Pentaksiran Alternatif Disember 2020: Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa

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(Intake) AMBILAN JUN 2020

(Sem) 1

(Index Number ) 2020212310057

(Identity Card No.)
(Course Code) TSL1024


(Examination Date)


1. Semua jawapan calon hendaklah ditaip dalam perisian Microsoft Words

menggunakan font Arial 12, serta langkau 1.5 baris. Setiap helaian jawapan
hendaklah dilabelkan dengan nombor angka giliran di sebelah kiri header dan kod
kertas peperiksaan di sebelah kanan header.

2. Calon diingatkan untuk tidak melakukan plagiarisme dan hendaklah mematuhi

peraturan penulisan akademik yang ditetapkan oleh IPG.

3. Calon hendaklah menjawab soalan secara individu dan diingatkan agar tidak
berbincang dan meniru jawapan calon-calon lain.

4. Calon yang GAGAL menghantar jawapan pada masa yang ditetapkan adalah
dikira telah gagal peperiksaan berkenaan.
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

( 60 marks )

Answer all questions.

1. Underline the subject-verb-agreement errors in the text below and make the corrections.
Explain the relevant subject-verb agreement rules. Write your answers in the table
provided. An example is provided.

Emails and spam messages floods our inboxes daily. No one are left out. The
number of email messages that we receive these days have increased. Many
people object to receiving unwanted email and spam messages which numbers a
few thousands every year. Most of the emails that we receive are spam or
illegitimate advertisements. These emails often goes to the recycle bin. When
businesses capture our email address, they tends to subscribe us to their
newsletter by default.

No Error Correction Explanation of Subject Verb Agreement Rule

0 floods flood The plural subject ‘emails and spam messages’
takes the plural verb ‘flood’
i are is One is an indefinite pronoun which is singular so
it requires singular verb ‘is’
ii receiving receive ‘to’ is a modal, when it occurs with a verb, both
present or past tense of the verb were dropped.
iii thousands thousand The number thousands are used as collective
noun, it should remain singular as it modifies a
iv goes go The plural subject ‘emails’ require a plural verb
v tends tend The subject ‘they’ are plural so the verb must
also be plural

[10 marks]
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

2. Rewrite the simple sentences below to form compound or complex sentences. An

example is provided.

I arrived on this earth missing a few body parts. I am blessed in many ways. My
parents have always been there for me. They disciplined me. I needed it. They did
not coddle me They gave me room to make my own mistakes. Most of all, my
parents are wonderful role models. I was their first child. I was definitely a surprise
package. My mother was an experienced nurse. My mother had assisted in
hundreds of deliveries. My mother took all the precautions during her pregnancy.
Needless to say, my mother and father were quite stunned. I arrived without
hands and legs.
Adapted from: Vujicic, Nick, Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life
(2013), Waterbrook Press. Colorado

0 Although I arrived on this earth missing a few body parts, I am blessed in

many ways.
i My parents have always been there for me and disciplined me when I
needed it.

ii They did not coddle me as they gave me room to make my own mistakes
but most of all, my parents are wonderful role models.

iii I was their first child; therefore, I was a surprise package.

iv My mother was an experienced nurse and had assisted in hundreds of


v Needless to say, my mother and father were quite stunned because I arrived
without hands and legs.

[10 marks]

3. For each of the dependent clauses in bold, analyse the type (adverb, relative, or noun)
and its function. Use the following expressions to help you explain its function.
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
It modifies the verb “.............”
It modifies the noun “............”
It is the subject of the sentence.
It is the object of the sentence.
It is the complement of the sentence.
Write your answers in the spaces provided. An example is provided.

0 They laughed when they saw the picture.

Type of dependent clause: Adverb clause
Function: The adverbial clause modifies the verb ‘laughed’.

i Jason announced that the meeting had been cancelled.

Type of dependent clause: ____noun clause ________________

Function: _____The noun clause is the complement of the sentence________

ii I couldn’t find the woman whose handphone I had taken by mistake.

Type of dependent clause: ____relative clause_______________

Function: _____________________________________________________.

iii How they solved the crime is indeed a mystery.

Type of dependent clause: ___Noun clause___________________

Function: ___the noun clause function as the subject of the sentence ________

iv Are you the lady who came here two weeks ago?

Type of dependent clause : ___Relative clause__________________

Function : _the relative clause modify the noun ‘ the lady’______

v It rained so heavily that the whole area was flooded.

Type: ____________adverb clause__________________

Function: the adverb clause is the complement of the sentence because it describes (condition)

what happened because of the rain

KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
[10 marks]

4 a Analyse the following sentences according to the sentence patterns. Parse

and label the elements as follows. An example is provided.

S – subject V – verb C – complement

A – adverbial iO – indirect object dO – direct object

0 /Tigers/ roar/

i Rubber tapping/ is/ a very strenuous occupation.


ii Johan/ is feeding /his/ white fluffy kitten.

S V iO dO

iii Ms. Sylvia /conducted/ a spot check/ at the hostel.

S V dO C

iv Ruben/ considered/ his wish for skydiving extremely dangerous.

KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

v The Physics teacher/ has returned / the exercise book/ to her students.

S V dO A

[5 marks]

b Construct one simple sentence for each of the following sentence patterns. An
example is provided.

0 Example:
Karen bought a new red dress.
i S V O O
John bought his son a present.

ii S V A
She was sick.

iii S V C
Mr James was robust.

iv S V O C
The crowd made the bear angry.

v S V O A
Ahmad put the pen down.

[5 marks]

5 Transform the following sentences from direct speech to reported speech. For each
transformation, state one rule other than the change in punctuation marks, that you have
applied in the reported clause. You should also provide evidence from the clause to
support the rule you have stated. An example is provided.

Once, there was a poor old man who had very little food to eat. One day, a little
girl passed by with a beautiful goose. (0) “Can you look after my goose?” the
little girl asked the old man. “I am poor,” replied the old man. He had no idea
how to look after the goose. The little girl said, “If you look after this goose, she
will give you an egg every morning”. The old man thought for a while. “I’ll look
after your goose”, he said to the little girl. The girl smiled. She replied, “Take care
of the goose, and she will take care of you.” Then, she walked away. The old
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
man gave the goose some grains to eat. The next morning, he was awakened
by the sound of the goose. What a surprise! He saw a golden egg. The old man
knew he could be rich if he sold that golden egg. He patiently waited until the
next day. The goose gave him another golden egg. Without wasting any time, he
immediately went to the nearest goldsmith in the town. When the goldsmith
greeted him, the old man anxiously told him his intention. The goldsmith asked the
man, “Why didn’t you sell these golden eggs to me yesterday?” The old man was
excited when he knew the goldsmith was interested to buy his golden eggs. So,
he quickly sold it off to the goldsmith. He was confident that he would get a lot of
money by selling a golden egg everyday. The old man said, “I will come again
tomorrow”. A year later, the old man became the richest man in the town.


0 Direct Speech “Can you look after my goose?” the little girl asked the old
Transformation The little girl asked the old man whether/if he could look
after her goose.
Rule Change in the tense
Evidence “Can” is changed to “Could”

i Direct Speech “I am poor,” replied the old man.

Transformation The old man stated that he is poor.

ii Direct Speech The little girl said, “If you look after this goose, she will
give you an egg every morning”
Transformation The little girl said that old man that if he looks after the
goose then the goose will give him an egg every morning.

iii Direct Speech “I’ll look after your goose”, he said to the little girl
Transformation The old man said to that little girl that he will look after the
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

iv Direct Speech She replied, “Take care of the goose, and she will take
care of you.”
Transformation The little girl then told that old man to take care of the
goose and the goose will take care of him.

v Direct Speech The goldsmith asked the man, “Why didn’t you sell these
golden eggs to me yesterday?”
Transformation The goldsmith asked them man the reason the old man
didn’t sell the golden eggs to him yesterday.
Rule Change in the tense
Evidence Changed why into the reason

[10 marks]

6 Read the text below and identify the referents used. Determine whether the referents
used are anaphoric, cataphoric, lexical, logical, or grammatical device. Use the template
given below. An example is provided.

Over the last few months, the world we are living in has changed rapidly. 1
When (0) it first arrived, Covid-19 did not create much alarm. Nevertheless, 2
the situation soon changed. Covid-19 that hit the entire planet caused 3
extensive financial damage and made lives unbearable. Thousands of 4
people lost their fixed income while many others struggled to work from 5
home. Adjusting to our new normal can be stressful. In order to remain 6
physically and mentally fit, you need to follow a few ways. For instance, if 7
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
you can go outside, go for a walk, a jog, a backyard stretch, or anything that 8
can get you moving around in sunshine and fresh air. Some countries 9
practice a total lockdown for several weeks. If you are homebound, you can 10
try a new online tabata or design your favourite exercise routine. Keep doing 11
the former or latter for just 15 minutes twice a day. Your consistent routine 12
can make a world of difference in what you feel. 13

No Referent Cohesive Device

0 it (line 2) cataphoric
i situation anaphoric
ii Former or latter anaphoric
[10 marks]
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

(40 marks)

Answer the question below.

1. Imagine you received a RM20,000 fund to spend on English language activities for the
underprivileged children in your community. Develop a suitable programme for them.
Justify the activities planned for the programme in about 800 words.

As the president of the English Club in my school, for starter, I will deploy a program that
focuses on children and young teenager who live in the orphanage in my community.
This program will provide a variety of extra-curricular activities and educational
opportunities for them based on my club. The selection of participants is based on
children who have serious problems in English such as not being able to speak well or in
terms of writing. The program is also open to children who show interest and volunteer to
participate in the program. The activities provided in this program are designated to give
deeper exposure to English and help increase children's confidence in speaking English
fluently. The activities involved are teamwork activity, outdoor recreational event,
workshop and others.

For the first activity, the group discussion is to trigger a harmonious discussion that
combines children and adolescents of all ages. They will be given various types of tools
that require them to unite in order to solve a given problem. For instance, they will be
given questions about grammar errors and they will need to discuss with each other to
solve the problem. This kind of activity requires collaborative skills and high-level
thinking. This activity offers a fun-filled, relaxed environment where they can practise
using new words and are free to express themselves Younger children can ask for help
and guidance from older children while the older one can distribute tasks for younger
children.The facilitators involved can also assist the children in carrying out this activity.
This shows that if the children work together to solve a problem, then it can be solved
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
faster and easier. Therefore, it will foster a spirit of cooperation between them and will
strengthen their relationship with each other.

The second activity, which is outdoor recreational activities, involves physical ability
because it is done outside the building area. Like the first activity, this activity has also
provided facilities and tools, but the difference is that these tools are based on sports
equipment. For example, the tools provided are football, racket, ping pong ball, hockey
stick and others. It can be said that this activity is like a mini tele match that can definitely
attract the attention of children who like to play. However, this activity is not a normal
sports activity because it also involves the English language element in it. Firstly, the
children will

be divided into groups of different ages and genders through the draw done at the
beginning of this activity. Then each group has to go through various obstacles for each
level which requires them to solve problems and even answer questions in English. This
activity is very interesting because it involves a lot of movement and also require them to
apply the tools provided for each obstacle. One of the interesting obstacles found in this
is charade where

one of the group members has to act out a character or object displayed on a flashcard
to a teammate to guess. Children will definitely love this activity because it involves visual
element and acting. More interestingly, we will also provide children's favorite gifts such
as food hampers for the winners of this event. Participating in recreational activities is an
effective way to develop language and communication skills. It also helps your children to
be more socially confident and may be a way to forge friendships. Thus, it is certain that
this activity will be liked by the children and at the same time improve their physical

The next activity is a workshop that will be handled by a well-known speaker that we will
invite from abroad. At the beginning of this activity, the speaker will give a short briefing
for the child to listen carefully. Then the speaker will divide the children into small groups
and will continue to do some interesting games with them. The speaker will show a
demonstration by drawing an interesting object next then ask the child to follow the
drawing. Of course, the demonstrations shown are based on English subjects. We will
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057
also provide interesting game play along with the speaker. For instance, word games,
riddles and jokes. These games can expand the children’s vocabulary and also help
foster good humour and creativity in children. This also encourages wordplay and
imagination. We can read through kid-friendly joke books and take turns telling witty
stories. Riddles are fun ways to use words and paint pictures of scenes or situations.
Read or say riddles aloud to each other and explain to the children the different
definitions of a single word such as school as in a place of learning or school as in a
group of fish to help them understand the riddle better.

In conclusion, I hope this program will provide many benefits to the children and will be
able to be implemented in good and smooth conditions. I also hope that all parties
involved will also cooperate to make this program a success.
KOD KURSUS : TSL1024 NO. AG: 2020212310057

[40 marks]


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