
Trade receivable 11,415,305,024 11,856,589,210 9,177,390,005
Other receivables 48,933,306 118,564,559 60,253,599
Intercompany receivable 0 0 0
Advances, deposits & pre-payments 688,114,861 1,348,074,663 445,348,212
Cash and Cash equivalent 5,727,900,496 5,843,296,539 4,881,992,406
Total Current assets 18,481,821,238 19,850,955,753 15,181,227,384
Total assets 69,338,360,050 70,136,397,728 64,345,625,029


Share capital 10,678,772,390 10,678,772,390 10,678,772,390

Share premium 6,479,097,639 6,479,097,639 6,479,097,639
Revulation reserve 867,156,989 963,843,005 982,964,725
Fair value reserve (450,754,855) 323,509,578 686,641,624
Capital reserve 1,668,093,205 1,668,093,205 1,668,093,205
Hedging Reserve (638,824,028) (333,801,733) 0
Currency transalation reserve 80,251,948 62,494,928 33,270,616
Retained earning 14,953,387,378 14,754,154,182 12,849,427,782
Equity Attributable to Owners of the Company 33,637,180,666 34,596,163,194 33,378,267,981
Non-Controlling Interest 7,166,761,596 7,251,258,808 3,521,273,883
Total Equity 40,803,942,262 41,847,422,002 36,899,541,864


Non Current Liabilities

Redeemable preference shares-non current 2,014,135,364 1,469,771,322 826,398,267
Loans and borrowings-non current 19,036,096,085 10,088,328,323 5,401,218,269
Deferred tax liabilities 1,382,809,883 0 0
Deferred liabilities 31,576,169 813,937,731 202,256,860
Total Non Current Liabilities 22,464,617,501 12,372,037,376 6,429,873,396

Current Liabilities
Unclaimed dividend 276,029,807 75,475,039 58,429,846
Redeemable preference shares-current 351,404,260 157,509,885 157,279,653
Loan and borrowings-current 1,683,641,291 10,968,298,719 15,948,932,217
Trade payable 3,175,569,328 3,896,255,273 3,610,508,096
Other payables and accruals 578,746,524 618,470,229 363,059,957
Intercompany payables 4,409,077 200,929,205 878,000,000
Total Current Liabilities 6,069,800,287 15,916,938,350 21,016,209,769
Total Liabilities 28,534,417,788 28,288,975,726 27,446,083,165

Total Equity & Liabilities 69,338,360,050 70,136,397,728 64,345,625,029

Income Statement
30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18

Revenue 24,030,680,364 30,471,632,393 18,467,638,287

Cost of sales (14,555,433,002) (22,477,882,735) (13,062,978,853)
Gross Profit 9,475,247,362 7,993,749,658 5,404,659,434
Other income, net 292,566,190 236,552,632 340,618,918
Genaral and asministrative expense (506,603,626) (567,814,762) (460,888,582)
Operating Profit 9,261,209,926 7,662,487,528 5,284,389,770
Finance income/expense, net (1,031,821,631) (702,407,988) (428,239,553)
Share of profit of eqity-accounted investees 327,737,361 401,661,173 450,755,528
Profit before tax 8,557,125,656 7,361,740,713 5,306,905,745
Income tax expense (73,371,816) (79,125,310) (32,533,280)
Profit after income tax 8,483,753,840 7,282,615,403 5,274,372,465

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

Accrual gaim/loss on gratuity valuation (5,588,654) (23,189,000) (28,331,000)
Related tax on gain/loss on gratuity valuation (774,264,433) 6,221,550 7,768,150
(779,853,087) (16,967,450) (20,562,850)

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Available for sale financial assets- net change in fair value - (363,132,046) 534,069,589
Foreign currency translation impact 48,374,738 106,491,977 65,058,078
Change in fair value of financial derivative instruments (505,119,225) (579,964,031) -
(456,744,487) (836,604,100) 599,127,667
Other comprehensive income (1,236,597,574) (853,571,550) 578,564,817
Total comprehensive income 7,247,156,266 6,429,043,853 5,852,937,282

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company 5,525,397,094 5,104,797,292 4,696,084,430
Non-controlling interests 2,958,356,746 2,177,818,111 578,288,035
8,483,753,840 7,282,615,403 5,274,372,465

Other comprehensive income attributable to:

Owners of the company (1,067,429,135) (683,316,366) 549,049,456
Non-controlling interests (169,168,439) (170,255,184) 29,515,361
(1,236,597,574) (853,571,550) 578,564,817

Total comprehensive income attributable to:

Owners of the company 4,457,967,959 4,421,480,926 5,245,133,886
Non-controlling interests 2,789,188,307 2,007,562,927 607,803,396
7,247,156,266 6,429,043,853 5,852,937,282

Number of share 1,640,958,190 1,523,559,708 1,198,721,015

Earning per share
Basic earning per share (face value BDT 10) 5.17 4.78 4.40
Ratio Analysis

30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18

Current Ratio 8.38 3.16 2.34
Quick Ratio 0.80 1.55 2.27
Net Working Capital to Total Assets 0.18 0.06 -0.09
Cash Ratio 0.94 0.37 0.23

FINANCIAL LEVERAGE RATIO 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-18

Total Debt Ratio 0.41 0.40 0.43
Debt-Equity Ratio 0.70 0.68 0.74
Long-Term Debt Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.57
Times Interest Earned Ratio (8.98) (10.91) (12.34)
Debt to asset ratio 0.41 0.40 0.43


Inventory Turnover (24.20) (32.84) (21.20)
Day's sales in inventory (15.09) (11.11) (17.22)
Receivable Turnover 2.11 2.57 2.01
Day's sales in receivable 173.39 142.02 181.38
NWC Turnover 1.94 7.75 (3.16)
Fixed Asset Turnover 0.47 0.61 0.38
Return on Assets (ROA) 10.45% 9.17% 9.10%
Return on Equity (ROE) 17.76% 15.36% 15.86%
Gross Profit margin 39.43% 26.23% 29.27%
Operating Profit margin 38.54% 25.15% 28.61%
Net Profit Margin 30.16% 21.10% 31.69%

Market Value Measures

Earning per share (EPS) 4.42 4.22 4.88
Book Value per share ratio 24.87 27.47 30.78

Du Pont Analysis
Three point Du Pont Analysis
Profit Margin 30.16% 21.10% 31.69%
Total Asset Turnover 0.35 0.43 0.29
Equity Multiplier 1.70 1.68 1.74
Return on Equity (ROE) 17.76% 15.36% 15.86%

Five point Du Pont Analysis

Tax Burden 84.69% 87.33% 110.29%
Interest Burden 92.40% 96.08% 100.43%
Operating Profit Margin 38.54% 25.15% 28.61%
Total Asset Turnover 0.35 0.43 0.29
Equity Multiplier 1.70 1.68 1.74
Return on Equity (ROE) 17.76% 15.36% 15.86%
Trend Analysis

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