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Direction: Select the correct answer from the choices enumerated below each number. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your answer.

1. Paupers Act of 2012

a. Republic Act No. 9592 c. Republic Act No. 10389
b. Republic Act No. 10575 d. Republic Act No. 10592
2. “Poena” is a ________ terminology
a. Greek b. Latin c. French d. Italian
3. Considered as the weakest pillar of the Philippine Criminal Justice System
a. Law Enforcement b. Prosecution c. Court d. Correction
4. Vendetta is a _________ terminology
a. Greek b. Latin c. French d. Italia
5. Earliest basis of punishment
a. Urukagina Code c. Lipit-Ishtar Code
b. King-Ur Nammu Code d. Code of Eshunna
6. Code that opposed the concept of “lex taliones”
a. Hammurabic Code b. Ur-Nammu Code c. Code of Nesilim d. Assyrian Law
7. This code is consist of 282 laws with scaled punishment
a. Hammurabic Code b. Code of Draco c. Code of Nesilim d. Mosaic Code
8. Law of Moses
a. Ten Commandment b. Justinian Code c. Twelves Table d. Mosaic Code
9. Draco means
a. warrior b. fighter c. lawgiver d. barbarian
10. One of the Greek Sages –
a. Nammu b. Solon c. Draco d. Hammurabi
11. Popularly known as the “Decalogue”
a. Ten Commandments b. Bible c. Code d. Constitution
12. Revised Penal Code Act
a. Act 3812 b. Act 3813 c. act 3814 d. Act 3815
13. Article on Good Conduct Time Allowance for Prisoners under Revised Penal Code
a. Article 95 b. Article 96 c. Article 97 d. Article 98
14. Article that regulates Preventive Imprisonment under Revised Penal Code
a. Article 29 b. Article 30 c. Article 31 d. Article 32
15. A terrorizing effect on the would be criminal and violators
a. Retribution b. Atonement c. Deterrence d. Incapacitation
16. Twin-mandated functions of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
a. Expiation and Atonement c. Reformation and Rehabilitation
b. Incapacitation and protection d. Confinement and Development
17. Punished by God by placing mark in his brow –
a. Adam b. Eve c. Cain d. Abel
18. Punished by God with destructive fire
a. Sodom and Gommorrha b. Babylon c. Jerusalem d. Garden of Eden
19. Whipping the culprit of “cat of nine tails”
a. Flogging c. Milk and Honey
b. Branding d. Stocks and Pillory
20. Carrying heavy loads from place to another and vice versa is a punishment known as
a. Treadmill b. Stocks c. Shot drill d. Furca
21. “American Siberia” as punishment is also known as –
a. Shotdrill b. Furca c. Sweatbox d. Treadmill
22. Underground detention wherein slaves were starved to death –
a. ergastulum c. gaol
b. underground cistern d. bridewell
23. Country that enacted Banishment Act for the Bishop –
a. England b. Greece c. Ireland d. France
24. Setting of Gulag Archipelago –
a. United States of America b. Russia c. France d. Ireland

25. First house of correction in England –

a. Bridewell b. Panopticon c. Millbank d. Ergastulum

26. Knows as the “floating hells”
a. galley b. canoe c. galleon d. hulk
27. Popularized “galley slave” during the reign of King Louis XIV
a. England b. Greece c. Ireland d. France
28. In history, a regular galley required ______ rowers
a. 200 b. 230 c. 260 d. 300
29. Caused of death of John Howard –
a. Heart Attack b. Tuberculosis c. Heatstroke d. Gaol fever
30. A law that regulated for the development of gaol and construction of a humanized prison
a. Penitentiary Act No. 1778 c. Penitentiary Act No. 1780
b. Penitentiary Act No. 1779 d. Penitentiary Act No. 1781
31. Designer of Panopticon Model
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Enrico Ferri
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Alexander Maconochie
32. Many towered prison, which look like a thick spoke of a wheel
a. Panopticon Model c. Pentoville Penitentiary
b. Millbank Penitentiary d. Bridewell
33. This system the concept of “congregate confinement” where individual inmates is confined in their own cells
during night time and congregate in shops during the day –
a. Auburn System c. Contract System
b. Pennsylvania System d. Cottage System
34. This law regulates the construction of the federal prison in the United States to accommodate the increasing
number of inmates –
a. White Slave Act of 1910 c. White Slave Act of 1930
b. White Slave Act of 1920 d. White Slave Act of 1940
35. This facility employed a gadget, which was constructed to drop a volume of water on the head of a locked and
naked offender –
a. Walnut Street Jail c. Sanctuary for Refugee
b. New York House of Refuge d. Singsing Prison
36. The first juvenile reformatory in the United States of America –
a. Walnut Street Jail c. Sanctuary for Refugee
b. New York House of Refuge d. Singsing Prison
37. Authored the “Nicomedian Ethics”
a. Aristotle b. William Penn c. Voltaire d. Manuel Montessimos
38. The so-called local Code of Kalantiao contained ____ articles.
a. 18 b. 20 c. 22 d. 24
39. The year when construction of Bilibid Prison started –
a. 1843 b. 1847 c. 1851 d. 1865
40. National Penitentiary of the Philippines
a. Old Bilibid Prison c. National Bilibid Prison
b. New Bilibid Prison d. Muntinlupa Prison
41. Prison established to confine Muslim rebel and Political prisoners
a. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm c. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
b. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
42. Formerly known as Iuhit Penal Settlement –
a. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm c. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
b. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
43. Reason why Bilibid Prison was transferred from Manila to Muntinlupa, except:
a. Political pressure c. Urbanization
b. Congestion d. Lobbying of concerned groups
44. Dimensional area of the compound of New Bilibid Prison
a. 200x300 meters b. 300x300 meters c. 400x300 meters d. 500x300 meters
45. The year when the death chamber was constructed in the New Bilibid Prison
a. 1940 b. 1941 c. 1942 d. 1943
46. Camp Sampaguita is formally known as –
a. minimum security camp c. maximum security camp
b. medium security camp d. super maximum security camp
47. Non-operational national prison to date, except
a. Fort Bonifacio Prison c. Bontoc Prison
b. Corregidor Prison Stockade d. Sablayan Prison
48. Executive Department directly involved in jails and prisons, except
a. Department of Justice
b. Department of the Interior and Local Government
c. Department of Social Welfare and Development
d. Department of Education
49. Juvenile Justice Welfare Act –
a. Presidential Decree No. 603 c. Republic Act No. 9262
b. Republic Act No. 7877 d. Republic Act No. 9344
50. Mandated by law to effect effective rehabilitation and safekeeping of National Prisoners
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology c. Board of Pardons and Parole
b. Bureau of Corrections d. Parole and Probation Administration
51. Responsible to cater the development of prisoners sentenced to two years of imprisonment –
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology c. Board of Pardons and Parole
b. Bureau of Corrections d. Parole and Probation Administration
52. An agency responsible in the conduct of Post-Sentence Investigation –
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology c. Board of Pardons and Parole
b. Bureau of Corrections d. Parole and Probation Administration
53. A penal colony, which assigned prisoners to work in TADECO banana plantation –
a. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm c. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. Davao Penal Colony d. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
54. This facility is serving as the receiving station of the newly committed prisoners in the New Bilibid Prison –
a. Bukang Liwayway Camp c. Reception and Diagnostic Center
b. Sampaguita Security Camp d. Half-way House
55. Quarantine of the newly committed prisoners is conducted within a period of –
a. 15 days b. 30 days c. 45 days d. 60 days
56. A prison that was originally used as a detention center for offenders of the United States military laws and
ordinances –
a. Fort Bonifacio Prison c. Bontoc Prison
b. Corrigidor Prison Stockade d. Intramuros
57. The transfer of prisoners from Old Bilibid Prison to Corregidor Island happened during –
a. Spanish Regime sometimes in 1888 c. Japanese Occupation sometimes in 1945
b. American Regime sometimes in 1908 d. During Commonwealth Government
58. A law passed by the Philippine Legislature that regulated the construction of Bontoc Prison –
a. Act No. 1873 b. Act No. 1874 c. Act No. 1875 d. Act No. 1876
59. An Executive department directly responsible of Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council –
a. DILG b. DSWD c. DOJ d. DEP ED
60. “Corrections Service compliant to International Standards helping enhance public safety in the Philippines” is
the Bureau of Corrections –
a. Functions b. Mandates c. Vision d. Mission
61. The acronym PDL or Persons Deprived of Liberty was formally declared during the 17 th Year of National
Correctional Consciousness Week Celebration by –
a. President NOY (PNOY) c. Former USEC Rico Puno
b. Former SLIG Jesse Robredo d. Former Chiefs of BJMP and BUCOR
62. Celebration of the National Correctional Consciousness Week (NACOCOW) is regulated by
a. Presidential Proclamation No. 550 c. Presidential Proclamation No. 552
b. Presidential Proclamation No. 551 d. Presidential Proclamation No. 553
63. Subsistence Allowance for individual inmate per day presently provided by the government –
a. P30 b. P40 c. P50 d. P60
64. Vocational training such as electronics, auto mechanics, handicraft, and computer literacy provided to the
inmates are considered as –
a. Vocational skills b. Technical skills c. Professional skills d. Life skills
65. Considered as a prohibited act of prison authority in promoting and endorsing one’s religious faith to the
inmates –
a. blasphemy b. fornication c. proselytizing d. procrastination
66. Foundation of the Therapeutic Community movement in the world –
a. Daytop TC, New York c. BUCOR TC, Philippines
b. Thonbori Prison TC, Thailand d. Kayang Prison TC, Malaysia
67. An Act that regulated the construction of New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City –
a. Commonwealth Act No. 65 c. Commonwealth Act No. 67
b. Commonwealth Act No. 66 d. Commonwealth Act No. 68
68. This security camp was formerly utilized as military stockade during Martial Law time –
a. Maximum Security Camp c. San Prison and Penal Farm
b. Medium Security Camp d. Iuhit Penal Settlement
69. Former Prison Director who negotiated to the government for the transfer of the female prisoners from the
Old Bilibid Prison to Correctional Institution for Women, Welfareville, Mandaluyong City –
a. Ramon Blanco b. Ramon Victorio c. Ramon Bagatsing d. Ramon Andrade
70. A law that regulated the establishment of the Correctional Institution for Women –
a. Republic Act No. 3577 c. Republic Act No. 3579
b. Republic Act No. 3578 d. Republic Act No. 3580

71. Old name of the Correctional Institution for Women –
a. Female Dormitory b. Women Dormitory c. Female Prison d. Women’s Prison
72. Number of facility of the Correctional Institution for Women in the entire country –
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
73. During Japanese occupation, Davao Penal Colony employees, their families and inmates evacuated to Iwahig
Penal Colony in Palawan, particularly to what sub-colony –
a. Montible b. Sta. Lucia c. Central d. Inagawan
74. During Spanish regime in the Philippines, in what place that they were sending as exiled those who were
sentenced of banishment?
a. Sablayan in Mindoro c. Mactan in Cebu
b. Abuyog in Leyte d. Puerto Princesa in Palawan
75. A law regulating the distribution of colony land in Iwahig Penal Colony for cultivation of deserving colonist –
a. Administrative Order No. 20 c. Administrative Order No. 22
b. Administrative Order No. 21 d. Administrative Order No. 23
76. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm was established by virtue of a Royal Decree and during the tenure of –
a. General Ramon Victorio c. General Ramon Blancaflor
b. General Ramon Andrade d. General Ramon Blanco
77. A law that created the Bureau of Prison under the Department of Commerce and Police –
a. Reorganization Act No. 1407 c. Reorganization Act No. 1047
b. Reorganization Act No. 4107 d. Reorganization Act No. 7410
78. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm in Occidental Mindoro was organized into ____ colonies?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
79. A law that regulates the establishment of Leyte Regional Prison in Abuyog, Southern Leyte?
a. Presidential Decree No. 28 c. Presidential Decree No. 30
b. Presidential Decree No. 29 d. Presidential Decree No. 31
80. Which statement is not true about Reception and Diagnostic Center?
a. Served as a place for diagnostic study of prisoners
b. Situated at the west side of Sampaguita Camp
c. Established by virtue of Administrative Order No. 11
d. Received commitment of detainees
81. Funding for the construction of a half-way house was provided by
a. American b. Spaniard c. Japanese d. Korean
82. Institution authorize to commit person in prison or jail, except –
a. academe c. Board of Transportation
b. courts d. COMELEC
83. Eligible for admission and classified at the Reception and Diagnostic Center, except –
a. sentenced for death penalty c. sentenced for life imprisonment
b. sentenced for double life imprisonment d. sentenced for indeterminate sentence
84. At the RDC, inmates will undergo various test that will serve as basis for individual treatment within a period
of –
a. 10 days b. 20 days c. 30 days d. 60 days
85. Color of t-shirt for inmates in medium security camp –
a. brown b. blue c. orange d. yellow
86. Sentenced for life imprisonment is confined at –
a. minimum security camp c. maximum security camp
b. medium security camp d. super maximum security camp
87. Inmates with handicap are confined at –
a. Bukang Liwayway Camp c. Half-way house
b. Sampaguita Camp d. Reception and Diagnostic Center
88. It refers to the principle of separating homogenous types of prisoners that requires special treatment and
custody –
a. diversification b. classification c. diagnosis d. prognosis
89. Involves supervision of prisoners to ensure punctual and orderly movement from one work program or
assignment to another –
a. security b. control c. discipline d. custody
90. Model of prisoner’s treatment, which emphasize prisoners obedience, work and education –
a. control model c. custodial model
b. responsibility model d. reintegration model
91. Approach in dealing with prisoners which stated that nothing should be done despite problems confronting
prisons –
a. Construction strategy c. Selective Incapacitation Strategy
b. Null Strategy d. Population –Reduction Strategy
92. The so-called “front door strategy” in dealing with prisoners include the following, except -
a. restitution b. community service c. fines d. parole

93. A law that professionalizes the BJMP –
a. Republic Act No. 6975 c. Republic Act No. 9263
b. Republic Act No. 8551 d. Republic Act No. 9592
94. Twin-mandated functions of BJMP
a. Expiation and atonement c. Safekeeping and development
b. Incapacitation and protection d. Confinement and rehabilitation
95. Prisoners sentenced for 5 years imprisonment –
a. insular b. provincial c. city d. municipal
96. Disciplinary Board in jail is headed by –
a. Chief Custodial b. Chief Escort c. Assistant Warden d. Warden/ Wardress
97. Authorized disciplinary punishment for inmates, except –
a. reprimand c. close confinement
b. cancellation of privileges d. solitary confinement
98. Inmates with special needs, except –
a. foreigner b. female c. terrorist d. alcoholics
99. Required conducts of inmates counting –
a. at least once in a 24 hours c. at least thrice in a 24 hours
b. at least twice in a 24 hours d. at least 4 times in a 24 hours
100. An activity designed to rid jails of contraband –
a. strip search c. cavity search
b. pat down frisk search d. greyhound operation
101. An order of the court confining a certain person in jail pending his case in court –
a. Warrant of Arrest b. Search Warrant c. Mittimus d. Commitment Order
102. Which of the statement is not rue during reception and admission of inmates –
a. admitting officer takes all cash from the inmates
b. cash and other valuables should be confiscated in favor of the admitting officer –
c. inmate photograph and fingerprints are taken
d. admitting officer accomplished a jail booking report
103. Which of the statement is true during reception and admission –
a. newly admitted inmates shall be stripped search
b. inmate clothing should be exempted from search
c. inmate should not be checked for needle marks
d. it is of no importance to check the inmate cuts, bruises and injuries
104. A system developed by BJMP in the proper maintenance of inmate’s record, background and case
information –
a. New Information Computer Assistance Recording Technology (NICART)
b. Jail E-Services (JES)
c. National Inmate Monitoring System (NIMS)
d. Jail Inmate Computerization System (JICS)
105. Which of the statement is not true in dealing with female inmates –
a. female quarters should be co-located with male dorm within a compound
b. female personnel should be designated to keep the keys to the female quarters
c. no male inmate shall be allowed to enter female quarters
d. only worker suitable to the condition should be assigned to female inmates
106. Which of the statement is true during meal service –
a.jail officer should not enter the inmate’s quarter to distribute food even he is back-
b.up by number of duty personnel -
c.jail officer should enter the quarter even alone to distribute food
d.jail officer should enter the quarter to distribute food if he is back-up by personnel
e.jail officer should keep distant with inmate since they are dangerous
107. To ensure security in the dining room in jail, the following should be observed, except:
a. mess utensils of inmates should be made of plastic
b. inmates should march in column in going to dining room
c. food supervisor should be out during meal time to avoid any complaint about foods
d. checking and accounting of spoon and fork should be made every after meal
108. In mailing services, the following procedures should be observed, except:
a. vital information about rescue plan for an inmate should be kept
b. censorship should be done to incoming letters
c. censorship should be done to outgoing letters
d. right of correspondence is limited for security reasons
109. In communication services, the following statements are true, except:
a. inmates right of communication should be observed but with limitation
b. inmate who invokes his right of communication can personally possess cell phone
c. visitors are not allowed to bring cell phone in security areas
d. e-dalaw services is allowed in jail but should be regulated
110. The following statements are true about emergency plans in jail, except:
a. emergency plans for natural calamities should be dry run
b. emergency plans for man-made calamities should be less priority
c. dry runs and drills should be made as part of preparation
d. preparation is one of the 4 P’s in Crisis Management Model
111. Inmates maybe moved from place of confinement on emergency cases even without court order during –
a. view the remains of the deceased relative c. he has serious illness
b. attend the graduation of his children d. to meet his legal counsel
112. The following are the grounds wherein warden can seek reconsideration from the court to recall an order
authorizing an inmate to view the remains of the deceased relative, except:
a. the detainee has a record of escape
b. the deceased relative is lying-in a place beyond 30 kilometers
c. the detainee is high profile
d. the detainee is a high risk
113. In the movement and transfer of an inmate, the escort should be guided of the following, except:
a. transfer should be made at any time of the day
b. transfer should be treated with confidentiality
c. stopping along the highway while in transit is discouraged
d. never allow an inmate to go to toilet alone
114. Privilege of the inmates include, except:
a. visitation c. to provide with meals
b. to read books d. to participate in livelihood training
115. Rights of the persons deprived of liberty include, except:
a. bail b. appeal c. speedy trial d. to vote after convicted
116. An Act defining certain rights of person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation as well as the
duties of the arresting, detaining and investigating officers
a. Republic Act No. 8347 c. Republic Act No. 3847
b. Republic Act No. 7438 d. Republic Act No. 4738
117. In Miranda’s Doctrine, which originated in the Miranda versus Arizona in 1966, what the name of Mr.
a. Charles b. Ernesto c. John d. James
118. In relation to Miranda versus Arizona in 1966, what were the charged of Mr. Miranda?
a. Rape and Murder c. Rape and Kidnapping
b. Kidnapping and Murder d. None of the given
119. Any person who obstructs, prevents or prohibits any lawyer, any member of the immediate family of a
person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation, at any hour of the day or, in urgent cases, of the
night shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of –
a. 4 to 6 years b. 6 to 8 years c. 8 to 10 years d. 10 to 12 years
120. Any arresting public officer or employee, or any investigating officer, who fails to inform any person
arrested, detained or under custodial investigation of his rights being covered by the “Miranda Warning”,
shall suffer an imprisonment of –
a. 4 to 6 years b. 6 to 8 years c. 8 to 10 years d. 10 to 12 years
121. Which of the statement is not true in releasing an inmate from jail custody –
a. an inmate can release by verbal order after payment of fines
b. an inmate shall be issued Certificate of discharge from jail by the Warden
c. Order of Release from the Court requires verification as to its authenticity
d. Upon receipt of Order of Release, verification is not anymore required
122. It is a kind of search conducted as a result of emergency or crises –
a. strategic search b. tactical search c. random search d. technical search
123. It is also known as “visual search”
a. cursory search b. inspection search c. strip search d. amplified search
124. It is a kind of a body search wherein inspector feels exterior clothing of the subject –
a. cavity search b. cursory search c. strip search d. pat-down search
125. An inmate’s counting made during emergency such as riots and escape –
a. emergency count c. census or informal count
b. formal count d. tactical count
126. It was considered as the backbone of inmate’s welfare and development –
a. cognitive behavior therapy c. 12 steps to Christian Living
b. therapeutic community modality program d. militaristic or regimented way of life
127. A term applied to a participative, group-based approach to long-term mental illness, personality
disorders and drug addiction.
a. cognitive behavior therapy c. 12 steps to Christian Living
b. therapeutic community d. militaristic or regimented way of life
128. The term “therapeutic community” was coined by –
a. Maxwell Jones b. David Cooper c. Thomas Main d. Joshua Bierer
129. It is s a form of psychotherapy that involves the use of therapeutic communities.
a. cognitive behavior therapy c. uphold therapy
b. milieu therapy d. group therapy
130. A form of psychotherapy in which one or more therapists treat a small group of clients together as a
a. cognitive behavior therapy c. uphold therapy
b. milieu therapy d. group therapy
131. Most common therapies applied in correctional institutions today, except –
a. dance therapy b. music therapy c. group therapy d. modern therapy
132. These are considered therapeutic principles, except –
a. altruism b. universality c. territoriality d. catharsis
133. An experience of relief from emotional distress through the free and uninhibited expression of emotion.
When members tell their story to a supportive audience, they can obtain relief from chronic feelings of shame
and guilt.
a. altruism b. universality c. territoriality d. catharsis
134. Treatment program for drug dependent through Christian living involves -
a. 6 steps b. 12 steps c. 15 steps d. 18 steps
135. BJMP’s Roadmap for development –
a. JAILS First Program c. AIM Program
b. TRANSFORM Program d. INNOVATES Program
136. .If escorting a group of inmates, a guard shall keep a distance of not less than
a. 10 paces from his charge.  c. 6 paces from his charge
b. 8 paces from his charge d. 4 paces from his charge
137. Upon arrival at the authorized destination, the guards and their inmate/s shall -
a.stay in the public transportation until the same is cleared of other passengers.
b.shall only disembark after the inmate and his belongings have been searched
c.when the next transportation is ready for boarding.
d.none of the given
138. In the use of force continuum, what is the first option -
a.verbal persuasion. of force.
c.chemical aerosol irritant projectors
d.use of physical force other than weapons fire.
139. In the use of force continuum, what is the last option -
a. Chemical aerosol irritant projectors c. Presentation of deadly force capability.
b. Use of physical force other than weapons fire. d. Deadly force
140. Advantages of community-based corrections, except
a. it is less costly on the part of the government c. it will benefit the complainant
b. it will decongest the prison d. it will benefit the offender
141. Pedro in his maturity age, was convicted for the first time of crime of attempted homicide and sentenced
to an imprisonment ranging from 2 years and 1 day to 4 years. Before reglementary period lapse, what law he
could aptly avail?
a. Parole b. Pardon c. Probation d. ROR Bail
142. A form of Executive Clemency, which reduce the duration of prison sentence meted out by convicting
a. Amnesty c. Reprieve
b. Commutation d. Restorative Justice
143. A shoemaker who serve as responsible person for the release of a confirmed drunkard from the police
court of Boston –
a. John Augustus c. Alexander H Rice
b. Matthew Davenport Hill d. Alexander Maconochie
144. The purpose of Presidential Decree No. 968 is to provide an opportunity for the reformation of an
offender. What type of offender is being referred of the law -
a. Penitent b. Sober c. Incorrigible d. Tractable
145. Which of the statement is correct if the convicted person, after meeting all the qualifications, applied for
probation –
a.He can appeal, while application for probation is being processed
b. Application for probation is deemed waiver of right to appeal
c.Once qualification is meet, he is assured that his application will be approved
d. Probation is an absolute right of the convicted person
146. An investigation conducted and required by the court, before the grant of probation so that the ends of
justice and the best interest of the public and the defendant will be served best.
a. Post-sentence investigation c. Background investigation
b. Pre-sentence investigation d. Lifestyle check investigation

147. The probationer in Iloilo desires to make one-week vacation at Bacolod City. As a Probation Officer
assigned to him, what you are going to tell him before he can pursue his plan?
a. He must apply a travel permission 5 days before of travel date
b. He must apply a travel permission 10 days before of travel date
c. He must seek approval from the judge
d. He can pursue his plan anytime and permission is just optional
148. What is the concept of Presidential Decree No. 968/ Probation Law based on its definition -
a.Single concept of individualized treatment
b. Single concept of community treatment
c.Double concept of individualized and community treatment
d. Double concept of institutional and non-institutional treatment
149. Provincial and City Probation Officers are entitled to appoint Probation Aides. What is the qualification
prescribed by law?
a.Applicant must be a bachelor’s degree holder
b. Applicant must be in good reputation and has probity to act
c.Applicant must be standing 5’4 and below 30 years old
d. Applicant must exude good image and personality
150. An Act, which provides that bail shall be required in cases of violation of municipal or city ordinances
and in criminal offenders when the prescribed penalty for such offense is not higher than arresto mayor and/or
fine of 2,000 pesos, or both.
a. Republic act No. 6127 c. Republic Act No. 7309
b. Republic Act No. 9263 d. Republic Act No. 6036
151. Which of the statement is true about Release on Recognizance (ROR) –
a.ROR may not be granted if the offender is caught committing the offense in flagranti
b. ROR may not be granted if the offender violated municipal ordinance
c.ROR may not be granted if the offender sentence is only one month imprisonment
d. ROR may not be granted if the offender is fine of 1,000 pesos
152. Under Article 29 of the Revised Penal Code as amended, if the detainee does not agree to abide by the
disciplinary rules impose upon convicted prisoners, what portion of preventive imprisonment be deducted?
a. 1/5 portion of preventive imprisonment c. 3/5 portion of preventive imprisonment
b. 2/5 portion of preventive imprisonment d. 4/5 portion of preventive imprisonment
153. A habitual delinquent is a person, who within the period of 10 years, committed 3 times of offenses out of
5 identified crimes enumerated in Article 62 of the Revised Penal Code. If three of these crimes are robbery,
theft and falsification of public documents, what are the other two crimes?
a. Serious Physical Injuries and Estafa c. Counterfeiting and Money-Laundering
b. Homicide and Murder d. Hijacking and Carnapping
154. As a rule, absolute pardon may be granted after the prisoners has served the maximum sentence or
granted of Final Discharge. However, the court may consider a petition for absolute pardon even before the
grant of final discharge. The following are the grounds, except –
a. Petitioner is seeking elective public position c. Petitioner is pursuing a business
b. Needs medical treatment abroad d. Petitioner is emigrating
155. A prisoner who evaded service of sentence is eligible for executive clemency, for a certain period from
the date of his last recommitment to prison. What is the prescribe period for him to apply?
a. After 1 year b. After 2 years c. After 3 years d. After 4 years
156. Under the Victim’s Compensation Program, the victims of unjust imprisonment shall be entitled to a
claim. What is the prescribed and regulated amount?
a.The amount shall not exceed 500 pesos per month
b.The amount shall not exceed 1000 pesos per month
c. The amount shall not exceed 1500 pesos per month
d.The amount shall not exceed 2000 pesos per month
157. There are measures of prevention or safety, which are not considered penalties. What is considered
a.Detention by reason of imbecility
b.Commitment of minor to youth detention homes
c. Suspension from employment during trial in order to institute proceedings
d.Serving sentence at Correctional Institution for Women
158. Successive Service of sentence or the three-fold rule is provided in –
a. Article 70 of Revised Penal Code c. Article 72 of Revised Penal Code
b. Article 71 of Revised Penal Code d. Article 73 of revised Penal Code
159. Authorize to grant Good Conduct Time Allowance under Revised Penal Code -
a. Chief of the BJMP c. Warden
b. Director of Bureau of Correction d. All of the given
160. He was considered as the Father of Probation –
a. John Augustus b. Alexander Rice c. Teodulo Natividad d. Matthew Davenport Hill
161. State in the United States where the first Probation Law in the world was signed –
a. Boston b. Massachusetts c. New York d. Philadelphia
162. The date when the first probation law in the world was signed –
a. April 26, 1878 b. April 24, 1876 c. April 24, 1878 d. April 26, 1876
163. First Probation Law in the Philippines –
a. P.D. No. 968 b. Act 4103 c. Act 4203 d. none of the given
164. Place where Presidential Decree No. 968 was signed –
a. Camp Bagong Diwa b. Camp Crame c. Camp Vicente Lim d. Camp Aguinaldo
165. Date when Presidential Decree No. 968 was signed –
a. 24 July 1978 b. 24 July 1976 c. 26 July 1978 d. 26 July 1976
166. Probation Law in the Philippines was tried –
a. once b. twice c. 3 times d. 5 times
167. When plebiscite was conducted on the rating approval of Presidential Decree 968, How many percent of
Filipino signified approval –
a. 67% b. 77% c. 87% d. 97%
168. The date of signing of Act 4221 –
a. 7 August 1935 b. 7 July 1935 c. 24 July 1935 d. 26 August 1935
169. It is defined as the disposition of the court wherein a defendant after convicted and sentenced is return
back to the community subject to a certain conditions.
a. parole b. amnesty c. pardon d. probation
170. A paralegal law, wherein an inmate can avail its benefit after serving the minimum of his indeterminate
sentence law –
a. parole b. amnesty c. pardon d. probation
171. Ground in the declaring Act No. 4221 unconstitutional –
a. It encroach with power of the lower house
b. It encroach with the pardoning power of the president
c. It encroach with the power of the lower executives
d. It encroach with the power of the upper house
172. A law that created the Board of Claims under Department of Justice –
a. R.A. No. 10389 b. R.A. No.7309 c. R.A. No. 10159 d. R.A. No. 10575
173. Modernization of the Bureau of Correction was regulated by -
a. R.A. No. 10389 b. R.A. No.7309 c. R.A. No. 10159 d. R.A. No. 10575
174. Recognizance Act of 2012
a. R.A. No. 10389 b. R.A. No.7309 c. R.A. No. 10159 d. R.A. No. 10575
175. It is the temporary stay of execution of sentence –
a. Amnesty b. Reprieve c. Commutation d. pardon
176. Under Republic Act No. 10592, a new law signed by PNOY that amends the granting of good conduct
time allowance to a prisoner who showed good conduct, how many days shall entitle a prisoner for deduction
during the third to fifth year of his stay in prison –
a. 15 days b. 18 days c. 20 days d. none of the given
177. Under Republic Act No. 10592, grant of special time allowance for loyalty is equivalent to -
a. 1/5 of the period of his sentence c. 3/5 of the period of his sentence
b. 2/5 of the period of his sentence d. 4/5 of the period of his sentence
178. Under Republic Act No. 10592, those prisoners who rendered voluntary mentoring service shall credited
a deduction of -
a. 5 days b. 10 days c. 15 days d. 30 days
179. The date when PNOY signed Republic Act No. 10592 –
a. May 24, 2013 b. May 29, 2013 c. April 10, 2012 d. April 14,2012
180. The date when PNOY signed Republic Act No. 10159 -
a. May 24, 2013 b. May 29, 2013 c. April 10, 2012 d. April 14,2012
181. The date when PNOY signed Republic Act No. 10575, otherwise known as the Bureau of Corrections Act
of 2013
a. May 24, 2013 b. May 29, 2013 c. July 24, 2013 d. July 26, 2013
182. Secretary of the Department of Justice (DOJ)
a. Secretary Leila de Lima c. Secretary Mar Roxas
b. Secretary Agnes Devanadera d. Secretary Paquito Ochoa
183. Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
a. Secretary Leila de Lima c. Secretary Mar Roxas
b. Secretary Agnes Devanadera d. Secretary Paquito Ochoa
184. It is defined as the release of a person from prison prior the end of his sentence due to medical
considerations –
a. Medical Pardon b. Medical Amnesty c. Medical Furlough d. Medical Parole
185. A law regulated the amendment of Article 39 in subsidiary imprisonment
a. R.A.No. 10591 b. R.A.No. 10592 c. R.A.No. 10159 d. R.A.No. 10952
186. Pardon and Parole were introduced to us by –
a. Spaniards b. Chinese c. Americans d. Japanese
187. Post sentence investigation as requisite in granting application for probation is conducted within a period
of –
a. 15 days b. 30 days c. 45 days d. 60 days
188. Qualified applicant for probation –
a.Sentenced more than 6 years
b.Convicted in the year 1975
c.Once been under probation
d.recently convicted for 2 infractions of ordinances and sentenced for 10 days and 15 days
189. From the given, who is a recidivist and habitual delinquent –
a. 1971 theft; 1981 robbery; 1990 rape c. 1978 ESTAFA; 1989 falsification; 2008 theft
b. 1978 theft; 1983 robbery; 1991 ESTAFA d. 1981 robbery; 1993 robbery; 1996 robbery
190. It is a general pardon extended to a certain class of people who are usually political offenders.
a. conditional pardon b. absolute pardon c. amnesty d. reprieve
191. It refers to the “Discharge on Parole” issued by the Board –
a. Certificate on Detention b. Release Document c. Jail Clearance d. Prison Passes
192. The date when the Supreme Court of the Philippines declared the first Probation Law Unconstitutional
because of some defects in the law’s procedural framework.
a. Nov. 16, 1937 b. Nov. 18, 1937 c. Oct. 16, 1937 d. Oct. 18, 1937
193. The crafting of Presidential Decree No. 968 within six months took about many technical hearings?
a. 12 hearings b. 14 hearings c. 16 hearings d. 18 hearings
194. Adult Probation System of 1976 started to operate on –
a. 01 January 1976 b. 10 August 1976 c. 03 January 1978 d. 10 August 1978
195. A law that regulated the establishment of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology –
a. R.A. No. 6975 b. R.A. No. 8551 c. R.A. No. 9263 d. R.A. No. 9592
196. A law that professionalizes the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology –
a. R.A. No. 6975 b. R.A. No. 8551 c. R.A. No. 9263 d. R.A. No. 9592
197. He regulated the celebration of the National Correctional Consciousness Week
a. Corazon Aquino b. Fidel Ramos c. Joseph Estrada d. Gloria M. Arroyo
198. The date of signing of Presidential Proclamation No. 551
a. March 15, 1988 b. March 15, 1995 c. March 15, 1998 d. March 15, 2008
199. Officer In-charge of the BJMP –
a. Dir Arturo Alit c. Dir Rosendo Dial
b. Dir Charles Mondejar d. Csupt Diony Mamaril
200. This year 2014, BJMP celebrates its ___ founding anniversary –
a. 21st b. 22nd c. 23rd d. 24th


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