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NaS 1. (@) Mgactsas.acofactor to the enzyme asi forms complex ‘with phosphate group of ATP that is utilized in the transfer of ATP phosphate 2 (© Fructose is the sweetest sugar. 3 © Colty20g +602 +2ATP—> 6CO) +6H,0+38ATP Molecules Net total number of ATP molecules evolved = 36 molecules 4 (@)_Inneutral solution, amino acids exists as dipolar ion {also known as zwiter ions or inner salts) where the proton of -COOH group is transferred to the ~ NEI, ‘group to form inner salt, known as dipolar ion. R R 1 HN-CH-COOH Ss 1.8 CHOOT ae nid | Zowiternon 5. (@) Starch is alsoknownasamylum which occursin all green plants, A molecule of starch (CgHjgQs)q is built ofa largenumber of a-glucose ring joined through oxyeen- ‘atom. 6 @) Itisacommon pathway for both the aerobic & anaerobic respiration in which I glucose molecule is converted to 2 molecules of pyruvate 7. (@) Phospholipids are derivatives of glycerol in which two of the hydroxyl groups are esterified with fatty acids ‘while the third is esterified with some derivative of phosphoric acid with some alcohol such as choline, ethanolamine, serine or inositol & (a) Weak reagent like NaHSO, is unable toopen the chain and can't react with glucose. This explains the inability ‘of glucose to form aldehyde bisulphite compound, 9 (©) qcand B-D-glucoses differ in the arrangement of groups around one carbon atom (C,) i.e., they differ in configuration at C,, hence these are also known as mo 11 (b) Fructose has 3 chiral centres and hence numberof optical isomersare 23=8 Hints & Solutions 12. (©) Sucrose, being a non-reducing sugar, does not reduce Benedict's solution, Remember thal fructose has an a hydroxy ketonic group, which is also reducing group (difference ftom ardinary ketonic group) 13, (®)_ Sucrose is a disaccharide which on hydrolysis gives ‘ene molecule of glucose (monosaccharide) and fructose (monosaccharide) CyHy0),+H,0— CaHi206+ CelHy20g shocose” fructose Cellulose isa type of carbohyerate while pepsin, ptyalin and lipase are the enzymes which helps in digestion 4) 6 @ oP gre ‘= Equilibrium mixture = (er) {ate Glucose has twoforms a and 8. When either ofthese ‘two is dissolved in water and allowed to stand, it gets converted to an equilibrium mixture of a and fi forms. 16 @) Vitamin Disease caused by deficiency By Dermatitis B, Bar-bert B Photophobia, glossitis By Pernicious anaemia c Seurvy 17. (@)_Arabinose isan aldopentase HOCH,-(CHOH),-CHO 18. (€) Glucose + Tollen’s reagent» Gluconic acid + Ag-mitror » © 2. @)_cHOH(CHON),cHo+[o]—, Ge ccri011(cHoM), coon 21, (B) 1 g fat provide 37 kd of energy on oxidation while | g carbohydrate on oxidation gives 17 KI of energy. Hence, fat has highest calorific value. 22 (b) There are 20 aminoacid in man out of which 10 amino acids are essential amino acids. These essential amino acids are supplied to our bodies by food which we take because they cannot be synthesised in the body. These ate (1) Valine 2) Leucine (3 Isoleucine (4) Phenylalanine (6) Threonine (6) Methionine (7) Lysine (8) Tryptophan (9) Arginine (10) Histidine. EBt SR 3. 3B © 4-g20 Hg-on HC-o# i 4-08 uc-on " (Fractose) No of u-C-on i No. of chiral chl=4 11,¢-on Ghucase) H,C-0n 3 (©) Duetoresonance C—N bond in protein acquires double bond character and is smaller than usual double bond. Wao. Lou (b) All proteins are not found in L-form but they may be present in form of D or L (2) Meta present in vitamin B, is Co (cobalt. (©) The bond formed between two amino acids by the climination ofa water molecule iscalled a peptide linkage ‘or bond. ‘The peptide bond is simply another name for amide bond, TN sen n,0 + | a i" 4 a cfereamenstd theremin sed repicbon ‘The product formed by linking amino acid molecules through peptide linkages. —CO—NH-, is called a peptide. ‘The sequence of bases in mRNA are read in a serial order in groups of three at a time. Each triplet of nucleotides (having a specific sequence of bases) is ‘known as codon. Each codon specifies one amino acid, Further since, there are four bases. therefore, 4? = 64 triplets or codons are possible. HO. CH=N NHPh @ @) SPANHNH, NN HOH: HEN NHPh + PhNH,+ NH know, HOH HOH ‘The a-helix structure is formed when the chain of @- ‘amino acids coils as a right handed screw (called a- helix) because of the formation of hydrogen bonds between amide groups ofthe same peptide chain, i, NH group in one unit is linked to carbonyl oxygen of the third unit by hydrogen bonding, This hydrogen bonding between different units is responsible for holding helix in a position Since glycerol has three ~OH groups, it can have three acyl (similar ox diferent) groups 2R5S-HEERSS-SoR 9 sulphide @ panda (8) Proteins do not provide energy for metabolism (CHOH), () @ 2388 8 45 a ves ae B4 RE @ % @ 37.0) (@) Synthesis of polypeptide is known as transtation. For this process three type of RNA are essential © @ (&) Enzymescan increas the rate ofa reaction upto 10million times. Even very small amount can accelerate areaction, © Lysine Ni | H NCH, CHCH,CH; CHCOOH . is least soluble in ‘water inthe pHrange 6-7. (b) Peptide bonds are present in enzyme a (©) Ketoses on reduction produce anew chiral carbon leading, to the formation of two isomeric alcohols which are diastereomeric as well as C-2 epimers. a — 5 x, av so Deoeytose Guanine. Caine Desnyibore @) Deoxynibase-Adenine .. Thymine -Deoxynibose “”~OH. ‘The hydrogen bonds are formed between the base (shown by dotted lines). Because of size and geometries of the bases, the only possible pairing in DNA is between ‘G(Guanine) and C(Cytosine) through three H-bonds and between A (Adenosine) and T (Thymine) through two H-bonds. ALG OF Amountof A =T and that of G=C. (©) Triglycerides ae lipids, hence these are hydrolysed by lipases to glycerol and fatty acids. © (@) Tyrosine isan o-amino acid, and nota purine (©) Ina DNA molecule, A=T (Two H-bond) C=G (Three H-bond) Purine Adenine (A), Guanine (G) Pyrimidine —» Cytosine(C), Thymine (T) So the complimentary sequence of ATGCTTGA is TACGAACT. © (@) Progesterone (Gestogens) is a steroid hormone, which controls the development and maintainance of pregnancy. ‘Thryoxine and Adrenaline are Amine hormones. @ 55. (b) (©) Vitamin B,, also called cyanocobaltamine, is anti- pernicious anaemia vitamin. Itis C:H,,0;N,,PCo. (2) The human body does not produce vitamins @ 9. @) 327 @ 6. a a. a BR a, SB 1 (b) Prostaglandin is a non-steroidal hormone (a) Vitamin Bis called pyridoxine. fis found in fruits, green- vegetables, milk, et. (@ Testosterone and Adrenaline are steroid harmone, ‘Tayrexin is non-steroided harmone glucagon is peptide hharmone. @ (©) Each nucleic acid consists of a pentose sugar a heterocyclic base, and phosphoric acid. The sugar present in DNA is 2-deoxy -D (~) ribose and the sugar present in RNA is D (-} ribose. The chirality of DNA and RNA molecules are due to the presence of sugar components. HOCH, HH HOCH, iH ri Mi Hl M HOW oH (OH on Dp nbose 2deoxy-Dibose (a) Thyroxine isan amine hormone. (a) In DNA the complimentary base are Adenine and thymine. Guanine and cytosine ‘The genetic information for cell is contained in the sequence of bases A, T, Gand C in DNA molecule (b) The DNA sequence that codes for a specific protein is called a Gene and thus every protein in a cell has a corresponding gene @ (2) Enzymes are most reactive at optimum temperature The optimum temperature for enzyme activity iesbetween 40°C 60°C. (6) BeriBeri i H Hooc H eet” \, Z =e c=c © woo’ Scoon x7 Ncoon cis) (rans) maleic acid It shows geometrical isomerism but does not show optical isomerism (©) Since a-D~(+)—glucase and fb - D- (+) glucese differ in configuration at C— | atom so they areanomers, Anomers are those diastereomers that differ in configuration at C— 1 atom, (©) Glucase is considered as atypical carbohydrate which contains CHO and -OH group. {(@) Biuret test produces violet colour on addition of dilute CaSO, toalkaline solution of a compound containing peptide linkage. RNA has D (~) - Ribose and the DNA has 2-Deoxy D (-)-ribose as the carbohydrate unit 5 HOCH, -O\_OH oo From the structures itis elear that 2™4carbon in DNA. donot have OH group. NaS eae 2 B “4 1s. 16. n. © © © © @ o) ) ) © o © @ @ @) @ © Vitamin - Xerophthalmia Vitamin B,) - Percicious anaemia Viaminc - Scurvy VitaminE —- Sterility ViuminK = Haemorthage ‘Adenine isa purine base which is present in RNA and DNA both, Giucose is converted into alcohol by the action of zymase CHi20,—2™* + C3508 Cellulose is the constituent of cell wall of plant ces, Diastase enzyme converts starch into maltose Lactose is present in milk (Glucose + Galactose). Insulin contains $1 amino acids. Glucose + Feng solution -> Gluconie acid + Cu,0 (esen) 10 @ In sucrose the two monosaccharides are held together by glycasidic linkage and not by peptide linkage. Oil/fat + Alkali 2225 Soap + Glycerol ‘Thymineis present in DNA while in RNA there is Uracil Energy is stored in our body in the form of ATP ‘Sucrose is formed by 1-2 linking of glucose and fructose ‘Thus both reducing groups are involved in glycosidic linkage. Giycosidic linkage is actually an ether bond as the linkage forming the rings in an oligosaccharide or polysaccharide isnot just one bond, but the two bonds sharing an oxygen atom e.g. sucrose EBL 19 2 RR (@_a-D-glucose or f-D-glucase when dissolved in water and allowed to stand, following equilibrium is stablished, which is called mutarotation. ‘a-D-glucose =Open chain form = B-D-glucose GH) (He) Specifi rotation of a-form fall until a constant value of +52.5° isreached, On the other hand, specific rotation cof B form increases. Specific rotation of equilibrium mixtures 52 5°. Phosphate is linked to 3" & 5! carbon of corresponding sugar Fischer gave the prefix “D” to compounds whose bottom chiral has its OH tothe right. Soatural ucose iscalled D-glucose or dextrose Structure of D-Giucose 'cHo ion © © ton ScH,01 By convention, the amino acid with the free amino ‘group (N-terminal) is written atthe eft end and the one ‘with the unreacted carboxyl group (C-terminal) atthe right end. Thus, the structure of Gly, Ala is ° et e H,NCH,CNHCHCO, I @ CH; Glucose being an aldose responds toTallen’s test while fructose, although a ketose, undergoes rearrangement in presence of basic medium (provided by Tollen’s reagent) to form glucose, which then responds to Tollen's test The two isomeric forms (a - and B -) of D- lucopyronose differ in configuration only at C-1 hence these are called anomers, @ © @ ) Giycogen is called animal starch and is found in all animal cells. t constitutes the reserve food material Thyroxine is the only hormone among the given ‘choices that contains iodine. Its structure is as follows: © 31 {@) Sucrese does not have free —CHO or CO group, hence it does not undergo mutarotation 1,01 HOH o HOH (Lactose) All reducing sugar shows mutarotation, ‘When the proteins are subjected to the action of heat, ‘mineral acids or alkali the water soluble form of globular protein changes to water insoluble fibrous protein. This. is called denaturation of proteins. During denaturation secondary and tertiary structures of protein destroyed bbut primary structures remains intact. ‘The secondary structure ofa protein refers to the shape in which a long peptide chain can exist. There are two different conformations ofthe peptide linkage present in protein, these are a-helix and B-conformation, The ochelix always has a right handed arrangement. In B-conformation all peptide chains are stretched out to nearly maximum extension and then laid side by side and held together by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. ‘The structure resembles the pleated folds of drapery and therefore is known as B-pleated sheet, With the exception of glycine al the 19 other common ‘amino acids have a uniquely different functional group ‘on the central tetrahedral alpha carbon. o © © H I 4—c— coos Ni slycine Cellulose is @ polysaccharide composed of only D- slucose units. Every adjacent glucose units ar joined by B-glycosidic linkage between C, ofone glucose and C, ofthe next ‘Thus in every glucose units only three ~OH groups treftesto unm bien MH # og oKGu 4 on OM Cato waste | (40010. 190, @ (-OH = -0COCHs) 3B @ It isa B-pyranose hence it isan aldohexose. 6CO, + 2NADPH + 18ATP > CgH 0, + I2NADP +18ADP Molischs Test : This isa general tet for carbohydrates. ‘One or two drops of alcoholic solution of e-naphthol is, added to 2 ml glucose solution. 1 mi of conc. H,SO, solution is added carefully along the sides of the t tube. The formation of violet ring tthe junction of two liquids confirms the presence ofa carbohydrate of sugar 35. (a) @ (@)_Allthe given options are example of neutral aminoacids. {@)_cHon(cHoH),cHO+[o] 222, ent sey ‘cH;0H(CHON), COOH H-c=0 Hg -oH c=0 ut-on n-G-on n-c-on (Fructose) HE-OH No of chiral I c=3 i Noor HAe-on chil C4 H.C—OH (glucose) HyC-OH 41, (d) Weakreagent like NaH1SO, is unable toopen the chain and can'treact with glucose. This explains the inability ‘of glucose to form aldehyde bisulphite compound 42. (A) Vitamin Disa fat soluble vitamin 43. (4) Mgacts asa cofactor tothe enzyme ast forms complex with phosphate group of ATP that is utilized in the transfer of ATP phosphate 4 (a) The arrangement of polypeptide chains formed as a result of hydrogen bonding is called secondary structure of proteins 45. (b) Lactose is obtained by the condensation of one ‘molecule of f-D-glactopyranose (C,—) unit and one ‘molecule of-D-glucopyranose (C,—B) unt. cHOH CHO f$-——o, A - gH oH oH s 4 H oH BD ~Galactose B-D~ Glucose 46. (@_ Glycine isan amino acid, itcontains both NH, as well as—COOH groups and therefore, its aqueous Solution form Zwitter ion which isamphoteric in nature. NH;CH,COOH = NH$CH,COO™ ‘Gipcne Zot on Hydrolysis of sucrose is known as inversion of cane sugar because sucrose produce equimolecular mixture of glucose and fructose. Sucrose is dextrorotatory while slucose and fructose mixture is laevorotatory. Sucrose isdisaccharide. (6) Proteins on hydrolysis gives c-amino acid because amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. It is also fact that amino acids contain both -NH, and COOH group, Here statement-1 and statement-2 both are correct but statement-2 is not acottect explanation of tatement-1 & 49, (d)_ Sequence of bases in DNA is TGAACCCTT, since according to base-pairing principle, Tin DNA faces A in mRNA, while G faces C and A faces U. Therefore, sequence of bases in m-RNA is ACUUGGGAA. 50. (@) Vitamin B, is also called as nicotinic acid, Nicotinic acid in the form ofnicotinamideis found usualy in all living cel in small amounts. DRONGNEr) Pes 1. (®) Structure of glycogen is similar to the structure of amylopectin, HOH con Structure ofmylopectine 2 (@) Glycogen is stored in the liver, brain and muscles of animals 3 ©) CygHyg0,) HP Cp H420¢ + Col 20 Cinesipr pet ghcose DI) fucose 4 (Structures having diferent configuration at C-1 are known as anomers 5 (© Imarhelixstructure, — NH group ofone amino acids hydrogen bonded to >>C= © group of adjacent amino seid, forming abel: 6 (6). Reducing groups of glucose and fructose are involved in glycosidic bond formation 40 HC. EB 1 & 2 B 4 V. (6) Ascorbic acd is the chemical name of vitamin C (@)_Dinucleotides are formed by phosphodiester linkage between 5" and 3' carbon atom of pentose sugar. ¥ end of hain ‘The polymer of nucleotides in which nucleic acids are linked together by phosphodiester linkage are known asnucleie acid ‘Glucose is present in pyranose form, CHL (b) 0 OH yranose means six membered ring containing oxygen. Primary structure of proteins. When each polypeptide ina protein has amino acids linked with each other ina specific sequence. RNA does not contain thymine. ‘Vitamin B 2 can be stored in our body because it isnot water soluable DNA does not contain uracil Cyelic structures of monosaccharides which differ in structure at carbon -| are known as anomers Here, I and If are anomer because they differ from each ‘other at earbon-1 only. "Pentaacetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine” showing absence of free CHO group. ‘This can not be explained by open structure of glucose ‘while all other properties can be easily explained @ © @ @ @ © CHO © G0 yon boo on Hof Hof i ee cHon 4 ‘oH on HoH HOH ° © ° @ ci) co) ‘When OH on lowest asymmetric carbon is written at right hand side, it is represented as D configuration and when OH is written on left hand side, it is represented as L configuration. ‘Carbon adjacent to oxygen atom in the cyclic structure Of glucose or fructose is known as anomeric carbon, fou " w Rau eEE aw ee 20, (c)_ The base pairs of the two strands of DNA are linked 4 @ © © » @ © {together through H-bonds. Glucose reacts with hydroxyl amine to form an oxime CH-N-On i. OH i. Ho: u—t—on —S*— n—} on u—t—on H—}— on CH,-OH CH-OH ¢t)gucore ‘Adrenaline is a hormone produced by adrenal glands ‘during high stress or exciting situations. This powerful hormone is part of the human body’s acute stress response system, also called the fight or fight response Peptide bond ‘Sugar in DNA is2-deoxyribose whereas sugar in RNA. is ribose Sucrose is non-reducing disaccharide as the two ‘monosaccharide units are linked through their respective carbonyl groups. ‘Due to denaturation of proteins, helix get uncoiled and protein loses its biological activity.

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