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Good morning everyone. We have gathered here to discuss about

covid-19. It is impossible for someone to not know what Covid-
19 is. It’s all over the news and social platforms. Well,
based on my research, coronavirus disease which is commonly
identified as COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is caused
by a novel coronavirus. It was first identified amid an
outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei
Province, China. On January 30, 2020, the World Health
Organisation [WHO] declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.
There are few symptoms to identify whether a person is
affected by COVID-19. The most common symptoms are fever, dry
cough and tiredness. Furthermore, Covid-19 is now seen as a
deadly disease in the eyes of people. These are due to the
fact that there is yet a vaccine to cure the disease and
researches are still trying to investigate how the virus
spread and the severity of illness it causes. Every country in
this world are facing their greatest challenge right now. The
pandemic is much more than a health crisis. Every human being
is affected by the pandemic in different ways. It has created
a devastating social, economic, and political effects that
leaves a longstanding scars to all. So Alex and Nawwar, what
do you think about Covid-19?


You have great points regarding the Covid-19, Suhasshini.

But, I just want to add that as this pandemic is getting a lot
more attention by the media recently since March, thus, there
is always a risk of fake news being spread around every day.
Therefore, I believe the real focus of our Covid-19 discussion
today, should be about the ignorance of the leaders and
humanity in general rather than the health crisis which cause
this pandemic to be worse off. For example, according to a
verified newsletter, New Strait Times, since 19th May, of 2020,
Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysian Communications and
Multimedia Commission (MCMC) have opened 268 investigations
papers regarding fake news about Covid-19. Fake news are huge
obstacles for our frontliners as they have to face with many
of lack of knowledge by the public. This proved that this
Covid-19 is proven more difficult to be tackled because of the
ignorance of humanity.

I’ve been meaning to mention about that. Just like Alex

said, the ignorance of humanity has made the number of
covid 19 increases. Recently, there is a statement in the
news regarding of covid-19 case increases in Sabah
because of politician’s negligence. According to Minister
of Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob, not all individuals who
tested positive for Covid-19 after returning from Sabah
were politicians. Speaking at a press conference after a
special ministerial meeting on Covid-19 in Putrajaya,
Ismail said businessmen and tourists were also included
in their statistics which were confirmed positive in
other states after returning from Sabah. So from here I
want to conclude that cooperation between the people and
leaders is very important to prevent this covid 19 case
from escalating further. People must obey the
instructions issued by the national health council such
as SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for covid 19.
Leaders, on the other hand, need to carry out their
responsibilities firmly. Hereby, with the cooperation of
various parties, I am certain that we can reduce the
number of covid 19 cases in our country. That's all from
me, before we ended our discussion for today, I want to
express my appreciation to Alex and Suhasshini, for
cooperating in our discussion for today. As usual, your
opinions brought new insights from current research,
great job both of you.

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