Curiculum Vitae CV Personal Data

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Curiculum Vitae

Personal Data
Name                                       : Yogi Sugar Erlambang H, S.Pd
Place of Birth                          : Palembang,08,Oktober,1987
Gender                                     : Male
Current Addres                       : Jalan Sei Hitam No.1107 Rt.01 Rw.06 Kel.Siring Agung Kec Ilir
Barat I Pakjo Palembang (30138)
Hp                                           : 081928916293
Email                                       :
Martial Status                          : Single
Education Background
1.      Elementary School No.408 Palembang (1994-1999)
2.      Junior High School No.22 Palembang (1999-2002)
3.      Senior High School Karya Ibu Palembang (2002-2004)
4.      University of PGRI Palembang (2004-2009)

1. Literate in English 
2. Computer Microsoft Office And Internet
I hereby declare that all the information given by me are true and correct.Once again thank you
in advance for youre time and consideration.

                                                                                                  Respectfully Yours

       Yogi Sugar Erlambang H, S.Pd

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