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In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media


How my media product USES forms and conventions of

real media products

My music video conforms to the conventions of real media

products by featuring performance elements in the video.
Most rock videos are predominantly performance based
and the band are shown with their instruments, so this is
something that our group decided to include. We also
created a black and white theme in our video whenever
the band was performing which is another convention of
real rock genre products. The band that we created in our
video was an all male band which again is a common form
as you rarely see female musicians in a male dominated
rock band. We featured the blue bass guitar as the main
symbol in the video which is an instrument that is
recognisable amongst the rock genre and holds many
connotations such as rebellion. Whilst we were
researching the rock genre and looking for inspiration for
our own video we watched many videos by artists such as
Kings of Leon, the Killers and the Wombats and noticed
the editing was very fast paced and they had many
different shots of each instrument and the band which we
tried to recreate in our own video. I also used forms and
conventions of real media products when it came to the
ancillary tasks which were the digipack and magazine
advert. I had a clear theme running through all 3 of the
products and had the same font, colour scheme and
symbolism in it which is a common thing to do within all
genres of music not just rock. I also did not include a
photo of the band on the front of the digipack or on the
advert as this is not usually used in the rock genre but is
more of a convention of the pop genre.

How my media product DEVELOPS forms and conventions

of real media products

For our research and planning of our video we watched

many music videos from the rock genre to gain inspiration
from it. Something that we found in Blink 182’s video for
“Always” was a 3 way horizontal split screen. We thought
that this was a really effective piece of editing and
decided to use this in our own video. We also however
developed this idea and created a 2 way horizontal split
screen of Charlotte and Tom’s feet walking in different
directions. We also created a 4 way split screen for the
beginning of our video where each instrument appears on
the screen when they start in the song. All of these ideas
came from the 3 way split screen that we saw in the Blink
182 video and developed on. Another video that we
developed on from the rock genre was a Paramore video
where the singer was shown laying down in a pile of love
letters singing. We developed this idea by having
Charlotte lying in a pile of magazine cuttings lip synching,
but we decided to put her upside down as this added to
the strange atmosphere around her character.

How my media product CHALLENGES forms and

conventions of real media products

Our music video also challenges some forms and

conventions of real media products. We included some
things in our video that are forms and conventions of
other genres such as pop and rap and challenge the rock
genre such as our stop motions and melting ice hearts. We
got the idea of the stop motions from the Kate Nash video
for Foundations where the socks move in a stop motion
way. We challenged the rock genre conventions by having
these stop motions. We also found the idea of reversing
melting ice in the Wretch 32 video for Traktor. At the
beginning of the video there is a puddle that turns into ice
in the shape of 32. As this video is completely different to
anything in the rock genre it challenges the forms and
conventions of it. We also challenged the conventions of
real media products from the rock genre by having hearts
and kisses in our video as this is something that you would
normally see in a pop video. Finally we also challenged the
forms and conventions of real media products by having
about 20 seconds in our video where it was one straight
shot with normal paced editing. This challenged the forms
and conventions of real media products because music
videos are usually very fast paced editing with many
different shots per second.

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