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Bar chart: (gráfico de barras) a mathematical picture in which different amounts are
represented by thin vertical and horizontal rectangles that have the same width but
different heights or lengths.
Line graph: (Fgráfico lineal) a graph that uses lines to connect individual data points.
A line graph displays quantitative values over a specified time interval.
Pie chart: (gráfico circular) a way of showing information about how a total amount is
divided up, consisting of a circle that is divided from its centre into several parts.
Table: table
Bar: barra
Column: columna
Axis: eje
Row: fila
Segment: segmento
Dip: caída



It is when…
Copy: something that is made to look exactly like something else.
Design: the way in which something is planned and made.
Hype: discussion that makes something seem more important or exciting that it really is
Information: facts about a situation.
Promotion: activities that advertise something
Investment: the money you put in the bank in order to make a profit
Link: a connection from a word or image on a webpage.
Publicity: free content about a person or a company that appears in the media.
Advertising: content you pay for on TV, newspaper, on the web…
Advertisement: a picture, set of words or a short intended to persuade people to buy a
product or use a service.
Billboard: large panel or board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the
side of a road.
Feedback: criticism given in response to what you do.
Logo: a design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products.
Footer: a piece of text, such as a page number or a title, that appears at the bottom of
every page of a document or book; it’s similar to sidebars.
Prime time: in television and radio broadcasting, the time when the largest number of
people are watching or listening.

Font: the size and style of tent disaployed on a computer screen.
Crash: if a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating.
Bandwidth: a measurement of the amount of information that can be sent between
computers, through a phone line, etc.
Cursor: a moving mark or arrow to navigate around a computer screen
Layout: the way  text and images on a webpage to the mother webpage.
Menu: a list of choices which appears on  a computer screen.
Home page: the first page of a website.
Scroll: move information up or down on a screen.
Load: transfer a program or webpage from remote server to a computer.
Header or banner: it is located on the top of the website. It includes the logo and the
publisher or owner of the website. It informs website visitors what the website is about.
Beta version: a piece of software, etc., that is at the second stage of development,
during which customers are asked to use it to see if there are any problems that have not
been corrected.
Browser: a computer program that makes it possible for you to read information on the
Slightly: a little
Money: waste / set aside /spend
Candidates: shortlist / interview / select
A video: record / upload / host
A campaing: launch / run / mount
A website: refresh / update / host
Microblog: a blog such as twitter consisting of very short messages that can be read by
Internet forum: A group of computer users who are interested in a particular subject
and discuss it using an internet site.
Social networking site: a website that people use to communicate with friends.
Blog: a webpage with information about a particular subject in which the newest
information is at the top of the page.
Wiki: a website that allows any user to change, add or remove information and to add
links to other parts of the website.
Podcast: a file such as a music video that can be downloaded from the internet and
loaded on to a device such as an MP3 player
Meta tag: an element of HTML that describes the contents of a Web page, and is
placed near the beginning of the page's source code, and used by search engines to
index pages by subject.
RSS feed: an up-to-date information or list of notifications that a website delivers to its
Go scale: to expand and improve.
Embedded: fixed into the surface of something
Optimize: to make something as good as possible.
Subscribe: to pay money to organization in order to receive a product.
Banner: an idea, principle, or belief that is strongly supported by someone.

Accommodation: U
Advice: U
Employment: U
Hotel: C
Insurance: U
Money: U
Reception: both
Room: both
Time: both
Work: U



Stakeholder (accionista).
Leakage (fugas).
Host community (comunidad de acogida).
Infraestructure (infraestrutura)
Sourcing (abastecimiento)
Demography: the study of human populations and the ways in which they change.
FIT: the abbreviation of ´free independent tourist´´
Inward investment: it is investment in one country made by another country.
Level off : to stop going up or down.
Outbound: moving away from a town, country etc.
Inbound: people or flights making their way towards your own country.
Segment : one of the parts that something can be divided into.


Set: a date
Circulate: an agenda
Come: to a decision
Reach: agreement
Go: round in circles
Find: common ground
Take: minutes
Raise: a point
Put: something to the vote
Call: a meeting

Rave party: illegal parties.

Trade Union: an organisation that represents the people who work in a particular
industry (sindicato)

Monsoon: the season of heavy rain during the summer in hot asian countries.
Harass: to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time.
Content: the information contained on a website, etc.
Infographic: a picture or diagram or a group of pictures or diagrams showing or
explaining information.
Decline: a reduction in the amount, importance, quality, or strength of something.
Slump: if a price, value or amount slump, it goes down suddenly.
Sharply: quickly and suddenly.
Plummet: to fall very quickly in amount or value.
Developing country: a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade and
improve life for its people.
Turnstiles: a device used to move people through a gate one at a time.
Pits: an area of land from which a natural substance is taken by digging.
Balance sheet: a written statement of how much a business has earned and how much it
has spent.
Comply with: to do what you have to do or are asked to do.
Earmark:  to decide that something such as a sum of money will be used for a
particular purpose.
Fixtures: equipment and furniture that is fixed inside a house or building.
Franchise: permission given by a company to sell its products or services.
Overhead: money that a business has to spend on rent, electricity etc.
Permit (n) :  an official written statement allowing you to do something.
Refurbishment: the decoration and repair of something such as a hotel or office in
order to improve its appearance.
Royalty: a payment made to a franchisor by the franchisee.
Start up: a new small company.

Steadily: increase step by step.

Shareholders: a person who owns shares in a company and therefore gets part of the
company’s profits and the right to vote on how the company is controlled.
Revenue: the income that a government or company receives regularly
Chambermaid: a woman employed in a hotel to clean and tidy bedrooms.
Erosion: a good quality or situation being gradually lost or destroyed.
Upward: moving towards a higher position, level or value.

Slump: to fall heavily of suddenly

Somewhat: rather; to a certain degree.

Increase: to get bigger or to make something bigger.
Rise: to increase in amount, level, etc.
Go up: to become higher in level.
Level off: to make or because flat, even, steady, etc.
Expand: to get larger,or to make something get larger.

Surge: a sudden and great increase.

Soar: to go up to a high level very quickly.
Drop: a fall in the level or amount of something.
Swell: to get bigger or to make something bigger.
Dip: to become lower in level or amount; a decrease or reduction.
Decrease: to become less, or to make something become less.
Fall: to become less in number or amount.
Go down: to become lower in level.
Affluent: having a lot of money,nice houses,expensive things etc.
Charter:  to rent a boat, aircraft etc from a company.
Current: happening, existing, or  being used now.
Date back to: to have existed since a particular time in the past.

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