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‘Time: ahs Boller Engineering Paper 1 Max Marks 100 ‘Note ll questions are compulsory except in Section D, where & questions out of five have to be attempted | seston A aa i) choose the correct answer “The diameter of riveis in mm for a plate of thickness “C” mm is taken as at ya alae 0 gauss ® D a eT oF ameter Oy and enh (went wo an internal pressarelp). The | circumferential stress in the shell is a) pale b) pate 2) paler 4) past "Where does the lowest temperature occur in a vapour compression eycle 8) condenser) compressor emporio =) reciever iy) ~| eiciney of carnot evel given as 80%. Ifthe oysle reation is reversed, what willbe the] value of COP of reversed exrmotcysle ®) 12 ») 08 9 05 @ 025 [oy Rietate oeatow av ‘om vo Walls of sume thickness having thelr thermal eondustivites a) 1 yoo ge d 4 WH, | Efiieney oF eamoteyele working between tempera : > Eh gh om DR All ins LAIR, Sig: Shani}i cant skps fh the sgenradfon Bh heat frou a Mire bed oma gusi4) (i) Calculate the blno cloron rate jn Kalbe faum 9 boiler, with an evapwaben rate of S Tenfhr Tf the n the boil vocler Rs 4oooppy mayimum permfssible. TDS 9 ane with 1S Make up water Add liter Whe Peed wae, Tos fs 300 ppm Answeyi — Given ? ~ Evaporation Rote of Bolle, = 5 Ton/hr make up wats adelftfon = So max permissible Tos Lmit o Boller wafer = 4000 ppm Feet wale Tos 7s 5 300 ppm. Blno dawn Roh = ? Formula %s Tos OF Feed voalerx So BY Pm Wale Makeup Yo Blo deron = Max pemfssfble Tbs LImit of beiler wale, Boox is” 4000 = Hseo = ds 126, 4o00 — Blew cron rete = Ble down Persent-efo X Evaporation Reats of poader « = Or0llas x S~ os ee | Bice O-0S625 TPH 5 =—o = Qus-4) (mm) A Circular shaft of Gomm diameter fs Running ct [S0%pm Tf ie Shear Strees is not to exceed 50 Mpg, Find Me Power which Can be transmj ited by the Shope Answerit — Given — Shaft cliamek, of = 60 mm Running Rpm = 150 xm Shea shess Ps nat to exceed 6, = Sompq Powa = 2 = Power = 2ANT/E0000 Te Sheen Shess xT. of 3 = x aque. aa = 50x 34 x goxboxeo _ y 7 = 2419500 Nmm Powe, = &X3IYXISOX2INGS00 60000 Power == 33876915 watt =o = Busi) (uy) A Single vivetecd hap Joint fs meade in Jamm thickness plots sth 22mm Hameey e the , 3 fength Of the Pivels Ad aivele Delamine the sheng Pe trwoable SICSSeS GH pith og Rive Is G0 eee oe as 1so mpg and In deontng sheonin fs 60 mp np Beane as 80 4 srespeolvelq - ARSWOF— Gren - plate thictcness = 12 Rive? Diamete, = 22 mm Shea, Shess Og = CO mpq pitch of Rive = 60 mm Pheasing as = 60 ™mpq Beading as = ISO mpq teaing as = 80 mpq Sheng th of Reverb = r Resistance agerinst tearing Re = Pe giex tales P= piteh of Rive = (60-22)x1ax80 a= Rivet cfiamefer. he = 36480 N Are t= plat Hicknn No Resfctenee. against Sheastng Rs) = NxB gx & Y P= ne o Rivet = LAB yp 922x 60 dz Chlcimeter of River at oe Ks = 22796-4 N Thus Shengih of Rivet 1S Mininum of REY Rs So thne fer Rivels Con Sustaly tre Load of = 2&7I6YN ———_. —o2—) pe Gus:-(y) (V) A Gas of Certain Mass in expanded. from an Pn¥Hos Sete ef 4OoKPA and o-0Y Mm? Fo anothey Conclthion @f I20KPG Gna O-LM®, the temperature Fell was cubservec} to be 146°C Y the Value of Cp ang Cy cre Loals Ki[rak amd O7243 K/kgk rape hele Colette dhe Change Yn the Injernal energy of the ger Ainweas ~ Given — Plate Lnttal stele peessuse P, = 400 KPa Volume vi = O-0Y m2? Fina) shee pressuse Pos J20 kpq Volume Vz 2 0-01 m> Tnftal dempratuse Ty = 146° = 146+ 273 = 419 kK -¥ Temp Converted in kelvin» Change Yn nkomal energy Is geen Ug Up = Mev CTa~T D We Kno that pee S50 Initas Sshage . Ay = ™RI, thon Fon PM RT R= Universal gas Consfant anol its value Is 286 K So putin value In Farmuly above a 700m 8:04 QSEXANII pe = 0-000133 Kkal 119834 me 133 kg C Convo San kg ) — Nno jn potln Trial and Final Feomulg oS > PCE Pa,¥2, qT) Ta => Aeon wilt, 5 TRO OE 419 T » fs LQOK OWL XHIID 4 00x 0-04 5 Ta = 5028 ? 16 ? Tg = 314 KC Fhnat Temprecty se . There Pas. Change fn Prkanal energy = mC, CTa-T; ) = 13x Logie (419-314) Thlemalenngy = 139-44 Kj Pyrs Section ~ E Gus: Na~ 807% srepostect as Cp o) seh Bsh 13-9 a) The theonttcal od ca) mass of alr acts (1) The ameunk Answes f= Theove Heal aiy og = lean (2:64 +OH = 4 Mee (216420624 + Duane a bofler bev] te Fry by Volume was Seportecl AS COy )3°I+ The Coal Analysis On Mauss 4 62y ih » Ham CokeePocte +5-0) Flue ges Onalysts Cor ashs Was O%*f On- CY. Anais ~ Gs te Moivre red te buen d a4 cox 9x0-042+0 ~ 0-045) = 8° Sig. Awe > a Reguseed fo buen aa of Coa} Supplied pur ko of coal excess cfr Supplied por kg of Coal burn Masp 6 carbon per ky Aes usrt on thse etl map of flue ge Pigg fl Bt = ng ence aly = eek. bat Day FTG [Volume in.tmd [Molecday|Prepurhonal mans [Maem per Fy frig | Tabeigh } of Carlen in Consrtucery | of FIG veeigh-t F —s ie rnery | iw ad coaxk _ ras COr O12 a4 Se 5172[30-31420-1887 | 9/807 Be o-ostat . o08t _ co 0.003 28 ° v-084/30:314 =0°0027 |0-0027x 2 = 0.c0Nd Or 0:06 ar qe 1oq2-[303142 0.0634 Ni | 0-807 28 22-549 22:59]30:314 20°7452 eee Ae But O-ocr¢2- Noo ute) mar of Na prebent Lo 6 Hy aijin go pe OT4S2X MBE = Baer. since Fox ral analysts doen mia phew any Na presend TEN, cman from wha, aay . ee actual iv pep phnd ol xe at= 48h As Excesp Aiv= rere Ay 48 = eS xis 349% Te — __J Qusi-(6) Tt fs propossed to replace an Oi) Peed be? ler of = Jotens per hoe cuit a Coat Ffacd befler equivelent- Capay with the help of de cect povvicted Find cut tre fellerotn G1) the Qnnual oi) Cersumption In tens per yeas (2) Fhe annued Coa) Consuptton Frtons per yeon) G) e@stmote Qnnual fuel Cost Savings Pr Cove Suapess C4) Simple pry Book period x the proyur assuming frecoa! href boiler Costs Rs LS Cave cindl annual Repato and mednknacee Costs the Coal freed boiler ema 2r/ orf coyptier| Cost wor atin d city Mec Contant of Shem = 760 Kea /ieg Ufcie Of Coap Fiseel= 74. Freee! vscrfer ine Jerp = 70°C Cost of ofl = Rs 14/k: Daily operating pars = 24 Cost of coap = RS LY" Number of day/Yeon = 280 Gcv ofofl = Joooo Keal re Eappicteney of Off Heed boiler = 80°/+ Gcv of Coal = 4,400 Kea]. Answers — Total Fnthalpy of Steam = Loxjo> (760-70) = 6900000 Kea pey hour = @900000 % 36 =4636B000000 Keal per hour S0 annual }s Both eby of sieam jnarmnucal | A) Annual wil Consumption pa annum “Hines fa el Gcv OF ah = 6368000000 fob )/1ov00 = 5796000 4 Pa Annum = 8620S kglhr oo So = 018625 ~Ton per hy Pus (3) Annual Coal Consumpt Ton por annum = = (46368.000000/0174)/4400 = L4Y240786-2yY kg pet qnnum = Q1L11946 kgbr = 211916 ten per hr Ors (C) Total cost 4 CL pa annum = Anuual 06 Censup?xCostop oF - 5796000 *!4 = BjL1:44,000 = S144 Cooess Pn Toted cost of Coal per Annum = Annucl coal consup? xcost of coal = 14240796:24X LY = 195,37, 404 RS = LO5R7 Coour Arua) furd cost saving = Situy~ 19937 g = GL207 Coreas ins (d) Total cost of Coal fired boilex Inshallation = = project cost + Maintenance cost = JS OBIS = Lets Covers Ang Stops poy bouk penfod (feat) = Tet cost bole USIer” Annital fuet Saving cost = fers 61207 = 0306 yecus. = 3°7 month Bvs

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