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I. Major functions of the nervous system

1. Sensory- Sensory or also known as afferent neuron, gathers information (input)
2. Integration- process and interpreting of the sensory input
3. Motor- Motor or efferent neuron, response on stimuli (output)

II. Organization of the Nervous System

• Central Nervous System (CNS)- center of the entire nervous system, consist of brain & spinal
• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- consists of nerve tissues that lie in the periphery, or “outer
region” of nervous system. Cranial nerves & spinal nerves.
• Somatic Nervous System (SNS)- carry information to the somatic effectors which are the
skeletal muscles
• Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)- carry information to the autonomic or visceral effectors
which are smooth muscles

III. Types of reflexes

1. Somatic reflexes- are contractions of skeletal muscles
• Somatic reflexes of clinical importance
➢ Knee jerk reflex- also known as Patellar, the extension of the lower leg in
response to tapping of Patellar tendon
➢ Ankle jerk reflex- or Achilles’ reflex, (plantar flexion) extension of foot in
response to tapping of the Achilles tendon
➢ Plantar reflex- curling under of all toes (plantar flexion), in response to
stimulation of the outer edge of the sole
➢ Corneal reflex- blinking, in response to the cornea being touched
➢ Abdominal reflex- drawing in of abdominal wall, in response to stroking the side
of the abdomen
2. Autonomic reflex- consist of contractions of smooth or cardiac muscle or secretion by glands
• Two efferent divisions; sympathetic division & parasympathetic division
➢ Sympathetic division- act to maintain normal functioning of doubly innervated
autonomic effectors. Its major function is to serve as “emergency” system.
Dominates during times of “fight-or-flight”.
➢ Parasympathetic division- is the dominant controller of most autonomic
effectors most of times. It dominates during the in-between times of “rest-and-
IV. Cranial nerves


OH Olfactory I (1) Smell

OH Optic II (2) Vision

OH Oculomotor III (3) Eye movements, regulation of size of pupil, accommodation (for near
vision), proprioception (muscle sense), eyelids raising
TO Trochlear IV (4) Eye movements, proprioception, somatic motor components

TOUCH Trigeminal V (5) Facial sensation, chewing movements

AND Abducens VI (6) Abduction of eye, outward gaze of eye, away from the nose

FEEL Facial VII (7) Facial expression, sense of taste

VERY Vestibulocochlear VIII (8) Hearing, equilibrium

GOOD Glossopharyngeal IX (9) Taste

VELVET Vagus X (10) Throat, lungs, heart, digestive system

AH Accessory XI (11) Neck & shoulder

HEAVEN Hypoglossal XII (12) Tongue, swallowing, speech

Patton, K., & Thibodeau, G. (2009). Anthony's textbook of anatomy & physiology. In K. T. Patton, & G. A. Thibodeau, Anthony's
textbook of anatomy & physiology (19th ed., pp. 372-485). Singapore: Elsevier Inc.

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