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Republic of the Philippines 

Department of Education 
Region VII, Central Visayas 
Division of Talisay City 
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu 
Name:____________________________________Yr. and Section: _______________________ Score: ___________ 

Ever thought what living organisms composed of? Or rather what is it that makes us living beings?
Here comes the introduction to Cell. The cell is the smallest structural unit of a living organism. So, everything that
we are able to do is possible because of the 10 trillion cells present in our body. The number is huge and of course,
the function performed by them is even bigger. In this topic here, we’ll introduce you to cells. Let’s begin.

The invention of the microscope allowed the first view of cells.

Hans and Zacharias Janssen

-Dutch lens grinders, father and son
-produced first compound microscope (2 lenses)

Robert Hooke (1665)

-English scientist
-looked at a thin slice of cork (oak cork) through a compound microscope
-observed tiny, hollow, roomlike structures
-called these structures 'cells' because they reminded him of the rooms that monks lived in
-only saw the outer walls (cell walls) because cork cells are not alive

Anton van Leeuwenhoek (around the same time as Hooke 1680?)

-Dutch fabric merchant and amateur scientist
-looked at blood, rainwater, scrapings from teeth through a simple microscope (1 lens)
-observed living cells; called some 'animalcules'
-some of the small 'animalcules' are now called bacteria

Robert Brown (1831) Name the cell nucleus and suggest its importance in fertilization.

Matthias Schleiden (1838)

-German botanist
-viewed plant parts under a microscope
-discovered that plant parts are made of cells

Theodor Schwann (1839)

-German zoologist
-viewed animal parts under a microscope
-discovered that animal parts are made of cells

Rudolph Virchow (1855)

-German physician
-stated that all living cells come only from other living cells

The Cell Theory states:

1. All living organisms are composed of cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of life.
3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
The Modern Cell Theory states that:
1. All living organisms are composed of cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of life.
3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
4. Organisms can be unicellular, composed of one cell, or multi-cellular, composed of many cells.
5. When cells divide, the hereditary information they contain, DNA, is passed from cell to cell.
6. Energy flow occurs within cells.
7. All cells have basically the same composition.
8. The activity of the organism is determined by the activity of the independent cells.

I. IDENTIFICATION: Provide the correct answer .

_______1.The fundamental or the basic unit of life.

_______2. When similar cells group together they form_.
_______3. The smallest particle of an element.
_______4. When two or more similar or different element combine together they form_______.
_______5. All organ systems are gathered together to form_________.
_______6. Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, are example of ___________.
_______7. When it moves, breathe, reproduce, and respond to stimuli it is considered as _______.
_______8. A device use to see the structure of the cell and other small organism.
_______9. When organs are grouped together it forms __________.
_______10.The study of life.

II. Put check ( / ) mark in the column where each of these structures are found and put ( X ) mark in the column if it is
not found.
Cell (Structures and Plant Only Animal only Plant and Animal
Plasma Membrane
Angular and Rigid Shape
Cell Wall
Irregular Shape
Golgi Body

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. To enter or leave a cell, substances must pass through
A. the Golgi apparatus. B. a ribosome. C. the nucleus. D. the plasma membrane.
2. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function?
A. mitochondrion . . . photosynthesis B. nucleus . . . cellular respiration
C. ribosome . . . manufacture of lipids D. vacuole . . . storage of water
3. Excess vitamin A may result in the rupture of lysosomes within cells. Which of the following statements
represents the most probable result of such rupturing?
A. The cells will begin to divide more rapidly.
B. The cells will begin to burst or leak components into the environment and eventually die
C. The cells will make more ATP. D. The cells will begin to form viruses.
4. In which of the following is the greatest amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) found?
A. nucleus B. ribosome C. nucleolus D. nuclear envelope
5. Most of the plasma membrane is made from
A. steroids. B. proteins. C. phospholipids. D. polysaccharides.
6. Which organelle contains enzymes that digest old cells?
A. nucleus B. ribosome C. lysosome D. Golgi body
7. Cells which require large amounts of energy would likely contain relatively high numbers of
A. centrioles. B. chloroplasts. C. Golgi bodies. D. mitochondria.
8. Which organelle functions as a storage and packaging siteof the cell ?
A. Ribosome. B. Lysosome. C. Mitochondrion. D. Golgi apparatus.
9.What is the sequence of organelles that a secreted protein would have passed through on its journey out
of a cell?
A. Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, cell membrane.
B. Cell membrane, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus.
C. Golgi apparatus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, cell membrane.
D. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, cell membrane.
10. The cell theory is one of the unifying themes of biology. Which of the following statements would be
part of the cell theory?
A) All life is made of cells. B) Cells are the smallest units of life.
C) Cells come from pre-existing cells. D) All of the above
11. You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them
through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude that the cells
A) are plant cells. B) could be either plant or bacterial.
C) are animal cells. D) could be plant, animal, or bacterial. E) are bacteria.
12. The nucleus of a cell
A) is the region of the cell where ribosomes are degraded. B) contains DNA and controls cell activities
C) is contained inside the nucleolus. D) is surrounded by a single layer of membrane.
13. The Golgi apparatus stores, modifies, and packages proteins and other products of metabolism.
A) True B) False.
14. When a cell is deprived of oxygen, its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into the cell.
(This statement is true.) As a result of this, that cell would be expected to
A) undergo self-digestion and die. B) recycle damaged organelles.
C) produce additional ER. D) undergo cell division.
E) produce replacement lysosomes.
15. Lysosomes
A) destroy harmful bacteria engulfed by white blood cells.
B) help to digest worn-out or damaged organelles.
C) recycle materials within the cell.
D) fuse with food vacuoles to expose nutrients to lysosomal enzymes.
E) All of the choices are correct.
16. Which part will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under the HPO is not clear?
A. fine adjustment B. LPO C. mirror D. objectives
17. It is the part that connects the eyepiece to the objectives
A. arm B. body tube C. inclination joint D. revolving nosepiece
18. The function of chloroplasts is
A) intracellular transport of proteins. B) intracellular digestion.
C) lipid synthesis. D) photosynthesis. E) cellular respiration.
19. A plant cell is viewed using a 10X eyepiece and a 43X HPO. How much will the cell be magnified?
A. 10 times B. 43 times C. 53 times D. 430 times
20. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope?
A. hold it upside down C. hold the arm with one hand while the other hand supports the base
B. carry it with one hand D. hold the body tube with one hand while the other hand supports the base
21. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have __________ and __________ and _________.
A) chloroplasts . . . cell walls… mitochondria.
B) centrioles . . . cell walls… glycocalyx
C) chloroplasts . . . cell walls… vacuoles
D) centrioles . . . chloroplasts… vacuoles
E) chloroplasts . . . cell walls… nucleoplasm
22. Which of these things do both plant and animal cells have?
A. Cell wall B. Chloroplasts C. Cytoplasm D. Vacuole
23. Which organelle functions as a storage and packaging site?
A. Ribosome. B. Lysosome. C. Mitochondrion. D. Golgi apparatus.
24. It moves the body tube and objectives up and down
A. coarse adjustment B. eyepiece C. fine adjustment D. inclination joint
25. Which part makes possible the changing of the objectives?
A. body tube B. diaphragm C. lens D. revolving nosepiece
26. Which part of the cell controls the activities inside the cell?
A. Cytoplasm B. Nucleus C. Cell membrane D. Cell wall
27. What is a microscope?
A. A tiny piece of equipment B. Something used to study small objects
C. A measuring tool D. The machine used to take X-rays
28. What were the tiny compartments that Robert Hooke saw in pieces of cork?
A. Cells B. Cubes C. Boxes D. Particles
29. Which part of the cell controls the activities inside the cell?
A. Cytoplasm B. Nucleus C. Cell membrane D. Cell wall
30. What is the function of the plasma membrane?
A. To control which substances move in and out of the cell
B. To help the cell to keep a firm shape
C. To make food for the cell
D. All of the above
31. A function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum is to
A. form ribosomes. B. synthesize lipids. C. store nucleic acid. D. breakdown carbohydrates.
32. An animal cell being observed is seen at the topmost part of the field of view under the LPO. If you
want to center the specimen, which direction should you move the slide?
A. away from the viewer B. towards the viewer C. to the left D. to the right
33. Which cell does not have a nucleus?  
A. Sperm cell                     B. Nerve cell                     C. Egg cell                      D. Red blood cell  
34. What do we call a large group of similar cells?  
A. Tissue                            B. Skin                                C. Organ                         D. Organ system 
35. What do we call a group of different tissues are organised into larger structure?  
A. Bioaccumulation          B. An organ                C. Bio- organisation      D. Organ system 
36. This  is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms. 
 A. Tissue                            B. Organ                          C. Cell                                D. Organism 
37. Each part of an organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following structures DOES NOT
match its function? 
A. Eyes : Sight B. Kidneys : Respiration C. Heart : Circulation     D. Stomach : Digestion 
38. Cells that do NOT produce cell walls are  
A. animal cells.        B. plant cells.         C. bacteria.         D. prokaryotic cells.   E. All of these make cell walls 
39. All of the following are parts of plant cells EXCEPT  
A. centrioles.          B. mitochondria.          C. chloroplasts.           D. cell walls.           E. vacuoles  
40. The cell theory is one of the unifying themes of biology. Which of the following statements would be
part of the cell theory? 
A) All life is made of cells.                               B) Cells are the smallest units of life.  
C) Cells come from preexisting cells.            D) All of the above  
41. You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them
through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude that the cells  
A) are plant cells.                      B) could be either plant or bacterial.                       C) are animal cells.  
D) could be plant, animal, or bacterial.                                                                        E) are bacteria.  
42. Which of the following differentiates organs from tissues? 
A. Organs and tissues are made up of cells.      C. Tissues make up organs; cells make up tissues. 
B. Organs and tissues make up an organ system.      D. Organs make up tissues; tissues make up organs. 
43. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of life be carried out? 
A. Cell B. Organ C. Organ System D. Tissue 
44.  The nucleus of a cell  
A) is the region of the cell where ribosomes are degraded.    B) contains DNA and controls cell activities  
C) is contained inside the nucleolus.                                            D) is surrounded by a single layer of
45. The function of chloroplasts is  
A) intracellular transport of proteins.             B) intracellular digestion.                        C) lipid synthesis.  
D) photosynthesis.                                              E) cellular respiration.  
46. What is a microscope?               
 A. A tiny piece of equipment                                B. Something used to study small objects  
 C. A measuring tool                                         D. The machine used to take X-rays 
47. What is the function of the plasma membrane?  
A. To control which substances move in and out of the cell             B. To help the cell to keep a firm shape  
C. To make food for the cell                                                                    D. All of the above  
48.  What is the control center of the cell? 
A. nucleus B. rough ER C. smooth ER D. vacuole 
49.  It is the part of the cell which play a role during cell division. 
A. centrioles B. chloroplast C. golgi body D. lysosome 
50. Which cells carry information from a father to make new offspring?  
A. Egg cells                     B. Reproduction cells     C. Sperm cells                       D. Nerve cells 
51. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of the body. To which
organ system does the heart belong? 
A. Circulatory B. Digestive C. Excretory D. Reproductive 
52. Which is the correct sequence - from biggest to smallest - of the levels of organization in an organism? 
A. Cell, Organ, Organ System, Tissue C. Organ System, Organ, Tissue, Cell 
B. Organ, Organ System, Tissue, Cell D. Tissue, Cell, Organ, Organ System 
53. The following cell structure contains powerful hydrolytic enzymes capable of digesting a wide range of
A. Centrioles             B. Lysosomes                       C. Microtubule                        D. Mitochondrion 
54. Cell structure that comprises protein and RNA and is the site of protein synthesis 
A. Golgi complex     B. Mitochondrion               C. Nucleus                                D. Ribosomes 
55. Cell structure that serves as the site where newly formed proteins of the cell are modified, packaged
and prepared for distribution                 
A. Golgi complex         B. Mitochondrion           C. Nucleus                             D. Ribosomes 
56. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do? 
A. protect the cell C. make food for the cell 
B. excrete waste materials D. give instruction for cell to reproduce 
57. What part in the animal cell allows or prevents substances to go into and out of the cell? 
A. cell wall B. cytoplasm C. plasma membrane D. vacuole   
58. The cell structure that produces lipids or fats 
A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum          B. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum             C. Golgi apparatus 
59. The cell structure that is attached to the rough areas of endoplasmic reticulum 
A. Golgi complex      B.Mitochondrion               C. Nucleus                    D. Ribosomes 
60. The organ system of plants consist of the root and shoots systems. Why is it important for these organ
systems to work together? 
A. To grow and survive C. To survive floods and strong winds 
B. To avoid pests and other animals D. To survive droughts and earthquakes 
61. Known by many as the “Suicide Sac of the Cell” this organelle eats up non-functional parts of the cell
contains enzymes that digest those parts as well as  digest old cells too?  
 A. nucleus                       B. ribosome                                      C. lysosome                                   D. Golgi  Body 
62.What part of a plant cell stores water and maintains its rigidity? 
A. cell wallB. cytoplasmC. plasma membraneD. vacuole   
63. Known as the “powerhouse of the cell” it generates energy for cell actvities. 
A.  Lysosome                    B. Mitochondria                             C. Golgi Body                                  D. Ribosome 
For questions 32-36,  determine if the given description refers to a plant or an animal cell. 
A. Animal Cell B. Plant Cell 
___64. angular and rigid shape                ___65. absence of chloroplast 
___66.irregular shape                                ___67.  presence of cell wall               ___68.    absence of centrioles 
69. What part of the animal cell function in the excretion of waste materials? 
A. lysosome B. mitochondrion C. ribosome D. Vesicle 
70. “The powerhouse of the cell” which generates energy? 
A. lysosome B. mitochondrion C. ribosome D. Vesicle 


According to scientists earth was an empty planet billions of years ago.

When lightning strikes chemicals in the atmosphere namely; ATOMS of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and
oxygen combine chemically forming into a 1. _______ called ammonia. This material fell into the bodies of
water and later on evolve to become 2.__________which is the first living organism and the fundamental
or the basic unit of life. Millions of years after Multi cellular organisms come into existence. This organism
was made because similar cells grouped together and become 3.__________, and this was gathered again
forming a 4.________.,examples are liver, heart, brain, stomach. These combine together forming a
5._________and when all these things are sum up 6.__________is created. We humans as well as animals
and plants are examples of these. That’s how life comes into existence. And this is how our environment
was formed.

IV. LABELLING: Identify the parts of a cell. (12 points)

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