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A. Functions:
1. To show condition, profession, or position in the past.
2. To show activities in the past.

B. Time Signals in Past Forms:

1. this morning = pagi ini
2. yesterday = kemarin
3. last night = tadi malam
4. last Tuesday = Selasa lalu
5. last week = minggu lalu
6. last month = bulan lalu
7. last year = tahun lalu
8. two days ago = 2 hari yang lalu
9. three weeks ago = 3 minggu yang lalu
10. five years ago = 5 tahun yang lalu

C. Kinds:
1. Nominal Sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
I/He/She/It/Singular was
You/We/They/Plural were
1. Thomas Telford was the first president of the Institution of Civil Engineers
London in 1820.
 Thomas Telford adalah presiden pertama Lembaga Insinyur Sipil
London pada tahun 1820.
2. Pyramids in Egypt were some of the first instances of large structure
constructions between 2700 – 2500 BC.
 Piramida di Mesir adalah beberapa contoh pertama bangunan
struktur besar antara tahun 2700 – 2500 SM.

b. Negative sentences:
I/He/She/It/Singular was not / wasn’t
You/We/They/Plural were not / weren’t
1. In the past time, civil engineering was not different from architecture.
 Di masa lalu, teknik sipil tidak berbeda dengan arsitektur.
2. The pavements of McAdam and the bridges of Perronet were not the
works of military engineer.
 Trotoar McAdam dan jembatan Perronet bukan hasil karya insinyur

c. Interrogative sentences:
Was I/he/she/it/singular
Were you/we/they/plural
1. Was the development of water supplies a feature of the oldest
 Apakah pembangunan persediaan air sebuah ciri dari peradaban
paling tua?
2. Were rivers very important as a cheap means of transportation in ancient
 Apakah sungai sangat penting sebagai sarana transportasi di jaman

2. Verbal Sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
Subject Verb 2 Object
1. In 1927 welding pioneer Stefan Bryla designed the first welded road
bridge in the world.
 Pada tahun 1927 pelopor pengelasan Stefan Bryla merancang
jembatan jalan yang dilas pertama di dunia.
2. Sui Dynasty built the oldest surviving stone bridge in China, the Zhaozhou
Bridge, from 595 to 605 AD.
 Dinasti Sui membangun jembatan batu tertua yang masih bertahan di
Cina, Jembatan Zhaozhou, dari tahun 595 hingga tahun 605 M.

b. Negative sentences:
Subject did not/didn’t Verb 1 Object
1. People did not use asphalt on the surface of the roadways before 19 th
 Orang – orang tidak menggunakan aspal pada permukaan jalan raya
sebelum abad ke-19.
2. Scientists did not understand about earthquakes before the emergence of
seismology at the beginning of the 20th century.
 Para ilmuwan tidak paham tentang gempa bumi sebelum
kemunculan seismologi di awal abad ke-20.

c. Interrogative sentences:
Did Subject Verb 1 Object?
1. Did a 6.9 earthquake shake the regions of Maluku last month?
 Apakah gempa bumi skala 6,9 mengguncang wilayah Maluku bulan
2. Did aftershocks occur continually in Maluku two days ago?
 Apakah gempa susulan terjadi secara terus menerus di Maluku 2 hari
yang lalu?

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