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Focus group transcript

-Work and school has contributed to mental health

-Gives anxiety about keeping track on school work- because of this it gives a blank
mind and can’t focus
-Safety- didn’t feel safe in school because of bulling which effected mental health
-Overstressed makes you overthink things that might affect you after for example
your future.
-Immigrant parents- have higher expectations on the child, which causes pressure on
their child.
-‘Self-belief that the stress will end one day’- having a positive mind-set and doesn’t
show the stress to anyone else.
-Mental health is not talked a lot about a lot in schools-

-‘a lot of people don’t like to come forward about mental health because they don’t
like talking about themselves because they think a lot can’t be done to be helped’

-Places like lsc or a space turn some people down with a waiting list and students will
not see the point in waiting anymore.
-Not a lot pf people to support everyone.

-‘thought they were a great support- six weeks they helped and I was fine from a
different experience from others.’

-‘a year I went to a space and all I did was think about it and they just listened and
didn’t really do nothing.’

-‘talking to someone in secondary made me feel a bit better as it was a way for me to
let everything out however because I am getting older I feel like I don’t have time to
talk to anyone and only have time for school work.’- school effects focusing on

-‘Pressure to be living your best life at a young age’.

-So much pressure to make it look like your life is fun to other people.
-Care more about what other teens think about what we do on social media.
-The thought of being missing out on having fun puts pressure on teens because of
how other teens will judge them.
-A lot of social pressure to be having fun like other teens.
-Stress about moving to university and making new friends is causing anxiety.
-Everyone has a different life and some teens may not be as wealthy as someone else
to be going out all the time to have fun.
-The stress about not having enough money effects teens as some parents may not
afford many things which leads teens to find jobs to make their own money.
-Having a job causes more stress and not a lot of time for a social life, education and

-‘all you see isn’t always what it is in reality’.

-School pressure, social pressure are main issues on mental teens.
-Sense of freedom from certain parents stops them from having fun with friends
because their parents may be strict.
-Does social media have good uses?
-It has its good uses to share moments with others or remember a moment you had.
-Sometimes it can be a distraction from certain things.
-Social media can have motivational pages with influential quotes to make others to
feel better about themselves.
-Some people have created pages to aware more awareness about e.g. feminism that
other people repost so that more people can see it and take in issues like these more
-However, it can be addicting and be a reason to be unmotivated.

-How can I advertise mental health in my advert?

-Add a link of a person who has been effected by this issue on the print advert to see a
real experience from someone to make the audience understand that this is reality.

-Where teens can go when feeling anxious or feeling another mental health issue-
where they can go that I should include in my print advert for them to get help if this
is effecting them.
-Include how to notice the signs in their friends and themselves.

-Can go to parents for help because they have high expectations and don’t want other
people being in family business which stops some teens from getting help.
Religion can effect this problem as well.

-Have a secondary audience for one of my adverts on adults or parents of teenagers

who are feeling these ways and target the parents in one of them.

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